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I swear everytime I reroll on Tython and Korriban I fume at all the decos never seen


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Seriously, there's some seriously GORGEOUS stuff in there that doesn't require a consultant to scour the game's remote environments to be added to available decos one way or another.


The HAL-9000 red eye things on Korriban... the great tall vases with 4 spikes on the side... the imperial wall computers with red screens... the ancient pureblood sith armor racks... the jedi temple long pillars with computers carved in... the jedi council ceiling ornaments... the rectangular tables... the Sith tomb urns with blue flames...


Makes you wonder if there's someone going "now we're not going to give them THAT are we?"... :rolleyes:

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Glad I'm not the only one that goes to a planet and thinks along those lines when travelling. Voss, so many good things possible, and yet we got a tiny fragment of what we could use. Honestly, I feel BioWare is missing a trick here.


Couldn't have said it better!


Glad to see I'm not alone!




I think that constantly with all the small thing littering the floors, walls and roofs.


A lot of the unspectacular things would really be great to make the Strongholds look more like someone is living there.


Exactly this. Not to mention all the NPCs busy typing stuff, chatting with gestures, repairing bikes or just strolling by...


I know. Same feeling when looking at all the neon lights and exotic computer terminals of Nar Shadaa. The water fountain bar at club vertica would be the platinum centerpiece of any cartel pack.


I'll have to go have a look now! Even though I always revel at the huge casino room I dont recall that fountain... but yeah so much stuff would keep us in game/cartel packs like glu.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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My stronghold is my baby and decos are my big thing for the cartel packs.


Whenever I am on Tython, Coruscant, Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Alderaan, Voss and definitely the Athiss flashpoint, I look around and see so many awesome statues, furniture and relics that my Sith Inquisitor would absolutely have in his DK Stronghold.

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My stronghold is my baby and decos are my big thing for the cartel packs.


Heck ya, owing Strongholds has been a fantastic addition to SWTOR over the last few years. From the outset, I would've never imagined spending so much time in my Strongholds decorating and just chillin'.


In fact, most of my in-game income is UNQUESTIONABLY spent on decorations. I've been filling-in my Nar Shaddaa, Dromund Kaas, and Tatooine pads nicely, and have just recently begun pimping-out my Yavin and Coruscant homes.

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Heck ya, owing Strongholds has been a fantastic addition to SWTOR over the last few years. From the outset, I would've never imagined spending so much time in my Strongholds decorating and just chillin'.


In fact, most of my in-game income is UNQUESTIONABLY spent on decorations. I've been filling-in my Nar Shaddaa, Dromund Kaas, and Tatooine pads nicely, and have just recently begun pimping-out my Yavin and Coruscant homes.


Exactly the same situation!!! Not really done anything with Yavin, but I spend most of my time in my DK SH.

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I too notice some interesting deco features in the game that are not yet available for use in Strongholds.


Then again.. if they made everything in game available on day one of strongholds... two things would happen:


1) the sheer quantity would overwhelm many players as they try to sort through it all. Just look at how crowded the decorating UI has gotten since Strongholds released.


2) there would be nothing new to add to the deco list... and people would complain that they have seen/used it all, that they are now bored with Strongholds, and that the studio must do something NAO!

Edited by Andryah
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I too notice some interesting deco features in the game that are not yet available for use in Strongholds.


Then again.. if they made everything in game available on day one of strongholds... two things would happen:


1) the sheer quantity would overwhelm many players as they try to sort through it all. Just look at how crowded the decorating UI has gotten since Strongholds released.


2) there would be nothing new to add to the deco list... and people would complain that they have seen/used it all, that they are now bored with Strongholds, and that the studio must do something NAO!


Seriously no...


1) As most hardcore housing aficionados, no complaints here.


2) They can always add more exotic stuff. Like welding a barracks bed and an industrial fire pit together and calling it a "Zakuulan refresher" or something...

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I feel this way when I see entertainers and bands in the bars and the VIP club and also on Rishi. I need those bands for my casino. I also covet the Gamorian guards I see around.


Yeah I'm currently in Nemro's palace... those holo dansers on a floating disc! Worthy of Tenser himself :D


Edit - speaking from memory though. When there's too many players around, some npcs get shelved... sad panda!

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