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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Galactic Starfighter crew members should join the Alliance


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The Galactic Starfighter crew members should join the Alliance already. There are 8 crew members (Ashy, Kendra, Oro, B-3G9, Aven, M-13, Writch and Salana) who could be added in our struggle against Zakuul.


I appreciate the sentiment that you want to encourage players to explore other facets of the game, however, these are better choices than the current setup with Pierce and M1-4X. I would suggest lowering the amount of PvP missions for Pierce and M1 to four missions and then add the four cross faction crewmates every four missions. Then when you win 25 or more matches you get Baron Deathmark. Or insert these every four missions and leave Pierce and M1 at 20 total.


The 4 same faction crewmates would be acquired through completion of Kuat Drive flashpoint in addition to GSF and/or regular PvP.

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I think my Trooper would love to annoy Pierce about the Bastion, and 4X would be fun to have yelling at the Imperials about how much it burns his circuits that he needs to work with the Imperials for the good of the Republic.


I could better see the GSF crew being faction-locked better.

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As much as people dread PvP, they dread GSF even more. The combat is nothing like anything else you do in the game, so there is nothing familiar at all. Then you have the fact that you have to grind out access to the full capabilities of your ship which is beyond asinine. The fact that NOTHING from the rest of the game has any effect upon GSF actually does make it like a totally different game entirely.


Having access to everything a ship can do from the beginning, and having your gear have some effect on the ship, would do a large thing in making GSF more palettable to the rest of the playerbase.


You also don't actually get to know those companions, ever. There is a small blurb about them but no interaction. It would be nice for them to be at least a little better fleshed out and usable in the main game.

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The Galactic Starfighter crew members should join the Alliance already. There are 8 crew members (Ashy, Kendra, Oro, B-3G9, Aven, M-13, Writch and Salana) who could be added in our struggle against Zakuul.


I very much agree with this. These guys are only briefly seen, so having them join the Alliance in some form would easily allow for character development and expansion. However, I would still suggest using the Pierce/M1-4X style recruitment. You meet with the crew specific to your faction, do some GSF matches, then recruit them into your Alliance. They don't all necessarily need to become companions in the traditional sense, in that you summon them and they fight at your side, but it would be nice to at least see them all in the Alliance base and be able to chat with them. I could easily see this happening in an Alliance mission just like Pierce and M1-4X.

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