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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anual Name Cleanups Please!


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Names have always been a matter of debate on this game.


Specially on over populated servers to find a decent name avalible is getting harder every day. And now with this DvL event forcing players to create from 1 to even 8 new characters for those who want to complete the highest tier of rewards names keep getting picked every second.


But aside from the event there's lots of players who are already fully innactive on this game whose accounts might be stuck with characters with names other people could use and some even with characters that were made only to reserve names for a future use that never came up. Also F2P people who play this game a couple hours every 3 months or even a couple days a year that wasted names active players could get a chance to pick.


I'm aware of the recent update where we get to add a space to our names. Yes that's a nice add on that allows more possibilities during name pickups. But still there's a considerable ammount of people that aren't even playing nor contributing in any way to the game anymore. That shouldn't be allowed to keep names. They should be released for new players and active people who want to have some serious names and not just a random gibberish obtained after smashing the keyboard or the weird suggestions of the "random" button.


And I'm not asking for daily or weekly name sweeps. An annual release is fine. It can be done with a previous warning via mail to all accounts so people that still feel into the game and that still want to preserve their names for their return can log back in and secure them.

Subscribers of course should have their names secured since people with active subscriptions are normally active with the game. But F2Pers and Peferred players should log back in during a period previous to the name releasing day so the game marks them as active and be able to have their names saved from the wipe.

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They have only done one name purge, and it was based on activity *per*character*. Subscriber characters were totally protected, as were f2p/preferred characters at level 30+. Beyond that, you had to log in to the character (not just the account) within time limits that were more permissive for preferred accounts than for f2p accounts, or you could lose the name. (If nobody claimed it by the time you logged into the character, you kept it. I lost one of mine, but in fact the name I chose to replace it was more suitable.)


And I would say what I always say:

* Get creative.

* Don't be obnoxious: avoid accents and other oddities.

* Exploit the ability to put a space in the names.

* Don't try to pretend you are Darth Blobboly or some other figure from the lore. We don't need more Reevan, Revann, Rèvan, Rêvân, etc.

* Try pushing the random button a few times to find something with an interesting sound, then extend or modify it.

* Purge a brain-worm song from your head by calling your character after it, like I did for my Be-bop'alula.

* Go to the lore resources to find out the style of name your chosen species uses, so you can match it.

* Throw syllables around in your head.

* Get creative.

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They have only done one name purge, and it was based on activity *per*character*. Subscriber characters were totally protected, as were f2p/preferred characters at level 30+. Beyond that, you had to log in to the character (not just the account) within time limits that were more permissive for preferred accounts than for f2p accounts, or you could lose the name. (If nobody claimed it by the time you logged into the character, you kept it. I lost one of mine, but in fact the name I chose to replace it was more suitable.)


And I would say what I always say:

* Get creative.

* Don't be obnoxious: avoid accents and other oddities.

* Exploit the ability to put a space in the names.

* Don't try to pretend you are Darth Blobboly or some other figure from the lore. We don't need more Reevan, Revann, Rèvan, Rêvân, etc.

* Try pushing the random button a few times to find something with an interesting sound, then extend or modify it.

* Purge a brain-worm song from your head by calling your character after it, like I did for my Be-bop'alula.

* Go to the lore resources to find out the style of name your chosen species uses, so you can match it.

* Throw syllables around in your head.

* Get creative.


Spaces. I use them for almost all of my new rolls, and I haven't have a single "Name Unavailable" since. Before if I wanted a specific kind of name, I used the - or ' in a name.


So I could have a Lyraine, a Lyraine Alei, and Lyraine-Alei, all on a single server (I don't, but I could).


I have a BH I rolled, his first name is Ren. It's short, and likely already taken (random name generator from a website was helpful or that), so I randomized on a random name generator until I got Nighteye, which sounded cool and not-quite-Fantasy-so-it-could-work-for-a-Science Fantasy-like-Star Wars. I added a space, and I have a Ren Nighteye.

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The whole unique name restriction is stupid imo. For the purpose of group and guild invites, etc. they can just expose a unique account id. And actually most guildmasters would be quite happy. In the current system they have no way to quickly identify all alts of a given account.
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Spaces. I use them for almost all of my new rolls, and I haven't have a single "Name Unavailable" since. Before if I wanted a specific kind of name, I used the - or ' in a name.

Same here. For both parts. I have a selection of names ending in 'jenik or 'kinth, and space-split names allow fun like two identical characters with different first names and the same last name, of different classes, or even different factions.

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Spaces. I use them for almost all of my new rolls, and I haven't have a single "Name Unavailable" since. Before if I wanted a specific kind of name, I used the - or ' in a name.


So I could have a Lyraine, a Lyraine Alei, and Lyraine-Alei, all on a single server (I don't, but I could).


I have a BH I rolled, his first name is Ren. It's short, and likely already taken (random name generator from a website was helpful or that), so I randomized on a random name generator until I got Nighteye, which sounded cool and not-quite-Fantasy-so-it-could-work-for-a-Science Fantasy-like-Star Wars. I added a space, and I have a Ren Nighteye.

prety name... do not give your details to anyone can use it to hurt porke not use like vocaloid

Ren Kaganamine (although I'm sure that if this caught) or the translated Ren "" Mirror ""

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prety name... do not give your details to anyone can use it to hurt porke not use like vocaloid

Ren Kaganamine (although I'm sure that if this caught) or the translated Ren "" Mirror ""

I'd be very surprised if Lyraine Alei is the *player's* real name.


Also, for your signature, you have several errors, including a whole line that isn't there:

Jedi Code:

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

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{Would be a great incentive for getting back the people who haven't been playing for a while - "Come back now and discover someone cried about you having that name, so we gave it to him and now you just have to put up with it."} Edited by CrazyCT
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Names have always been a matter of debate on this game.


Specially on over populated servers to find a decent name avalible is getting harder every day. And now with this DvL event forcing players to create from 1 to even 8 new characters for those who want to complete the highest tier of rewards names keep getting picked every second.

I created and kept 8 characters for DvL. A few names took a few tries but I didn't really have any problems coming up with names for them. Try being more creative than "Rey" or "Poe".

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I agree. Both guild names and character names should be put back in the hopper for people to pick after 1 full year of deadness.


And I wish legacy names were unique. Multiple "darkpool" legacies in my guild, multiple accounts, different players, and then one of them acts up, I can't deguild the whole slew of deadpool legacies because those accounts represent more than just the one person acting up. Oh well.

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I agree. Both guild names and character names should be put back in the hopper for people to pick after 1 full year of deadness.


And I wish legacy names were unique. Multiple "darkpool" legacies in my guild, multiple accounts, different players, and then one of them acts up, I can't deguild the whole slew of deadpool legacies because those accounts represent more than just the one person acting up. Oh well.

Legacy names *were* unique, and somewhere along the way, early in 2.0 I think, they changed them to non-unique. (Originally, legacy names were nothing but cosmetic fluff, but now the guild view allows you to use them as e.g. a sorting criterion, so they have become interesting again. For your problem, I'd suggest deguilding the character who is problematic. If the player is persistently obnoxious, it will be apparent which are his other characters, and you deguild them as well.)

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I created and kept 8 characters for DvL. A few names took a few tries but I didn't really have any problems coming up with names for them. Try being more creative than "Rey" or "Poe".


Amusingly enough...I've had "Poe" on a smugler for 4 years now.

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I don't mean this in a patronizing way when I say the internet has readily accessible name generators and if you're really stuck for a name, you don't even need to be creative. Just generate until you find something usable that looks ok.


If you're bent on using a particular name that someone has already taken, that's another matter and a name cleanup won't necessarily free up the name you want.


Personally, the number of times I've tried a taken name I could probably count on one hand. Granted, I also tend to get creative. The times when the name is taken is usually when I use some well known name or word for something.


Fact is, this is a story heavy game, so losing your character's name could feel like losing your character's identity. It's not like most MMOs, where your name is just this vague moniker that you go by.


I agree with the guy who pointed out that a universal ID would be nice for guilds, though I think that's another topic entirely. I haven't been in a guild in this game, but I imagine it gets messy with the 50 characters somebody can have on a single server lol.

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{Would be a great incentive for getting back the people who haven't been playing for a while - "Come back now and discover someone cried about you having that name, so we gave it to him and now you just have to put up with it."}


While you probably said this as a joke, it was that sort of thing that brought me back to WoW. Granted their name purge was incredibly long overdue and I was still on the fence about thinking of ever resubbing, but once I logged back in and looked at my characters, then got hit with a nostalgia wave...well, ended up resubbing for good and still playing catch up with all the stuff I missed over the years.

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