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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Imagine you finished LvD and...


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I didn't really care what I got from DvL packs cause I already had like 99% of it, but the only thing that irritated me is the time the "Bugged" achievement completed after the fix and not at the time the previous Ach was finished
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I don't really care either. the event has been a good laugh and a chance/excuse to see the whole game again. That said getting 3 desert green indestructible crystals all bound to a dps toon was like :rolleyes:. Also I have no idea what the heck I'm going to do with all these useless major exp boosts for obscure things like space missions. Gtn is full of them for like 0.5 credits each :p
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I don't really care either. the event has been a good laugh and a chance/excuse to see the whole game again. That said getting 3 desert green indestructible crystals all bound to a dps toon was like :rolleyes:. Also I have no idea what the heck I'm going to do with all these useless major exp boosts for obscure things like space missions. Gtn is full of them for like 0.5 credits each :p

Drop them in a legacy weapon and then pass them to your alt.


You can thank me later ;)

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You all made out.


I got the same mount 3 times in a row.

Some of the most fugly sets (of which I only got 2 complete sets...and 20 repeats!!)

10 color crystals.

only weapons I got were the fat pistols...4 of those now =/


Not a single item of legendary, not a single item of gold quality.


They should have added an equation that forced gold/legendary at least once, and also ensured not a single double.


The 3 decorations I got were the highlight of all my packs.

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I did get the two parts of the Jedi Strategist set I did not have, and luckily for me was on the right server.


As I make a lot of characters anyway the DvL event up to level 3 is what I would have been doing anyway. As such I lost nothing, but did gain a few items I did not have. OK not things I was after but hay it was free as I said its what I would be doing even if the event never happened.


I also got Revens armor which I am sure other's would have liked, I just happened to already have it. Most of the rest were mainly the same items, server after server, account after account. The crystals though were nice for my F2P accounts as I had very little in collections to begin with. As were the mounts.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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All I can say is, I want a recycle bin I can put my XP boosts (particularly stuff like space mission XP boost) and companion gifts into, to recycle the energy wasted on my computer generating the pixels of displaying them.


Also, damn your desert green crystals to the fiery depths of hell, BW. I don't need, like, 6-7 of them. Let me trade in the copies for the lower half of a refreshing glass of Blue Milk . I'll have to buy the milk and the top of the glass separately, I'm sure, but it'd be something. Make Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru proud, buy a refreshing glass of Blue Milk today!*


*Milk is not actually blue or milk. Parts are sold separately. Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and Blue Milk are a registered trademark of Disney incorporated, licensed to EA incorporated and BW incorporated, formerly of Lucas Arts incorporated. Disney: When you wish upon a star, doesn't matter who you are. If your idea is worth billions, we're buying. EA: When you wish upon a star, roll the die and roll in tar. If you don't get what you want, you'll at least be covered in tar. Also, you have to buy the star, die, and tar separately. BW: When you wish upon a star, do you [force choke] the star or [give it a hug]. You picked [force choke] the star. The star dodged your [force choke] and kicked you in the balls.

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Guys...this thread is about the cringeloot you got not about to "pose" and that RNGesus is your lover...

Does anyone actually read a thread? Anyone?


Considering I don't PvP, the PvP crystals I got are kinda cringeworthy. If I use them, it's going to be for a companion's weapon.

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...out of the 90 packs you got, for wasting your time to do the game again, you'll get 30 color crystals.


I feel a little "cheated"... But hey, lession learned. :D


I felt cheated as well, at first - 99% of the items were usless to me and practically worthless by GTN pricing. Then I realized that I hadn't purchased the packs - they were free. The whole thing just reinforces my standard of not spending RL money on CM Packs.

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Guys...this thread is about the cringeloot you got not about to "pose" and that RNGesus is your lover...

Does anyone actually read a thread? Anyone?


Misery loves company, huh? Well, one man trash:.


- 21 various Imperial Crimson/Desert Green/Farmhand crystals – all of them I have already

- 2 power and 2 endurance White-Black crystals

- 4 Red-Orange crystals and one is even a crit one!... only I have the patriotic Imperial Crimson anyway

- full set of the Ceremonial armor – the only use for it I can imagine is TOR Fashion contest about creating the ugliest outfit possible

- full Fredoon Nadd set – awesome, only I had that unlocked in collections long ago

- full Reaver set (duplicated in such a way, that i had 8 boxes but only one full set)... I may consider unlocking it

- Revered Seer set – ah, another armor I would like if it would not have that shoulders

- 2 lower Ceremonial Mystic armor boxes

- upper Satele Shan armor – the amount of grinding needed to get the missing pieces from GTN -_-

- upper Temple Guardian – read above

- Revans something - not a fun

- Revan Reborn something - not a fun

- 5 nice looking weapons for companions (3 duplicates, one assault cannon)

- lots of companion gifts

- lots of boosters – well XP ones sell well

- 6 decorations – nice drops

- 8 ugliest mounts


All in all, I liked running with guild mates. If not for them I would not be a proud owner of all stuff listed above.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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I do not need to imagine it. But, as you said, lesson learned - i was considering buying some packs of CM, but after this sample of 90 packs... nope :p Not worth it.


Have you got anything worth unlocking?


I know I didn't get anything worth while. A lot of stuff I head already unlocked. Revan reborn, Reaver and 1 or 2 others. A lot of color crystals(again I had some of these already). It was a waste. It didn't take me too long. I did all of the DvL levels excpet the top one.

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It's roughly the same output I get from hypercrates. Mostly crystals (over half of them with expertise); less-than-bronze-quality mounts; many, many duplicates of supplemental gear; tons and TONS of less-than-bronze-quality assault cannons even though I have one trooper and she uses rifles :p ... etc etc etc. I'm not complaining, I don't mind not getting platinum or even good gold stuff, I'm just...USED to it by now.
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Some people seem to have done really well out of this, the OP talks about lots of colour crystals and I have seen elsewhere that people have received the same lower armor 4 or 5 times; I was thinking that was probably the norm.


So nice to see that some people are getting sabers etc that others paid 60 million credits or who knows how many Cartel coins for. I do hope that any success is translated into new content that people can show off their nice gear.

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