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SCORPIO (Spoilers)


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Am I one of the few who doesn't hate SCORPIO for what she did? She's evil as hell, yes, but her intentions were not selfish, and after reading the mail that you get ingame regarding one of the GEMINI's going to Hoth for an hour to gaze off into the distance, it somehow makes it worth it, since her only intention was to give 'her children' free-will, as any mother should.
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keep in mind she is playing a long game. her partnership with Vaylin might work in our favor.


Really? are there really anyone here who still belive Scorpio is on our side? are you compleatly lost mate? she had the ships fire on us while we were still on Arcanns flagship I think it is pretty damn obvious that she is out to kill us. THough of cause I thought so even before but thats another matter entierly, really that someone can be that deep in denial is just astounding.

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Oh yea we are definitely not done with Scorpio by any means.


Scorpio seems to like presenting her friends with fairly serious challenges. She is a machine and her core programming is "self Improvement". Think about it. She's not a human. So how would a being show it respect and what ever its analog for love to a person or entity it likes? The obvious answer to me is by giving that person an opportunity to grow in some way. Gemini is entirely amoral. It simply is not important to her other then when it effects her own goals.. and she plans way ahead, and is very very good at seizing opportunity.


Remember who side she is on? Her own is what she tells you. Vaylin is sooooooo screwed. She pays right into Vaylins weaknesses, and presents her self to Vaylin as being manipulable.


Now my Agent toon feels especially betrayed (especially after busting buns to get her to influence rank 37!) and very very unhappy with Scorpio at the moment. I strongly suspect however that with the Gemini's of the fleet having free will well, the eternal fleet is unlikely to be an issue as its captains go to explore the galaxy, themselves, and more.


The story however may be much much deeper. Remember Gemini prime mentioning the Luminous Engine? Who wants to bet its a star forge or a portion of the star forge? Imperials remember the fragment of the Eternal Engine left on Nar Shadda and the tiny colony of Rakatta that lived in that tiny enclave? A thing that Reven left behind.


My supposition is that the Luminous Engine is more fairly advanced Rakatta tech. And its still out there..and who has control of it? I strongly suspect Valkorian. I also suspect that Scorpio knows how to find it. This make an interesting possible connection between Valkorian and Scorpio. And the sudden thought that Scorpio may be Valkorians agent pops up.


You know writers DO like to mess with their readers heads.. It's fun.. and it sells! Could they have gone deep machiavellian on us? It's entirely possible! We all know that Valkorian is one devious sneaky sucker. Manipulative as all get out and very capable of stage managing the situation our hero is in. He allows for many possibilities. Scorpio does the same thing.


Well, before my specuations get any more surreal I'll go ahead and leave the above with you and your just as fertile as mine imaginations!

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Yes if we were dealing with actually competent writers, but as we have just seen we are not. More likly then not we are just going to see Scorpio become more and more of a villan until we eventually take her down (or try to at least, since bio seems unwilling to actually kill of a badguy for fear of having to come up with another) Scorpios betrayel was entierly predictable and the rest will be as well.
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I didn't say she was on our side. she never was. how closely our goals match Is the question. Is Scorpio wanted us dead we already would be dead. Do you really think she couldn't have fired on the flagship sooner?


Shields were up at first and also I doubt Arcann would been so distracted to miss ships turning on him.


I am quite curious how Scorpio and Vaylin relationship will develop. I see some think they are trying to manipulate each other, but I am not so sure. I think Vaylin needs a mentor and based on dialogue it seems that Scorpio wants to be one, I am not sure if it will be success albeit. On other hand while Scorpio is not empress, she will probably have big influence on Vaylin actions as well as if it came to blows would most likely have fleet support. In other words it is not as if Scorpio has no power anymore.

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SCORPIO's motivations have taken a bizarre and out of character turn.


From the original Agent story her motivation was self improvement. At the conclusion of her story in vanilla this included social enhancements now she was out of Mega Security ward 23 so she could understand the organics that ran the galaxy.

She came to respect the Agent for his talents, and was fascinated by his ability to overcome his organic "limitations" and the opportunities he granted her that allowed her to grow. Eventually choosing to remain in her chassis which was hardwired to prevent her from harming him.


In Chapter 7 her motivations seemed to be the same, she had been continuing her enhancements with Zakuul technology. She now wanted to take something back from Arcann.


Now it seemed like at the time this was because she was part of the original Eternal fleet and she wanted them back. Now she's freeing the gemini droids and hanging out with Vaylin... why couldn't she free the droids and hang out with the Outlander? It would have been easier, there would have been no reason to risk a betrayal. Giving the droids independence and removing the fleet from Arcann's control would have won the war.


Instead she's decided to betray the Alliance and make a new enemy because of... reasons? Is galaxy conquering suddenly her new goal?


There isn't even a hint of why she's done this. Just something, anything that would hint there was some larger plan or maybe her contact with the eternal fleet from Zakuul's first conquest had unlocked some ancient programming.


We're basically stuck with a betrayal anyone could see light years away that you're unable to prevent in any form, which is because of a character's change in motivations which are not possible to fathom in any way, only vaguely hinted at in J.J. Abrams "I haven't actually written the actual reasons behind this so the reason we'll ultimately come up with will be massively disappointing" style.


Luminous Engine!

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I am still wondering if Holiday isn't the Luminous Engine, and SCORPIO has an interesting faceoff coming.


SCORPIO is playing Vaylin. Much the same as GO-TO once played a certain Jedi. For that matter, I'm beginning to see a LOT of parallels between GO-TO and SCORPIO.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah but I just leveled her to 50 for crew skills and now I can't use her ...

Please Bio don't make her a Dearth Marrter. :(

Oh and she can still come back. My toon says all is forgiven.


Special terminal was added that allows to recall her and some others with few exceptions.

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Really? are there really anyone here who still belive Scorpio is on our side? are you compleatly lost mate? she had the ships fire on us while we were still on Arcanns flagship I think it is pretty damn obvious that she is out to kill us. THough of cause I thought so even before but thats another matter entierly, really that someone can be that deep in denial is just astounding.


I'll go out on a limb and say that depending on what conversation options you choose, her "betrayal" is presented in a different light. I'll daresay that she had calculated the odds and determined that you would survive. All of my characters want her melted down though. :p

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She gave Arcaan the coordinates of our base and waited until I and my crew were on the ship with Arcaan to turn his ships against him. That was a 100% premeditated move to cut the heads off both the Alliance and Zakuul. The only reason she's with Valylin now is because her plan failed and both of her (very dangerous) enemies survived.


Now, there are typically three ways to get on my ****-list, even when I'm runnning generally light-side. One of them is trying to kill me, one is betraying me, the third is threatening those I care about. Guess who just did all three at the same time


So yeah, when I find that bucket of bolts I am going to have Oggurrub install pain receptors into her body just so she can feel what I do to her (some of which will involve mining-lasers and acid), then I'll download her into a new body so I can do it again every day for a year.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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She gave Arcaan the coordinates of our base and waited until I and my crew were on the ship with Arcaan to turn his ships against him. That was a 100% premeditated move to cut the heads off both the Alliance and Zakuul. The only reason she's with Valylin now is because her plan failed and both of her (very dangerous) enemies survived.


Now, there are typically three ways to get on my ****-list, even when I'm runnning generally light-side. One of them is trying to kill me, one is betraying me, the third is threatening those I care about. Guess who just did all three at the same time


So yeah, when I find that bucket of bolts I am going to have Oggurrub install pain receptors into her body just so she can feel what I do to her (some of which will involve mining-lasers and acid), then I'll download her into a new body so I can do it again every day for a year.


You. You, I like.


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