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Thank you Bioware to facilitate the life of gold seller


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"Exploit fixes" are frequently not listed in patch notes. It's possible that Bioware considered this to be an exploit.


Or it could be just because they removed the credits from TH lockboxes they can now increase the heroic rewards back to where they were before? Since those can only be completed once every week per character I don't see a problem, tbh.

Edited by Halinalle
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Only thing that gives free credits is "Slicing" want to make alot of credits.. Slicing.. on Zakuul.. easy creds, if you're patient as others might be after them too. But still you can kill things while collectinng Slicing nodes and sell the trash drops which=more creds. Honestly I don't have an issue making creds.


And no.. Just no on buying from Gold Sellers. They may seem "Legit", but I hear more complaints across multiple MMO's about having credit card info stolen, so buying gold/credits/etc. is NEVER a good option.

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Or, how about attacking the problem from the other end: :p


Add a pricing cap so prices can't go above a certain amount. Base it on a mark-up percentage of the sell to vendor price. ;)



/snark :D


You got it, THAT would make me "comunist" - the thing Tsetso is scared about...

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You got it, THAT would make me "comunist" - the thing Tsetso is scared about...


Both "solutions" would have no effect as far as making CM items more available, but at least his won't affect the things that really matter - such as MK-9 kits, augments, consumables, repair costs. Your "solution" would affect everyone and you still wouldn't be able to buy your "shiny" because noone will sell it.

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Increased supply- there's no need to do something as stupid as taking away credits when they can simply look at what on the GTN is an insane price, for its rarity and put them on the Cartel Market for a time to blow off steam or re-introduce them in packs. Notice how Satele's dropped? That's increased supply and if subs, yes I say subs because only people who are subbed can buy credits to any real effect, don't buy from the sellers, they will pack up and leave.


People who buy credits are causing the problem where Bioware does a series of useless nerfs to try and fix a problem that's being caused by subs breaking the rules.

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Increased supply- there's no need to do something as stupid as taking away credits when they can simply look at what on the GTN is an insane price, for its rarity and put them on the Cartel Market for a time to blow off steam or re-introduce them in packs. Notice how Satele's dropped? That's increased supply and if subs, yes I say subs because only people who are subbed can buy credits to any real effect, don't buy from the sellers, they will pack up and leave.


People who buy credits are causing the problem where Bioware does a series of useless nerfs to try and fix a problem that's being caused by subs breaking the rules.


You're ignoring the most important part of this: the player, seller in this case


Some people keep prices high artificially by limiting supply.

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If you want the nicer items in the game then you need to put that work in. It's just like how real life *used* to be, ya know, if you wanted to make money and have a house, you didn't just stand around with your hand out asking for it - you put that work in. I know, old fashion...


Here some tips if you want to make alot of credits, yes its time consuming, but its the legit way to make millions:

If you have alts, run tatooine heroics with 3 other ppl. 600k per character, do the math. Learn EV HM and KP HM ops, super easy, roll for DMC's, they sell for 1 mill a pop on harb. Do this on multiple char...do the math.

Save all blue crystals across multiple alts, buy Isotope material, I consistently sell them for 70k a pop and make millions there. Save your green comms for rank 6 gifts, go to the GTN and find out which rank 6 is gift is selling for the most, since it changes per moment. Save 1000 comms and buy the gift that is selling for the most .That is 33 gifts worth for 1000 green comms, if the gift is selling for 90k a pop that is 2.9 mill right there. Rinse repeat for a full month and you will be sitting on 60+ easily. This doesn't take into account all the other credits you get from doing flashpoints, selling purple items, turning in your alliance crate and selling the armors, etc. It's not hard to make credits, just takes time and some planning ahead.

Edited by DenariusJay
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If you want the nicer items in the game then you need to put that work in. It's just like how real life *used* to be, ya know, if you wanted to make money and have a house, you didn't just stand around with your hand out asking for it - you put that work in. I know, old fashion...

Video games are not real life.

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Honestly I do agree that a cap should be placed on how much items can be sold for in the GTN based on rarity. Say.. max of 500k-Bronze/5mil-Silver/20mil-Gold/100mil-Platinum. Something like this would be more reasonable, but TBH, the prices on my main server (The Harbinger) is alot cheaper than my Alt Server (Ebon Hawk) which is nearly double what I pay on my main server.
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They definitely need to do something, not an arbitrary credit swipe though.


I mean for Christ's sake the only Defiant Vented Sabers on the Ebon Hawk GTN are 75 mill and 150 mill each, which is absolute insanity.


Yea, the RNG is ridiculous. IDK, maybe I'm looking back on past boxes with idealistic rose colored glasses, but I don't remember it being this horrendous to get the rarer items :confused:


You're ignoring the most important part of this: the player, seller in this case


Some people keep prices high artificially by limiting supply.

Buyers share some of the blame here too. If there weren't people willing to pay those ridiculous prices, then the sellers wouldn't be able to keep the prices high.

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Heh, that's funny. One person was crying about them wrecking the economy because of the credits, and now someone is crying about them wrecking the economy because they don't give credits anymore.


Notice the common theme though ----> crying. :)


As for some items being on the AH for insane amounts, maybe the sellers aren't trying to sell them, but instead are bragging about how many of them they have. When I was still on the Bastion, there was a player that was doing that, listing a bunch of rare items for stupid amounts just to show off what he had.


Yeah.. people list for all manner of reasons, and in all ranges of prices.. from ridiculously low to ridiculously high. The nice thing is.. a player will not pay a price for an item that is higher then they are willing to pay, hence the market always sorts itself out.

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Honestly I do agree that a cap should be placed on how much items can be sold for in the GTN based on rarity. Say.. max of 500k-Bronze/5mil-Silver/20mil-Gold/100mil-Platinum.


Have you stepped back to assess the consequences of your suggestion? It will just drive players off the GTN and into the trade channels.


....TBH, the prices on my main server (The Harbinger) is alot cheaper than my Alt Server (Ebon Hawk) which is nearly double what I pay on my main server.


Interesting. See I am a market player on both Harbinger and Ebon Hawk, and from my observations of the market... each server has different demand niches, yet they are fairly comparable on many items. Some items are cheaper on one server over the other, AND vice versa.


I agree that bronze and silver items from a current pack see longer and deeper dumping cycles on Harbinger then EH... but other then that... on any given day these two servers can and do run at near parity pricing on many things. The only thing of note on Harbinger is crafted items are generally 15-40% cheaper on Harbinger on any given day.

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You removed all the option to make money for players, now if players want to buy something on the gtn they will have the only choice to go to gold seller.

No need to come to said that price will go down, they will never goes down, and as there is no way to make money now, as bioware have listened so well to the gold seller complain.


If players are not capable to understand that removing easy way to make money is what gold seller want, too bad for you, time to learn about economy. removing the way to make money for others, is the best way to make them come to you (gold seller) to have the money who want.


Thank you so much Bioware


There are many ways to make credits in this game. And they change over time too.


Adapt or perish. Your choice. But there is absolutely no shortage of ways to make as many credits as your in game life style requires.


By the way, do you understand how the modern RMT seller acquires currency to sell to players? From other players. IE: they are largely brokers now days.. middle men.. who make a profit on the spread.

Edited by Andryah
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You removed all the option to make money for players, now if players want to buy something on the gtn they will have the only choice to go to gold seller.

No need to come to said that price will go down, they will never goes down, and as there is no way to make money now, as bioware have listened so well to the gold seller complain.


If players are not capable to understand that removing easy way to make money is what gold seller want, too bad for you, time to learn about economy. removing the way to make money for others, is the best way to make them come to you (gold seller) to have the money who want.


Thank you so much Bioware


Sounds like a disgruntled macro user. Sorry, the credit train left the station. Enjoy the billions you've made while it lasted.

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Have you stepped back to assess the consequences of your suggestion? It will just drive players off the GTN and into the trade channels.
This is exactly why limiting GTN prices will never work. The "big ticket" items would just disappear off the GTN and appear in Trade. Were E-Bay to cap it's sales prices, we'd see (a) the immediate irrelevance of E-Bay and (b) a surge in use for alternative bid sites. That said, I welcome someone to posit a sound and viable method for capping credits traded in in-game character-to-character transfers.


Also, the suggestion that they institute a subscriber's credit cap (I believe the suggested cap was 10 million credits per Legacy) is not ... I repeat, not ... Communism. Or, at least, it's not Marxist Communism (which is the brand of Communism I grew up with). The State taking our credits above 10 million is simple theft. It becomes Communism when they begin redistributing those credits to Legacies that don't have 10 million combined credits. This isn't the government taking from the rich to either (a) give to the poor or (b) pay for programs for the poor or © pay the expenses of government. The suggestion is akin to the government taxing the rich, converting that excess wealth into cash ... and burning the money.


As for this thread's purported topic, even as an avid misanthrope, I see that reductions in the flow of credits into players' pockets need not create a boon for credit sellers. I've never bought SWTOR credits and never will. If I can't afford an item on the GTN, I employ a time-proven yet oft-overlooked alternative strategy ... I do without. If enough players opt to "do without" on high-priced items, we may see GTN prices drop ... eventually. But "hopeful" is not the same as "naïve" ... I don't expect that to really happen. Again ... avid misanthrope.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I have 700 million credits.


Wanna know how?


I EARNED them running heroics and crafting my butt off!


It's certainly wasn't difficult...but you need to put some time into it.


But of course...why work when you can make insane posts asking the developers to make it easier for you...right?

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After they just tried this with heroics? Yes. Then they tried to back off and say they just forgot to put the nerf in the patch notes and that they'll revert the changes since everyone was complaining about it. And then they do the same thing again! Disgusting! :mad:


This is my one and only problem with the issue. It makes them look REALLY underhanded. I gave them a pass when they went "Whoops, forgot to mention it in the notes, sorry! We'll fix it!" But giving back credits to Heroics and taking them away from TH without a single whisper? It makes my skin crawl at the dishonesty :(


Look, I don't care if TH boxes give credits. My treasure hunters still make a slight profit by selling the gear dropped from the boxes, not to mention my treasure hunters are usually slicers as well. My characters who aren't hunters are crafters who make purple mods and augments which get sold on the GTN. Credits aren't really an issue for me. I have no dog in this fight.


But the fact that it wasn't in the patch notes? THAT'S an issue.

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