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I don't give a **** what you writers and developers think. You don't care what I think and probably anyone who is a KOTOR fan or even SWTOR. That being said.


valkorian and the overpowered villainy of his children is seriously the only thing driving me bat **** crazy. (Other than that *********** kotfe zildrog SNAKE) I would have enjoyed this game more with the closure required to end my need for SWTOR. Now I'm stuck asking myself *** is this game? I am going to unsubscribe and probably never come back. I don't care that Vaylin is queen or that Scorpio (and I could give a rats *** for spoiling this mindless story) gave her the throne without so much as a pucker of thought. What I care about is that this game went from SWTOR to some form of satan/"god" ruling your experience. You can't even make true choices without being compelled to make bat **** stupid ones. This is no longer interesting and as much as I hate to have to throw away years of money and two collectors edition I just can't get over how *********** dumb these expansions are.


You should have:

1. Killed off Vitiate and Valkorian (permanently)

2. Made Arcann a good guy

3. Made Vaylin a good girl (even if some mindless emperor on the outskirts of the true Star Wars

4. Ended these anti-SWTOR KOTOR stories

5. NEVER EVER INCLUDE a *********** animal from reality (SNAKE, Dragons)

6. Continued the Knights of the Old Republic legacy stories and all the aliens in it.

Edited by BlackFx
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Now you should get a grip on yourself. While you may hate it, I thought it was pretty good.


And there is a new expansion coming out, so our character will probably do at least one of the things you listed.


You didn't like KOTFE? Too bad.

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Hi man,


I know why you're upset. I was also very pissed of at then ending it made me swear even when I had my headphones on and nobody was with me in the room (pretty awkward if somebody stood outside my window). The ending made me lost hope because of all the betrayers, but somewhere I think that's a good thing. It really played with my emotions but I do agree that I wanted som closure and at least do something meaningful at the end. I actually can't wait for the new expansion to complete the story because my revenge urge is really high right now. Koth...Scorpio ...Senya and Arcan I just can't wait to get my hands on them and strangle them. Use this hatred, join the darkside!

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Why Koth is among the betrayers? He has just left the room after Senya departed, clearly angry, but has not done anything yet.

Though, as I understand, he behaves differently if you make him leave earlier.


Koth didn't leave in my story.

I think some of this actually is dependent on the choises you make.

On my Sith Koth left from alsmost day one, and it what though choises made

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