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Chapter 16 spoiler Amazing


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so I created this post to tell my thought on chapter 16 knight of the fallen empire. I thought this chapter was great not just the story but the mechanics of some of the fight especially arcanan I thought great. When you where using the knights shield to deflect he attack I thought was cool. I like how vaylin finally spread her wings took the throne and no longer serve her brother but become who she wants. arcana surviving was and was not a surprise when he was crush I thought he had died so that why it was kind of surprise that he survive. I thought the music work well with the fights. I also like when Scorpio explain why she wants the eternal throne, this was a surprise to me because I thought she just wanted to rule the throne. I did not guess she wanted just to make her "children" free. I also like the romance of the chapter short but I like it. I got to make koth dislike me on a light side character.( yes I do not like him). I give this chapter 8/10, I greatly enjoy and I look for what next :). so tell me your opinion of the chapter
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If only I could play it. A sub and I can't even play the 20 minute story ROFL :o

You don't kill Arcaan, gravestone is lost, from what general chat has said. Dunno if it's true cause I can't even play the chapter. GG bioware :mad:

Edited by RvaKun
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If only I could play it. A sub and I can't even play the 20 minute story ROFL :o

You don't kill Arcaan, gravestone is lost, from what general chat has said. Dunno if it's true cause I can't even play the chapter. GG bioware :mad:


Quit reading spoilers. Its a good way to get miss lead.


Did anyone watch the credits all the way through and see the message about SWTOR2? I was like "ZOMG! I can't believe its actually true!"


Music was REAL good though.

Edited by Technohic
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It wasn't completely perfect, but I'd still call it a home run. Right up there with Profit and Plunder, and a damn good way to end part one. I am curious about one thing. I've only played it so far on my heavily-Dark DvL event lead so far, for the sake of finishing Champion tier, but I gotta know now:



What happens with Koth and the Gravestone on characters who stayed friends with him? I've considered him pretty bro on my characters that aren't horrible terrorists, but I'll be disappointed if he steals the ship and runs off either way, like how Senya survives no matter what choices you make with her.


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About possible deaths...


It depends on your choices, none of your old companions die,


but senya/Arcann can depending the choices.

Thanks, I'm playing my Trooper DvL toon slow and through the timeline of the story. I can't wait to finally play ch 16. Still on Voss right now so it's still a long way to go. :(

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Was good final episode. Though starting to see Koth as a child now since I



Spared Arcann and Senya



Part of me wanted to teach him that you can't just kill off people just cause they did something bad. Makes him like a Sith. No offense to any Sith here. Side note, would at least understand Sith. Koth, can't seem to get him.


Was playing as my Smuggler also.


Fight was epic at end.

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I was disappointed with how it ended but can't say I'm surprised. Senya always seemed noncommittal when it came to how to deal with Arcann and Vaylin.

And somehow I wasn't surprised that BW found a way to bring Koth back into it. Killing him too would have been a nice option IMO

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At first when I started playing I thought, "Yes! This chapter is amazing. Fun combat, nice start to the chapter..." After I faced Arcann, I was so mad. Is it just me or is Starwars terrible about killing off people? They never actually do it, and every other five minutes someone turns out to be alive. I was hoping that the broken shuttle that was crashed in chapter twelve (It was covered in moss and beat to crap) was Koths. SPOILERS. Noooooo, they just had to bring that idiot back. Also, somehow Torian and Lana both decided to keep fighting, so I could almost kill Arcann. At least one of them should have died. I liked chatper fifteen, the end was awesome. I think Bioware was trying to build off that with all of the twists and turns they added, but it was just too much. It's like a sky scrapper that was too tall, it just falls down and smashes to pieces. I loved the combat mechanics, but the story was horrible. The battler pack title is even the Usurper, which would make you think you Usurp Arcann, but you didn't. Also, what Senya did was way out of character. She was always talking about justice for Arcann, but he does one nice thing and she thinks that repays the billions he killed? NO. That made no sense. All in all, terrible. I know a lot of people might disagree, but just terrible.
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I was disappointed overall. mechanics on last fight were .... at best, and no need to use the odessen weapon. all this was, was a prelude to the next set of chapters. They put more work in to the new cartel button than the last chapter, and the credits took longer to watch than it did to run thru it...


Sooo, where is Mako? where is new group content/ops? why do you keep reskining crap for cartel and offering less but charge more. Where is my HK chapter for faithfully being subbed thru the whole steaming pile of bs, and when will you announce that the this game is being turned to sub'd single player to make room for the next sw title you're working on?

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I was surprised Arkan survived, but it'll be interesting to see how that affects KotET. I enjoyed the conclusion to this expansion tho. The mechanics for the final battle were cool. I played on my light V Jedi knight, but I'm really excited to play on my dark V Sith warrior now. :D


That was the good....the bad is apparently Zakuul had a sale on cryo grenades because everybody seemed to have plenty of em. :confused: Annoying but nothing I couldn't handle.


My biggest complaints tho is WHERE IS MY [insert love interest here]? :mad: None of the love interest show up. WTH BW? Seriously!?!? 16 f'n chapters waiting to get Jaessa back, and NOTHING! NOT EVEN A DAMN MENTION!

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I was disappointed overall. mechanics on last fight were .... at best, and no need to use the odessen weapon. all this was, was a prelude to the next set of chapters. They put more work in to the new cartel button than the last chapter, and the credits took longer to watch than it did to run thru it...


Sooo, where is Mako? where is new group content/ops? why do you keep reskining crap for cartel and offering less but charge more. Where is my HK chapter for faithfully being subbed thru the whole steaming pile of bs, and when will you announce that the this game is being turned to sub'd single player to make room for the next sw title you're working on?


Could not agree more.

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Amazing annoying, nothing but utter annoyance. What is it with BW and *********** stuns every 3 *********** seconds these days.



First chapter I have not liked, so much so just not going to bother with it and since you need to do I guess for next xpac, guess this is as far as I go. still play but now only as far a zoist for new characters, as for characters already into KotFE well stopping on the chapters they are on now or as far as chapter nine. even when you win and end chapter I felt no accomplishment just annoyed at the sheer amount of stuns in the final battle. Still overall liked the story just not the **** you need to do to get though it.



As for

"The mechanics for the final battle were cool."


No, not cool at all.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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Everything about this chapter was... dissapointingly expectable.


Somehow I didnt expect Arcann to really die, or Scorpio to really sit on the throne... The only surprising thing was Koths backlash (which I was expecting, but stealing the Gravesone I definitely wasnt expecting).


The two main villains are too big of a fan favorites not to have some fandom plot armor put on them for future use. Did anyone really expect to kill anyone here? :p

If it actually would have had a permanent effect of someone dying I would have applauded loudly. Such potential to affect so many characters dramatically, you got so many assignment choises... but no. But as it stands, it was just another plotarmor chapter with mainly just flashy explosions going for it. meh


Really enjoyed the starting chapters for this expansion, the midway end was less than satisfying :\

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bring back better expansions, where I feel like I accomplished something, and the content is replayable. This was far worse than dealing with Revan.. It was like all the butt luv, but no lube, and he didn't leave his number to call him back.
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I agree that the story was terrible. I don't know why people are bothering with spoiler tags, because nothing happens. No, you can NOT kill arcann, I tried. ( Yes, it prompts you, but you fail...twice. ) Not a single thread is wrapped up. Absolutely no one dies. Everyone is really in the same place. ( Yes, even Vaylin. She sits on the throne, but really she's being controlled by Scorpio who is "teaching" her. ) Koth is running away again. Senya failed just like she has several times before. Blech.


This wasn't an "Epic Conclusion", it was a single chapter in the middle of a story that server no other purpose than to move the pieces where they need to be for later conflicts.


I do agree a lot of the mechanics were interesting. I could see the assault being a flashpoint or maybe even OP. As is, it was way too easy of course. ( I even just did the arcann fight without my special weapon that was my only hope of defeating him...and never even got close to half life. This was on my DvL character with just common crystal gear. )


For quicker runthroughs on alts, pick the turrets. Unlimited uses, and they do hilarious damage, and the carbonite one can freeze some bosses that are immune to CC. And the automatic spawning turrets spawn at probably half the fights, speeding those up too. NTM this means you don't have to kill them. You also don't have to stop and open side alcoves to get more of the other gear.

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