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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tried logging into game and Main Assets 242 downloading


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if its the same thing that already happened once then abort the download, they probably released it again too early, and i its like last time, you will have to reDL the whole game tomorrow but lets wait for an oficial response. Edited by LadyHF
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Same thing happened to me. A patch, now when I launch the game...


"Your current game version does not match the server's, please restart the game. Follow the Help Center link below for more information."


(Which is useless to me since reporting spam mails from the credit spammers counts against your number of tickets and you can't CLOSE those, so I can't request support anyway.)


So basically... DO NOT TRY TO GET INTO THE GAME RIGHT NOW, it will lock you out. Someone must have accidentally pushed at least part of tomorrow's patch to the patch server prematurely.


EDIT: Looks like you can still just log in ignoring that message.

Edited by TheGovic
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Same as above. It patched and now i can't play. I put a report in the bug reports section but I can't file a ticket because I can't get into the game.


EDIT: Don't hit the OK on the error box and log in. You can get into the game. Not sure what will be busted though.

Edited by battycoda
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I have loged in with the download. It shows the message, but you can ignore it and log with any char. The case is, there are the new things (The cartel pack viewer and the new recruit mission).


Phew! Thanks for telling us that - I'm able to play by ignoring the error message. :)

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This is why having big corporations run games are bad for customers and why EA is consistently rated as one of the worst company's. Lazy programmers that have no pride in the game and allow bugs, errors and game issues linger for months and years.


Combine that with the amount of players they lost when they let servers die back in year 1 and now making the same exact mistake years later and it's pretty clear these guys are a joke. Tons of players just giving up on Bastion, POT5, TOFN, etc....which means game loses more money and people that want the game succeed just watching it die before their eyes.

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