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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4.7 patch notes


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Take this with a grain of salt but two days ago I did Depths of Manaan as a random in GF not expecting to get credit and I got credit. I quickly switched to my other server and specifically joined GF just for Depths of Manaan, got a group and completed the achievement. This is after not being able get the achievement four times before (in the past week) after actually completing the FP.


I assumed there was a stealth patch that fixed it. I could be wrong but might be worth trying it. I completed it on Tactical, not HM.

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There is a different achievement for HM


Correct but the bug was for all forms: Story, Tac and HM. Thus why I clarified that I did it on Tactical.


Also, while I'm answering, and this could be another bug... my Merc suddenly had Skadge's gear in the inventory. So I guess Skadge is coming back?

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Correct but the bug was for all forms: Story, Tac and HM. Thus why I clarified that I did it on Tactical.


Also, while I'm answering, and this could be another bug... my Merc suddenly had Skadge's gear in the inventory. So I guess Skadge is coming back?


Nice. Although most people hate him i'm quite fond of him.

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In fairness I think we can guess what the highlight will be, well apart from the changes to the cartel market.


EA and Disney are pleased to announce the concluding chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empires (yes we used the name as a throw back to Knights of the Old Republic and no one is really sure how it tied into the last 15 chapters). In this chapter Arcann once again shows his military genius, having lost his capital, his empire, his fleet of invincible ships, his droid armies and most of his knights who have been murdered is now contacted by the person that took all this from him! She offers to give him the location of The Foreigners (The Outlander in Zakuul speak) secret base. Because tracking down someone he held in carbonite for 5 years and did nothing with is more important that getting back what was taken from him he decides to trust this traitor. She even offers to loan him part of the eternal fleet to help out, there is only one stipulation he has to get The Foreigner onto his ship, surrounded by ships she controls so she can take out the one ship and kill both of them at once. Of course Arcann being the genius he is agrees, in no way could this possibly be a trap.


Not to worry, having had a bunch of people he/she doesn't trust knowing the location of his secret base the foreigner (damn it his even calling himself a foreigner now) has done nothing to prepare of an attack. No ground to space weapons (despite some cannons having been flown in. No squadrons of ships despite hundreds of supplies handed in, no mines in orbit to blow the crap out of incoming ships. So you get to take the Gravestone, one of the ugliest most useless ships ever designed to attack Arcann on his Turian destroyer, surrounded by the eternal fleet ships cause this couldn't go bad could it.


Be amazed as you battle Arcann only thanks to his Reaper indoctrination despite beating him to death in game with or without your newly crafted weapon the cut scenes will show him far more powerful and none of the last 5 minutes of beating on him having any effect.


Have none of the questions answered about how Valkorian is the Sith Emperor and seems to have a completely new personality.


Be left with no clue as to what the eternal fleet is all about and why Valkorian never used it to aid the sith and why the reapers I mean eternal fleet are so powerful.


Enjoy a cliff hanger where Senya and Vaylin disappear, whats happened to them are they allies again, has Senya forgiven wiping out 5 worlds. Don't worry we never got given a name it may be retconned that they were Imaginary worlds!


Wonder as to all the plot holes and choices that just didn't matter, or where you other companions are, the state of the galaxy or anything to keep you interested in the next chapter.


But most of all be amazed at how 16 chapters later all that seems to have happened is that Arcann has been replaced by traitor. Even if you survive chapter 16 (good bet you will) knows the location of your secret base and will destroy it with the eternal fleet so the base is gone and your probably left bouncing round the galaxy on the gravestone.


Very few misses, here. Great job with the prediction! I just wish the entire story had been better written, to exclude all the plot holes they left in, and perhaps include some actual choices that matter! Ugh.

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Very few misses, here. Great job with the prediction! I just wish the entire story had been better written, to exclude all the plot holes they left in, and perhaps include some actual choices that matter! Ugh.


I'll admit even in my wildest imagination I didn't believe



Arcann would survive. His been the big bad of 16 chapters and the big confrontation and its that, so I did get the wrong sibling



What I cant explain is why the eternal fleet hasn't destroyed the alliance base yet. The traitor knows where it is, if the empire and the republic can't stand up to the fleet one base doesn't stand a chance even with the gravestone which is pretty bad ship that keeps breaking down.

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A couple things:



Arcann and Senya can die if you make the right choices.



2. Star Wars' ships and tech has always been notoriously unreliable. Every other console in KOTOR, the movies, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight, etc exploded in your face. Hyperdrives and Engines breakdown non-stop.


Someone design something reliable FFS!


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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A couple things:



Arcann and Senya can die if you make the right choices.



~ Eudoxia


I got to know how,



I selected (Arcann Dies) in the fight and he didn't but I did hit him twice with a lightsaber, I then opted to shoot him and Traitor number 2 in the shuttle and they still escaped (I have many many medals for my kills in GSF so don't know how that happen). I hoped that they died as they hyper spaced away but upon getting back to base everyone agreed they were alive and still out there. So what did I do wrong :( And will BW let me have a do over so I can get ir right.



So please let me know.

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I need some help. I started the patching at 7:15 EDT and it reached 100% at like 8:55 but instead of being able to hit the play button it was still patching at 100% it stayed like that until 12:30 AM. I've tried exiting out multiple times and the same thing still happens. Idk what to do at this point. Please any suggestions anyone
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