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Heroic Server...


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Was thinking of a basic rule set heroic sever, 1 character slot, 1 death PvE though, goal would be for special Acheivmemts that would be for account wide rewards, if you die you reroll. Perhaps even let me see, with A actual GM events where they actually participate? Lol!! Also legacy would remain after a character death. Yes I know about the current servers, but this server would only be for Subscribrs! If successful perhaps a PvP server with same rule set. Just a thought. :)
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Was thinking of a basic rule set heroic sever, 1 character slot, 1 death PvE though, goal would be for special Acheivmemts that would be for account wide rewards, if you die you reroll. Perhaps even let me see, with A actual GM events where they actually participate? Lol!! Also legacy would remain after a character death. Yes I know about the current servers, but this server would only be for Subscribrs! If successful perhaps a PvP server with same rule set. Just a thought. :)


So... after don't know how many dumbings down this game has received ( and with folks still dying a-plenty ) , you're suggesting a server with permadeath in it. And a pvp focused one, should the pve one have success.


ayy lmao

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So... after don't know how many dumbings down this game has received ( and with folks still dying a-plenty ) , you're suggesting a server with permadeath in it. And a pvp focused one, should the pve one have success.


ayy lmao


Ah but its subscriber only, we do have an advantage, and we would still have collections and perks. Perma death is just an interesting idea. It's more so of a permanent event type server. Where the objective would be more for Achievments. :)

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Ah but its subscriber only, we do have an advantage, and we would still have collections and perks. Perma death is just an interesting idea. It's more so of a permanent event type server. Where the objective would be more for Achievments. :)


If there were enough subs here to keep one of these servers afloat, let alone the game itself, we wouldn't see the majority of the focus from this development team revolving around the CC market, and new ways to get players to buy from it.


Either way, sounds cool for like 5 years ago, but today? meh..

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If there were enough subs here to keep one of these servers afloat, let alone the game itself, we wouldn't see the majority of the focus from this development team revolving around the CC market, and new ways to get players to buy from it.


Either way, sounds cool for like 5 years ago, but today? meh..


Well the way I see it I think it would bring more subscribers in, or at least bring back some people perhaps? New features and a possible reward system tide into gameplay would be interesting. I mean it seems to work with other games, I.e. EQ. But basicly an event server could draw new blood into the game.

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Ah but its subscriber only, we do have an advantage, and we would still have collections and perks. Perma death is just an interesting idea.


If by "interesting," you mean "bad," or "unwanted," or "bad use of programming time," or "would be universally despised and thus never used, and we have servers like that already" - then yeah, sure.


OR, how about you just delete YOUR character if you die and then no changes need to be made at all? Now THERE's an interesting idea!

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Of what value is permadeath in a game that is so easy you never die?


Unless the OP is talking about death in flashpoints and operations. But then, I've never heard of a game that deleted your character if you died in group content. Seems like a terrible idea.

Edited by Khevar
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Ok perhaps I went a little to far in suggesting perma death...


But a VIP server would be interesting, as for development I am sure that they could spare one of the Devs to have an event a month to participate with the community? If not, hey I haven't worked since the 20th century, think I have a resume somewhere collecting dust!....... :eek:

Edited by CKNORTH
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Yea...I play to much while half sleep. I die regularly :D

**(Force leaps into enemy who hits me with a knock back and I fall off a cliff :confused: oops :o )**


A VIP server for subs sounds like a cool concept, but I'm not sure if folks would actually use it. And...Tha Devs would have to be really visible and interactive with players... ;)

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Even staying subbed until the end of the game, I wouldn't touch a perma-death server with a ten foot pole. And I get that it's an idea you enjoy but the amount of subs that would play on it wouldn't justify its existence and costs. You wouldn't have F2P fleshing out the population either and people who start subs after F2P are people who are often attached to their characters and spending time on a disposable character would likely burn people out a lot faster, no matter how long they've been playing.


I'm not a fan of premium servers in any case and especially when time would be better spend incentivizing population growth on the low population servers we have now so that new players who accidentally pick a less populated server aren't completely disadvantaged.

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Even staying subbed until the end of the game, I wouldn't touch a perma-death server with a ten foot pole. And I get that it's an idea you enjoy but the amount of subs that would play on it wouldn't justify its existence and costs. You wouldn't have F2P fleshing out the population either and people who start subs after F2P are people who are often attached to their characters and spending time on a disposable character would likely burn people out a lot faster, no matter how long they've been playing.


I'm not a fan of premium servers in any case and especially when time would be better spend incentivizing population growth on the low population servers we have now so that new players who accidentally pick a less populated server aren't completely disadvantaged.


Very true! I kind of recal a game that made levelling faster on low population servers to boost their numbers, I think it was DAOC.... Might be an idea...

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It would be interesting if we could create Ironman Characters though, a tickbox basically that has permadeath and once you start the character you can't untick that.


Special achievements and titles could be earned as you progress using this mode.

They'd have to warn you that cartel coins you spend could be lost, but that's part of the deal.


It'd be up to you if you wanted the extra "challenge".

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It would be interesting if we could create Ironman Characters though, a tickbox basically that has permadeath and once you start the character you can't untick that.


Special achievements and titles could be earned as you progress using this mode.

They'd have to warn you that cartel coins you spend could be lost, but that's part of the deal.


It'd be up to you if you wanted the extra "challenge".


Again, hardly anyone would want to do that, and it's a sure bet that the few who did would SCREAM if they lost cartel coins and Customer Service would have to start dealing with people wanting their stuff and their characters reinstated for all manner of reasons ("I wouldn't have died except there was LAG...")


Permadeath has ALWAYS been a terrible idea, an anti-reward, and there's a very good reason that games don't use it any more. If you like the idea, delete your character if he dies.

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Again, hardly anyone would want to do that, and it's a sure bet that the few who did would SCREAM if they lost cartel coins and Customer Service would have to start dealing with people wanting their stuff and their characters reinstated for all manner of reasons ("I wouldn't have died except there was LAG...")


Permadeath has ALWAYS been a terrible idea, an anti-reward, and there's a very good reason that games don't use it any more. If you like the idea, delete your character if he dies.


It's not forced upon anyone. I would for sure play the mode, I've got a lot of stuff already unlocked through cartel coins, I wouldn't even need to buy anything.


I would play this as a challenge, same as anyone goes after any kind of achievement that goes outside normal play. If I could earn a special title this way, you can be damned sure I would try it.

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It's not forced upon anyone. I would for sure play the mode, I've got a lot of stuff already unlocked through cartel coins, I wouldn't even need to buy anything.


I would play this as a challenge, same as anyone goes after any kind of achievement that goes outside normal play. If I could earn a special title this way, you can be damned sure I would try it.


Too much work and deviation of Dev focus for something that so few people would ever want - and that so many of them would complain about when, inevitably, their characters died.


Gotta say "no" to this.

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Too much work and deviation of Dev focus for something that so few people would ever want - and that so many of them would complain about when, inevitably, their characters died.


Gotta say "no" to this.


You don't even know how many would play an Ironman mode, you know. Just because you aren't interested, many others would be.


It wouldn't require that much work to implement either. All they would have to do is create some new achievements and titles, set the condition for them to unlock and make it so when you die, your character is simply deleted. They don't have to change gameplay at all.


It would be more excitement to play ti this way, that's for sure. I already have 22 characters, I've played all the stories and seen what there is to see. If I can do it again with a challenge of not dying it would make it much more interesting.


Sure I can delete my character myself, but that's not the same thing. The tension is not there anymore.

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You can easily play the game in Ironman mode now, but you need to have the mental discipline to do it yourself - you died in a FP or while out questing? You log out to the Character Select screen and delete the character.

Nothing you unlock on that character should be transferred off or unlocked account-wide, although I guess you would be allowed to twink the character based on stuff already unlocked in your Collections?

I guess dying in a PvP WZ would not be enough to trigger deletion, but dying in any PvE content, including Ops? That would hurt if you wipe because of an incompetent player in a GF group.


Although the downside to my approach is that you have all the risk of an Ironman gameplay mode, but none of the displayable rewards, unless you count the Deathless Champion achievement, which only applies to the Eternal Championship anyway.

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First, this suggestion probably belongs in the Suggestions Forum.


Second, my default setting is to agree with any suggestion that is optional while allowing players to preserve the status quo. I see no reason to deviate from that setting for this idea. I'd not want an "Ironman Click Box" to get pushed to the top of the developers' to-do list. But, after they address every other concern and complaint, sure, make it so.


I doubt I know anyone in SWTOR who would make use of the option. Most of my SWTOR Guild and friends are role-players ... we invest significant time and creativity into our characters. For us, permadeath isn't as simple as starting over with the same character. When Thor dies, he's dead. Forever. I can make a new level 1 Sage and name him Thoronmir, but he won't be Thoronmir. Well, not unless I concoct some trite, contrived RP explanation in which Thor returns from the dead, but having been greatly diminished in power until he acclimates to his new existence as "Thoronmir the White." But, seriously, how many times can I pull that off? Even Gandalf only did it once.


Third, as has been noted, we have this option now. Any player can opt to delete a character the first time they die.


TLDR: I would never play on a permadeath server or make use of an ironman option; but I don't care if other players want it.

Edited by Thoronmir
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Short version no can't do: you are only seeing the tip of a huge iceberg.


Permadeath is doable on a very healthy MMO or for a niche MMO but that has been designed with this concept at the core.


Then say even 5% more players would subscribe with this feature. Not sure it would pay the dev time to not only maintain the server(s) but also take into account that feature when coding new features, not to speak about regression testing for the myriad of in game features and hundreds of thousand functions that would be impacted by such a change.

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Would never happen. Have you seen the players in this game? They cry when their ERP gets interrupted or when their solo epic story is too hard. Now you want to see them attempt a permadeath server?


The population would be huge at first and then people would cry for it to be 3 lives, 10 lives, etc.


Don't waste resources on this, the market isn't there imo

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Would never happen. Have you seen the players in this game? They cry when their ERP gets interrupted or when their solo epic story is too hard. Now you want to see them attempt a permadeath server?


The population would be huge at first and then people would cry for it to be 3 lives, 10 lives, etc.


Don't waste resources on this, the market isn't there imo


It's simple really, in regard to CC, you don't loose CC from the store, if you choose to buy something and sell it, well I would be very interested in a legacy wallet before a server like this was implemented so in such a way credits and currency earned are not affected. Items would auto go into a legacy storage their would be notthing of value in cargo holds or inventory that is produced from the CC store.


Secondly, people would have to agree to a disclaimer before they play on an ironman server it's quite simple you die, their is no Customer support to reinstate your character. It would be very clear in the disclaimer that the server is play at your own risk...


And thirdly about people moaning like a beached whale.... I find it quite interesting that people don't understand life has consequences, would it really hurt the community that some decisions in gameplay have a real consequence. The story try's to "Imply" this but its baseless. And as for people not playing, I really think after 5 years it would be refreshing to a lot of people who already have everything they want/need from the CC store. This server would be for those subscribers... Not the ones who are new players or who still have things to accomplish on the normal rule set severs. :)

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