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Accepting Valkorions power - Price to pay


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I'm bit afraid that after accepting his powers , he take control over my character and become mad again 😢

Or that my character would have to die ! (Just discovered that on rishi way of prolonging life of my Sith Inquisitor!


Hope price is worth of using his powers ! :(

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I'm bit afraid that after accepting his powers , he take control over my character and become mad again 😢

Or that my character would have to die ! (Just discovered that on rishi way of prolonging life of my Sith Inquisitor!


Hope price is worth of using his powers ! :(


Ehh...maybe he does or maybe he is just ''Haha you fell for it...but I won't possess you as I grow bored. So bye!"" and goes away:)


But to be serious he is a force entity. Maybe he is just bored and why the events of KotFE...or maybe not and he have some ulterior motive who knows:) Imo ofcourse - he no longer thinks like us...


....or maybe I should finish kotfe and stop guessing things that might be answered already:D

Edited by Saelinne
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Just don't kneel for him lol ya can still accept his power if ya want Later .


The way I did it , is I choose one charachter to take his power , and another that won't .


Both will have minimum effect anyway , and story continue like nothing happend .

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I just see it as Valkorion/Vitiate's already been proven to be the ultimate in being shifty, so whatever he's going to offer is going to have a hefty pricetag that's not going to be worth it. So for my characters going through KotFE it's a matter of "Valkorion's power-not even once".
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Because 2 words,Ziost,Nathema.


Yeah.... after Ziost the only thing I'm doing with my knees is applying them to his crotch - because we don't need another Cyborg Psycho and Histrionic Trollop throwing me in deep freeze for a lustrum.

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Honestly I didn't knew what to do.I didn't knew what are his motives and will that have effect on later story.I only hate one thing about it, when you choose not to use Valkorion's powers he forces you.So in the end it's same if you kneel or not only one thing really changes, you kill Valkorion or Arcann kills Valkorion.
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Honestly I didn't knew what to do.I didn't knew what are his motives and will that have effect on later story.I only hate one thing about it, when you choose not to use Valkorion's powers he forces you.So in the end it's same if you kneel or not only one thing really changes, you kill Valkorion or Arcann kills Valkorion.


He only ''force you'' if you accepted his offer before..if you refuse him over and over and never say yes , he never force you to do anything .

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it wont have any effect at all in the long run, because the devs dont want people to be able to affect the story in any major way, now they do want you to think that you are affecting the story, but in reality its just make belive, the story will play out as it was ment to with only very slight differences regardless of what you do.
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  • 2 months later...
he is only a semi immortal sith emperor.............naturally ALL his advice/help comes with a price.

That is why I don't play his game:)




I, for one, bet he's just trying to turn you into his latest Voice.


I wouldn't be surprised if giving in to him just meant you'll be stuck with him 'til the end of Season 3.

Edited by NekoAggelou
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