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After PvPing in this game for over 4 years ive seen just about everything you can see in this game's PvP. From poor matchmaking to tryhards who have to do just that to support their arrogant egotistical nature. But now, its just come to the point where this game losses another veteran pvp player. In fact this game's PvP was almost the only thing that kept me in it, but these last few weeks just show not only how toxic alot of the community has become, but also just reinforces the belief that BW just doesnt care about us anymore. Before you say im just a little butt hurt nerd, im not. Ive played in PvP as just about every single class, i know what their good at, what their not good at, and most things on how to counter them. And to some they might say i need to lighten up, but i cant because I am a firm believer in that PvP should be a forum for honorable combat among players and that what we have right now is just a shameful display. So unless BW performs some serious magic and turn this game's PvP into something that is actually worth playing, consider probably one of a few non-stealther players to have gone up in 1v6 fights and win to be done and staying away from this PvP. And unless you have something constructive to say, leave it out. This PvP community is toxic enough already


Lol no don't go! There is new experience open packs coming :D:p game is full of buggs, conquest and priority operations are broken, pvp is dying because there is no cross- server que and they make new cartel pack opening view. This game is DOOMED

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The satisfaction of playing a different style with a spec that actually has a bit of a learning curve. Honestly i give more props to people who try to play specs that actually take a considerable amount of skill to try and make them viable. Such would be the annihilation spec for marauders and the pyrotech/innovative ordnance spec for powertechs/mercenaries if you can find a way to solve the heat problem. Because honestly those are the folks who deserve the real recognition in pvp because it is not easy to try and make those specs viable in pvp in its current state. Pre 3.0 annihilation maras were wrecking machines, but now since they screwed the whole thing up with the skill revamp in 3.0 and has just made it extremely difficult to get it to be viable. And do not get me started on IO, that spec ever since i started playing has had heat issues, pre 3.0 pyrotech, its pt version, not a lot of problems with resource management because of the 'spam rail shot' rotation, but they moved that over to advance prototype. So thats the reason why you should try something other than sorcs


Ya but it just feels like the dev's are trying to froce people to pvp as sorcs lol.. I can play every class and get gains, but on a sorc the skill ceiling is so low that you don't even have to try, it's really demoralizing when you're trying to play the lesser classes, especially the melee ones. Bubble stun/invincible/ultimate kiting/insane off heals, why does this class even exist..

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Ya but it just feels like the dev's are trying to froce people to pvp as sorcs lol.. I can play every class and get gains, but on a sorc the skill ceiling is so low that you don't even have to try, it's really demoralizing when you're trying to play the lesser classes, especially the melee ones. Bubble stun/invincible/ultimate kiting/insane off heals, why does this class even exist..


It's boring, hence why I rarely, really rarely play PvP on a sorc. Although it can be said that it's also really boring attempting to kill the players using sorc. So I guess it works both ways.


I just get the feeling that the dev in charge of PvP mains a sorc.

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Ah...an idealist. "Honorable combat"...what are you talking about brah? This is a video game. You just got rekt by a 12 year-old with better reflexes who happens to just be better than you at pressing buttons in a timely manner. *high-five*


And who would rather go 20 miles by foot than play Chess against ANYONE.

Because ... playing Chess is bad for the reflexes. :p


You're way too sensitive man, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen :rak_01:


This is EXACTLY the reply I'd expect from a toxic PvP participant who LOVES the current state - because he exploits it.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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And who would rather go 20 miles by foot than play Chess against ANYONE.

Because ... playing Chess is bad for the reflexes. :p




This is EXACTLY the reply I'd expect from a toxic PvP participant who LOVES the current state - because he exploits it.


Uh oh no you got it backwards mate, I'm a Lover No Fighter. Not that I count this as a sport or anything but to make a comparssion look att Football for example, hows the atmoshphere between the terraces? C'mon don't get hurt, don't bite when people trash talk, just ignore and move on but don't come moaning on the forums asking BioWare to act like a babysitter.

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all games that offer PVP have toxic environments. I don't know why everyone gets so upset about it, honestly if someone is toxic towards you, who cares, ignore it, block em, or be toxic back.

That is actually really difficult. I tried blocking someone and ended up right back in the same WZ as that person in the very next game - so I had to unblock them, otherwise how could I help the team if I couldn't see that person calling inc?

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That is actually really difficult. I tried blocking someone and ended up right back in the same WZ as that person in the very next game - so I had to unblock them, otherwise how could I help the team if I couldn't see that person calling inc?


Actually if you just pay attention to the mini map to keep track of your teams positions and pay attention to the positions and numbers of enemy team players then you can have a very good success rate of responding to incs and even predict the incs when they are about to happen. the majority of objective based WZs relies on paying attention to your surroundings but too many people tunnel vision and thats where it falls apart.

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Too many damage chasing players who would rather use a finisher on someone than stop someone capping an objective. Sorc, unless in the hands of a very good player, is very easily counter-able in a 1v1. They may do a lot of damage, but focused burst? Nah.


The pub v premade is very annoying though, especially since the majority of players are, as you've pointed out, not the best PVPers so its incredibly hard to turn things around single handedly.

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"no purpose"? what "purpose" are you looking for? is this because CW cures that one obscure case of cancer so every other map should cure something too?


I mean...really dude. you don't like arenas. that's cool. but look at what you're saying, they "serve no purpose." lmao. they're actually the only format for which you can earn rank and ranked tokens for pvp specific rewards. they let you get pops even when there aren't enough in queue to pop a match on the smaller faction. they're faster than WZs thus being ideal for quick matches. so...like...ugh. whatever. tired of fighting ppl on here.


Really I sit in ranked for 2hrs with no pop vs 10 mins in regs so explain how its faster???

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Really I sit in ranked for 2hrs with no pop vs 10 mins in regs so explain how its faster???


I think there's a miscommunication there. reg arenas are faster than reg WZs. ;)


arenas are the only ranked and are part of the reg queue. I did jump around because I was arguing the merits of the format (arena) not saying ranked > regs.

Edited by foxmob
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Hey, its doable for non operatives but it is only feasible on a few classes such as guardian/jugg and vanguard/pt


In level 65 pvp? No way. 6 players with stuns, dcds, escapes, vs 1 player - I don't care if your the best of the best, at that point the math is against you, 6 rotations vs 1 rotation you will not survive at all.


Now if your talking lowbie pvp and you happen to find a bunch of lvl 12's pvping and 4 of the 6 are using basic attacks and have no dcd's or stims, maybe, big maybe. Still don't see it though.

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In level 65 pvp? No way. 6 players with stuns, dcds, escapes, vs 1 player - I don't care if your the best of the best, at that point the math is against you, 6 rotations vs 1 rotation you will not survive at all.


Now if your talking lowbie pvp and you happen to find a bunch of lvl 12's pvping and 4 of the 6 are using basic attacks and have no dcd's or stims, maybe, big maybe. Still don't see it though.


Believe what you will, its possible though its very rare and it requires an in-depth knowledge of the inner mechanics of what ever classes your going against. It also helped that the healer who was with them was kinda of inept, and most of the others were glass cannons.

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ha! no. that would be 7v1 and 7v1. if you're the worst player or the weakest AC, you'd just have to deal with 6 or 7 players tunneling you instead of 2-3. the matchmaking problem prevails. you still need supporting roles in proper ratios. otherwise, when ppl say they were globaled, it wouldn't be hyperbole. they really would die in one gcd.


True enough, definitely fair points to make.


Still, no different to how it is now tbh, at least it would be amusing watching certain classes squirm more (bet a sorc couldn't bubble in time :D)

Edited by Transcendent
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