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New Pack Opening Experience


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The lack of development would be the first clue...the second would be Bioware saying they can only work on one thing at a time during the London event.


That, and the two YEARS since we've had an announcement of an operation...


Two years is enough time to make a WHOLE GAME, much less one part of one...

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The people working on this would be the UI team :) They wouldn't have anything to do with gameplay :)


That's if they have a UI team any more. Considering how the top bar got recently rearranged and one bar was placed on top of another....

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I think the Item Stash feature is great. Thank you for that!


I could do without the new pack opening experience, though. The animation looks nice, but when I'm opening a pack I just want the pack to open, not have a mini-movie play for every pack.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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The people working on this would be the UI team :) They wouldn't have anything to do with gameplay :)
Money is the resource that matters. They fund the 'UI team', or they fund other content. Clearly, they are putting their money into Cartel Market related endeavors. I can't believe people are still debating that at this point. It's plain as day. Edited by idnewton
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The new pack opening is extremely good in many ways but the best of it , is the storage that you keep everything you open and find it in every detail , you can pick up anything you want out of the storage when you want to ! thats so good for my cargo hold :)
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I have to say, perhaps I am in the minority, but I don't like the new experience. It seems like quite a bit of fuss over something as simple as opening the pack, putting the items in my inventory.


The storage area is brilliant, but aside from that I would have preferred something simpler.


Since it is likely some (or perhaps most) folks like the new feature, is there a possibility that there could be some way in the future to turn off all of the flash....just open the pack, have it dump into the storage area, then retrieve the items.


If that could be added as an option in the future that would be great IMO.

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I have to say, perhaps I am in the minority, but I don't like the new experience. It seems like quite a bit of fuss over something as simple as opening the pack, putting the items in my inventory.


The storage area is brilliant, but aside from that I would have preferred something simpler.


Since it is likely some (or perhaps most) folks like the new feature, is there a possibility that there could be some way in the future to turn off all of the flash....just open the pack, have it dump into the storage area, then retrieve the items.


If that could be added as an option in the future that would be great IMO.


You're not alone. I think it was a waste of development time. It's not cool or fun and the only good thing is the shared storage.

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I'v got some DvL packs and opened them, took the items but there was no bound timer and i can't sell them on the gtn because they are bound to my character, also i have never put them on my character.

What can be done to fix this?

Edited by Bloodrips
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I'v got some DvL packs and opened them, took the items but there was no bound timer and i can't sell them on the gtn because they are bound to my character, also i have never put them on my character.

What can be done to fix this?


these packs (obtained through completing stuff in the DvL event) aren't supposed to be sold AKA Bind on Pickup ... so there is nothing to be fixed - it's a feature :p


(only thing that still needs fixing is the bug with the armor sets in these bound packs which don't seem to unlock in the collections)


And OT:

Pack Opening Experience is kinda nice... but I still miss an "open & reveal them ALL at once" button ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah I love the new pack opening experience, especially the way it can be held in a stash in the pack window and not decimating any free inventory space we may have left....


yeah that is a big improvement, if you have parts of an armor you like but it is not right for that char, you can open your sash on another char and withdraw it.

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Has anyone had a problem with an item Crystal , lightsaber or a mount I did claim claim 6 items today from my stash some of which had a countdown timer most of the crystals I claimed are not unlocked in my collection because I've never had them before

and ARE bound as soon as i claimed them without a countdown timer and not being able to unlock it in collections 4 account

I put in a ticket and if anyone in the forums can direct me to a part of the forums that already address this problem that would be great :eek::(

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Has anyone had a problem with an item Crystal , lightsaber or a mount I did claim claim 6 items today from my stash some of which had a countdown timer most of the crystals I claimed are not unlocked in my collection because I've never had them before

and ARE bound as soon as i claimed them without a countdown timer and not being able to unlock it in collections 4 account

I put in a ticket and if anyone in the forums can direct me to a part of the forums that already address this problem that would be great :eek::(

You probably got them from DvL pack, they are BoP

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