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]KOTFE storyline not worth it - How could we change this in the future?


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First off, let me say that this post will be filled with spoilers, for obvious reasons:

Having played through Chapter 15 so far and a few days away from the Final Release, I feel I can provide my opinion to the overall story of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.


The beginning starts out semi-promising, with your Character conferencing with Darth Marr as you search together for the Emperor following the events on Ziost. The capture and interrogation with Valkorion was okay, but I feel that your decision on whether or not to join him should have had a larger impact on the story - maybe resulting in you becoming the just like Valkorion, your sworn enemy.


This was a cool story tool that we got to see for a second in the JK story on the Emperor's battle station. Seeing how your companions react to your ultimate betrayal would have given those characters more depth. Even after the first few chapters, the story already begins to take a dull turn. "Recruiting allies" in the Lady of Shadows and the Scions was EXTREMELY boring. The story could have been much more streamlined. I don't think it was necessary to lose all your companions for the first nine chapters.


In my opinion, they should have been there with Lana depending on if you had a good standing with them with Influence - this would have been an interesting and unexpected mechanic they could have added. Senya and Koth, despite their backstories and conflicts, are extremely flat characters that fall on their stupid faces right as we enter Asylum. It's hard to feel a connection with them after you're just pushed into each other by BW.


Each chapter in the storyline should have built not only the overarching story, but also your relationship to all of your followers. Instead, all we got were some corridor filled mobs immune to stealth and knockbacks without any reason for strategy. The gameplay actually drags down the main storyline numerous times. Right when you feel there's a hint of action, more Skytroopers spawn in.


The main plot is an interesting idea, with a new faction we didn't even know existed. However, one of KOTFE's biggest mistakes was the Alliance. I know, I know. "Isn't that the whole point of the later chapters?" However, all the Alliance does is make you feel important until you realize that there are a bunch of Outlanders running around with the exact same story as you, some of them being the enemy.


In its effort to make your character a key player by surrounding them with powerful allies, I feel like some lowly Jedi who just answers questions but doesn't make any important decisions. Conversations have very little impact on the story and do nothing to enhance your own character's well.....character.


I don't feel like my character has learned much of anything throughout their experiences. In the original class storylines, every class story was filled with intrigue, deception, character growth, and satisfying combat. Now, we have to wait for more chapters to get a chance at any ONE of these - except for combat of course :confused:.


Bioware needs to go back to their original formula with the specific class stories, where it matters what class you are, instead of only knowing when you are being referred to when somebody says "Master Jedi", "my Lord", "Captain", or "Major".


Let me know how YOU want the story to change from KOTFE into KOTET, the upcoming expansion.


P.S. Thanks for listening to me rage a little at what could have been :rolleyes:


Edit: Thanks for the feedback guys. Fixed the paragraphs. Looking back, I wouldn't have even wanted to read that :p

Edited by tythorundilian
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Please, for the love of the force, start using paragraphs.


Seriously though very few will in fact read your OP with that wall-o-text. They will see it, say **** and click away

Edited by psandak
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Seriously though very few will in fact read your OP with that wall-o-text. They will see it, say **** and click away


Heh, yep.


I disagree with the title. I actually loved KOTFE. Now, rise of the hutt cartel...nada. nope. didn't like it and I desperately try to skip it whenever possible. I love Lana, Theron, and well I love Lana and Theron...haha. Senya and Koth have this lukewarm feeling only because my characters do not quite agree with them. Surprisingly Senya and my Jedi get along great. But Senya and my agent...well my agent doesn't like the fact Senya tricked her and that will likely not be forgotten any time soon.


I find the story line compelling. My only complaint is sometimes the quests are too involved/loaded with bad guys like Firebrand recruitment. I'm over it by the time we're finished. Fighting the way in, a-ok, but I like to jet out after the big battle. I started to get sloppy with my JK and somehow started pulling like waves upon waves which would clear a large area and I'd run super fast, bypassing the next wave but hitting the one after causing both groups to attack. That made it a bit tedious and difficult at the start of the battle, but I managed not to die. However, I can honestly say I enjoy the story so far and love it more than previous stories.

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My complain are :

1-why did they change Vitiate to Valk ? and so far no explanation?


2-1 chapter per month - 20min = really? it kill the Mood . I could play it now and a month from now , I forgotten about it. And the 20min ? seriously? even episodic games do it better and it doesn't last 20 min .


3-cramming main Story with ''Filler'' of ''reunion with your companions'' just show main story isn't juicy at all .


4-All force sensitive story oriented ? yeah bad idea . I have at least 2 of each goddamn class .


5- Not much replayability . And the choices you get are kinda crappy .


6- Too much copy cat from Mass effect . Wish the dev of This game stop copying and recycling from previous Games . Because it isn't right ,and that feel like they are leeching the Good out of previous games . Stwor should make its own mark , not recycle stuff that were great to start shining .


what could make it great ? At this point it's kinda late .


But for starter , it should never have come out as Episodic and a crappy Episodic at that .

It should never have been centered on force sensitive only .

And it shouldve lasted longer then 20min on wich most of it is you fighting them troopers that never end .

More flirt and dialogues with comapnions & chosen romance would make at least worth replaying again .

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2-1 chapter per month - 20min = really? it kill the Mood . I could play it now and a month from now , I forgotten about it. And the 20min ? seriously? even episodic games do it better and it doesn't last 20 min .


You can't really complain about it's length if you're purposly speed running it.

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The only issue I had with KotFE was that I had to wait a month in between chapters. Since, I'm running different characters through it is hard to remember what every character did. Plus, the companion "updates" don't really update with anything.


I don't expect this to chance since BW/EA are claiming it was a success. I'll just either go preferred until all chapters are out or only play them on trash characters to stay updated.

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  • 2 months later...

Just to get my point across. I love SWTOR. It was my first actual MMO - I never really got into WOW - so I didn't get the whole WOW In Space feeling that some others had.


I couldn't help but feel like a kid watching Star Wars for the first time, each time I opened the game.


Sure, some class stories do it better than others *cough* consular storyline - funny cause it was my first one :rolleyes:


But for the most part, the story is absolutely fabulous, the voice-acting is superb (love Darin De Paul as Valkorion), and the combat....works.


I absolutely loved the original class stories. Companions were fun to get to know. There was no Cartel Market to feel like I was playing an EA game :p


Unlike some, I thought that SoR was a cool storyline, although I do agree that some more variety would have been appreciated.


While I love group content, I was excited for the story-driven content announced for KOTFE. The whole "choose your destiny" angle really gets to me, what can I say. I just wish that we had some class-specific storytelling instead of slapping down a jedi knight story that I have to play through again and again with my other 10 or so toons.


These are only my opinions though, and don't get me wrong, I'll definitely be subscribing for KOTET's release to see what they have in store :)

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I liked KotFE. Playing mostly as a light sided Imp, I tended to mesh well with almost every character at some point or another. My first playthrough I really enjoyed Koth and Senya, and the aspect of Zakuulians not being entirely evil, which is entirely the point of their characters. Koth represents the civilians of Zakuul, and his goal is to get rid of Arcann without hurting his own people (the same thing you're doing), while Senya represents the government of Zakuul, striving to stop the corruptness of Arcann and Vaylin, focusing less on the individual people and more on the bigger picture.


I thought it was an interesting parallel to Lana and Theron (Lana doing whatever it takes to complete her goal, while Theron is more of an empathizer).


As for the rest of the expansion, I don't necessarily think it was the best Bioware could have done, but there's not much else they could have done. While Good vs.Evil is fun, it can't last forever, and if KotFE hadn't happened, the Republic would have won within months. They could have done a better job fleshing out Zakuul, but overall, I think they did a good job.

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Playing KotFE on a non force user made the story awful, and I fully expect more of the same in KotET.


Unfortunately I "main" a non force user.


Best thing KotET could do is somehow retcon KotFE into being some sort of dream my BH had and let me ONLY play the chapters that make sense for a non force user from here on out.


One size story most definitely does NOT fit all!

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Actually, just thought of something...how bout a "Legacy" story.


If they insist on one story, let me do the force mumbo jumbo ones on a force user and the others on a non force user as I chose, but let it progress the story for ALL characters in my Legacy that completed at least one of the chapters. I think that would be a much better approach.

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