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how old is lana beniko in kotfe?


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Nope, math doesn't support her being fifty.


Assuming she's 18-25 on Hoth, then 10 + 6 + 5 = 18-25 + 21.


So she's between the age of 39 and 46.


Edit: I'm not nitpicking, it's just that 4 years is larger than you'd think when dating someone.


In my original post I said "almost fifty"... I don't know why everyone just saw fifty and ran with it. She's mid to late 40's.


Also, a four year difference stops mattering when as soon as you're out of university.

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Nope, math doesn't support her being fifty.


Assuming she's 18-25 on Hoth, then 10 + 6 + 5 = 18-25 + 21.


So she's between the age of 39 and 46.


Edit: I'm not nitpicking, it's just that 4 years is larger than you'd think when dating someone.


4 yrs is nothing when dating someone once past the age of 23.


I always thought she is probably in her thirties. Maybe late 20's early 30's in Revan, mid 30's to late 30's in KOTFE.

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what hapened betwen lana and you becouse you dont like her very much :p


Lets see what has happened since meeting the lovely Lana.


Her Master sacked Korriban/Tython with her blind loyalty.

She betrayed my boy Theron Shan.

She was caught sleeping on the job with Ziost.

She missed intelligence on the Eternal Empire getting Marr killed and me captured.

She brought us Koth

She brought us Senya and her Zions who brought Arcaan down on us.

She brought us SCORPIO


Lets just say I'm a little tired of cleaning up her mess.

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Lets see what has happened since meeting the lovely Lana.


Her Master sacked Korriban/Tython with her blind loyalty.

She betrayed my boy Theron Shan.

She was caught sleeping on the job with Ziost.

She missed intelligence on the Eternal Empire getting Marr killed and me captured.

She brought us Koth

She brought us Senya and her Zions who brought Arcaan down on us.

She brought us SCORPIO


Lets just say I'm a little tired of cleaning up her mess.


All are forgiven since she freed us from our carbonite prison. In the end we could not experience her failures and our success in dealing with them for half the things if she did not free us we would experience nothing.

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Lets see what has happened since meeting the lovely Lana.


Her Master sacked Korriban/Tython with her blind loyalty.

She betrayed my boy Theron Shan.

She was caught sleeping on the job with Ziost.

She missed intelligence on the Eternal Empire getting Marr killed and me captured.

She brought us Koth

She brought us Senya and her Zions who brought Arcaan down on us.

She brought us SCORPIO


Lets just say I'm a little tired of cleaning up her mess.


After Ziost my Agent told her that she should give Darth Marr her resignation. I expected him to mention it in Chapter 1 since she agreed that I was right and promised to do so... but either she lied/broke her promise, or he refused to accept her resignation. Not sure which, anyone have an opinion as to what happened???

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It matters not at all. She is the master manipulating all the puppets. Her final betrayal will sting the most as her real intentions are made clear. No matter what, do not trust Lana Beniko.


Doubtful. BW won't make a romance betray you when the end decision could be killing her. Too many people will cry about their pixels being naughty.


Lana has only been naughty once and that was

when she got Theron captured on Rishi.



She is a very pragmatic person and her being a Sith doesn't really matter anymore. I trust her, more so than any of the Zakuulans.

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It matters not at all. She is the master manipulating all the puppets. Her final betrayal will sting the most as her real intentions are made clear. No matter what, do not trust Lana Beniko.


Well, I had to let Quinn live for years before killing him in Season 2.


I can probably find it in my Hate Fueled Furnace to spare her.


But there will be much punishment.


Whips. Chains...

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Doubtful. BW won't make a romance betray you when the end decision could be killing her. Too many people will cry about their pixels being naughty.



Can possibly kill Kaliyo.

Can possibly kill Aric Jorgan.

Will most likely be able to kill Koth.

People have raging "murderections" for Quinn who may or may not be killable when he makes his eventual return. ("Murderection" is the word my friend used when asking if Quinn made his reappearance. It made me laugh.)


In other words there's a couple romanceable companions who can/have betrayed our characters (either during KotFE or during Vanilla or both) and they are now killable. I can totally see Lana falling into that catagory.


For what it's worth, I like her. She's one of the least "choke-y" Sith, so that goes over well with my LS characters.


As for her age, I could have sworn I read somewhere that she was doing her trials on Korriban when the sacking of Coruscant happened.

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Can possibly kill Kaliyo.

Can possibly kill Aric Jorgan.

Will most likely be able to kill Koth.

People have raging "murderections" for Quinn who may or may not be killable when he makes his eventual return. ("Murderection" is the word my friend used when asking if Quinn made his reappearance. It made me laugh.)


In other words there's a couple romanceable companions who can/have betrayed our characters (either during KotFE or during Vanilla or both) and they are now killable. I can totally see Lana falling into that catagory.


For what it's worth, I like her. She's one of the least "choke-y" Sith, so that goes over well with my LS characters.


As for her age, I could have sworn I read somewhere that she was doing her trials on Korriban when the sacking of Coruscant happened.


Except Kaliyo and Aric did not betray you. They disobeyed your orders and if you think that warrants death then so be it. I'm sure the majority of people who romanced them did not kill them if they didn't follow their orders.


Quinn is the only romance that has betrayed the player character and I doubt there will be a kill him option. I don't think BW is so lazy to make Quinn betray a SW AGAIN and I doubt BW would make Quinn betray a non SW outlander.


So I still believe that BW won't have romances betray the Outlander. Disagree and disregard orders? Sure, but that is not betrayal. If you think that's betrayal...I'd hate to be your companion :rak_03:

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Quinn is the only romance that has betrayed the player character and I doubt there will be a kill him option. I don't think BW is so lazy to make Quinn betray a SW AGAIN and I doubt BW would make Quinn betray a non SW outlander.




Kaliyo betrays the Agent as well, and she's a romance option. And, yes, I happen to think trying to sell me for my eyeballs and fingers is betrayal.



Obviously I know that disobeying an order isn't betrayal. Which kind of makes that option worse. They (Aric and Kaliyo) disobeyed my "Outlander" and there's the option to kill them. Just for disobeying an order.


FWIW, I don't think Lana is a traitor. Oh, and also, I haven't killed EITHER Aric or Kaliyo. My Agent banished Kaliyo. With good reason. (KotFE is making my Agent reluctantly Light Sided seeing as there's no real neutral ground there, unlike Vanilla.)

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