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Light Side Vs Dark Side PVP


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Well, thing is, It would be interesting to see who actually is great at PVP if they had this Light vs Dark event linked with or separate with PVP.


If it's a "VS" then PVP should be impacting the event as well, or in its own event.


and when one of the sides win at the end of the day, that side gets double bonuses or half extra bonuses towards their rewards. This will encourage sides to work together and win the battle for that day regularly or you can do it as end of the week thing, and so on and so forth.


Just don't understand how PVP isn't included in this Light vs Dark event. Or is it?

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Started a Gunslinger for LvD. Got it to level 20, and entered que.


6 matches later....


4 wins.


Man, that pub side is so bad. We only won 67 percent of our matches. Dag nabbit! Unacceptable!


Well, considering this is more than likely a person experience, it would be good to see who actually does win and instead of claims. Right?


The LvD event is a versus, so PVP should be impacting the balance, or it should be at least included. Would be nice to have a faction fight. Instead of claims.

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Started a Gunslinger for LvD. Got it to level 20, and entered que.


6 matches later....


4 wins.


Man, that pub side is so bad. We only won 67 percent of our matches. Dag nabbit! Unacceptable!


You played six matches and expect us to accept that the result of your six matches is proof of the overall status of PvP. You really are serious?

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The LvD event is a versus, so PVP should be impacting the balance, or it should be at least included. Would be nice to have a faction fight. Instead of claims.


It is included on 2 tiers. One is to achieve Valor 5 one one is to compete in 15 Warzones. Yeah, it's not ALL about PvP, but PvP is required, at least minimally, if people want yet another bland companion.

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It depends on the server.


On The Progenitor we had a couple of hardcore PvP guilds on imp side in 2012 who enjoyed PvPing with premades on a PvE-RP-server and facerolled Reps by the minute. Mind you, this was before brackets, bolster and whatnot, so a faceroll was a devastating faceroll (camping at spawn place, having all 3 turrets from beginning to end on Alderaan and so on). By Autumn 2012, they had killed PvP on the server, because almost all Rep players stopped PvPing as it was totally pointless. The server never recovered from it. Needless to say those Imps are all long gone. I originally enjoyed PvP and am not that bad in it. But those guys killed all the fun for me and countless others.


Rep side doesn't take PvP serious anymore. Therefore you will win most games if you play on Imp side. We don't care. ;)

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Youve got a fair point on that one. Seems like PUBS rarely do PVP and more PVE and Roleplaying lol Makes sense though. IMPS are more aggressive.


Nope not correct either.


The server I'm on, EH, has Imps doing more of everything. PvP, PvE, ERP, RP, cringe bar RP, etc.


The Pubs have better PvP players though, Imps just have enough mediocre people to make up for the premade on the other team.


Pubs dominated ranked this season, not sure how it is now after server transfers.

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It would indeed be interesting to have teams chosen by alignment instead of faction, and maybe the result contributing to the overall tally.


But what happens in the current warzones has little to do with what makes LS or DS, they'd have to create a scenario for it, like maybe a modified voidstar where you fight for a LS or DS goal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It would indeed be interesting to have teams chosen by alignment instead of faction, and maybe the result contributing to the overall tally.


But what happens in the current warzones has little to do with what makes LS or DS, they'd have to create a scenario for it, like maybe a modified voidstar where you fight for a LS or DS goal.




I think this would be fun an interesting. To give out double rewards to the winning side by the end of the business day etc etc. Keeps people active etc.


I think overally it helps boost interest in PVP and in all aspects. You PVP to win the next day for the double rewards, go PVE and reap the benefits etc etc. Not exactly like that, but similar or different variations.


But if its a "VS" event, then it should be impact majority by the PVP content.

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It's a good thing that this event isn't based or impacted by the PVP content. The PUB side would surely get smacked around. PUBs are horrible at PVP.


I just read this a few minutes ago :


So a few weeks ago I'm in a wz on the Republic side and right away the Imperial side pulls ahead. Without any hesitation some guy starts spouting in ops chat about how bad the Republic is and this is why he never cues on the Republic side and all Republic players should just quit the game... I could go on but we have all seen it. So of course at the end of the match I look at his stats and they are really bad for the class he was playing and the map we were on. So I whispered him after the match and I told him that based on his numbers and what he said during the match I was sure he was trying to help the Imperials win. Then I put him on my ignore list because I wasn't interested in hearing anything he had to say. Well guess what happened: Next map the same guy does well over a million dps and we win. What a change of heart he had there.




I think this would be fun an interesting. To give out double rewards to the winning side by the end of the business day etc etc. Keeps people active etc.


I think overally it helps boost interest in PVP and in all aspects. You PVP to win the next day for the double rewards,


It would only benefit to already good players, and to people having alts.

Newbies, and I mean REAL Newbies who DO NOT know how to play PvP properly, would not at all benefit from that.

And people playing on a server on which one faction dominates, too. People of the dominating faction would get rewards so much faster ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You are making a fallacy of understanding. Rep and Imp are not light and dark.

If you want PvP to be impactful then it should be those whose alignment is light and those whose alignment is dark, if you are neutral you don't get to join in.


You would likely find the imps cut down the middle, as would the pubs.


Remember the even is light vs dark, not governance ideologies. A republic can be far more evil and sinister than an empire could ever hope to be, and far more patient of an evil as well.

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