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How do you think Knights of the Eternal Throne will go along?


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We all know that Chapter 16 of KOTFE is about to come out so I thought maybe we should suggest how KOTET will go along.


I haven't thought of anything as of yet but I would like to hear you suggestions.


To fuel the Forced Alliance you will have to search for energon and the secrets of the droids origins. As SCORPIO builds an advanced droid class of decepticons you learn of the origins of Scorpio and start building and recruiting a droid army of transformers. Valkorian will show up from time to time with a 1 hour side quest that goes absolutely no place for good measure. Vette will be amazing and in 1 scene only. Arcaan and Valyin will be off pouting some place. Revan will probably pop up in some side quest.

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A certain relation saves Arcann. Vaylin takes over the government in exile, and leads the Rebellion against SCORPIO.

---This leads her to be friends with your toon, as she has pretty much been setting up her brother for her sudden and inevitable betrayal of him, to take the empire.

The person who saves Arcann nurtures him off stage, and they have a very Morgan Le Fey/Mordred relationship whilst he relearns how not to be a dick, but still a power player.

Mid-arc, right when it looks like you, Vaylin, and the New Rebellion are about to replace SCORPIO... Arcann comes back and reclaims everything in a side-winder of a move.


Everyone retreats back to Odessen, and you have to recruit more NPCs in your Alliance to make another go at the Empire Resurgent.


Now, how does the Shroud fit in? His droids are watching every Star Fortress I see, so... *looks at a suspiciously reincarnated droid...* Dang, you were convenient. And published the heck out of... what do you remember... again?


(Eh, but I recognize I'm paranoid as all hell. The first and last bit are my personal suspicious nature surfacing in odd ways)

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One thing I certainly hope is that in KOTET they do away with the old style KOTOR theme they went with in "Fallen Empires," And get our characters talking again!! Out of my 22 toon legacy I have characters I wont take thru Fallen Empires due to this. For me anyway, it just takes away from the majic of the original feel and excitement of SWOTOR.


Don't get me wrong I enjoy playing thru "Fallen Empires," But it feels as though some of that majic and exitement was lost with this type of format that made me fall in love with the game.


Ali ;)

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One thing I certainly hope is that in KOTET they do away with the old style KOTOR theme they went with in "Fallen Empires," And get our characters talking again!! Out of my 22 toon legacy I have characters I wont take thru Fallen Empires due to this. For me anyway, it just takes away from the majic of the original feel and excitement of SWOTOR.


Don't get me wrong I enjoy playing thru "Fallen Empires," But it feels as though some of that majic and exitement was lost with this type of format that made me fall in love with the game.


Ali ;)


I don't mind it, for the reason that, it if means by saving a few bucks, BW is still able to make all quality main storylines full voiced.

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Arcann's forces invade Odessen as the alliance is packing up shop and moving to a new base, because staying would be stupid after Scorpio's coup, and the player ends up escaping with one of the siblings and Gemini. Maybe because the Emperor shows up in a new body and starts killing everyone.


Fixing Gemini so she can take on Scorpio forces the pc and Arcann/Vaylin to work together for a while but then there will be the inevitable betrayal and or death.

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A certain relation saves Arcann. Vaylin takes over the government in exile, and leads the Rebellion against SCORPIO.

---This leads her to be friends with your toon, as she has pretty much been setting up her brother for her sudden and inevitable betrayal of him, to take the empire.


You mean that maybe Vaylin might share a bunk with the Outlander... :rak_03:

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We'll probably FINALLY return to the Republic and Empire, and likely spend a few quests going into formerly enemy territory depending on your faction. It certainly would be amusing to see the former Emperor's Wrath going to Tython to negotiate an alliance with the Jedi to oust SCORPIO.


And I have a feeling that if we don't end up killing him, Arcann is going to play a big role in helping us get SCORPIO off the throne. He'll probably be defeated on two fronts when he leasts expects it- by the Alliance, and by SCORPIO, leaving him hopelessly outmatched and outnumbered. At that point we, the Outlander and presumably future Emperor/Empress will have to decide whether to keep him or kill him.


I can't see Vaylin ever being our ally. She's too crazy and chaotic to care about anything but enjoying herself. I feel like she is literally the human personification of Chaotic Evil in the SWTOR universe.

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Well, despite all the assorted alliances we've been through since SoR, I don't see them eliminating the factions. The forums outcry would be immense if that happened. So, with that said, we're looking at having SCORPIO in control of the Eternal Fleet and possibly all the Zakuul droids, and Arkann/Valyn with the Zakuul knights to deal with. Granted we're all going the presume the worst about SCORPIO at this point, so we're going into KotFE expecting a three way fight between the ruins of the Republic/Empire, SCORPIO and the mechanicals, and Arkann/Valyn with the remaining Zakuul armies. Going from this division, I'd say SCORPIO has the upper hand with the Rep/Imp remnants being on par with what Arkann has left, though Arkann's group might be a bit weaker due to Valyn making a DS Jaesa seem completely sane and rational.


We do know we're going to have more returning companions in this upcoming season, and we don't know who they'll be bringing with to the figurative party. There is the issues of dealing with the current Empress and Saresh who are tying up any major massing of the Empire and Republic, and that could be where Quinn and Dorne come in so we can have the contributions of each faction's military. There's also the criminal underworld who could get massed up to protect their profits that get brought in by Corso and Andronikos, and Jaesa and Kira bringing in who's left of the Sith/Jedi who haven't thrown in their lot with the Alliance yet. With those inclusions into the Alliance, that would be putting it on par with going head to head against SCORPIO and steamrolling over Arkann.


I don't see any permanent alliance with Arkann because he and his sister are just simply too messed up for anything beyond something temporary where they're going to backstab the Alliance as well as from what we've seen of them, they've been too focused on blaming all their problems on that icky Outlander rather than their own incompetence. There's also the repeating point of the Outlander being told that they have to take the Eternal Throne as theirs to restore the galaxy. While on the surface this means becoming Emperor, I keep wondering if it might mean something else since we've got others than Valkoryon saying this, not to mention it'd be hard to keep our characters still plugging along in quests if they're the Eternal Emperor.


As far as after Arkann and SCORPIO are dealt with, that leaves the Alliance drifting apart as each faction goes to rebuild. I don't see it as a peaceful time since both factions will take the opportunity to quibble over territory and dividing up the Zakuul spoils. I do see both factions restructuring themselves to avoid the mistakes and patterns that opened them up to how easily they weakened themselves against Zakuul.


After going over all that, I do wonder if there will be a third season just because of the sheer volume involved. Granted all of this is pure speculation off the top of my head, but it's pretty damn huge when you start mulling it over.

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