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Dulfy - SWTOR Celebration Cantina Q&A on Group Content


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Apparently, this was a private Q&A that someone sent to Dulfy.

Q: “Why do so many questions go ignored for so long, it becomes hard to try and defend the dev team and Bioware. Why cant you just say ‘there will be more group content’ or ‘there will be more ops’ “


A: “It all comes down to Shadow of Revan. We announced we would release info on a new expansion and when the date of the announcement came, we had issues and had to delay the announcement. The negative reaction was off the scale and even though we announced the next working day, the damage was done and it overshadowed the entire release of Shadow of Revan and as a result it ruined the build up to the expansion. From then on we were no longer able to announce specifics in advance. So when we are not giving info or are staying silent on certain topics. This is the reason why. We know what everyone wants, and we try to plan ahead in the best way. Sometimes this means leaving one side of the game alone to catch up in another area that we need to work on. That does not mean that the other areas are not in our plans or that they are not being worked on. There are people at work in one room right now on one thing, other people in another room right now working on another thing and other people in other rooms working on other things. What can I say about new ops? Well Remember when for like a year all people asked about was ‘more pvp, more pvp, more pvp’ and then bang we released not one, but two new pvp’s…. he left that hanging for a moment and pulled a suggestive facial expression before we moved on.


This is by no means concrete confirmation of new ops or group content. But the suggestion is there and this is probably the best bit of information.


Q: “I know you can’t confirm anything, but if I was to go around telling people that it is ridiculous to think the game will never have new group content or ops, would I be right to say that or would there be a chance I could end up being proved wrong?”


A: “We can never say never, but we know what people want, we know what everyone is asking for but things take time and we can only focus on certain areas at a time. Things are always being planned ahead and like I said there are people right now working on things in a room somewhere. Can we always do what everyone wants within a timescale that keeps everyone happy? No. But that doesn’t mean that we are not going to get around to it. If the community asks for something and then it takes us six months to do that thing, but three months into that six month period the community start asking for another thing then we can’t just stop or divert away from the current thing. That doesn’t mean that we haven’t taken it on board or that we are ignoring you guys, these things take time”.


Q: “It must be hard to deal with the negativity sometimes when you know certain things but just can’t say anything”


A: “That is the hardest part of my job, I do sometimes wish that they could all see I am on your side. I’m like your mother f***ing soldier here fighting for what you guys want and need, but sometimes what they want and what they need are not hand in hand and we have to compromise or do our best to get to things in the right order. But man we want to get it all out there for you guys as best we can and say ‘here you go’


Q: “I have to ask, sorry and I know you will be sick of hearing this but will there be new ops?”


A: “Look, don’t worry man I will answer as best I can. Look, do we know that everyone wants it? Yes, do we want to do it? Yes. Are we able to do it? Yes. So why would we not? Look it takes time and it may not be as soon as people want but yes it would be crazy not to look at more ops. Just one thing at a time you know? But we look at the best way forward and how and when to change direction or add this or add that and we hear you, we really do and I can’t promise anything but if we don’t say we are doing something then it doesn’t mean we are not doing something”


Q: “When it comes to adding new classes, the stance has always been that it would be too hard to integrate new classes into the original class stories. So why can’t we simply have new classes that start from 60 + or whatever the cap would be at the time of release. Just like a level 60 token character starting from Kotfe is it now possible to add a new class that could start fresh from a future expansion?”


A: “New classes is something we have discussed for a long time. It’s something I think we all would like to do. But yes, adding them to the original story is something that would probably stop that from going forward. We have looked at lots of ways to do it and talked a lot about how we could add new classes. Adding them to later expansions like you suggest could work but then we would still have to deal with class balance and a lot of people may simply complain about new classes and not want them in the game due to balancing.”


Q: “Will future expansions all be episodic and released in monthly intervals?”


A: “Well we don’t know, I mean, we know it hasn’t gone down in the best of ways and not everyone likes it. Some people do like the format but were always looking at ways to improve and if we have to go back to one thing or try a new thing then that’s something we always look at.”


Let the hate flow through you.

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Hey, it makes sense. If they couldn't keep up with their schedule and failed to announce it on time, it's obviously the playerbase's fault for receiving it poorly... We deserve no announcements.

I don't think they're blaming the player base for their shortcomings. They're blaming the player base for not being able to take set backs (by a day) like a mature adult. **** happens.

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I can appreciate the humanity of it (assuming it's actually real) but I'm kinda scratching my head over the SoR thing. I find it hard to believe that one incident of miscommunication and rage now defines their entire policy on communication. In fact, what recently happened with the release of Chapter 16 directly contradicts that. It was delayed and most people in the thread (to my perception) took it in stride. Same thing with Guss Tuno. Some took it poorly, but most seemed to take it in stride. By the logic of that thing about SoR, they should never name dates for anything until it's patched into the game because there could always be delays or problems.


That alone makes me wonder if this is just someone screwing with people, playing off of tropes to drum up drama.


I mean, a private Q&A "sent by a reader" and "some of the answers were paraphrased"? Was the source even verified?

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I can appreciate the humanity of it (assuming it's actually real) but I'm kinda scratching my head over the SoR thing. I find it hard to believe that one incident of miscommunication and rage now defines their entire policy on communication.


Well, this is the internet. hell hath no fury and all that :D


In fact, what recently happened with the release of Chapter 16 directly contradicts that. It was delayed and most people in the thread (to my perception) took it in stride. Same thing with Guss Tuno. Some took it poorly, but most seemed to take it in stride.

Meh, I saw some posts in the beggining taking it well. But then most posts varied from ''Oh look, EAware fails again. WHo saw that comming?", "You're making a joke out of it? Wha thte hell!?" "Seriously!? I have to wait longer to finish your ****** story!".



That alone makes me wonder if this is just someone screwing with people, playing off of tropes to drum up drama.


I mean, a private Q&A "sent by a reader" and "some of the answers were paraphrased"? Was the source even verified?


Dulfy (You can click on the link to see the page) doesn't say whether this is anything that could be considered official, but he/she seems to trust it enough to post. Though, still take it with a grain of salt until a Developer comes in (to tell us that they'd never use such language!).

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Well, this is the internet. hell hath no fury and all that :D

True. It just doesn't fit with what I've observed over the years, especially from other companies who have EA as a parent. The "barely any communication" policy is far too widespread for it to make sense as coming from one incident in one game. It would make a lot more sense if it was corporate policy, passed down from the big mamma jamma. Not saying it's impossible, of course. Just it doesn't fit.


Meh, I saw some posts in the beggining taking it well. But then most posts varied from ''Oh look, EAware fails again. WHo saw that comming?", "You're making a joke out of it? Wha thte hell!?" "Seriously!? I have to wait longer to finish your ****** story!".

Fair enough. Still, one could argue that by the SoR logic (and the instances in question too) they should never announce anything until it's patched into the game.


Dulfy (You can click on the link to see the page) doesn't say whether this is anything that could be considered official, but he/she seems to trust it enough to post. Though, still take it with a grain of salt until a Developer comes in (to tell us that they'd never use such language!).

Yeah. I don't know enough about Dulfy to know whether he/she is the type of journalist who would verify carefully before posting something. I know there are many in journalism who would not. No idea if he/she is one of them (or is it a group of people? I dunno).

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I don't think they're blaming the player base for their shortcomings. They're blaming the player base for not being able to take set backs (by a day) like a mature adult. **** happens.


I'll believe thats entirely true when BW actually says what is being worked on.


We don't need a release date but after all this time how hard is it to say, "We are working on new FP's and when we get then ready we'll announce them but I can guarantee you there are actively being worked on."


Similar for OPS. Instead of the mysterious what goes on in the next room garbage, why not say yes or no they are in that other room currently working on OPS. We don't need to have a release date but we do need to know if it's actually being worked on and not in some sense like you wrote something down and called it a day but actually working on them.


So much of the game falls into that. It doesn't matter whats going on in all those other "rooms" if little to nothing is actually being accomplished and that sadly is currently where we are when it comes to group content. It took them 2 years to come out with 2 new PVP maps and were suppose to be all excited about that. Sorry but thats not how it should really work when it comes to player retention and new game content.

Edited by Quraswren
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True. It just doesn't fit with what I've observed over the years, especially from other companies who have EA as a parent. The "barely any communication" policy is far too widespread for it to make sense as coming from one incident in one game. It would make a lot more sense if it was corporate policy, passed down from the big mamma jamma. Not saying it's impossible, of course. Just it doesn't fit.

/tinfoil-hat Maybe because all companies under EA are just the same robots in the end who make the same mistakes..


Fair enough. Still, one could argue that by the SoR logic (and the instances in question too) they should never announce anything until it's patched into the game.

I'm pretty sure if they could, they would.


Yeah. I don't know enough about Dulfy to know whether he/she is the type of journalist who would verify carefully before posting something. I know there are many in journalism who would not. No idea if he/she is one of them (or is it a group of people? I dunno).

I'm pretty sure that Dulfy is basically one of the most trusted sites when it comes to SWTOR news.

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Until the question "will there be new ops?" is answered with a `yes`, I don't believe there's any reason to think there will be.


And even if they say there will be there will be plenty of people that don't believe it and point to the statement about me ops post dread ops.


Staying subbed right now in the hopes some day there will be a new operation is no different from staying on the old pvp servers in the hopes of a server merger.

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I just adore how often the words "we know what people want" come up.

There is so much wisdom and truth in the saying: repeat a lie often enough and it will become truth...


For people who are new to this game this Q&A means little to nothing. And yes, it is me just taking a wild guess but what I know for sure and can state as a fact: veterans and/or old players are fed up with this kind of crap.

It adds nothing of value and represents not even a shimmer of feedback.


I am glad to finish the last chapter and move on. I have always considered Swtor to be a revolving door, a game I come back to every now and then, but even I have noticed how little content is released with the monthly chapters, the story titanic Bioware is trying to keep this game afloat.


The comment about PvP was and is just weak if you look at the past and present. If you are going to be proud of something desperately needed a year ago..the way it was implemented, not to forget ranked reminding me of a backdoor entrance this season...oh well, nuff said.

I am just gonna finish this odd looking rant with the mention of class balance. If there is still some sanity left in BIoware they will never add a new class to the game, just going by their record in that particular department.

They had and still have a hard time trying to balance the current classes/specs, the added mobility has made certain warzones quite a mess.


Keep looking at the cash the cartel market rakes in, that should be enough to justify the state of the game as it is currently pervaiding the MMO genre it supposedly still belongs to, without any new group content being released or even announced for months on end.


And thanks for all the fish...

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We don't need a release date but after all this time how hard is it to say, "We are working on new FP's and when we get then ready we'll announce them but I can guarantee you there are actively being worked on."


I can almost guarantee you that the questions would shift from "Is something in the works?" to "When will it release?" whenever there is an event or Q&A session, and that the general tone of the conversation wouldn't change that much. Announcing that it is in the works would certainly set some kind of expectation with the playerbase, and it would immediately start off a mental timer as to how long from announcement to the actual release is acceptable. Overstep that mental timer (which slightly varies from gamer to gamer) and you get the flaming all over again.


"There is nothing to announce right now" doesn't set any expectations, does it? Objectively? It means there is nothing substantial to talk about right now, and that we shouldn't expect anything in the immediate future. Like that or not, but it doesn't set any expectations - at least objectively.


We don't need to have a release date but we do need to know if it's actually being worked on and not in some sense like you wrote something down and called it a day but actually working on them.


How do you need to know? Would knowing that there is a FP six months down the line make you more likely to repeat the content you've been repeating for four and a half years, just so you could play the FP in six months time? Would you keep a subscription of a total 65$ running for the vague promise that there is an FP in the works?


I'll just take it as it moves along. If there is no substantial announcement of Knights of the Eternal Throne, and the release date is still more than two months off from the cantina event in mid-August, I will just cancel my subscription. Period. Then I will return whenever the expansion offers enough content to do so.There's no real need to know - you can take it as it moves along.


Keep looking at the cash the cartel market rakes in, that should be enough to justify the state of the game as it is currently pervaiding the MMO genre it supposedly still belongs to, without any new group content being released or even announced for months on end.


You mean like all those other MMORPGs who barely release operations on a real schedule? LOTRO got one raid after almost two years, TESO with their story driven DLC with optional content but a story focus, and even WoW with their one raid tier without substance every year?


Yes, I'm sure SWTOR is the only exception in a truly appreciated and evolving genre. If Bioware can get a half decent co-op mode into KotET so that I can play whatever new content comes with two friends, and I get some reputations/long-term goal to work on, I can say I'm content. I'll stick to FFXIV for the big raiding and PvE stuff.

Edited by Alssaran
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Had an additional thought. This is mainly directed at the devs (with the assumption that the Q&A is real, though some of it is relevant anyway as a general point): I have never been against the developers. I know that's not the case for everyone, but I get it. I don't blame the devs when things go wrong. If I think something is poorly designed, I'm going to say it, but I don't think the devs are cackling madly behind the scenes, while trying to upset players.


However, this is not an indie company and there are a lot of big name titles these days that are put out by big-name publishers giving funding to smaller developers. You need to understand that as customers, most of us (I should say, who are US-based, though the rest of the world is becoming corporatized in its own ways as well) have a fair bit of experience dealing with corporations who worship the dollar and are disconnected from their customers the way a war-room general in the white house is disconnected from his armies in another country. So it's common for decisions to get made that feel like they're screwing over the customer for money, whether intentional or otherwise.


You devs take a lot of unnecessary criticism for this because you're the first line of communication, but it's not your fault most of the time and I understand that. I just want you to understand that we as customers have our own **** to deal with and our own lives to look out for and when we stick up for integrity in business and ask for better, we're as much fighting like soldiers for you and your art as we are for ourselves.


Developers and players needn't and shouldn't be at odds with each other. The defensiveness and attacking on either side doesn't help anything. We all just want to play and/or make a good game. Just try to remember that when we criticize, it's not always because we're mad or petty or having unreasonable expectations. Sometimes it's because we're truly going out of our way to try to help. And remember that we don't see a single dime for it. There is no paycheck in the mail for giving good feedback, no pat on the back, not even a head nod. Just endless words into a void.

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The answers, if you want to call them that, actually bothered me. I will explain.


First note this is also in the context of the last earnings call where SWTOR was not mentioned even once, not a good sign in terms of financial success.


1. It seems that in the longest answer it is said "we can only do one thing at a time." Every successful MMORPG I have ever played does both at the same time. Various players may complain that there isn't enough of the stuff they like, but rarely if ever do they say there is NO new content that they enjoy. The fact SWTOR seems limited to developing only one type of content at a time is a clear sign of a gutted development team.


2. The inability to even say "yes we will be bringing more group content, we simply can't give an eta at this time due to on going development." Says to me they aren't sure if they can do it, even if they want to. The combat team that worked the FPs and OPs have been moved to other projects or laid off. This means EA either has to approve new hiring and/or transfer what people they moved to things like ME:A back. BW probably has no clue if EA will do that.


So really we got this for "answers".


"Of course we want to have new group content. Heck if I didn't say that we would probably lose subscribers. However we are on a skeletal budget at this point and so I can't say if we will ever actually be able to do it."

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The answers, if you want to call them that, actually bothered me. I will explain.


First note this is also in the context of the last earnings call where SWTOR was not mentioned even once, not a good sign in terms of financial success.


1. It seems that in the longest answer it is said "we can only do one thing at a time." Every successful MMORPG I have ever played does both at the same time. Various players may complain that there isn't enough of the stuff they like, but rarely if ever do they say there is NO new content that they enjoy. The fact SWTOR seems limited to developing only one type of content at a time is a clear sign of a gutted development team.


2. The inability to even say "yes we will be bringing more group content, we simply can't give an eta at this time due to on going development." Says to me they aren't sure if they can do it, even if they want to. The combat team that worked the FPs and OPs have been moved to other projects or laid off. This means EA either has to approve new hiring and/or transfer what people they moved to things like ME:A back. BW probably has no clue if EA will do that.


So really we got this for "answers".


"Of course we want to have new group content. Heck if I didn't say that we would probably lose subscribers. However we are on a skeletal budget at this point and so I can't say if we will ever actually be able to do it."



they James ohlen did say in the article that was release a few day ago that with kotet there will be group content


also they were mention in q4 just in there full report there revnue was increasing. they are able to do it.

Edited by commanderwar
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they James ohlen did say in the article that was release a few day ago that with kotet there will be group content


also they were mention in q4 just in there full report there revnue was increasing. they are able to do it.


And they've already stated on streams that group content is in the works, just that they're not saying what type of group content it is. And with the wording used to describe this content, I doubt it's an op.

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They have to see that the way the are communicating is not working. The fact that they can't make a clear statement about the future of the game leaves us to assume they have no plan for what comes next. Based on how bad the past year has been for the game, what future does this game have?
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they James ohlen did say in the article that was release a few day ago that with kotet there will be group content


also they were mention in q4 just in there full report there revnue was increasing. they are able to do it.


The mentioned revenue of Star Wars IP in general was increasing. They now have Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. With two new titles if they weren't seeing growth it would be a complete disaster. These two games were mentioned by name, Star Wars the Old Republic is not specifically named at all in their Q4 remarks, not once, I suggest you reread the prepared comments.


The way the businesses work is not "an IP is gaining revenue, give all the products tied to it more money", instead they look at the titles individually in order to determine budgets and SWTOR didn't even get a "we are also still producing SWTOR and we have high hopes for its performance with the final chapters of KotFE being released." On the game we play, nothing was said.


Also as for your quote Co-Opt and multiplayer play can mean anything. I still see constant complaints about queues due to the bolstering feature etc. and those terms can be applied to ANYTHING. Tactical FPs, PvP, making a new mode for OPs. Such a comment is similar to a politician saying "I am going to do things to help the economy." Well how? Jobs programs? Changes to tax rates or the tax code in general? Infrastructure spending? Investment in R&D? Loans for start ups in green energy?

Edited by Ghisallo
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The mentioned revenue of Star Wars in general was increasing. They now have Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. These two games were mentioned by name, Star Wars the Old Republic is not named at all in their Q4 remarks, not once, I suggest you reread the prepared comments and use a search feature.



what I meant was the EA Q4 transcript share holder is when they were mention


lucky I found where they were mention for you. :)


Extra content obviously was dominated by Ultimate Team, but also FIFA Online 3 in Asia continues to grow, which falls in that. We saw continued growth of our original Star Wars product, Star Wars: The Old Republic, as well as extra content associated with (other games) The bulk of that, though, is on the components I just mentioned, really drove the outsized performance in the quarter for extra content.


extra content meaning money

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Imma probably considered a "white knight" but I hate to be negative, and always want to see the positive, maybe it's a case of "people being too cynical." But I really believe this expansion coming will have a op, will have a lot of new group content. After all, Revan was an op, what's to stop BW making Arcann, Vaylin some other big bad to do with KOTFE an op as well? Or maybe just waiting, until KOTET drops.


BW came right out and said, last year before KOTGE dropped that there would be no new op's.

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Not to further the conspiracy, but there's now a conspiracy inside the conspiracy comment thread:


Laura • 3 hours ago

Who do I contact to get my Q/A uploaded? This individual is not providing accurate answers. I just got back from London and this was not what I was told. Maybe this person was coming off as a ***** so he got wrong information.


Dulfy, do you want me to post here or email you? It's nothing huge, but I had confirmation of new MMO content to drop with KOTET. A new flashpoint, end of Ranked season, and an operation early next year.

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Dulfy Mod Laura • an hour ago

Can email me or post it here.



At least it's entertaining...

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Not to further the conspiracy, but there's now a conspiracy inside the conspiracy comment thread:


Laura • 3 hours ago

Who do I contact to get my Q/A uploaded? This individual is not providing accurate answers. I just got back from London and this was not what I was told. Maybe this person was coming off as a ***** so he got wrong information.


Dulfy, do you want me to post here or email you? It's nothing huge, but I had confirmation of new MMO content to drop with KOTET. A new flashpoint, end of Ranked season, and an operation early next year.

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Dulfy Mod Laura • an hour ago

Can email me or post it here.



At least it's entertaining...

But... but... if something is on the internet, it must be real. :D

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I have to go with the BS on this one anyone at BW/EA who has the authority to answer those questions would not have answered any of them in that manner the SOR one most of all. When you are at any Q&A session you give short and simple answers you do not ramble on and trip over yourself. The Devs know what types of questions are going to be asked of them (generally) even if they do not want to hear them so they are prepared to dance around them not that hot mess of a post.
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