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SW:Rebels Season III


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You have not seen Rogue One yet have you?



On the Yavin 4 base there is a call for "General Sindula" Unless that is a common name chances are they are asking for Hera Sindula from Rebels

In the final battle, a ship that looks like the Ghost is there. Now again it might not BE the Ghost, but the assumption is that it is the Ghost. We do not see if the ship in question survives.


Seen it twice, and is a good example on how it's merely enough that different storylines only need to "touch" each other to bind canon as a whole. Just did need it for my reasoning;)




maybe that is how Rebels ends... with The Ghost and her crew being called to Yavin 4 for a "summit" of the rebellion leadership, they end up going into battle and...they don't make it.


Rather dark ending but it would be similar to what they did with TCW


Maybe, Totally . . . maybe is always a possibility :)

Edited by t-darko
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You have not seen Rogue One yet have you?



On the Yavin 4 base there is a call for "General Sindula" Unless that is a common name chances are they are asking for Hera Sindula from Rebels

In the final battle, a ship that looks like the Ghost is there. Now again it might not BE the Ghost, but the assumption is that it is the Ghost. We do not see if the ship in question survives.





maybe that is how Rebels ends... with The Ghost and her crew being called to Yavin 4 for a "summit" of the rebellion leadership, they end up going into battle and...they don't make it.


Rather dark ending but it would be similar to what they did with TCW


Maybe her father?

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Maybe her father?


I do not deny that is possible. But when you consider his focus has always been Ryloth and Twi'lek freedom do you really think he would drop that and go to Yavin 4? Of course, maybe he's forced to flee Ryloth and joins the greater rebellion /shrug.

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Maybe her father?


Yes, I was wondering about that too, since he isn't actually killed [yet] in Rebels and she is known as Captain Syndulla in Rebels.


Look, the bottom line is, when Yoda was dying in ROTJ, or Obi-Wan was walking around justifying his lies to Luke as a Force Ghost shortly after Yoda's death, there is no sane reason why either of them wouldn't have told Luke to go find those two light-side Force Users that saved Obi-Wan from Darth Maul's attack just before the two of them left Tatooine on a modified YT-1300 freighter.



let everyone in Rogue One die,

so why wouldn't they let Kanan and Ezra die too? It seems to me like all this semantical arguing about whether Kanan and Ezra qualify as "Jedi" is simply people trying to cope with inevitability. Its not a question of "if..." it's a question of how, and why, and that's where the meat of the storytelling is anyway. As a viewer and fan, I would be far more satisfied with a noble sacrifice, either to stop Maul from getting Kenobi or in some other heroic battle, than the notion that they simply decided to fade into the background for the next 3 decades and that's why they don't show up in Episodes 4-7.

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let everyone in Rogue One die,

so why wouldn't they let Kanan and Ezra die too? It seems to me like all this semantical arguing about whether Kanan and Ezra qualify as "Jedi" is simply people trying to cope with inevitability. Its not a question of "if..." it's a question of how, and why, and that's where the meat of the storytelling is anyway. As a viewer and fan, I would be far more satisfied with a noble sacrifice, either to stop Maul from getting Kenobi or in some other heroic battle, than the notion that they simply decided to fade into the background for the next 3 decades and that's why they don't show up in Episodes 4-7.

I think it's entirely possible that they will die, but there is also a not-insignificant difference between a PG-13 mass-market movie and a TV-Y7 cartoon airing on a Disney television station specifically aimed at kids.


As such, I think it's entirely possible that they'll find some way to justify Ezra surviving the series (just not as a full-fledged Jedi by the 'Yoda standard' or as a major figure in the greater Rebel Alliance). And I think that being a nice big question mark at this point is to the benefit of the series.

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I think it's entirely possible that they will die, but there is also a not-insignificant difference between a PG-13 mass-market movie and a TV-Y7 cartoon airing on a Disney television station specifically aimed at kids.


As such, I think it's entirely possible that they'll find some way to justify Ezra surviving the series (just not as a full-fledged Jedi by the 'Yoda standard' or as a major figure in the greater Rebel Alliance). And I think that being a nice big question mark at this point is to the benefit of the series.


I personally think Kanan will die, and Ezra will go on to become Snoke. What I would like to see is Maul kill Kanan, and then Ventress show up and take over Ezra's training, under the guise of being a redeemed dark jedi. They could then borrow from Legends Lumiya's subtle turning of Jacen by presenting sith/dark siders in a better light, using the dark side to legitimately help others, with Ventress slowly turning Ezra over the course of a season, culminating in Ezra killing either Maul or Ventress herself in the series finale in a brutal act that causes the crew of the Ghost to abandon him, with Sabine messing him up pretty good with the darksaber.

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I personally think Kanan will die, and Ezra will go on to become Snoke. What I would like to see is Maul kill Kanan, and then Ventress show up and take over Ezra's training, under the guise of being a redeemed dark jedi. They could then borrow from Legends Lumiya's subtle turning of Jacen by presenting sith/dark siders in a better light, using the dark side to legitimately help others, with Ventress slowly turning Ezra over the course of a season, culminating in Ezra killing either Maul or Ventress herself in the series finale in a brutal act that causes the crew of the Ghost to abandon him, with Sabine messing him up pretty good with the darksaber.


You get points for being creative, but it doesn't make sense I'm afraid.


Snoke isn't human. That theory was debunked awhile ago. (not to say he can't turn up as a different villain though)


Ventress is already dead (by like, 15 odd years iirc)


Sabine wouldn't stand a chance against Ezra in a lightsaber duel, especially if he'd gone dark. He could just grab her with the Force and toss her around just like he did when she was possessed by the Nightsister. She'd be better off with her blasters and explosives.

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I have yet to see this show, is it better or worse than the clone wars in your opinions?


Oh man, the debates we had on this forum as the series started with it's first season!!


I waited to TCW to stop airing until I saw it, I wrote it off as a child show and what interest could that have to me!? But a friend persuaded me to see it, on his recommendation I started with the Mortis episodes. Now it is my firm belief that the last episodes of season 5 of TCW is some of the best Star Wars ever told!!


Rebels got a heavy Filoni signature, that is a pro, the con being that the target audience is younger then it was with the TCW. You have to adapt and develop a filter for that, view the core stories, figure out the Lore behind those stories. One thing we have to have in mind these days is that any Star Wars put out there is Fan made, well, in the sense that Filoni, Abrams, and all others have grown up to this franchise, and that was very obvious in TCW, and is also very present in Rebels.


As for all of us in this thread; we're Star Wars "academics", Imperial Die-hard fans, Star Wars dreamers, and many other kind of Fans, we often agree to disagree, a healthy discussion need to opinions to really be a discussion, nes pas!? Personally watching the series, coming back here and sharing impressions, notions, speculations, wild Ideas and crazy "What Ifs" is to me a part of the experience, and just for that I gladly recommend you to watch Rebels and come back here and join the fun!!:)


And on that note; HAPPY NEW YEARS to you all and :ph_thank_you:;)

Edited by t-darko
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You get points for being creative, but it doesn't make sense I'm afraid.


Snoke isn't human. That theory was debunked awhile ago. (not to say he can't turn up as a different villain though)


Ventress is already dead (by like, 15 odd years iirc)


Sabine wouldn't stand a chance against Ezra in a lightsaber duel, especially if he'd gone dark. He could just grab her with the Force and toss her around just like he did when she was possessed by the Nightsister. She'd be better off with her blasters and explosives.


Well, I haven't read any Wars novels since my beloved "Legends" got the axe, so I honestly had no idea Ventress was dead now. They should find a way to mention that in rebels somehow, cause I'm sure I'm not the only one who was expecting her to show up at some point.


When is it specifically stated that Snoke is non-human? I know the wiki says he's an alien, but I can't find a source for that. He looks rather human to me, though horribly disfigured.


And I wouldn't count Sabine out in a real confrontation with her. I'd see Ezra as being heavily conflicted in such a situation and trying to convince Sabine to come with him, therefore not using the force until the very end as a means of escape once she injured him. Or, alternatively, the writers could bring ysalamiri into canon and have Sabine bring one with her.

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I have yet to see this show, is it better or worse than the clone wars in your opinions?


It is not a matter of better or worse, it is a matter of different. As, t-darko points out, Rebels is aimed at a youth (Y7 rating) audience while TCW was aimed at a preteen and up (PG rating) market. So right off the bat there were many who did not like Rebels because of its youth oriented slant. That being said, like TCW, Rebels has gotten "more mature" as the seasons have progressed. This is the "Harry Potter effect:" the themes in the series age with the target audience.


The animation in Rebels is a little more "cartoony" than TCW.


But they have brought in a LOT of fan favorite characters into Rebels.



Off the top of my head:

Captain Rex

Leia Organa

Ahsoka Tano

Bail Organa

Wedge Antilles

Darth Maul

Darth Vader

Wilhuf Tarkin

Lando Calrissian

Hondo (from TCW)

The Darksaber

Grand Admiral Thrawn






There are also a novel worth reading that precedes the Rebels Era that involve Rebels characters: A New Dawn and it is NOT a youth oriented story.

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It is not a matter of better or worse, it is a matter of different. As, t-darko points out, Rebels is aimed at a youth (Y7 rating) audience while TCW was aimed at a preteen and up (PG rating) market. So right off the bat there were many who did not like Rebels because of its youth oriented slant. That being said, like TCW, Rebels has gotten "more mature" as the seasons have progressed. This is the "Harry Potter effect:" the themes in the series age with the target audience.


The animation in Rebels is a little more "cartoony" than TCW.


But they have brought in a LOT of fan favorite characters into Rebels.



Off the top of my head:

Captain Rex

Leia Organa

Ahsoka Tano

Bail Organa

Wedge Antilles

Darth Maul

Darth Vader

Wilhuf Tarkin

Lando Calrissian

Hondo (from TCW)

The Darksaber

Grand Admiral Thrawn






There are also a novel worth reading that precedes the Rebels Era that involve Rebels characters: A New Dawn and it is NOT a youth oriented story.

One thing that is really intriguing about it to me is that this is really our first look at vader in prime form...you aren't a Star Wars fan if that does not excite you lol.

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I have yet to see this show, is it better or worse than the clone wars in your opinions?


I don't actually treat them as all that different. They have different styles, visual and otherwise, but Rebels is simply the continuation of TCW story. It doesn't take long for the series to mature (end of S1 pretty much) but with Filoni behind both series, they really should be taken together.

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i have only been watching rebels this last few months and been catching up on series 1 and 2, i did watch the clone wars show and enjoyed it mostly, i will assume that the series will end at rogue one film.


i do sort of hope the 'jedi' for a better word fall in battle before then as strong semi trained force sensitives in the rebel movement they would hardly need obi-wan to much otherwise.


on a seperate idea i do think that snoke is the grand inquisitor from earlier in the series, somehow he survived and went into hiding to recover from his wounds and didnt return as he would have been killed and watched the empire fall and then made his move , hes the right age,humanoid ,possibly right height and has a lifetime of jedi and lower level dark side training to have a good understanding of the force to teach kylo ren but isnt a full on sith

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I thought the last 2 episodes of season 2 of Rebels was stunning. Had me on the edge of my seat.


But you won't be so amazed by them unless you've watched TCW. Watching TCW before watching Rebels , explains a lot of who some of the characters are in Rebels. I mean, we all know who Maul is, from the movie. But you don't "really" know Maul until you watch TCW. And that explains a lot as to why/how he showed up in Rebels.


I am VERY glad to see Rebels pulling in TCW.

Edited by cagthehack
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Sneak peek of what is to come is out. This is getting good.




Yep, that was a New Years Treat; If indeed this is the last season of Rebels it looks like they are promised quite a send off. And to top that we're getting a fast answer to one of our midseason debates, Fancy That!;)


PowerJediRanger thanks for the link, taking the liberty to put it in the OP if you don't mind!?:)



mini documentary Edited by t-darko
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Saw is mad with grief. We went dark and grey there, did the kids choke on their pacifiers as Saw threaten to blast the Geonosian Queen egg?!




I think there's a will to communicate a point here as it was in Rogue One, war has it casualties on both sides, life isn't always pleasant. And the never ending question "Does Good people need to do Bad things in order for most people to have a good life.?" In other words Disney is trying to tell us to forget 'bout "nice" Disney.



Think "Ghost of Geonosis" was a solid episode, felt like Filoni was back at the Helm. The rebel Storyline connects yet on one more levels with the movies story line in a tasteful way. Watched it on my phone, at an very late hour, so gonna view it again before the next episode, think we finally picking up on what the first episodes and the pre season 3 trailers promised.

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To answer that Q Darko, yeah....there's an impossibility to do 100% good, which is one of the issues I had with the Legends Rebellion(unless I missed a few stories) as to how they seemed always 100% in the right and while the Rebllion(Legends) is one of my Top 3 factions, that bothered the crap out of me. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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