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SW:Rebels Season III


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That being said, my issue with Episode IV is why they didn't send 3000 of their 7000 TIE fighters against the 30 or so Rebel ships. I would love to see that explained in Rogue One...


~ Eudoxia


Because they weren't needed. All the Rebel pilots were taken out with just the TIEs that were sent and then Vader, the Rebels were basically screwed if Han didn't come in at the last minute.

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Maybe hinting at a possible new-canon version of the TIE Fighter and X-Wing games? :eek:


Of all the games that need to "remastered", I'd gladly take any of the slew of classic 90's games (already got and loved the remasters of the first two Monkey Island games), the X-Wing/TIE Fighter series needs to be done.


I don't care if they're never anything more than Legends canon (all the better imo), but seeing and playing those games with modern visual quality would be fantastic. The only downside would be the inevitable console versions dictating "re" development, especially in control and the more complex game mechanics such as power management.

Hell, even the Dark Forces and Jedi Knight games would be great as properly updated games, so long as they don't replace Jedi Knight's FMV video. The FMV cheese was awesome and "Saturday morning cartoon" at times, in all the right ways.


On that note, must go and start a thread on this...

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This episode was pretty good but it seems like it's too early for it, if Maul vs Ovi-Wan is being hyped for the finale then we still have quite a ways to go first.


Anyways I guess it makes sense Obi-Wan is the key to defeating the Sith, otherwise Luke wouldn't have left Tatooine or would have known to go to Dagobah and see Yoda. I was thinking Luke was the key earlier.


Dathomir was really well done though for the standards of Rebels adapting a Clone Wars location to Rebels animation.

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This ep is cheap and let down. I was so interested in how Kanan got possessed, turn out too simple - The Night Sister - such disappointment. Then bringing Maul and Obi-wan together is just a cheap move to get rating from fan boys. I expect this from a fan fic not from Disney.
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Well it's more a discussion thread, I mean at least give the day cause not everyone is on the same timezone.


Then don't enter the thread that discusses Rebels when a new episode is released until you've seen it? :rolleyes:


I enjoyed this episode and I eagerly await the showdown between Maul and Obi-wan. Maul needs to die and it should be Obi-wan to kill him. Hopefully this is told using an arc and not a single episode.

Edited by SlthBounteHuntah
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I enjoyed this episode and I eagerly await the showdown between Maul and Obi-wan. Maul needs to die and it should be Obi-wan to kill him. Hopefully this is told using an arc and not a single episode.


Most likely it'll be a 2 part finale just like twilight of the apprentice.


I also don't think Kanan will survive the experience, since it's looking ever more likely this is the final season.

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Then don't enter the thread that discusses Rebels when a new episode is released until you've seen it? :rolleyes:


I enjoyed this episode and I eagerly await the showdown between Maul and Obi-wan. Maul needs to die and it should be Obi-wan to kill him. Hopefully this is told using an arc and not a single episode.


It's a discussion, what if I wanna discuss something? Or if I see a post that might have something to do about a previous episode? Wouldn't know until I looked.

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I wonder how they will make Kenobi look... at the time of Order 66 he was only 30ish, which means he should be in his late 40s/ early 50s now. In Episode 4 they portrayed him much older then that.


I wouldn't mind if they kinda rebooted Kenobi a bit to fit his age better in regards to the timeline

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I wonder how they will make Kenobi look... at the time of Order 66 he was only 30ish, which means he should be in his late 40s/ early 50s now. In Episode 4 they portrayed him much older then that.


I wouldn't mind if they kinda rebooted Kenobi a bit to fit his age better in regards to the timeline


Most likely they'll use the OT aged Obi-wan as a model since the show is a lot closer to it timewise (only a year or two at this point)

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I wonder how they will make Kenobi look... at the time of Order 66 he was only 30ish, which means he should be in his late 40s/ early 50s now. In Episode 4 they portrayed him much older then that.


I wouldn't mind if they kinda rebooted Kenobi a bit to fit his age better in regards to the timeline


Well you know how environments can also age a person? Well in the sense that they look older than they actually are? Could be something like that.

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Just watched the mid season break episode, Think this one was a notch up from previous episode, it felt like a solid good 20 minutes. Cant figure out how they choose to have Sabine finding the Darksaber appose to have Ezra handing it instead as he was using it a moment earlier!? I know, there was an explosion, it flew from of his hand,, but shouldn't that had happened to his light saber too...(I know, I'm nit picking:rolleyes:). But as they say the devil is in the details.


The origin of the green mist was no surprise, we kinda knew that from the pre season trailer, didn't we!?;)


And I agree, interesting how they gonna portray Kenobi, but to say that the OT Kenobi was too old, well, that's just blasphemy, Sir Alec Guinness is Obi-Wan Kenobi and was the mold for McGregor's performance as a young sir Alec doing a young Kenobi, who in turn was the mold for the animated Kenobi, and a animated Kenobi is just that, an animated Kenobi. Sure I can buy this as a generational thing, but a world without Star Wars E4 would be a world in the Matrix;).


Yep, looking forward for the rest of season 3 . . .

Edited by t-darko
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On a note I am kinda getting a little disappointed that Canon seems to be just turning the lightsaber into something anyone can just pick up and use like a generic Sci-Fi blade, if Sabine is gonna be keeping it to use as a melee weapon. Plus Finn using it in TFA. We also have Kreel using one in the SW comics.


I mean otherwise what's the point of Vibroweapons? Just start building lightsabers.


I dunno...maybe it's just Legends nagging me where the lightsaber was a unique weapon to Force Users, that they need a connection with The Force to properly utilize it. It turning into a generic Sci-Fi blade....I'm not big on..


But hey New Canon, I guess they can do what they want.


I mean yeah, Legends also had Non-Force Users use them, but the only one who used one in actual combat was Xizor....but then he was a superhuman alien who's abilities were described as Jedi like according to Jax.


The other was Darca Nyl, but he didn't really use it elaborately in combat, unless you count the off panel comic fight he had with Lycan's Dark Jedi apprentice but you can't really since well...we didn't see it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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On a note I am kinda getting a little disappointed that Canon seems to be just turning the lightsaber into something anyone can just pick up and use like a generic Sci-Fi blade, if Sabine is gonna be keeping it to use as a melee weapon. Plus Finn using it in TFA. We also have Kreel using one in the SW comics.


I mean otherwise what's the point of Vibroweapons? Just start building lightsabers.


I dunno...maybe it's just Legends nagging me where the lightsaber was a unique weapon to Force Users, that they need a connection with The Force to properly utilize it. It turning into a generic Sci-Fi blade....I'm not big on..


But hey New Canon, I guess they can do what they want.


I mean yeah, Legends also had Non-Force Users use them, but the only one who used one in actual combat was Xizor....but then he was a superhuman alien who's abilities were described as Jedi like according to Jax.


The other was Darca Nyl, but he didn't really use it elaborately in combat, unless you count the off panel comic fight he had with Lycan's Dark Jedi apprentice but you can't really since well...we didn't see it.


Because you still need the Force to build one. There was an entire thread around not that long ago on the subject.

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This being a Canon thing? I know it's a Legends thing, but is that true for Canon now?


Even still though, point remains.


Yes it's canon, TCW Younglings arc.


Further developed by Ahsoka novel.


Kyber crystals are incredibly rare and expensive as well. Combine that with the difficulty in making them, vibroblades are a lot more realisitc.

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Yes it's canon, TCW Younglings arc.


Further developed by Ahsoka novel.


Kyber crystals are incredibly rare and expensive as well. Combine that with the difficulty in making them, vibroblades are a lot more realisitc.


Alright fair enough.


But hey New Canon, new rules so I guess I can't let it get to me that bad.


Maybe it's because Legends has been around for so long, so the new Canon is kind of jarring.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Alright fair enough.


But hey New Canon, new rules so I guess I can't let it get to me that bad.


Maybe it's because Legends has been around for so long, so the new Canon is kind of jarring.


I find it helps to focus on the good parts (no more Vong! yay!) and hope they don't screw it up (ex. politicization, which with the Hollywood-Trump thing going on, all too possible).



Really helps that Filoni is very much an old EU fan and so far seems to have done a good job at bringing stuff back and not ruining it.

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I find it helps to focus on the good parts (no more Vong! yay!) and hope they don't screw it up (ex. politicization, which with the Hollywood-Trump thing going on, all too possible).



Really helps that Filoni is very much an old EU fan and so far seems to have done a good job at bringing stuff back and not ruining it.


Ehh....I felt he kind of deluded some stuff and is bringing in some EU concepts too rapidly to try and make a story out of Rebels. IE: TIE Defender, I hope that it's not just bringing it in just to destroy it before it even gets a chance elsewhere within the new EU.


I think though I'll stick with Legends for awhile, as far as like supplement material/novels and so on. Still will watch the movies/Rebels and the current SW comic series. Mostly because as far as Legends, I have a looooot of material.

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Alright fair enough.


But hey New Canon, new rules so I guess I can't let it get to me that bad.


Maybe it's because Legends has been around for so long, so the new Canon is kind of jarring.


Technically it's George Lucas/Old canon.


All the lightsaber Kyber crystal stuff from the Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels was from George Lucas' original ideas. Filoni and crew have just been implementing them. I believe it was mentioned in one of the Rebel Recons.


It's also been brought up in interviews recently that Kyber crystals might be playing a part in Rogue One as well due to the Death Star and the jedi planet Jeddha.


I personally prefer the old expanded universe version, but the discussion of the current lightsaber crystals is being incorrectly attributed to Disney and the new Lucasfilm management, but it's based on George Lucas' original ideas according to them.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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