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SW:Rebels Season III


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Bit of a mixed bag - better than the Season 1 premier, but not as good as S2's, IMO.


Thrawn's appearances were a bit of a tease, I kind of wish they had picked whether to focus on him or on the Bendu and left the other out for another episode so that each could have gotten more screen time devoted to him in his debut - if you're not already an EU fan, I'm not sure this intro we got would have Thrawn really grabbing you as an exciting new Big Bad for the season.


The two action set pieces were both really solid (and part of my lukewarm take on the episode may be that I had already seen the entire first one in the various previews) but honestly, this episode as a whole just didn't feel as 'epic' as the S2 opener, especially for a double-length episode.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I think they should have left the Bendu for later. I know we'll see more of him in the future, but what we had seemed a little... lacking.


I like though they they haven't changed Ezra completely. He is far more militant now, but the moment at the end with Kanan shows he's still got some of his good old self in him. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


And the reference to General Dodanna's cell was interesting. We're probably not going to see much of them though.

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Well ... it was like they called it, a prolonged episode, seasoned with some teasers, Thrawn, The Bendu, Ezra failing in disguise of some kind of success.


We have up to now really have had a strong Fanboy tone in this thread, a bit starstruck and dizzy by the fact that that Thrawn was reinstated to Canon status I suspect. Overall it was a decent Episode, and even though I like the turn of events considering The Force, I'm really interested in how they gonna tie the knot on the matter, I mean; Mortis, The lost episodes,Midichlorians and now The Bendu . . . !?


I feel that it is Rebels though, that serve us the most in regards of expanding lore and canon atm.


I'm with Dymond here on the mixed bag feeling, and to be honest, I'm a bit worried of the PT feeling over Ezra's Dark side transgressions, it feels a bit stereotypical, as do the "wisdom beard" on Kanaan. I'm buying it, its not that, but, well, you know, Yoda, Mace, they managed without it.


The overall impression though is that Filoni & Co have brought the series to a higher level.

Edited by t-darko
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It's looking like Governor Pryce might play the role of Pellaeon... but I'm hoping that unnamed captain that keeps popping up in trailers and the background this season is Captain Pellaeon.


Nevertheless, I like how for the first episode, they chose to make it so Thrawn lets them get away. Rather than the usual "we beat the empire" crap they've been doing for the last two seasons. I'm guessing that this is, although simplified, going to be a good portrayal of classic Thrawn strategy and tactics. Hoping to see him pulling ships out of hyperspace with Interdictor cruisers and really hoping for the appearance of the Dreadnaught-Class.


~ Eudoxia

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It wasn't too bad but like others said Thrawn and Bendu shouldn't have been introduced together. Thrawn is the one who should have been left out though.


Bendu is going to be in this weeks episode I believe along with Maul.

Clip from celebration with Maul.


Thrawn isn't even coming back until episode 3 or 4.

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Darth Maul using the Force to read Hera's mind in a new clip from Rebels. Direct parallel to Kylo Ren in TFA.


It's amazing that Darth Maul has become the most well developed villain in the franchise after Darth Vader. Thank you Clone Wars and Rebels.


Most curious part about that I think is what did Maul do to force Hera's cooperation. I can't see her willingly aiding him in any way.

Edited by MadDutchman
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Well, he is a Sith Lord and I'm sure like Vader, he can be very persuasive. :)


I guess we'll have to wait another two or three days to find out.


I found the plot synopsis for it and



He does in fact take them hostage and Kanan and Ezra have to recover the Sith Holocron to save them.


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I don't like Maul, having read the Plagueis novel. He was supposed to be weak in the force, and good at single-target assassination (hence why he separates Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon). Instead he's an OP beast in the Clone Wars, who gets defeated by a half-trained Padawan in Rebels.


He should have stayed dead in Episode I.


As for well-developed, Palpatine or Thrawn is still the most well-developed Villain in the Franchise other than Vader, probably followed by Jacen Solo or Darth Bane. The EU may not be canon but it is still part of the franchise.


~ Eudoxia

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I don't like Maul, having read the Plagueis novel. He was supposed to be weak in the force, and good at single-target assassination (hence why he separates Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon). Instead he's an OP beast in the Clone Wars, who gets defeated by a half-trained Padawan in Rebels.


He should have stayed dead in Episode I.


As for well-developed, Palpatine or Thrawn is still the most well-developed Villain in the Franchise other than Vader, probably followed by Jacen Solo or Darth Bane. The EU may not be canon but it is still part of the franchise.


~ Eudoxia


Plagueis novel is not canon, that Maul is only relevant in the old EU.


I do agree though that they've overused Maul. I seriously doubt he'll survive Rebels though.

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I don't like Maul, having read the Plagueis novel. He was supposed to be weak in the force, and good at single-target assassination (hence why he separates Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon). Instead he's an OP beast in the Clone Wars, who gets defeated by a half-trained Padawan in Rebels.


The Plagueis novel is non canon. Maul was brought back on George Lucas' direction and per the TCW team he was a fully trained Sith lord being groomed to take Palpatine's place. The only trained as an assassin thing is stupid and makes no sense given the Sith philosophy.


Sam Witwer gave a nice interview explaining why that idea was dumb.


As for well-developed, Palpatine or Thrawn is still the most well-developed Villain in the Franchise other than Vader, probably followed by Jacen Solo or Darth Bane. The EU may not be canon but it is still part of the franchise.


~ Eudoxia


In canon Thrawn has zero backstory or development. Even taking what we know of Thrawn's history in the EU, it's less than what we know of Maul's. And Thrawn is my favorite SW character.


We know Palpatine is from Naboo (again the Plagueis novel is noncanon). Looking at the Plaguies novel, Palpatine doesn't have as much character development or change as Maul. He quite frankly doesn't need it considering his place in the franchise as the devil..


Even splitting hairs between official canon and looking at the entire franchis, Maul still has more development than Palpatine, Dooku, and Thrawn.


This is a good time to point out more developed doesn't mean a better character than any of the previously mentioned.


We know Maul's mother, brother, his home planet, his village, some of his upbringing, his 10 years post TPM, his Clone Wars activities, his fued with Obi Wan, we've seen him in two different eras; he's easily the most developed villain after Vader.


You don't have to like him, but he's been explored more than every other villain except Vader. Maul has changed and adapted, whereas Palpatine is more or less the same from TPM all the way to ROTJ.


It's funny when you think about it. I'll gladly take all the Maul Lucasfilm wants to give me, since it's a joy listening and watching Sam Witwer portray the character.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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I do agree though that they've overused Maul. I seriously doubt he'll survive Rebels though.


I tend to agree that he'll probably not make it out of Rebels. If that's their plan, I want him to die fighting Darth Vader.


That way the prophecy is kept intact of the Chosen One destroying the Sith (Vader took out Palpatine and Dooku).

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Plagueis novel is not canon, that Maul is only relevant in the old EU.


I know.


The only trained as an assassin thing is stupid and makes no sense given the Sith philosophy.


I agree with that part, Plagueis and Sidious using him only as an assassin is dumb (but not un-sith like, just look at KOTOR/this game/Bane books). I like the idea that he was a Sith that specialized his fighting style as an assassin.


In canon Thrawn has zero backstory or development. Even taking what we know of Thrawn's history in the EU, it's less than what we know of Maul's. And Thrawn is my favorite SW character.


Umm... there's a whole book about Thrawn's backstory. it's called Outbound Fight. He's also in Choices of One and Allegiance.


It's funny when you think about it. I'll gladly take all the Maul Lucasfilm wants to give me, since it's a joy listening and watching Sam Witwer portray the character.


I loved the contrast between him and Savage Oppress in the Clone Wars. Savage just seemed like a dark-side using brute, but Maul seemed dark and manipulative as a sith.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Umm... there's a whole book about Thrawn's backstory. it's called Outbound Fight. He's also in Choices of One and Allegiance.


~ Eudoxia


Outbound Flight is one of my top 5 favorite SW novels.


You learn some about Thrawn in that novel, but not as much as we do about Maul over the course of TCW and Rebels.


Thrawn is a chiss, he has a brother, they don't get along - but we don't get a lot of details.


We get enough to satisfy us though.


We learn some about the Chiss empire and political structure, but not a lot about Thrawn himself necessarily - other than his belief in preemptive strikes against an enemy.


Thrawn gets some backstory filled in, which I love, but we don't get a lot of development or character evolution for him - which I like.


Thrawn is a fully developed person and character.


Maul due to his situation and the two animated series that span 20 years has actually grown and adapted as a character and his motivations have changed somewhat.


We know from Filoni and Witwer the Rebels Maul is still craving power and dominance, but he knows it's not going to be an empire. He's aged and he's looking at a legacy now.


I personally find it interesting to see how Maul has evolved over the course of 30 some years from the TPM, TCW, and now Rebels.


But that's me, and I understand it's not everybody's cup of tea.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Anyways this latest episode, it was obviously setting up something larger, but I think Maul is going after Kenobi.



"Twin Suns" (Tatooine), and overall it would be generally surprising for Kenobi to still be alive after Order 66, Maul seemed surprised.

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Anyways this latest episode, it was obviously setting up something larger, but I think Maul is going after Kenobi.



"Twin Suns" (Tatooine), and overall it would be generally surprising for Kenobi to still be alive after Order 66, Maul seemed surprised.


This is my thoughts as well.


The other alternative that I can see that would give Maul "hope" would be Savage, though I seriously hope they don't bring him back to life.

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It's Kenobi. The twin suns is obviously Tatooine, the key to defeating the Sith refers to Luke, and Dave Filoni loves to bring back voice actors he's worked with in the past; and this gives him the opportunity to bring back James Arnold Taylor as Obi Wan.


Seeing as how he's already gotten Matt Lanter and Ashley Eckstein, I don't see how he can pass up an opportunity.


Aside from that, within some circles there's this obsession with bringing back Obi Wan and this would be one of the better ways to do it. Assuming we get a confrontation, and assuming it takes place on Tatooine, it calls back to the original "Old Wounds" comic where Maul fought Obi Wan in a rematch.


I'm curious where this would lead, because the one thing I have zero interest in is seeing Maul vs Obi Wan again for the third time? Fourth time?


The Maul/Obi Wan story was essentially done when Kenobi refused to give in to hate and depair and continue his feud with Maul after the murder of Sabine.


If they're going to have another confrontation I'd prefer it be a philosophical one and not a physical one, but this a cartoon for children...so probably another fight.


We'll see. I'm looking forward to where Maul goes from here.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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And yes, Outbound Flight is my #3 Favorite Star Wars novel. Surpassed by "Heir to the Empire" and "Path of Destruction" only.


~ Eudoxia


I've never really ranked the SW novels, but Outbound Flight is probably my favorite top two or three? Purely for the sheer amount of Thrawn we get.


I'd definitely throw Shadow of the Empire, the Thrawn in Trilogy, Tales from Jabba's Palace, Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina, Darth Plaguies, and Path of Destruction in there as my top favorites.


Particularly Tales from Jabba's Palace. Man, I love the cover to that book. It just invites you to read it.

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I've never really ranked the SW novels, but Outbound Flight is probably my favorite top two or three? Purely for the sheer amount of Thrawn we get.


I'd definitely throw Shadow of the Empire, the Thrawn in Trilogy, Tales from Jabba's Palace, Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina, Darth Plaguies, and Path of Destruction in there as my top favorites.


Particularly Tales from Jabba's Palace. Man, I love the cover to that book. It just invites you to read it.


I've always been a Wraith Squadron guy myself.


yub yub Commander

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i dont really like that they brought maul back, he should rest in pieces. :p but he is more interesting than he used to be - probably they decided to change paper thin character into something more since he was a favourite of plenty of SW fans, since he "looked cool" :rolleyes:


we will see where it leads us, right now i have mixed feelings

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