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Arrogance and the Current Event


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How very philosophical of you :cool:


I blame the pizza, it was free. The best kind of pizza.


The ikinai that is spoken is not the eternal ikinai.


Not yet, some force ghost dude is in my way. Oh, you meant, oh, yeah, hehe.

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For those saying "it's not new content"... we're nearing the end of a long stream of steady and very new content - the most content we've gotten since the game started. Our choices were "get nothing more and like it", "get 12x again" which was last summer's "event" or... get this. Another Gree-type event would be over in a week or two - nice but not 2 weeks after it's over and not realistic considering the content output lately (just because you may not like the content focus does not mean it isn't real content or that the work required has been trivial). And let's not forget that almost all content in games like these is meant to be repeated. Dlyies, wklies, raids, fps, wzs, rep grinds - all involve repetition of content. There's plenty of time to do this event without racing, btw, apart from the raids, wbs and hms reqs which will require organizing groups and that could be a problem for some.




The choice was never, "LvD event or something like the Gree event?" The choice was LvD or something like 12x exp. This LvD event is the better choice.


And yes, player retention is absolutely what SWTOR has to focus on right now in order to succeed. That's exactly why this event is such a good idea. It maximizes player retention with a minimum of developer resources.


And yes, IF players are playing the event, THEN it means the event was well-designed. Quite precisely because player retention is what matters lol.


I have been playing this game since beta. I've done all the ops, every fp and every storyline already. And I absolutely love the event. If an MMO's content is not repeatable, then that MMO is dead.


Not to mention that we are still getting yet more new content in August, and it sounds like the next round of new content will start in October. Now if it doesn't start then I'll be unhappy, but if we only have a one month break of no new content I'll be fine.


There is one big flaw in this event, though, and one thing I don't like but it's probably a feature and not a bug. I don't like that the rewards are BoP instead of BoL. But I think we all know why that choice was actually made.


The biggest flaw in the event, and Bioware is going to need to fix it, is the companion. When I first played the event I simply assumed I would get the companion I wanted based on by own light side dark side choices. When half the participants in this event get the companion they didn't expect, you're going to see real anger.



The whole discussion about Ops is a different question. For those of us who want new Ops and FPs, here is our problem:


Sure. Lots of people like doing Ops and FPs, at least some of the time. But.


How many of them really care if there is a NEW Op or FP? You see? So if we can't come up with some way of asking for new group content that is going to justify the resources necessary to produce that content, then Bioware has no reason to listen to us.

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And yes, IF players are playing the event, THEN it means the event was well-designed. Quite precisely because player retention is what matters lol.


I have been playing this game since beta. I've done all the ops, every fp and every storyline already. And I absolutely love the event. If an MMO's content is not repeatable, then that MMO is dead.


Not to mention that we are still getting yet more new content in August, and it sounds like the next round of new content will start in October. Now if it doesn't start then I'll be unhappy, but if we only have a one month break of no new content I'll be fine.


There is one big flaw in this event, though, and one thing I don't like but it's probably a feature and not a bug. I don't like that the rewards are BoP instead of BoL. But I think we all know why that choice was actually made.


The biggest flaw in the event, and Bioware is going to need to fix it, is the companion. When I first played the event I simply assumed I would get the companion I wanted based on by own light side dark side choices. When half the participants in this event get the companion they didn't expect, you're going to see real anger.

I don't disagree with everything you've said, but I wanted to point out that "if players are playing it, then it was well-designed" doesn't quite make sense here. The "event" is just the existing game. The achievements are barely part of the event... they are just goalposts. Incentives to push people to do the "event" content in a broad and ordered manner, which is, again, just the existing game.


It is unsurprising that people are playing the event, since the event is stuff that a lot of people would already do to pass the time in-game, regardless of whether the rewards are there. And new people are going to do it of course, regardless. So to say that people playing it means it was well-designed is a bit of a stretch. The existing game is well-designed in that it's been polished over a period of years. The event itself is not well-designed (the components made specifically for the event), but the existing game (which is what the event "content" is) is well-designed. You see the difference?


I mean, as far as attracting new players goes, the "event" for new players is essentially: Create and play characters during this period and you'll get bonus rewards just for joining the game when you are. It's like a promotion when it comes down to it.

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The only thing that will make or break the Legendary tier for everyone is just the HM ques, that is the one thing that is going to stop everyone mostly. This is why we need cross server ques before the event ends very badly
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You'll be happier when I finally figure out how to convince Bioware that it's in their best interests to create new group content.


Granted. I haven't figured out that argument yet. But.


I have faith.


If the vast majority of people screaming for group content hasn't made them think about it, I wish you luck

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People who are so offended by this event will stop subbing. There will be enough people who enjoy it, don't care, forget to unsub, etc. that the disappearance of some vets won't matter.


Game as usual. More than enough people will just suck it up.


True. I just decided to go with the flow and do some of the achievements and such for the rewards. Seen a character running around named Force Ten, assuming it is you?

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It was not a good movie so no loss there. If it wasn't for the brand it would have flopped horribly


No it wouldn't have. Most of the complaints that people have about the movie is it was ANH clone. No brand = no ANH = not a clone anymore.


And it doesn't really matter how good it was, people are still going to hate it because it was not an exact clone of the OT without actually being an exact clone of the OT. People kept whining about the PT because it was not the "Star Wars" they grew up with, GL went a different direction with it. Under the circumstances they really were damned if they did, damned if they didn't.

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No it wouldn't have. Most of the complaints that people have about the movie is it was ANH clone. No brand = no ANH = not a clone anymore.


And it doesn't really matter how good it was, people are still going to hate it because it was not an exact clone of the OT without actually being an exact clone of the OT. People kept whining about the PT because it was not the "Star Wars" they grew up with, GL went a different direction with it. Under the circumstances they really were damned if they did, damned if they didn't.


While it was entertaining the story wasn't that good.

Has absolutely nothing to. do if it was a clone of ANH or not. If it wasn't for the Star Wars name in never even would have come close to making what it did based on acting and story content alone.

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*Looks at TUXs post history*.


Nope sorry, don't believe you.


That's uncalled-for - TUX wouldn't be so passionate if he didn't love the game. He's not thrilled by the current direction of the game, and has explained why that is. I don't often agree with TUX, but it's not because he doesn't love the game.

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I'm bored.


Go play another game then? Take a break.

Short of releasing new, frehs content which they haven't announced so surely won't be doing anytime soon you are going to remain bored regardless.


I have little sympathy for masochists who come to the forum complaining about being bored in the game because they've been there and done that when there are plenty of other MMOs they could try and 100s of 1000s of other games out there.


Take control of your life and end your boredom, go somewhere else, try something new. If/when this game does get something to interest you again return and it will feel refreshing.


Otherwise this whole negative nancy routine is just tired and "boring". ;)

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No it wouldn't have. Most of the complaints that people have about the movie is it was ANH clone. No brand = no ANH = not a clone anymore.


And it doesn't really matter how good it was, people are still going to hate it because it was not an exact clone of the OT without actually being an exact clone of the OT. People kept whining about the PT because it was not the "Star Wars" they grew up with, GL went a different direction with it. Under the circumstances they really were damned if they did, damned if they didn't.

I don't know about that. I hate the PT because it was, to me, shoddy filmmaking in countless different ways. There are plenty examples of "going a different direction" (KOTOR and SWTOR included) that have been loved by countless people and did not receive anywhere near the kind of criticism the PT did.


That said, I thoroughly enjoyed TFA.

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While it was entertaining the story wasn't that good.

Has absolutely nothing to. do if it was a clone of ANH or not. If it wasn't for the Star Wars name in never even would have come close to making what it did based on acting and story content alone.


You know you could make that argument for many films right? It is a worthless argument "Brand". It was a good movie, enjoyable. Better than ESB? No but still very enjoyable and a good relaunching point for the series. If you didnt enjoy it cool but dont act like it's a fact it isnt good.

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the most content we've gotten since the game started.


Is that true though?


Thinking back to 2.0 and the year that followed it would utterly blow this amount of content we've got out of the water imo.


What have we go really? Star fortress, eternal championship and 16 chapters of story - all told under 20 hours of content this cycle. Oh and the PVP map.


Am I forgetting anything?


2.0 - Makeb and Scum n Villainy, 4 new hardmode flashpoints, at launch oh and macrobinocular and seeker droid. Being that you could actually play out makeb twice between pub and imp without it feeling too repetitive that launch alone utterly blow this year out of the water.


What else in that cycle ... nightmare mode TFB, 2 new CZ flashpoints, 2 more operations ( DF/DP ), an entire new planet ( oricon ) , GSF,


I think that covers the 1 year period for 2.0 dropping anyway - 4.0 doesn't hold a candle to 2.0


I imagine 3.0 was a better cycle than 4.0 too but I've already disproved your statement I feel.

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um there is nothing that the LvD event does for player retention.




Correction, there is nothing in LvD to retain YOU as a player.


Personally I'm enjoying running a new class and doubt I would have had I not had that carror thrown in front of me so it's doing wonders for my personal retention.

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Go play another game then? Take a break.

Short of releasing new, frehs content which they haven't announced so surely won't be doing anytime soon you are going to remain bored regardless.


I have little sympathy for masochists who come to the forum complaining about being bored in the game because they've been there and done that when there are plenty of other MMOs they could try and 100s of 1000s of other games out there.


Take control of your life and end your boredom, go somewhere else, try something new. If/when this game does get something to interest you again return and it will feel refreshing.


Otherwise this whole negative nancy routine is just tired and "boring". ;)


I very rarely agree with anything you say, however the last two parts ring true. Although on the flipside is that players / people wouldn't be complaining as much as they do and have done if content (read: all types of content) was produced on a more frequent basis.


That is purely down to developer hours available, and considering the main goal seems to be "profit" over substance, it's wishful thinking. The developers have to walk a fine line between getting enough content out to maintain interest in the game, while ensuring that there is enough revenue to ensure the continuity of the game.


I personally think that's out of balance at the moment, however I'm also quite happy to go play other games if the content release schedule doesn't work for me as a customer, I'll take my money with me in the duration of that absence. No hesitation anymore. After the last chapter of KotFE is released, if no new content is on the horizon, the chances are I'll be off playing something else.

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If the vast majority of people screaming for group content hasn't made them think about it, I wish you luck


*sigh* if only your post was true.


I too would love new group content but unfortunately if you were around when we realised none was coming for 4.0 and the foreseeable future the community was totally fractured over it to the point there were almost more posters Pro solo content at the expense of group content so unfortunately your "vast majority" falls short. :(

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I think this is nice from a gameplay perspective and all... but come on... in terms of story it makes zero sense. Why should Mako be just as an effective tank as skadge or someone else. I'm a heavily into a gameplay>realism kind of guy... but in terms of story I think that should have at times have a higher priority.


Why does it make zero sense?

A 'Tank' is not necessarily someone that stands there wearing heavy armour and gets hit, they could just as easily be someone that taunts effectively and dodges the incoming attacks or uses shields to absorb/ deflect the blows.

There is no reason small stature should have any bearing on tankishness. In fact I believe Kaliyo is body type 1 as well.


Story justification could also delve into Mako's cyborg modifications, there are plenty of armour sets that would allow you to expand away from the idea of just a few head implants into a full body with inbuilt shield generators. Again, there is no reason to think that Mako's small petite frame is flesh and blood, she could be packing a lot more implants/ robotic accessories.


And as for motivation, maybe she sees herself as a diversion using her pithy comments to distract the enemy, or having seen her mentor die wants to be more proactive in protecting her new boss.


The real point is I get to decide what companion and what story attaches to it and not BW. As much as I like BW's storytelling for an MMO you really have to give the players some leeway as well ;)


And that leads into keeping this more on topic.


I see a lot of players commenting that they are bored and they are only playing in this event because they are bored. Really? You've got that little self respect for your time that you'd rather be bored than be doing something you enjoy? Or is it just cool to be apathetic and bored by everything these days?

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That's uncalled-for - TUX wouldn't be so passionate if he didn't love the game. He's not thrilled by the current direction of the game, and has explained why that is. I don't often agree with TUX, but it's not because he doesn't love the game.


Seriously go over his post history ... what doesn't he complain about?


The way he posted to support gabigool's wall of text shows he must too be bored of the game ( the gist I got from gabi's post ) so why hang around something you don't enjoy and find boring? I just don't understand these people.


I've reached this point myself in the past with this game, I unsubbed and went and did something else. As it is I sub to do the bits I like and still play other games - if all I did was play this game day in and day out and were so disillusioned over the state of the game I would have long since left.


Maybe that's just me though, to me a lot of these long time done it all players come across as utter masochists in their posts ... punishing themselves with the tedium and boredom that is repeating content day in and day out in swtor. Give me a break.


The only thing that would seem to give him pleasure out of this game is new content, fair enough. But it's not on the horizon yet so give us all a break from the incessant negativity and go do something else or at least stop posting about it, it's getting tired and boring. Come back when the game isn't "boring" anymore.

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That's uncalled-for - TUX wouldn't be so passionate if he didn't love the game. He's not thrilled by the current direction of the game, and has explained why that is. I don't often agree with TUX, but it's not because he doesn't love the game.


I agree with this defense of TUXs' reputation, and IanArgent, I hope you don't mind me tacking on a few more words.


He has stated many times that he loves the game, and shows that he does by supporting it for quite some time now. I am certain the more recent posts TUX has


In sports, if a team is doing badly, the bandwagoners will leave and the loyal fans will remain. Some of those loyal fans love their team, but are angry with how the players might not be performing up to their earlier ability, or with management doing things to a team, or something else to be critical of.


TUX is like those loyal, critical fans. He is disappointed in how the game has been managed, such as this event - or whatever other term one wishes to use to describe it, - the lack of content for all playstyles, the droughts of developer interaction with the forums, the overhyping of content (SoR being overhyped and rushed to release with too many bugs), the delay of content (strongholds were delayed and replaced with Nightlife Event over that summer, wow I've been posting here for a while), and the lack of true variation of story ("your choices matter arguments"), but he has stuck with this game despite everything he has typed in rage about.

*steps off the soapbox and drinks her morning 'caf*


This event -for lack of a better word- has done some things for the game. I've discovered that I enjoy PvP warzones and will be queue'ing up more often for them on my characters. I admit, it is very likely that a lot of these activities will fall by the wayside once the event ends because people were doing PvP/GSF/FPs for the achievements and then will go back to what they were doing before (sorry, I am not a huge fan of GSF, so will only be doing enough for the Daily for the most part, which seems to me to be about the full seven matches anyway on whatever character I am playing for the day).


But it is stuff to do -old or new- during the summer. I've actually been working on my math class I'm taking while waiting for PvP matches to pop if I don't feel like playing the story at that moment. Expecting anything truly new-new beyond Chapter XVI and HK's CH XVI.5 over the summer seems like a pipe dream. But I admit I'd be just as likely to be replaying Mass Effect or Dragon Age over the summer as i am playing SWTOR.

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