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GSF and LvD - devs, we need you!


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LvD has resurfaced content people haven't touched in a long time, and with it has come a resurgence in GSF participation. Many players are now trying out GSF for the first time ever - and it can be a daunting experience. The small dedicated playerbase is already heavily ingrained into the GSF scenery, with better ships, better understanding of the game and a higher skill level.


I know playing against such players can be hard, because after ~2,500 games of my own I still have trouble when facing a group of such composition (or even single players of a certain caliber). This is why I assume that many of those new players will play their five matches, and leave the game without looking back. However, some of them will be more persistant, and will look up guides, ask for help and in general strive to improve. This is very good for the community as a whole, and I'm glad this is happening.


Of course, that's not why I'm here... I wanted to talk about the other end of the spectrum - players who actively destroy the gaming experience for their teammates and their enemies. I'm talking about self destructers.


In PvP in general, playing against a group on a different skill level than you is frustrating. Playing undergeared is frustrating as well (although any PvPer knows that skill is more important than gear). GSF is no exception to this. However, due to the smaller playerbase the matchmaker is much harder pressed to balance out groups. Even if it wasn't, there always remains the problem of experienced players on new alts - they are still much better than new players, although the matchmaker will not know it. The problem is that in GSF, as opposed to ground PvP, some players choose to punish the opposing group by self destructing. The problem is that they can.


I assume they believe that it might end the match faster, that they won't give the enemy the satisfaction of killing them, or a bunch of other reasons. Take your pick.


It's not fair to either team when someone does this. To the players with them, it's obvious why it's not fair - they lose all chance of winning when they have a player or more that decides to give the enemy team a free point every 15 seconds. To the other team, it's not fair because they didn't choose the matchup. In worst case, they might be a premade. In most cases, matchmaker put them on the same side... I myself left two matches last weekend due to two players grouped and self destructing on my team, and another match today due to a player self destructing on the enemy team.


GSF is unique in this. This can't happen in ground PvP, because you can't kill yourself (except by using /stuck once every two minutes). You could try to go hide in a corner, but if the matchup is as bad as that you most likely won't make it out of spawn. In PvE, you can either choose your group, or (for flashpoints) you can vote to kick someone. In GSF, the only time you can vote kick someone is if they haven't done anything... And dying is a thing.


All this is before counting people self destructing for conquest.


There is no solution currently to the problem. Naming and shaming is not allowed on the forums, and tickets yield no response. But there could be a solution - a simple one that requires little work and would satisfy everyone.


One option is to allow for vote kicks even after death. Just don't make death count as "interacting with objectives". This way, players farming conquest or self destructing to grief others will be kickable.


Another option is to place a lockout, similar to the one of flashpoint groupfinder. Make it tied to the time between spawn and death. Example - if you die within 10 seconds of spawn 4 times, you are removed from your current match and locked out of queue for 30 minutes. This way, even if players persist in self destructing, they won't be able to do it often. 4 times in 30 minutes seems reasonable to me.


Those are general solutions. The current problem is the players who only GSF for the event - for them, there is little incentive to actually play, but there is incentive to self destruct. It ends the match quicker, allowing them to farm their 5 games faster. This requires some attention too.


A possible solution to this would be tying the achievement to another accomplishment - something that requires active participation. It could be mastering a ship, getting 9 assists, destroying 3 turrets in 5 different matches... There are plenty of options. Participation awards are less shiny anyway.


Finally, I'm glad to see GSF was not forgotten in this event. You know we would love for it to get some much needed attention for bug fixes, rebalancing, new content, a better tutorial... But seeing new faces in game, when they play and enjoy the game, is something refreshing. I would say hopeful, but let's not get carried away...

Edited by Greezt
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While I agree with you that such behaviour should be punished in any type of PvP, I'd rather they take a look at the source of the problem. There are reasons GSF has such a small player base and the main one IMO is the gap between new and veteran players you described.


I did my 5 matches for the event and was glad when it was finally over. During those I got exactly 1 kill against another new player. The rest of the time I fought against vessels I could barely put a dent in while they were able to blow me out of the sky in less than 3 seconds. That is if I didn't get one-shot by a gunship...


On top of that, all 5 matches were total losses because the reps featured a premade with veteran players owning fully decked out CM ships.

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GSF's been poppin' even on Jung Ma these days, which is pretty neat. I've done I think 7 matches (sadly only 3 with DvL characters), and look forward to many more.


Perhaps it's the size of the server, but I'm not actually doing that badly. I tend to place in the top half of the board in Kills, Deaths (sorted low->high), Damage, and Objectives (in WZs I play defence, applying that to GSF is working well for me). I haven't run into any of the griefing that the OP describes, but maybe it's because GSF is so rare that a) people playing it on Jung Ma really want to play it now, and b) we just don't have the navy of veterans making life so incredibly difficult for noobies like myself.


I'm hoping we can keep GSF active on Jung Ma through and beyond the DvL event - my guild is large enough that hopefully we can help keep it popping for other interested parties on the server and bring the game mode back to life. I'm really having a blast with it, and can't wait to actually be able to afford more ships and upgrades : )


Also, thanks for having those groovie links in your sig, OP. I've been casually browsing the 'Stasiepedia' a bit. You're right, the in-game tutorial is about useless for anything other than getting a general feel for how the ships move. I'm glad there's some decent documentation out there : )

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While I agree with you that such behaviour should be punished in any type of PvP, I'd rather they take a look at the source of the problem. There are reasons GSF has such a small player base and the main one IMO is the gap between new and veteran players you described.


I did my 5 matches for the event and was glad when it was finally over. During those I got exactly 1 kill against another new player. The rest of the time I fought against vessels I could barely put a dent in while they were able to blow me out of the sky in less than 3 seconds. That is if I didn't get one-shot by a gunship...


On top of that, all 5 matches were total losses because the reps featured a premade with veteran players owning fully decked out CM ships.


Fully decket out ships have little to do with new players losing to seasoned ones. This is an established fact with plenty of evidence to support it. Other than that, yes. We would like to see better resources to new players. A larger player pool would be nice, and would solve many of the problems new players encounter.


Devs have said that they will give GSF more attention when people will play it more. People don't play it because of lack of dev attention... Thus the GSF cycle goes.


I don't want to derail this thread any more, though. Many problems could be easily addressed... All we need is a bit of attention.

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I did my 5 matches for the event and was glad when it was finally over.

On top of that, all 5 matches were total losses because the reps featured a premade with veteran players owning fully decked out CM ships.

<---This times 10.


The OP wants the devs to punish people who aren't making their deaths sporty enough for the premades. It's like they are the hunters on horses (gunships) with their pack of hunting dogs (Stings/Flashfires) hunting the fox in their 2 ship fighter/scout. The fox realizes they will die so instead of making it fun for the executioners they decide to suicide.


Yes devs by all means punish the foxes for not making their certain deaths shorter instead of drawn out. How dare they realize how lopsided the 46-3 match is and just suicide to speed up the end.

Edited by HuaRya
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Good to see BW learned their lesson from putting WZ requirements on some companions. :rolleyes:

TBH even a total moron could have predicted people would do this to complete the GSF requirements. Making GSF part of an event didn't do anything to make the experience any better.

Edited by ChicksDigHarleys
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GSF's been poppin' even on Jung Ma these days, which is pretty neat. I've done I think 7 matches (sadly only 3 with DvL characters), and look forward to many more.


Perhaps it's the size of the server, but I'm not actually doing that badly. I tend to place in the top half of the board in Kills, Deaths (sorted low->high), Damage, and Objectives (in WZs I play defence, applying that to GSF is working well for me). I haven't run into any of the griefing that the OP describes, but maybe it's because GSF is so rare that a) people playing it on Jung Ma really want to play it now, and b) we just don't have the navy of veterans making life so incredibly difficult for noobies like myself.


I'm hoping we can keep GSF active on Jung Ma through and beyond the DvL event - my guild is large enough that hopefully we can help keep it popping for other interested parties on the server and bring the game mode back to life. I'm really having a blast with it, and can't wait to actually be able to afford more ships and upgrades : )


Also, thanks for having those groovie links in your sig, OP. I've been casually browsing the 'Stasiepedia' a bit. You're right, the in-game tutorial is about useless for anything other than getting a general feel for how the ships move. I'm glad there's some decent documentation out there : )


I'm glad to hear you have had a good experience with GSF. I've never played on Jung ma, so I don't knoe how GSF is there. It's good to know new players aren't steamrolled over there, though.

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<---This times 10.


The OP wants the devs to punish people who aren't making their deaths sporty enough for the premades. It's like they are the hunters on horses (gunships) with their pack of hunting dogs (Stings/Flashfires) hunting the fox in their 2 ship fighter/scout. The fox realizes they will die so instead of making it fun for the executioners they decide to suicide.


Yes devs by all means punish the foxes for not making their certain deaths shorter instead of drawn out. How dare they realize how lopsided the 46-3 match is and just suicide to speed up the end.


I want to point out that GSF doesn't usually have a lot of premades anymore, at least not on JC. On Harb and TRE we see them from time to time, but it's not the kind of coordinated premades that Shadowlands Recon Wing or Drakolich used to do.


It is a problem that the new players stand no chance, but that doesn't even matter sometimes. I've been in matches where it's say, 4v4 where we have 4 experienced players and the other team has 4 players, where the other 4 people on each team were feeders either intentionally flying in to die or smacking into the nearest ship/asteroid repeatedly. And nobody was intentionally crushing them. Meanwhile the whole time the other 8 vets are trying to kill each other and aren't focusing on the new players at all.


The GSF community is a lot more friendly and a lot nicer than PvP'ers, and if they do end up 8 vets vs all noobs usually a few will switch to balance queue. And yes, there are those who won't and will take advantage of it to get ridiculous kill counts, but they're usually in the minority. The noob farming isn't usually intentional on the rare occasion it does happen, and I rarely see it on Jedi Cov. On JC normally we end up with an imbalance of really good pilots vs. average pilots.


There needs to be a solution, because so far the dedicated players are the ones being punished when you have a match like this:




I remember in particular on Jedi Cov, there was one week a guild who I won't name (they're banned now for their behavior in PvP) that would group up in groups of 3-4 and constantly be throwing matches in GSF. They'd each wrack up like 10+ SD's in the first few minutes and the match would be over, all to get conquest points. It was horrible and I ended up not playing most of that week, or constantly watching to see whether they were online before I queued so I wouldn't be in a match I was guaranteed to loose.


And the match throwing gets very bad every clash in hyperspace week.


The OP's suggestion isn't a bad one. It would severely hamper SD'ing and throwing matches, and punish those who do. I don't get why people do that when usually they're not getting spawn camped, I rarely see matches that end up in spawn camps and when it looks like that will happen I order my side to hold back.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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The problem with GSF is simple : Older players with maxed out ships farming newer players that don't know where the fire button is.


It's a broken system. It's like imagine a fully augmented 208 pvp player whos been here since launch queing up against lvl 1's coming fresh outta Hutta and there is no bolster or anything. You are literally 1 shotting people until the match is over.


It's a broken and borked system. Plain and simple. The GSF sub-community is full of great and well intentioned players I'm sure, but your dealing with a fundamentally borked and busted system. It's got Failware written all over it.

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The problem with GSF is simple : Older players with maxed out ships farming newer players that don't know where the fire button is.


It's a broken system. It's like imagine a fully augmented 208 pvp player whos been here since launch queing up against lvl 1's coming fresh outta Hutta and there is no bolster or anything. You are literally 1 shotting people until the match is over.


It's a broken and borked system. Plain and simple. The GSF sub-community is full of great and well intentioned players I'm sure, but your dealing with a fundamentally borked and busted system. It's got Failware written all over it.


I want to point out this thread, if you want to see what GSF is truly like for a new player:




The video linked in there starts about 48 minutes in, IIRC. It's a group of PvP'ers who one of their friends queues them up, they get some rather poor advice, but it shows you the level of intuition the above-average new player has when it comes to the GSF interface.


We weren't farming these guys in that match. I'd say about 95% of the community that I know intentionally does their best to avoid "farming" new players, or at least spawncamping them (some new players seem rather keen on flying into a gunship wall sometimes).


But let's address the main problem: self-destructers. People who enter and intentionally self-destruct in order to get it over with, because they don't even want to try to play. I talk to people regularly who are trying GSF for the first time ever right now, and they say that they don't even want to try and learn it. They've never played before, but are already prejudiced against the gamemode because they hear of the bad experiences new players have, or know how incredibly difficult it is just to fly the ship around, or the jerkiness of the controls, etc. And a lot of these people choose to enter their first match ever, and immediately self destruct to get it over with ASAP (even in domination where SD's don't count towards the goal).


~ Eudoxia

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I admit, I have self destructed in my matches, but that was more because I hit button to swerve and rotate and then lost my sense of up-down which resulted in my crashing into a wall, or an asteroid.


I also die very fast, usually. I'm lucky if I get even one hit because I have no idea what I doing too much except flying to wherever someone shouts for people to go, or just throwing myself into the fray and praying I "contribute" by even hitting something once. I have read some of the guides, but the thing that gets me every time is the up-down, so I run enough to get the dailies done (eventually) and to try my part of helping keep the queue going.


If there were a way to set up a ranking system better, or something, or a better tutorial, I think more people would be willing to throw themselves into the fray and try it.

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I admit, I have self destructed in my matches, but that was more because I hit button to swerve and rotate and then lost my sense of up-down which resulted in my crashing into a wall, or an asteroid.


I also die very fast, usually. I'm lucky if I get even one hit because I have no idea what I doing too much except flying to wherever someone shouts for people to go, or just throwing myself into the fray and praying I "contribute" by even hitting something once. I have read some of the guides, but the thing that gets me every time is the up-down, so I run enough to get the dailies done (eventually) and to try my part of helping keep the queue going.


If there were a way to set up a ranking system better, or something, or a better tutorial, I think more people would be willing to throw themselves into the fray and try it.


Even us vets smack into things. One of the aces on JC is the literal definition of retrocide, lol. I regularly power dive into stuff.


And yes, you can get up-down disoriented. I do it all the time. If that happens, the best thing to do is look at something you know the default orientation of, and correct yourself or compensate accordingly. I fly upside-down and sideways all the time, because I always have points of reference where I know which way I am angled.


You're better than most. Stick with it and you'll eventually get the hang of it. It took me about 4 months.


But again, the real issue we're trying to focus on here are the intentional self destructers like the anonymous example I posted on the first page.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Even us vets smack into things. One of the aces on JC is the literal definition of retrocide, lol. I regularly power dive into stuff.


And yes, you can get up-down disoriented. I do it all the time. If that happens, the best thing to do is look at something you know the default orientation of, and correct yourself or compensate accordingly. I fly upside-down and sideways all the time, because I always have points of reference where I know which way I am angled.


You're better than most. Stick with it and you'll eventually get the hang of it. It took me about 4 months.


But again, the real issue we're trying to focus on here are the intentional self destructers like the anonymous example I posted on the first page.


~ Eudoxia

This does make me feel better than "I'm a fool who can't keep her directions straight".


I can see how intentional SD'ers could be frustrating as well, and I hope something can be done to make the process easier and the GSF more fun.

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<---This times 10.


The OP wants the devs to punish people who aren't making their deaths sporty enough for the premades. It's like they are the hunters on horses (gunships) with their pack of hunting dogs (Stings/Flashfires) hunting the fox in their 2 ship fighter/scout. The fox realizes they will die so instead of making it fun for the executioners they decide to suicide.


Yes devs by all means punish the foxes for not making their certain deaths shorter instead of drawn out. How dare they realize how lopsided the 46-3 match is and just suicide to speed up the end.


I don't want to "punish" anyone. Quite the opposite. I also responded on your thread claiming that ships are the difference between new players and experienced ones. However, this isn't the point.


If the achievement requirements were changed to actual participation requirements, instead of merely being in the match, would you be mad? If so, why?


Yes, premades are frustrating. They are just as frustrating in PvP. I solo queue 90% of the time, and out of the other 10% I queue mostly with a single friend. When I queue with more than that, it's either guildies who want to fly/I convinced them to try it out, or (on other servers) to get a pop. In the last cases, I'm not on voice, and will queue with anyone. Newbies, aces, whatever. I really don't care.


I also do not play to win - I play for a good game. When a match ends 1000/900something, or 50/40something (or even better, if it comes to time), that's when I enjoy myself. Not when I land a bunch of slugs on a player who has yet to learn that you use spacebar to boost.


Back to the matter at hand. I feel like giving players actual objectives to complete will teach them to play better, and will be more enjoyable to them in the long run. It also might give them a sense of accomplishment - like players strive for 100% GSF achievements, or 100% ops achievements.


You will also note that in my OP I addressed all the issues of unbalanced matches. Contrary to what you believe, I am often on the receiving end of those as well. I'm no "ace" by any standard, just a guy who enjoys playing a game and would like to be free of griefers while doing so.

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The problem with GSF is simple : Older players with maxed out ships farming newer players that don't know where the fire button is.


It's a broken system. It's like imagine a fully augmented 208 pvp player whos been here since launch queing up against lvl 1's coming fresh outta Hutta and there is no bolster or anything. You are literally 1 shotting people until the match is over.


It's a broken and borked system. Plain and simple. The GSF sub-community is full of great and well intentioned players I'm sure, but your dealing with a fundamentally borked and busted system. It's got Failware written all over it.


This reflects my own feelings towards GSF as well. Sure you're at a disadvantage as a new player in ground PvP, but aside from running into the same premade again and again, you can still contribute and get a few kills even if you'd lose against everyone in a 1 on 1 or defend an objective simply by calling for help as soon as a threat presents itself.


As a new player in GSF you don't even have the same tactical possibilities as vets. You don't have a bomber or a gunship and veterans have tuned their ships to synergize with their own abilities and can switch from one tactic(ship) to the next as they please.

Most new players will never get to the point of having the same possibilities if they're not masochists.

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The point of this is that it weeds out those who are intentionally self destructing from those who want to give it a legitimate run, or at least do their 5/whatever matches legitimately.


~ Eudoxia


And that's exactly what I did. I gave it a shot and now I can't even blame those selfdestructors. It was a horrible experience and I would've been happy to have those incredibly lopsided matches end early.


From an objective perspective I agree that there should be some machanic preventing this, but my point was, that this would only serve to combat a symptom of a much bigger problem. There is a reason the GSF community is so small with only a miniscule influx of new players.

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We definitely need something like the PVP vendor. So you can trade coms for a legacy bundle of them that can be traded across your alts. Starting a new alt and wanting to fly is a process of just taking your lumps for weeks to months. I know it is even worse for new players in GSF that don't have a clue.


I also wish we had two daily missions like regular PVP.

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My first experience with GSF earlier this year (I think February) was not positive. I had no idea what I was doing and got killed constantly. I've thusly always ignored it for conquest, even if the bonus was good.


So I did it for the event last week fully expecting to do the 5 matches and never ever touch it again. Someone in my guild advised me to SD to avoid frustration and just get it over with. I'm not really wired that way, I knew I'd at least act like I was trying to help. I have three ships, no idea what differentiates them, and none of the tooltips over the abilities really did what I expected them to do, or were straight unhelpful.


This is not unlike how I first started in pvp. Completely clueless, the game doesn't really help you very much in figuring anything out, the maps are confusing to a first-timer, confusing gear requirements (you need expertise to have an impact *puts expertise crystal into gun* You have expertise in your gear. You will be less effective in the warzone :confused: :confused: :confused: I know about bolster/expertise/level now, but to a complete newb, that is so unhelpful).


Anyway, even though I couldn't ever possibly kill anyone in GSF, I actually had a good time going after turrets and mines and getting assists (even if they were miniscule little assists), and started to control the ship better (still very confused about some of the abilities and all the bars in the GUI (a lot of them never moved)). Even got in on some wins thanks to being lucky enough to PUG with good players.


Best of all, the chat was not filled with toxicity and name-calling and vitriol from the others, from either side (unlike a lot of people's first encounters with this bs in pvp) so while I knew I wasn't really contributing, I wasn't being called out for it. This made me more relaxed for the next queue, and the next, and the next. It's actually quite enjoyable now. I plan to do it more via conquest now that the LvD event achievement is done. I'm also considering starting a new toon just to do PVE space battles and GSF exclusively.


My hopes in posting this is someone who was planning to just SD the whole time sees this and also at least gives it a fair shot before making the decision to ruin other people's good times.

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Of course, that's not why I'm here... I wanted to talk about the other end of the spectrum - players who actively destroy the gaming experience for their teammates and their enemies. I'm talking about self destructers.


Shameless bump. Devs, the self-destructing is a serious issue that has been around for years and still has not been addressed. It needs to be fixed.


~ Eudoxia


I assume that you are too good. I mean, you don't even remember how hard it was for you to play GSF FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME.


In my VERY FIRST TIME, I was flying into "obstackles" every minute or even less, because the movement is still WAY TOO SENSITIVE. You don't even realize anymore that one bads move into the wrong side - and BOOM !


You don't even realize what PANIC can do !

Should I put forward a complaint that the bad thing are not people self-destructing on purpose,

but instead long-time player CHASING them so that they get into "panic mode" ON PURPOSE ?

Should I put forward a complaint that long-time player are exploiting the fact that NEWBIES panic so much earlier because they "can't shake him" ?


And even if this would exist - the dedicated player base would ignore it. "There can not be what must not be", as a saying / proverb goes. The dedicated player base already lives in its own world, not accepting any other point of view than theirs.


So, to sum it up, you complain about self-destructors. But you don't see the other side of the coin.

I blame the Curse Of Knowledge. Only concreteheads remain.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I mean, you don't even remember how hard it was for you to play GSF FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME.


Actually, I do. I tried playing it back in November 2014, went about 3 matches, had no idea if I was hitting someone, and had no idea where I was on the map or what to do. I had some experience from Battlefront II, so I knew how to shoot, and knew how to boost, and figured out I started with two classes of ship. But that was it.


Surprisingly enough, I didn't die a terrible amount thanks to my prior experience in FPS's like Battlefront and Halo. The problem I was having was the jerkiness of the control scheme, which I still haven't gotten used to and is why I'm a terrible battlescout pilot.


Then I tried it again in... April 2015. I met my friends Traesha and Isalina after that first match and they started teaching me how to play it. After 3-4 months I finally became mediocre, which is slower than most pilots. Was an ace by September. And I remember those first months, where I was happy to end the game with a 1:1 K/D ratio.


Should I put forward a complaint that the bad thing are not people self-destructing on purpose,

but instead long-time player CHASING them so that they get into "panic mode" ON PURPOSE ?

Should I put forward a complaint that long-time player are exploiting the fact that NEWBIES panic so much earlier because they "can't shake him" ?


A very tiny minority of GSF'ers actively farm noobs. I can assure you that of the people I know, I'd say 98% of them will not do this. And many of us actively tell our teams not to spawncamp, to let the other team have a sat, etc. etc. We call out basic instructions and try to help where we can. And we don't put people down for being new.


GSF is not like PvP.


Noobs do self destruct because they panic or don't know what to do. I know that. I have grouped with and taken many new pilots through their first matches, several because of this new event. But there are those who intentionally do it and we can sit there and watch them do it, intentionally ruining a match because they want to get it over with. I know from first hand experience, and the number of people doing it spikes every conquest week.


Nobody in the GSF community denies that GSF is absolutely horrible for new players. But we do want to see someone done about the people who intentionally try to ruin the gamemode for conquest points or for this new LvD achievement. And we have been asking for a solution for 2 years now.


E.G. This thread by Traesha, from several months ago:



~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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I did the tutorial and completed 5/5 GSF matches for the achievement. Most medals I ever got was 4, I got a feeling I'm still doing everything wrong. Oh well.

I did however upon entering noisily announce I was a noob in the team and some nice people wrote simple objective for noobs for the maps, so with that advice I mostly just flew around objective contest area and did my darnest not to die and lose points atleast, that seemed to be enough of a contribution for a few wins #carried. I dont think I'll be going back to learn to be better though, that was a very confusing experience in a content type I'm not very interested in. Just flying and dodging in itself was good fun, I dont think I was hitting anything with my lazors though lol

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I have zero aptitude for flying type games, which is the main reason that I've always avoided GSF. I'm not going to torture other people with my complete inability by queuing up for it. But then again, I've already figured out that getting legendary status is going to be pretty much impossible for me anyways.
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