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[SPOILERS] The Gemini Deception -- What choice Did you make & Why? [SPOILERS]

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My main is a Consular, and Tai Cordan had a big part in the Barsenthor story


The choice between the Imperials, Zakuulans, and Republic (Cordan) was tough. :(



Here is what I had thought about before and after my decision:





1. I thought they would all survive, somehow but that my last choice would cause me to lose favor with that faction's companions. I didn't assume that the last choice would not survive..


2. The Zakuulan people are among the tragic victims of the eternal empire simply due to the fact they've been disillusioned by the false face of their emperors. Their support for the Alliance(s) against the Throne would be vital, to help cause internal problems for the E. Empire; maybe even another war front. It would be hard to try and influence the Zakuulans any other way besides having an actual Zakuulan (a well known one, for reasons) help make the bridge. Senya might be seen by the Zakuulans to have too much bias/motive in any case if she attempted to serve as that bridge. So I made sure to choose the Zakuulans first -- to save.


3. An Imperial commander, with perhaps a huge network of allies, and at least intelligence on rogue/fringe Imperials would not only be valuable but also their participation would help bolster the legitimacy of the Alliance, and bring up Imperial moral; more incentive to join/keep fighting. It was also a chance to show a token of friendship, or hopes of one. The Alliance, after receiving factions and parties from all over the galaxy, needs to stay healthy--all parts of the body need to be in good order, and bringing in an Imperial commander with such previous renown, I hoped would help me maintain good order in the Alliance. 2nd Choice.


4. That only left the Republic; Tai Cordan as the last choice. I had hopeful assumptions that the 3rd choice would also survive, or somehow even be made surviving heroes. I trusted and knew the character of most Republic characters at this point and seemed the least hesitant to choose them last. One can say that I first thought "Others before yourself" but i secretly believed they would survive, and -- AND a friend of the Barsenthor, that they'd understand and agree it was the right, honourable thing to do.




1. I was shocked and horrified to see what seemed like the deaths of Tai Cordan and his party..he was a close ally and friend of the Barsenthor..


2. The three groups had made their own alliance modeled after ours. It was a huge encouragement! I had expected all three parties to join us.


3. I knew Tai Cordan to be an extremely capable commander and politician. He was one I knew could be trusted because he someone who was generous with trust too. He helped the Republic at a crucial time as well, along with the rest of the Rift Alliance. I somehow feel that if Tai Cordan had survived that he would feel guilty about the deaths of the other party. He would have been determined to, after joining the Alliance, fight hard to justify their deaths. He may even have the thought of wishing it had been him and not the others, that perished-- for the sake of the struggles against the E. Empire. I can't know for sure. In the end, maybe it might speak for the Republic-- not that we kill our own, but that maybe we put others before ourselves. In any case, my role was meant to be The Commander, not just the Barsenthor and not just a Pub. I had to make a decision, not a choice.. -- choices are a luxury for those who can afford to apply emotion and personal motives. For me I think that the only selfish aspect of my decision was that I decided the Republic was the most likely to have the most honorable traits. This is more evident as I tried to justify why their sacrifice was not a belligerent betrayal of friendship.


Forgive me, Tai Cordan >_<


Thanks perhaps in large part to you, -- you and others were able to inspire another alliance to bring down the E.Throne ^^ I hope we will meet again somehow.. -- until then, I'll make sure stories are told of you >_< </3

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I've only played through it with my Jedi knight so far. I thought all three would survive also. I chose to save the first the republic then the empire. My character is playing with the thought process that "this is war". I needed contacts in the republic and the benefits Ty can provide, & the dedication of the empire's finest more than I needed an actor. Senya understood that I wanted to save them all, and that I wasn't the one who killed them. HER kids did that.


It'll be interesting to see how my DS warrior will play this...

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Only played through with one (non-crafter, thank you god) character so far.... and until they fix this loss of a perfectly good companion just vanishing I do not see myself playing though it with any other of my alts.
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Well I did not loose any faction with anybody and you can too if you chose the correct response when you return.



I saved the Zakuulans and the Imperials. Sacrificing the Republics (I'm Republic BTW) That did not make Theron happy but I appeased him by telling him that I tried to save everybody, this he approved of, thus I did not loose any faction with him.



Choices DO matter. You just have to make the right ones to get the outcome you desire.

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I saved the Zakuulans and the Pubs. I almost chose the Imps over the Zakuulans, but I changed my mind because I thought the Zakuulans would be a great propaganda weapon for the Alliance, and having a Zakuulan figurehead on our side could rally people against Arcann. I only chose Tai Cordan because I couldn't just let him die, and I had a hunch that the third would die.
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I actually thought when the choice first came up that we could save only one (because that's what Theron made it sound like). On my Warrior, I saved Tai Cordan first - a strong tie to a major Republic manufacturing world would be a huge boon to the Alliance, especially since the Warrior, as the Wrath, is intimately familiar with Imperials (as is Lana).


I knew I wasn't saving Admiral Ranken the moment I saw her; I knew she had to die (although I was hoping to stab her in the face myself). It was a bit of metagaming, but I figured a Warrior would also know about her, since she's an Imperial hero. Admiral Zasha Ranken was Grand Moff Kilran's right hand woman during the Sacking of Coruscant, and the mass bombardment of civilian targets during it was her idea. She's a monster.


So obviously the second choice was Melita because a Zakuulan cultural icon made to disappear by Arcann would do huge wonders for the Alliance's propaganda against him on Zakuul.

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Only played through with one (non-crafter, thank you god) character so far.... and until they fix this loss of a perfectly good companion just vanishing I do not see myself playing though it with any other of my alts.

Same. Particularly when I realized the removed companion in chapter XV is among my companions with the highest influence on many of my toons.

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As a Smuggler I found the choices to be rather simple. First I saved the Imperial Admiral, she was clearly the most important figure of the 3 IMO and it helps build ties with the Empire. In the message after apparently Empress Acina was greatful of the choice as well, so that worked nicely.


Secondly I saved the Republic (Tai), the Smuggler has ok ties with the Republic but not as strong as the other 3 republic classes so saving him made sense to make the alliance stronger.



The Zakkul woman didn't seem useful and I feel the alliance has already exhausted its potential on Zakkul, who was really left to recruit? Already took Scorpio (was useful for awhile I guess :p ), Kaliyo, The Scions, Havoc Squad. Didn't think saving her would have much benefit overall at the current point. The alliance needs a unified Empire and Republic against the true enemy to win.



These choices overall will have minimal impact but I did like my reasoning for my actions.

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People do realize that this fake choice, yes that is what it was a fake choice, will mean absolutely nothing outside of yet another of the 1000 useless companions possibly leaving. oooooohhhhhh shocker..... how exciting, I mean its not like we haven't had that happen like twice now.


They have followed a model of having a rail shooter story telling approach starting with 3.0. in the end the story will be the same regardless of who you elected to kill and it will continue to be like that for the next installment of chapters.


Bioware's big your choice matters propaganda is just that smoke and mirrors to keep you subbing so you keep paying and paying for about as lame a content update a month as you can possibly get.

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I needed contacts in the republic and the benefits Ty can provide, & the dedication of the empire's finest more than I needed an actor.


^ Then you don't pay much attention to the real world on Earth, because it seems more people are interested in what actors think than actual educated people think...


Example: Jenny McCarthy & vaccines


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People do realize that this fake choice, yes that is what it was a fake choice, will mean absolutely nothing outside of yet another of the 1000 useless companions possibly leaving. oooooohhhhhh shocker..... how exciting, I mean its not like we haven't had that happen like twice now.


They have followed a model of having a rail shooter story telling approach starting with 3.0. in the end the story will be the same regardless of who you elected to kill and it will continue to be like that for the next installment of chapters.


Bioware's big your choice matters propaganda is just that smoke and mirrors to keep you subbing so you keep paying and paying for about as lame a content update a month as you can possibly get.


It is Mass Effect all over again, it is clear and obvious but clearly people either don't care or don't bother to stop and think about it...

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I've only played through once with my Consular and I went with the Zakuulan's first as they were civilians, then Tai Cordan and the republic because they were officials...the Imperials were military so I figured they signed up and knew the risks, civilians and non military personnel should always come before soldiers.
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^ Then you don't pay much attention to the real world on Earth, because it seems more people are interested in what actors think than actual educated people think...


Example: Jenny McCarthy & vaccines



She is considered a crazy by the majority, if not all of the credible scientific community. Those who think her words are that important are also what I consider "uneducated." Ironically, the "vaccines cause autism" argument appears to be affecting low income and high income individuals despite most idiotic conspiracy theories resonating with poor, uneducated individuals. You are using a bad example...:rolleyes:


There are no real world examples of this. There has never been a "true" world conquering superpower and then the need for an entertainer to be used as propaganda to ensure they win. Most entertainers resonate with the winning side and if there was an entertainer (aka world famous individuals living in Axis countries during WW2) them joining the winning side would have zero bearing on the overall outcome.


Then on top of that. Real world actors/actresses are lackluster at best for influencing world politics. Yes, their nonprofits do wonderful things but changing politics is a rare event.


In summary, you're example is a bad one and you're argument has no evidence to support it. Regardless, you are taking this too seriously and dragging me into it.


The entertainer is a gamble at best, we are assuming there are enough Zakuulans to care that this specific singer has joined the Alliance. When we are comparing to a senator who comes from an important alliance (see sage story) and an Imperial admiral who has the experience since the sacking of Coruscant (her tactics are wrong, but she brings Imperials with her and her experience) the choice is easy. We are talking about a singer that resonates with one planet compared to two important figureheads from both factions.

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It is Mass Effect all over again, it is clear and obvious but clearly people either don't care or don't bother to stop and think about it...


It is expected that none of this will matter, doesn't mean that the story isn't fun to play through.

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It was real easy choice for me. Military commander with fighting ready resources....must have so saved first balmorra has droid factories that would produce more war ready assets....must have so saved second. Pop star can help change hearts and minds...sorry...not valuable enough to save immediately. I've already started changing and molding hearts and minds. Edited by Shwarzchild
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It was real easy choice for me. Military commander with fighting ready resources....must have so saved first balmorra has droid factories that would produce more war ready assets....must have so saved second. Pop star can help change hearts and minds...sorry...not valuable enough to save immediately. I've already started changing and molding hearts and minds.


"Hence, to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence. Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemies' resistance... without fighting." -The Art of War


If the people of Zakuul love you instead of believing Arcann's lies, they will rise up against him. And he can't bombard Zakuul from orbit without destroying his own control systems. Not that it matters since SCOR "If you were paying attention AT ALL, you would have seen the betrayal coming EIGHT CHAPTERS ago" PIO has control of the fleet now.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Such an epic chapter but I chose Imperial and Republic. Zakuul just doesn't interest me so I let them get blown up.


When Lana was talking about the contraband or whatever I thought she was talking about the possibility of Malgus' body frozen in carbonite.

Edited by usctrojans
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For all the words you typed...




"Getting it wrong makes you look stupid. And ugly."


You're absolutely correct that my usage of your and you're was wrong in that sentence.


Your argument was still 100% incorrect, but you get 10/10 on the ad hominem. I also just realized you posted a buzzfeed article as your "proof" of entertainers making a difference. I now feel sorry for you.

Edited by JourrnoRush
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Light side Sith Warrior:


1) I chose Zakuul people first b/c I figured they would be useful in pacifying the population.


2) Imperials next b/c they will obey me without question after this war is finished.


3) Pubs last b/c if they allied to me now they will eventually oppose me so no skin off my nose if they die...and they did. :)


Of course I will never get to actually build my empire or take charge of things. But I was trying...really trying...to get into the story at that moment.

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Just finished Chapter 12 through 16 on one character, 14 though 16 on another. I am a huge fan of the story. The gameplay travel in this chapter and some of the previous ones should be reduced.


Chapter 12 is my favorite so far. The traveling to click several objects needs to be reduced or let us use a mount.


Chapter 16's maze aspect was maddening along with the broken floors during the end escape.


For me making us travel is acceptable. Back and forth travel featuring one too many clickable objects guarded by mobs not so much. Mazes makes a otherwise pleasant chapter unpleasant.

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Senya pretty much voiced my reasoning. It's the world I know. Even the Empire.


Besides, the bulk of my alliance is made up of republic and alliance.


In hindsight, the Zaakulan "leader" is just... a belly dancer. She cannot possibly have the military expertise and experience of the other 2.

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Just finished Chapter 12 through 16 on one character, 14 though 16 on another. I am a huge fan of the story. The gameplay travel in this chapter and some of the previous ones should be reduced.


Chapter 12 is my favorite so far. The traveling to click several objects needs to be reduced or let us use a mount.


Chapter 16's maze aspect was maddening along with the broken floors during the end escape.


For me making us travel is acceptable. Back and forth travel featuring one too many clickable objects guarded by mobs not so much. Mazes makes a otherwise pleasant chapter unpleasant.


KotFE is more fun if you could do numerous chapters in a row. It's what I did when I came back, 1 to 13 in one go. My mind was blown.

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