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Cathar honor sword in DvL packs

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Hello! Quick question. I know that these items are bound but I play a non force user class. Now I received the cathar honor sword in one pack (!!!). But it is useless with a imperial agent. What could I do?


They are suppose to be changing them to bind to legacy in the next patch according to rumor. So hold on to it for now, or equip on a companion that can use it, or put a mod in it, and then unlock account wide through collections.

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They are suppose to be changing them to bind to legacy in the next patch according to rumor. So hold on to it for now, or equip on a companion that can use it, or put a mod in it, and then unlock account wide through collections.


They won't be making these items bind if legacy, as legacy items can not be added to collections.



They're trying to implement a work around for the collections and light vs dark packs. Some people will get packs on different characters. Say you got half a set on one character and half on the other, you have no way to combine it. They want to make it so you can.


As for weapons on characters that can not use them, give it to a companion to unlock.

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They won't be making these items bind if legacy, as legacy items can not be added to collections.



They're trying to implement a work around for the collections and light vs dark packs. Some people will get packs on different characters. Say you got half a set on one character and half on the other, you have no way to combine it. They want to make it so you can.


As for weapons on characters that can not use them, give it to a companion to unlock.


Gives all the more reason never to spend $ on the CM ever again, cause of in game events giving free real $ rewards

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Nice! Paying CC for an unlock for other characters because there was no useful solution. Thanks to BioWare.


No different than buying Item-X on one server for 1M and unlocking it so that you do not have to pay 10M on another server. Particularly if you plan to use said item(s) on more then just one character. And yes.. this is an economical approach if you hoard and spend your subscriber CCs wisely.


This by the way is what the subscriber CCs are primarily for IMO .. to enable you to unlock or purchase items and content without having to spend any incremental real money for them. Prudent players spend their CCs wisely... and unlocking a really desirable item is one way to wisely spend them.


Of course if you only ever intend to use an item on one character.... then obviously you want the items on that character. Most players though have at least one other character they would use an item on... sometimes many. In this case, the Cathar Swords have always been super rare and liked/used by players across a number of force using characters and companions.


Why aren't you more concerned about the lack of super rare drops in the event boxes? They did after all "imply" that they would be filled with highly desirable super rare CM items.... but clearly we all know they are mostly like regular CM packs.. loaded with bronze and silver "been there, done that" items.

Edited by Andryah
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Nice! Paying CC for an unlock for other characters because there was no useful solution. Thanks to BioWare.


This is how it works for CM items. You get <ITEM> and then it costs coins to unlock it in collections. Taking a shot at BioWare isn't necessary.

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This is how it works for CM items. You get <ITEM> and then it costs coins to unlock it in collections. Taking a shot at BioWare isn't necessary.


You are right there, but for what am I doing this event? For spending CC? I have got parts of the Revan set, some other sith stuff but for my class it is completely useless. Why don't they make that BoL? That makes more sense to me.

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Okay, I have to pay 400 CC because I want it on a character on which I can USE that item...That's not fair in my opinion. I really understand this method of unlocking it when you buy cartel packs. But this is an "EVENT". It is completely useless.
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Gives all the more reason never to spend $ on the CM ever again, cause of in game events giving free real $ rewards


You know most of us are happy to pay real $ and buy these rewards directly and then pay real $ again to unlock them in collections? I honestly don't know what you're unhappy about since GTN prices are still sky high and people have unlocked quite a few of these packs which turn out to be simply gamble boxes you can get 100% trash from and most people will stop trying after the first few tiers.

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They won't be making these items bind if legacy, as legacy items can not be added to collections.



They're trying to implement a work around for the collections and light vs dark packs. Some people will get packs on different characters. Say you got half a set on one character and half on the other, you have no way to combine it. They want to make it so you can.


As for weapons on characters that can not use them, give it to a companion to unlock.


That is not necessarily true. The HK rewards are bound to legacy AND unlockable in collections for 1 CC.

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Okay, I have to pay 400 CC because I want it on a character on which I can USE that item...That's not fair in my opinion. I really understand this method of unlocking it when you buy cartel packs. But this is an "EVENT". It is completely useless.


I have more then a dozen Cathar Swords in use across my account. The 400 CC was totally worth it to be able to do so. Of course I unlocked mine years ago.


You could have never drawn a Cathar Sword from an event pack too.... like most players... and I'm sure that too would be unfair, right?


You are of course free to just buy one off the GTN for the character you wish to use it on. I would bet though that you also feel that players pricing them for the prices they do is also somehow unfair, right?


You also could simply wait until you see what the studio is doing to address the across the account question for event rewards from boxes too.. since Eric said they are looking for a way to do so.


Just like in real life... random events in MMOs are not always "fair" to some.

Edited by Andryah
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That is not necessarily true. The HK rewards are bound to legacy AND unlockable in collections for 1 CC.


The HK rewards are not bind on legacy.



The Nico Blasters and Duster are however which is why they are not in collections same with the pilot outfits

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Okay, I have to pay 400 CC because I want it on a character on which I can USE that item...That's not fair in my opinion. I really understand this method of unlocking it when you buy cartel packs. But this is an "EVENT". It is completely useless.


Some people are getting very expensive items like the new lightsabers for free in the packs. They go for 20-30 million on my server... 400CC is not a bad price to pay... You can spend 25 000CC and not pull one of those, they're quite rare.

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Some people are getting very expensive items like the new lightsabers for free in the packs. They go for 20-30 million on my server... 400CC is not a bad price to pay... You can spend 25 000CC and not pull one of those, they're quite rare.


I know but it's the principle. When I play the event I expect that I receive "useful" stuff I can use on that character. And if not, then they should do the event items free unlockable. To use all these items I have to pay real money (not much of course) and that is the point I do not understand. In the end the event was made to make money. Got so many cool UNCOMPLETE armor sets for sith classes but I am not able to unlock that (not the complete set) neither I am able to use that on a imperial agent.

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Why would anyone want armors in collection now. Just make it BoL and use in outfit designer.

Weapons? They should just add them in outfit designer and slap BoL too.


Forget about collections and slap BoL on stuff.




P.S. Got it myself on smuggler. I know your feels.

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Why would anyone want armors in collection now. Just make it BoL and use in outfit designer.

Weapons? They should just add them in outfit designer and slap BoL too.


Forget about collections and slap BoL on stuff.


Takes up much less storage space in collections.

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They are suppose to be changing them to bind to legacy in the next patch according to rumor. So hold on to it for now, or equip on a companion that can use it, or put a mod in it, and then unlock account wide through collections.


Actually you are wrong as has been said by them several times now they can not make it legacy because it wont unlock in your legacy after that. meaning just like heroic money decrease it will not be changed or reverted and we as devs will just ignore it like we do all major screw ups and just move on to the next project.


It is not in the best interest of what earns money to make it legacy linked. they will lose on massive cartel coin sales.

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They are suppose to be changing them to bind to legacy in the next patch according to rumor. So hold on to it for now, or equip on a companion that can use it, or put a mod in it, and then unlock account wide through collections.


no they're not they said they can't do that cuz if its bound to legacy it won't unlock in collections, and they can't do bind on equip cuz of some stupid reason so they're gonna come up with a new option.

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I know but it's the principle. When I play the event I expect that I receive "useful" stuff I can use on that character. And if not, then they should do the event items free unlockable. To use all these items I have to pay real money (not much of course) and that is the point I do not understand.


File this thread under "People Will Complain About Anything"... even free stuffs.


First, they are going to make them available in collections, this has been stated several times and it's just a matter of them figuring out a way to get it done.


Also, you want "free unlockable" which, to my knowledge, has never happened with any previous event rewards in any previous events (ie. Containment Officer Gear, Hyrotti Scrapper, etc). Please continue reading to see exactly how petty this demand is.


Second, let's look at your Cathar Honor Sword which first came out in March 2013 in a drop from the Regulator's Contraband Pack. To get it you could:


Back in the Day

  • Buy the Regulator Pack/Hypercrate from the Cartel Market and hope you get it. This would cost you real money and/or in-game credits. Then pay 400 Cartel Coins to unlock it.
  • Buy it from the GTN for millions of credits, how many in 2013 exactly I do not know. This would cost you in-game credits. Then pay 400 Cartel Coins to unlock it.



  • Buy the Regulator Pack/Hypercrate from the Galactic Trade Network and hope you get it. This would cost in-game credits provided you could even find any for sale. Then pay 400 Cartel Coins to unlock it.
  • Buy the sword directly from the Galactic Trade Network. This would cost you in-game credits (20million+ on Harbinger as of today). Then pay 400 Cartel Coins to unlock it.
  • Get the sword for free during the Light v Dark Event. This would cost you absolutely nothing other than some time playing that you were going to do anyway. Then pay 400 Cartel Coins to unlock it.


*It's worth mentioning that you could be patient and get the unlock for 200 Cartel Coins during the 50%-off Collections sales they run from time-to-time.


In my opinion, what you are complaining about is just *smh*. You are very fortunate to be getting a very rare and very popular item for free and then you're upset that you have to pay to unlock it in collections which, if you look at my timeline above, has *always* been the case.



  • Spend real money and/or millions of in-game credits then pay 400 Cartel Coins to unlock it.


  • Get it for free then pay 400 Cartel Coins to unlock it.


I'm guessing "free" would be the obvious choice which is what ended up happening and now you're complaining about the unlock cost which is absolutely normal... not to mention also the time and patience you would need to do it through the GTN and/or Cartel Market.


*I almost forgot, if you're a subscriber you're getting your 500/600 Cartel Coins each month to do whatever you want with so, in fact, you'd be getting the Cathar Honor Sword 100% free.


Are you also "oh, here's a free Ferrari, you just have to pay $4,000 and we'll not only give it to you but also send identical ones to everyone in your family"?


This non-complaint is just so petty and ridiculous.


TL;DR - All you have to "understand" is that paying a few Cartel Coins to unlock something in Collections has been there since Collections came out. At least here that's all you're paying, you never had to actually buy the Cathar Honor Sword for in-game credits and/or real money. I would love to be in your shoes with a rare item like this.

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