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Soooo, I just had to make this thread, because I have recently learned how adorkable Quinn is. Say what you will about him, and I know there are many of you that hate him, for a "certain thing" I won't be naming, due to a potential spoiler.


But GDI, the last interaction I've had with him, was so damn cute, and adorable it made me make those silly little noises. Don't you dare try to deny it! I know they'll be some that know, of the noises I talk about. :p


I plan to post an image, I regretfully didn't think, to take screenies 'till just now.


So, yeah, post your freaking adorable screenies, and let us say "awwies" in unison! Bonus points, if the LI is generally disliked, such as Corso.

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I only have two characters that I actually do "end game" content with

my Sorceror and my Operative, so my time vested towards companions are pretty much to those two


after reading the forums for so long, I think I am the only one that has kept his Inquisitor loyal to Ashara

there is something about her that I can't wait to have the "reunion" with her

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Torian, Torian, and Torian. It surprised me, because I kept hearing this "Bieber Fett" nonsense so I thought he'd be a punk. I use the dark skinned CM customization for him because I don't like the ritualistic scarring.


(And Iresso. Iresso's the man, what a sweetheart. I use the customization that makes him look Native American.)


I really wish they'd fix Torian's conversations for female BH's that choose to become Mandalorian, because I refuse to play through her story until I can get the scene where he teaches her Mando'a!

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Torian, Torian, and Torian. It surprised me, because I kept hearing this "Bieber Fett" nonsense so I thought he'd be a punk. I use the dark skinned CM customization for him because I don't like the ritualistic scarring.


(And Iresso. Iresso's the man, what a sweetheart. I use the customization that makes him look Native American.)


I really wish they'd fix Torian's conversations for female BH's that choose to become Mandalorian, because I refuse to play through her story until I can get the scene where he teaches her Mando'a!


I adore Torian, and, don't shoot me, but I think, he seems a little like Corso with his respect for women. I also, have a feeling that Torian could, maybe, possibly a romantic, another reason that makes him like Corso. And, people were saying that about Torian? Well, I guess, maybe it's because he's just a kid. I plan to romance Iresso, he and Vector seem to underrated.

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I loved all the male LI's except for Felix Iresso initially, but now even he's starting to grow on me. He's very sweet, if somewhat bland. But after going through my second Consular playthough, I'm starting to appreciate him more.


I also really like Theron, though there isn't as much history there.


If I could have two other romance options, I would have to pick Numan Brock from the Smuggler storyline, and Aristocra Saganu from the Imperial Agent line. I think you can only romance Saganu as a Chiss, though.

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I have played through every romance option over the years, and Iresso remains one of my favourite LI's in the game, for spoilered reasons.



Being the sole jedi romance that actually gets approved by the jedi council means a lot more then just a few well answered questions to some jedi master. This is one of my major loves for that romance, he's a guy who is able to say he's with a jedi, and even go so far as to follow the Order's rules to getting the relationship to be officially allowed, for his girl. Kira says it's impossible to have an approved relationship, Nadia says in a letter how she wants to go against the rules about it all, Doc has a secret marriage with his flame, and Iresso? he goes for the seemingly impossible and succeeds all because he doesn't want a "secret" relationship. This makes it far more interesting to me, and allures to his personality even more.




I admit I'm a bit picky with the LI's for my characters as not many actually fit my character's personality/type. Thanks to that my characters are often still single at the end of the class story. But that said, a few character and romance matches fit perfectly for how I've built up my characters. Those are:


Lady Sith Warrior - Theron Shan

Lady Consular - Felix Iresso

Lady Inquisitor - Adronikos Revel

Male Jedi Knight - Lana Beniko

Lady Bounty Hunter (mandalorian) -Torian Cadera


There's more to it for me then just picking some random npc to romance and rolling with it but I've rambled on enough, everyone plays differently. I see my character's as if I'm seeing their story unfold while I play. Though Canon > head-canon, but I definitely fill in the gaps the canon stories leave me.

I'm sure I have (far too many) pictures somewhere haha.

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Quinn is my number one man, followed closely by Theron then Vector. I'm also fond of Corso. As for the ladies, I love Vette and only Vette. Risha is fine once you get her as a companion after chapter 1, she's just obnoxious before that.
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Quinn takes the first place, no arguments here :p


Vector is a close second but I'm not looking for a reunion with him - it will be sad, teary-eyed and I'll probably be depressed as my lady-agent found her true love in the arms of Theron so...damn, not really looking forward to the confrontation :(

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I went with Lana. My main is a sage and loved Nadia.


However, figuring I haven't had a word with my "wife" in over 3 years, Lana was refreshing. KotFE Lana is such a better model too, compared to permanent cold Lana in SoR.


New characters I'm obviously keeping faithful to the majority of LI's due to the romance being fresh enough to care.


BW could have had some intern keep the characters updated with a LI email every month or two from the class stories. Even now, I haven't had interaction with Lana since KotFE dropped.

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I went with Lana. My main is a sage and loved Nadia.


However, figuring I haven't had a word with my "wife" in over 3 years, Lana was refreshing. KotFE Lana is such a better model too, compared to permanent cold Lana in SoR.


New characters I'm obviously keeping faithful to the majority of LI's due to the romance being fresh enough to care.


BW could have had some intern keep the characters updated with a LI email every month or two from the class stories. Even now, I haven't had interaction with Lana since KotFE dropped.


I completely agree with you. For me Lana is the best romance for all my characters, but the lack of romance acknowledgment since chapter 9 sucks :/

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Andronikos Revel, hands down. His character meshed really well with how I played my Inquisitor. The proposal was handled pretty well and the letter sent after KOTFE started is my favorite of the ones I've seen. I've ended up re-rolling my Sorcerer for the D vs. L event so it'll be a nice bonus to play through his side quest again. I'm looking forward to how the writers handle his re introduction in season 2.
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I would also like to add that Koth seems to mesh well with my female trooper and female smuggler, both light side.


I'm not sure why he gets such a bad rap. His character is very well written. He love his emperor, because his emperor has been nothing but great to his people. While we know the emperor as the monster who destroyed Ziost. If he has been focusing on Zakuul like he claims, then why should Koth really think what we are saying about him as 100% fact? What if Valkorion caused the wars between the Empire / Republic to see his true love (Zakuul) flourish and then replace both powers? Of course, Valkorion is still evil but his motives are so that Zakuul is on top. Koth might reflect this and is only against Arcann since Arcann tried to get Koth and company to kill civilians on Denon.


I hope that BW makes this ending with Valkorion, Arcann, Koth, etc. to make sense. Eventually, Valkorion is going to make his move, which is most likely going to be trying to get back on the throne. Koth is going to have to make a choice with us, since he is devoted to his Emperor but also to the commander (more so as a LI).

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As a warrior player I'm surprised at the Quinn love but not unhappy. however for me the best love interest and in my personal opinion the best overall romance in the game is and always will be the one and only.




Yep everyone snarky smiling twilek thief and former slave. She charms you from her first appearance--chirp chirp--back talking to a guy with a shock controller, and keeps on going with her spunk and attitude all the way through the story. Her romance is well written and grows steadily through out the story small but solid steps before taking the big plunge.


Overall its most believeable from a LS warriors perspective but that said great lines like her line on Taris--I just wish we had more time to be together--to her acceptance of her proposal, and that first kiss , to her suggestion for how to enjoy a little prvate time, just make her romance the most enjoyable one in the game.

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I only have two characters that I actually do "end game" content with

my Sorceror and my Operative, so my time vested towards companions are pretty much to those two


after reading the forums for so long, I think I am the only one that has kept his Inquisitor loyal to Ashara

there is something about her that I can't wait to have the "reunion" with her


IMO, Ashara's is possibly the most under-rated romance of all eight classes, if you



Play as a sincere Light/Gray Sith who genuinely wants a rational, peaceful, meritocratic Empire.



You just have to get to know her a bit...Hell, you and she even



Go on an actual date, like normal people do!



How can that not be adorable :)


My Mercs are still hoping for their Makos, though. (Hang on, hon, your Big Guy's moving Hell and Heaven and Earth to get back to you...)

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My favourite will always be Torian. Ever since I found out before release that he would be voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch, I was overly excited and hoped he wouldn't be a terrible character. Luckily, BioWare did not disappoint me and made him Mandalorian to boot (although that hairstyle, yeesh. It's slowly growing on me). I was so happy to get him back in Chapter 14!


Incoming spoilery-ish picture from Chapter 14, take heed if you haven't played it with a Torian romance:

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My favourite will always be Torian. Ever since I found out before release that he would be voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch, I was overly excited and hoped he wouldn't be a terrible character. Luckily, BioWare did not disappoint me and made him Mandalorian to boot (although that hairstyle, yeesh. It's slowly growing on me). I was so happy to get him back in Chapter 14!


Incoming spoilery-ish picture from Chapter 14, take heed if you haven't played it with a Torian romance:


Companion customisation fixes that. :p

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Companion customisation fixes that. :p


I like the rest of him, it's just the hair. But like I said, it's growing on me and looks fine on him (I'd never choose it willingly for one of my characters though, bleh!). Customizations would only work if we could design them, I hate the majority of the preset customizations for all companions.

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Guess for my Male Smuggler it is Akaavi. Not sure how at first I thought Risha was fine but when I met Akaavi I can't help but be drawn to her. Sure she has some issues but seems she is alright at the end.


Every other class, guess it is just in the air.


Though I don't like the Lana, Theran and Koth romances. Just those three give off a friends and not lovers to me. Hope BioWare is going to add new characters and more LI and not have it be those three or any of the other old romances.

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I would also like to add that Koth seems to mesh well with my female trooper and female smuggler, both light side.


I'm not sure why he gets such a bad rap. His character is very well written. He love his emperor, because his emperor has been nothing but great to his people. While we know the emperor as the monster who destroyed Ziost. If he has been focusing on Zakuul like he claims, then why should Koth really think what we are saying about him as 100% fact? What if Valkorion caused the wars between the Empire / Republic to see his true love (Zakuul) flourish and then replace both powers? Of course, Valkorion is still evil but his motives are so that Zakuul is on top. Koth might reflect this and is only against Arcann since Arcann tried to get Koth and company to kill civilians on Denon.


I hope that BW makes this ending with Valkorion, Arcann, Koth, etc. to make sense. Eventually, Valkorion is going to make his move, which is most likely going to be trying to get back on the throne. Koth is going to have to make a choice with us, since he is devoted to his Emperor but also to the commander (more so as a LI).


I've actually thought the same thing myself. He like the rest of Zakuul are basically cut off from the rest of the core worlds, so up until this point Arcann is all they've ever know. He's led them into to a Golden Age, so what reason would they have to doubt him?


I'm been toying with the idea of rolling a male smuggler that'll romance him; who personality wise is Lightside, but doesn't give a hoot about either the Republic or the Empire. I rolled a female Smuggler who's money driven, so it might be interesting to play snarky "white knight" for a change.;)

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Quinn! :D *waves enthusiastically at fellow Quinn lovers*


If she were able, my SI would have romanced Talos. Andronikos is a great guy but I don't find him especially interesting; whereas Talos is just utterly adorable. As it is, she went with Lana.


Also would have romanced Xenith if possible. That would have been a really interesting story, especially with a dark side consular. But I enjoyed romancing Felix instead on my consular.


A bunch of the male PC romances skeeve me out because the love interest story is "a sweet innocent-ish girl you can do horrible things to/convince her to do horrible things herself" so they always seem way too young for the PC. Nadia, Ashara, Jaesa, Mako, even Raina Temple and Vette to some degree. So I mostly avoided the male PC romances. Elara's, however, was awesome and I would love to see more like that.


Romanced Doc accidentally. Never again. He, Tharan, and Corso are on my short list of people to throw out the airlock at the first opportunity. Vector is a sweet and precious darling but I just can't get past the bug thing, omg.


So yeah, I ended up with a lot of solo characters...

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I totally love Corso above all, with Torian a close second, and Also Vector although I do have a problem with the Killik thing. But I am completely unable to comprehend why anyone wouldn't adore Corso! I didn't like his hair when I first saw him, but Customization 2 fixed that very well:) What won my heart is his lovely old fashioned respect for women and his unconditional love for his Captain, whom he is willing to wait forever for if need be. He gets my vote for the absolute sweetest romance ever. Loved all the jealous cutscenes...those were adorable, along with his charming sense of humor ("bet we could last 10 minutes!"}. I just need to find him in real life:)


I also adore his voice....especially when he says "Anything you want, Captain...". *sigh*


The other thing I can't understand is how so many are crazy about Quinn, who professes to love you but then cold-bloodedly tries to KILL you! That broke my heart when it happened, and I could never get around it, or even finish playing my character after that. I found it impossible to justify or forgive:(

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