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Im still making huge profits from slicing... The Truth about Slicing


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There are all kinds of places that lockboxes and computers and electronic brains spawn in short intervals. You can still get credits and schematics from those without sending companions out. Instead of sitting around spamming companion missions, go out and pick up some free boxes. It's not hard.



And what with companioons then ? To what do I need them ? Doesn't what you saing make whole mission/companion system usless ?

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So you are saying those epic recipes you get from slicing, that give you bind on pick up materials, and the only method of obtaining those materials... are a loss and make missions not worth taking, is this what you are saying?


or are you some low level who exploited a poorly implemented system and you have no idea what the uses of slicing are beyond lockboxes?


Missions = super rare. Schematics = super rare. I shouldn't have to get those to make a profit. They are an extra little bonus when I crit a mission, just like every other skill gets. Crit a mission with any skill = get extra stuff. Same goes for slicing.


And as for Augments, the only other thing you can reliably get from slicing, there is almost no market for them, as the augment slot is SUPER rare. So considering few people want them, no one needs many of them, and there are lots of slicers, Augments will not be making you a profit for the foreseeable future.

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There are all kinds of places that lockboxes and computers and electronic brains spawn in short intervals. You can still get credits and schematics from those without sending companions out. Instead of sitting around spamming companion missions, go out and pick up some free boxes. It's not hard.


I think the real problem is this..


If you chose anything other then slicing... and didn't gather mats/boxes yourself you'd be broke from sending your companions out on missions.



So now slicers actually have to get out and find the lockboxes instead of sending all their companions out to do it


If they want to make a profit.. I really see nothing wrong with this, as any other class would quickly become broke if all they did was pay their companions to keep going out.

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If they want to make a profit.. I really see nothing wrong with this, as any other class would quickly become broke if all they did was pay their companions to keep going out.


Thats where your wrong. If another player with say Scavenging sends his companions out on a mission he recieves a product. That product can be used for crafting or sold on the GE. If a Slicer sends his companion out on a mission and all he receives is a negative return on his lockbox then he is actually just losing money. He doesn't have a product to use in crafting or to sell on the GE.

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Thats where your wrong. If another player with say Scavenging sends his companions out on a mission he recieves a product. That product can be used for crafting or sold on the GE. If a Slicer sends his companion out on a mission and all he receives is a negative return on his lockbox then he is actually just losing money. He doesn't have a product to use in crafting or to sell on the GE.


Apparently you haven't actually done this.


In reality the system works like this


Just tier one mission costs might cost you 150 credits @ this point after 1 mission you DO NOT have enough items to even sell and if you did no one is going to pay you what they are worth and if you think they will then we're playing a completely different game.


Even if I were to craft a level 1 mod which takes at least 4 components and a flux and its green people aren't going to buy it because they are going to want blues or purples. The actual profit on many of your craftable items is very very small, and even if you vendored it you'd still come out less then you put in.


Another thing is MOST people are going to reverse engineer the item to get better version, or get a return on their mats to use them for leveling. You're only really going to make money of blues/purples and


So lets say I crafted 1 purple level 8 item I spent 300 maybe more using companions to gather then mats this is just the metals.



Not including the countless number of times you'd have to SPEND money in the hopes of getting a purple item.


You're just not going to profit unless you PHYSICALLY gather what you can and cut your overhead costs. SLICING should be profitable if you PHYSICALLY collect the lockboxes, it should not be profitable if all you are doing is sending your companions out to do all the work for you.


I'm sorry if you feel that way, but this is how it works for EVERY other crafting class, and if you don't think so then you obviously haven't been playing anything but a slicer.



then lets not start getting into the competition on the market, you will only be able to undercut any one person so far, because there is a FIXED cost in obtaining anything due to actually having to spend money on things like "UNDERWORLD TRADING" and underworld trading is the only place you should be spending money for example as a cybertech and hope to make a profit.

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Another thing is MOST people are going to reverse engineer the item to get better version, or get a return on their mats to use them for leveling.


Your wrong. I have Slicing on my ALT. My main is Cybertech - Scavenging - Underworld Trading. I have 2 bank tabs full of Underworld Metals and Luxury Fabrics which for the last 2 weeks I have been able to set my own price on the GE with. I can get all the credits I want because of those Slicers who don't have those same gather skills.


Plus as your example above points out. Its your choice to reverse engineer. Its a "Gamble" where you can learn a possible upgrade and your material return is random. But that doesn't take away from your profitability. You can sell your mods for good money.


And don't ******** me either. I run Empire on Giradda the Hutt just like you. I have gone to the GE and found it difficult to find Mods (crafted by Cybertech) across all levels. So if you really were working your skills properly you would find it easy to make some cash with very limited effort.


Just because you have found it difficult to produce results from your professions doesn't mean that Slicing deserved a nerf.


First people QQ that Slicing was to OP because they couldn't properly turn profits with their "Chosen" professions. Now they get in our faces when we QQ. Its a bunch of Hypocrites.

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Slicers whinging obv have never done a real profession. E.g. synthweaving


I send out a companion on an arch mission bountiful yield it costs about 900g, i might get about 5 power crystals... I see stacks of said crystals (5) on the trade network for 500 creds.. so i can make a loss of 400 credits by selling them on GTN. Nope, what other option do i have then?


So then i send out my companion on an artifact mission for another 700g and maybe get 2 or 3 artifacts. Then ill buy some mats from the material vendor to finally combine these ingredients and make 2 green items which also wont sell on the GTN. So then my final option is to RE in the hope i get one of 3 schems im looking for (in my case crit)


All in all it will probably just RE me a couple of ingredients. So i have invested a good amount of time and money for sweet f all.


Oh yeah and if i do get lucky and learn a blue schematic, ill have to invest further into UT to find luxury fabrics/metals.


Get over it slicers, this is how all crafters struggle

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Your wrong. I have Slicing on my ALT. My main is Cybertech - Scavenging - Underworld Trading. I have 2 bank tabs full of Underworld Metals and Luxury Fabrics which for the last 2 weeks I have been able to set my own price on the GE with. I can get all the credits I want because of those Slicers who don't have those same gather skills.


Plus as your example above points out. Its your choice to reverse engineer. Its a "Gamble" where you can learn a possible upgrade and your material return is random. But that doesn't take away from your profitability. You can sell your mods for good money.


And don't ******** me either. I run Empire on Giradda the Hutt just like you. I have gone to the GE and found it difficult to find Mods (crafted by Cybertech) across all levels. So if you really were working your skills properly you would find it easy to make some cash with very limited effort.


Just because you have found it difficult to produce results from your professions doesn't mean that Slicing deserved a nerf.


First people QQ that Slicing was to OP because they couldn't properly turn profits with their "Chosen" professions. Now they get in our faces when we QQ. Its a bunch of Hypocrites.




I have no problem profiting on higher level stuff, but there is a very limited selection of things on which to make a profit, especially during the level up phase.


I can make alot on space ship parts, well could until someone else started catching up and listing them for 2-3k credits for grade two parts so lets use that as an example.


that person selling those exact same spaceship parts.. if I was to do nothing but level send companions out to gather those missions. i would make absolutely nothing on those spaceship parts. I'd have to get the exact amount it costs to send out companions for each mission but on an average I get materials per mission sent, some will get more but not usually and not reliably.


8 BRONZIUM 600 credits if i pay my companions because they won't get this all at once

6 PLASTOID 600 here as well


4 mullinine takes about 600 credits to get on average you get 2 metals per mission @ around 300 or more a piece @ tier 2



1800 is roughly the cost it would take if i did absolutely nothing but send my companions out and that's just a guess, I believe the cost is actually going to be higher. but I can't get exact number.


with joe schmoe selling these same ship parts on the ah @ 2k I cannot undercut him and make a profit, its just not going to happen. I have to price it at the same price and hope whoever buys the next ship part chooses mine. I might still make a little bit.. but the amount made is VERY little.


The reason you don't see mods on the AH is because you can't sell them.. I've been trying to sell mods for weeks now, and just quit putting them up there, they aren't worth the time and effort maybe @ level 50


The whole point is this, scavenging was never meant to be a way to MAKE tons of money by strictly sending your companions out.. if you want to profit you're going to have to collect some things for yourself, just like the rest of us.


Meanwhile i'm crafting higher level spaceship parts and making the money there while I can before grade 2 guy can make them making it not really worth crafting and selling in the first place.




Slicers whinging obv have never done a real profession. E.g. synthweaving


I send out a companion on an arch mission bountiful yield it costs about 900g, i might get about 5 power crystals... I see stacks of said crystals (5) on the trade network for 500 creds.. so i can make a loss of 400 credits by selling them on GTN. Nope, what other option do i have then?


So then i send out my companion on an artifact mission for another 700g and maybe get 2 or 3 artifacts. Then ill buy some mats from the material vendor to finally combine these ingredients and make 2 green items which also wont sell on the GTN. So then my final option is to RE in the hope i get one of 3 schems im looking for (in my case crit)


All in all it will probably just RE me a couple of ingredients. So i have invested a good amount of time and money for sweet f all.


Oh yeah and if i do get lucky and learn a blue schematic, ill have to invest further into UT to find luxury fabrics/metals.


Get over it slicers, this is how all crafters struggle



Also see guys example above.. while I understand what you're saying this simply isn't the case.. if you were making TONS AND TONS of cash as a cybertech you wouldn't give 2 ***** about what they've done to slicing.. you're upset because you can't afk make money which no other class can do. And now you have to gather your mats, to make money rather then pay companions to do it.


I'm not going to go back and forth with you, this is the reality of how it works. If you're not happy about it.. go set your own prices on the GTN on your cybertech goods and make millions and don't worry about what t hey did to slicing.

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Another thing I would like to mention is that you're not going to make money selling green mods.. you'd have to sell them cheaper then they could by them on the vendor which simply isn't going to work if you send out your companions to do all gathering for you.


You could sell blues and purples but in reality the cost of being able to create these far outweigh what you'd make on them. Because you'd have to reverse engineer a ton to get what you want then you have the schematic


@ lvl 15 a player has maybe 10k if they do not buy anything and do all missions get no rare drops and vendor everything.


selling a mod @ a reasonable price say 1k for the advanced mod 2 purple version whatever stat you choose isn't even going to cover your costs, and the person who would buy it and have the money to buy it, already has access to cheaper and better mods from a vendor.

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But my dear Shammus you are going back and forth with me. Its quite obvious from all the posts we have made directed at each other.


My posts have never been about AFK'ing for cash. They have been about the viability of SLICING Crew Missions. Which is quite simple to understand. Slicing gives you lock boxes. Lock boxes that give you credits. Simple right. I mean my 7 year old can follow this. Now if it costs you 1250 a mission for a Lock Box and your return is 1000 credits. You have a net loss of 250. Your not given the opportunity to even make up the missing 250. Its a pure loss. All Ive ever said is make so if I send a guy out for a crew mission designed to provide credits that it be above the net cost. 200-500 credits for a 50 minute mission on a companion who isn't being used is not to much to ask.


But a negative return. Come on. Thats just BS.


And just today I went looking for GREEN mods on my Bounty Hunter which was lvl 25. And you know what I found. Nothing. Zilch. Seems to be a nitch that could be filled. And if your out grinding your mats like you propose the rest of us do the only thing that green mod cost you to sell was some time and a 10 credit flux.

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I think the real motive is that slicing was not intended to be used as an end game profession. While leveling and collecting nodes it's fine but once you hit 50 you should be using a crafting profession or going back into the world to farm nodes like every other profession has to do to be profitable. If everyone could make money by slicing without working there might as well not be other professions because who would level them?? It doesn't make sense and it would be detrimental to the economy.


Crew skill missions should be used when the time to gather the material would be disproportionate to the amount needed. You need 1 metal send a companion. You need 50 you better fuel up the ship. They are not an economical alternative to bulk farming materials. That is true for every profession. If I can make money without effort what motivation is there for me to collect patterns and craft materials and place them on the auction house and wait for them to sell?

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But my dear Shammus you are going back and forth with me. Its quite obvious from all the posts we have made directed at each other.


My posts have never been about AFK'ing for cash. They have been about the viability of SLICING Crew Missions. Which if your is quite simple to understand. Slicing gives you lock boxes. Lock boxes that give you credits. Simple right. I mean my 7 year old can follow this. Now if it costs you 1250 a mission for a Lock Box and your return is 1000 credits. You have a net loss of 250. Your not given the opportunity to even make up the missing 250. Its a pure loss. All Ive ever said is make so if I send a guy out for a crew mission designed to provide credits that it be above the net cost. 200-500 credits for a 50 minute mission on a companion who isn't being used is not to much to ask. But a negative. Come on. Thats just BS.


so don't send companions out on the missions, just gather the lockboxes as you level, is what I'm getting at. While it may not be what you like it definitely is more on par with how the rest of the classes are working. In terms of gathering


I was merely stating that I won't make any money of of anything if I let my companions do all the work.. you have to actually do it yourself.


If you run around and gather lockboxes, which I see quite a few of just about everywhere.. I could be wrong on this because I don't play slicing.. but I have seen them in quite a few places then the profit is now 100 percent from slicing.. it just isn't what it used to be.


If we wanted to get technical about it, its still better then other crafts because you won't actually have to spend anything to make anything if you just get the lockboxes yourself.


I'm still sticking with my opinion though and that is that crafting of any sort isn't going to be profitable if youre not gathering the mats yourself. This is the way it works in all mmo's.. and while I can make a ton of money off of things now selling them because I took the time to get ahead of everyone on the leveling it won't always be that way.. take grade 2 ship part guy for example.. I was pricing my parts @ 5k grade 2 15k grade 4 30k @ purples.


Grade 2 ship parts I have to price @ 2k now if I want to be competitive. Grade 4 and the purples will follow shortly. I'm not longer rolling in it, but i'm not on the forums starting entire threads dedicated to why my prices were good


I still think my prices were good considering I was matching them to greens @ the starship vendor. But grade 2 ship guy felt they were worth half that.

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But my dear Shammus you are going back and forth with me. Its quite obvious from all the posts we have made directed at each other.


My posts have never been about AFK'ing for cash. They have been about the viability of SLICING Crew Missions. Which is quite simple to understand. Slicing gives you lock boxes. Lock boxes that give you credits. Simple right. I mean my 7 year old can follow this. Now if it costs you 1250 a mission for a Lock Box and your return is 1000 credits. You have a net loss of 250. Your not given the opportunity to even make up the missing 250. Its a pure loss. All Ive ever said is make so if I send a guy out for a crew mission designed to provide credits that it be above the net cost. 200-500 credits for a 50 minute mission on a companion who isn't being used is not to much to ask.


But a negative return. Come on. Thats just BS.


And just today I went looking for GREEN mods on my Bounty Hunter which was lvl 25. And you know what I found. Nothing. Zilch. Seems to be a nitch that could be filled. And if your out grinding your mats like you propose the rest of us do the only thing that green mod cost you to sell was some time and a 10 credit flux.


Lol @ irony of someone whining about slicing nerf and lack of products in market in same post. Rofl. Go learn economics.

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You're just not going to profit unless you PHYSICALLY gather what you can and cut your overhead costs. SLICING should be profitable if you PHYSICALLY collect the lockboxes, it should not be profitable if all you are doing is sending your companions out to do all the work for you.


I'm sorry if you feel that way, but this is how it works for EVERY other crafting class, and if you don't think so then you obviously haven't been playing anything but a slicer.



then lets not start getting into the competition on the market, you will only be able to undercut any one person so far, because there is a FIXED cost in obtaining anything due to actually having to spend money on things like "UNDERWORLD TRADING" and underworld trading is the only place you should be spending money for example as a cybertech and hope to make a profit.


Your still wrong.


Slicing yielded profits so that slicers could purchase their crafting materials since they sacrificed gathering them. Before the NERF, when you calculated in the costs to purchase crafting materials, the outcome was already evened out, in fact Slicers actually lost more buying all their materials than anyone else did gathering theirs from world and missions. Now, not only do the slicing missions yield negative returns, purchasing crafting mats has become even more taxing on slicers. This NERF has effectively broken a skill that wasn't broken to begin with.


There really were only 2 ways they could have NERFed slicing without breaking it and they didn't take either route.


Double Mission Times - longer missions slower yields, profit remains

Random Mats - Random chance of yielding Random Mats (appropriate leveled gatherables only) from lockboxes and nodes

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well if people are wanting green mods, they can just mail me in game. I'll be happy to make them, but they seem pointless to put on the ah, you can buy green mods off the vendor.


So if you want some bh mods since we're on the same server just contact me I'll gladly make them for you @ any level you desire.

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At level 400 Underworld Trading you can send your companion (I understand the if you have the credits) out on a mission for Underworld Metals. And he could come back with 2 Purple Level 6 Metals. Your taking advantage of the companion being there and using him/her while they are unproductive. And you had something to show. Sure it cost you 2500 credits or whatever. Lets not mention failure rates or crits. Just you got 2 metals and it cost 2500.


Now lets say I send my companion who is equally unproductive out on a Level 6 Lockbox mission. It also costs 2500 credits. As things stand right now there is a large chance the Lock box will only have 2000 credits. That is a 500 credit loss. I recieved nothing and it cost me 500 credits.


You see what the Slicers are getting at. Its the viability of crew missions. I don't need 7k per box at Level 6. But maybe 500 credit positive? I mean that's what you would find in a box out on a world.


We are QQing about the severity of the nerf. Not the actual need for a nerf. We can all agree someone running around with 4.5 million credits is absurd.

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Your still wrong.


Slicing yielded profits so that slicers could purchase their crafting materials since they sacrificed gathering them. Before the NERF, when you calculated in the costs to purchase crafting materials, the outcome was already evened out, in fact Slicers actually lost more buying all their materials than anyone else did gathering theirs from world and missions. Now, not only do the slicing missions yield negative returns, purchasing crafting mats has become even more taxing on slicers. This NERF has effectively broken a skill that wasn't broken to begin with.


There really were only 2 ways they could have NERFed slicing without breaking it and they didn't take either route.


Double Mission Times - longer missions slower yields, profit remains

Random Mats - Random chance of yielding Random Mats (appropriate leveled gatherables only) from lockboxes and nodes


sounds like win win, if you go look on the ah, you can find a ton of mats on the ah for close to if not cheaper then you could pay companions to go get them.


Im sure there are quite a few legitimate players out there who weren't abusing this that this has affected in a negative way.


And I'm sorry that you got the shaft I really am.. but the only people you have to blame is the people with 8 different alts all running slicing missions for money abusing a system.. This isn't biowares fault they had to do this, and guess what those people probably didn't pick up any other crafts they used this strictly as their cash cow.


But really mats on the AH were pretty cheap last time I looked. And I suppose you could always pick up 3 gathering professions to make money selling your stuff on the GTN.

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Now I'm going to try logic on this one for you guys, though I know it has no place on the internet.


Gathering Mats/boxes from nodes = Time spent looking for nodes. (not an issue when you're questing anyway. So I'm excluding this on the assumption that anyone with half a brain is collecting nodes.)


Sending a companion for a mission to gain a mat = Gaining a mat which can be used to craft.


Sending a companion for a Box to gain credits = POTENTIAL loss of credits


When you're looking for mats, you send your companion out because you know what you want, and generally what your going to get. If you send your companion for a Metal, you're going to get some metal.


When you're looking for a Box, you send your companion out hoping to turn a positive result on an investment.


Whereas when you are looking for mats you always gain an item that can be used, in Slicing you now have a potential to generate a loss. No gaining of a mat, just credits that are now gone.


If nothing else you can use that item to gain a skill-up.

Losing credits just means losing credits.


Taking the above information you are left with one choice of profession that will give you an item that can be used -no matter what-, However the other choice can potentially leave you with less than you started.


A simile between the two would be the equivalent of "If you don't succeed by at least an acceptable margin, You lose 15 -insert green material relevant to your profession here-"


That is where the complaint is among Slicers. Yes Slicing needed a nerf, but it didn't need to be driven into the ground. It should not generate a loss as often as it does. The fact that you can fail a search, just like every other profession, should be enough.


Personally I think as opposed to nerfing the boxes by 70% or whatever they did. They should have upped the mission costs by that much. Make the profit smaller as opposed to the risk larger.


If you still fail to see why Slicers are QQing about the patch, then I can't help you.



TL;DR: Cats born with extra toes are called 'Poly-dactyl'

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At level 400 Underworld Trading you can send your companion (I understand the if you have the credits) out on a mission for Underworld Metals. And he could come back with 2 Purple Level 6 Metals. Your taking advantage of the companion being there and using him/her while they are unproductive. And you had something to show. Sure it cost you 2500 credits or whatever. Lets not mention failure rates or crits. Just you got 2 metals and it cost 2500.


Now lets say I send my companion who is equally unproductive out on a Level 6 Lockbox mission. It also costs 2500 credits. As things stand right now there is a large chance the Lock box will only have 2000 credits. That is a 500 credit loss. I recieved nothing and it cost me 500 credits.


You see what the Slicers are getting at. Its the viability of crew missions. I don't need 7k per box at Level 6. But maybe 500 credit positive? I mean that's what you would find in a box out on a world.


We are QQing about the severity of the nerf. Not the actual need for a nerf. We can all agree someone running around with 4.5 million credits is absurd.




I do see your point I really do, but you can't compare slicing to underworld trading.. they aren't in the same class as missions.. these are the only missions you cannot run yourself.


You would have to compare underworld trading to things like investigation, diplomacy, etc..


A more realistic expectation would be to compare it to scavenging, or archaeology. You won't get any purple items on these missions nor blues. You get greens.


Now.. If I send my companions out to "collect greens" and don't gather any myself I will be in negative when I go to sell that item.

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Your still wrong.


Slicing yielded profits so that slicers could purchase their crafting materials since they sacrificed gathering them. Before the NERF, when you calculated in the costs to purchase crafting materials, the outcome was already evened out, in fact Slicers actually lost more buying all their materials than anyone else did gathering theirs from world and missions. Now, not only do the slicing missions yield negative returns, purchasing crafting mats has become even more taxing on slicers. This NERF has effectively broken a skill that wasn't broken to begin with.


There really were only 2 ways they could have NERFed slicing without breaking it and they didn't take either route.


Double Mission Times - longer missions slower yields, profit remains

Random Mats - Random chance of yielding Random Mats (appropriate leveled gatherables only) from lockboxes and nodes


This a million times over.

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Ok Shammus, I smell what your trying to cook.


But lets say you do compare Slicing to Scavenging. Ok you sent your unused companion on a level 6 Scavenged Compound Mission. We both know that would yield a green or two. Now that cost 2500 credits. So now you have 2-8 Green Compounds at Level 6.


But thats the kicker right there. You now have 2-8 Green Compounds which you can use for crafting. Or you can sell it on the GE (probably going to catch a loss on that one). Either way you can use it for a potential skill gain or mod creation. You get something for your buck.


Slicing just ends up giving money away at that level. Its like playing the Blackjack in Vegas. And we all know the house walks away with the profit 99% of the time. (House is obviously not me)

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Oh while we're on the subject to all the slicers out there.. if you want to sell your underworld trading missions I'll buy them..


I will always buy them so pm me if you're on giradda the hutt and want to set up a price I will buy all tiers and want to pay no more then 3.5k per purple 340 missions this price is of course negotiable but pretty close to what I want to pay if you want to work out something mutually beneficial.


If you want to sell i'm always buying.

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