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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Flashpoints, Solo mode, and DvL


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I found this in an old post:


Solo Modes:

Black Talon (Level 10)

Esseles (Level 10)

Boarding Party (Level 29)

Taral V (Level 29)

The Foundry (Level 29)

Maelstrom Prison (Level 29)

Directive 7 (Level 45)

Battle of Ilum (Level 48)

The False Emperor (Level 50)

Assault on Tython (Level 53)

Korriban Incursion (Level 53)

Manaan Research Facility (Level 53)

Legacy of the Rakata (Level 53)

Blood Hunt (Level 55)

Battle of Rishi (Level 55)


According to the Achievement panel, solo modes do apply for the Dark Vs. Light event. Unfortunately, 7 of the required FP's do not have a solo mode.

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athiss, cademimu, 2 czerka ones, hammer station, kuat and red reaper are the 7 that dont have solo, and yea it would be nice to have a solo version of it too

I dont mind grouping for them,, just the option would be nice

Edited by LadyHF
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It took me until today to realize you have to do Taral V/Maelstrom and Boarding Party/Foundry for this achievement. I got a bit annoyed at that, TBH, because I was planning on getting all the rewards on one character, and I'm doing a JK for that, so now I'll have to hold off on several FPs for her, do the others on my SW I'm going to level for the Imperial achievement, and then go back to my JK to finish the Flashpoint achievement to make sure that I get the rewards on my JK. Oh, well. It's really nothing to be upset about but it surprised me. No biggie. :D
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I think that's the point of including them. So people will try out grouping for them


Grouping is not the problem.


Finding a group that will tolerate a novice that does not know the fights without kicking them out of group is....

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  • 3 months later...
Grouping is not the problem.


Finding a group that will tolerate a novice that does not know the fights without kicking them out of group is....


I'm necroing this thread. I'm trying to complete DvL achievements and I CAN NOT finish a tactical flashpoint that requires a group. Directive 7, Cademimu, f*ck off. All my queue pops are full DPS parties who cannot do anything. Wiping on first boss because ranged dps stand right next to boss the whole time taking damage. People who would rather fight with each other for 20-30 chat sentences than take one sentence to explain mechanics of a fight for newcomers. People who drop group after one or two deaths. EVERY SINGLE flashpoint I try, they can't be finished in a group. What the f*ck. I just returned to this game a month ago and the state of the community is so sad from my viewpoint.


It's gotten to the point where I will need to shop for a guild in hopes that someone will help me finish these, and I really really really don't want to join a guild. Whomever thought it was a good idea to remove the Trinity requirement from the queue group-finder needs to jump into a box of cactuses. I would rather wait 30 minutes for Trinity than pop every five minutes and die repeatedly in a full DPS group.


Edit: As a Jedi Guardian, I naturally end up being the one to tank every one of these flashpoints. It doesn't really matter though when there are no heals. Even when one person leaves and I pull out a healer companion, it still does nothing when the other two DPS are taking damage constantly. I can't tank when others are taking all the heals. Companions are too dumb to know who and when to heal.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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athiss, cademimu, 2 czerka ones, hammer station, kuat and red reaper are the 7 that dont have solo, and yea it would be nice to have a solo version of it too

I dont mind grouping for them,, just the option would be nice


Lost island and Kaon or whatever its called that is the first part of the lost island series also do not have solo modes.


I dont think they even have tactical versions.

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We solo modes for the remaining flashpoints.

Solo modes for all the operations.

A squad of combat droids so we can solo world bosses.

Remove chat functions.

Include an option to make all other players invisible.

Add instancing to every quest area.

And remove the online requirement all together.



Yeah, like an actual KotOR 3! That would be perfect, just replace the 'squad of combat droids' with 'more than a single companion at a time'.


I play solo. I am a single player here for the story. Being forced into group flashpoints and PVP if I even want a chance at the new event companion is irritating enough; if what the OP is saying is correct I'm glad I haven't tried group finder yet. Not everyone is here for the MMO, some of us are here for the KotOR. I was very, very pleased to find I could run flashpoints solo, and would be even more pleased if the remainder were converted. (Preferably before the end of DvL, but I accept that one can't have everything.)

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lost island and kaon old "storymode" versions are still available and they are still level 50, so you can solo those by outleveling them (be 10 levels above and nothing inside can hurt you). entrance is on the ziost shadow (imp fleet) or gav daragon (rep fleet). just speak to the npc there and select the normal version (or do the one time tion hegemony quest that ties both together)


hammer station, athiss, mando raiders, cademimu, red reaper, czerka labs and meltdown tacticals are all solable with a healing companion. If you've never done them before you want to be 65, decently geared with a high level comp and ask or check about some of the boss mechanics, for the czerkas especially.

Edited by nyrkverse
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lost island and kaon old "storymode" versions are still available and they are still level 50, so you can solo those by outleveling them (be 10 levels above and nothing inside can hurt you). entrance is on the ziost shadow (imp fleet) or gav daragon (rep fleet). just speak to the npc there and select the normal version (or do the one time tion hegemony quest that ties both together)


hammer station, athiss, mando raiders, cademimu, red reaper, czerka labs and meltdown tacticals are all solable with a healing companion. If you've never done them before you want to be 65, decently geared with a high level comp and ask or check about some of the boss mechanics, for the czerkas especially.


Most excellent info! Thanks! :eek:

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lost island and kaon old "storymode" versions are still available and they are still level 50, so you can solo those by outleveling them (be 10 levels above and nothing inside can hurt you). entrance is on the ziost shadow (imp fleet) or gav daragon (rep fleet). just speak to the npc there and select the normal version (or do the one time tion hegemony quest that ties both together)


hammer station, athiss, mando raiders, cademimu, red reaper, czerka labs and meltdown tacticals are all solable with a healing companion. If you've never done them before you want to be 65, decently geared with a high level comp and ask or check about some of the boss mechanics, for the czerkas especially.


I did Hammer Station and those others with a guildie and our companions that we varied around roles with. We're both at lvl 65, companions at minimum influence 20 with 190 gear. There were a couple sticky spots, but they were doable.

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I managed to do one of the Cerzka ones with an all dps group of solo players. That other one tho.... we barely made it past the first boss, and wiped 6 times on the second one within about 10min. (The one with the sandstorm nonsense). Even after googling "how" to beat it, we couldn't manage it. I need those last 6- 7 to reach eternal lvl. It's looking like I may not make it now tho... :(
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I managed to do one of the Cerzka ones with an all dps group of solo players. That other one tho.... we barely made it past the first boss, and wiped 6 times on the second one within about 10min. (The one with the sandstorm nonsense). Even after googling "how" to beat it, we couldn't manage it. I need those last 6- 7 to reach eternal lvl. It's looking like I may not make it now tho... :(

What server are you on?

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