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Cartel Pack Changes with the GEMINI Pack


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And yet the packs are still bloated with companion gifts and jawa trash that is essentially useless.


Not what we'd call 'adding value' to the packs.


I'll take all the jawa junk and companion gifts you don't want. So will the GTN.

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The price increase would be acceptable because we are getting 1 more item (GEMINI packs drop the same 4 items as a revenge pack drops 4 items, and GEMINI drops less scrap, your paying more for much less)


In all your writing, you get it here, yet gloss over it and put a bunch of other meaningless words...


If Eric is going to lie straight to our faces, why would the rest of what you wrote mean a thing? Unless they can figure out what the facts are, nothing else matters.

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In all your writing, you get it here, yet gloss over it and put a bunch of other meaningless words...


No, he doesn't get it. As much as the people who jump on the bandwagon of meaningless insults and cries for scam don't get it.


The increase in items and overall pack yield Eric is talking about is not necessarily attributed to the GEMINI pack. You would actually get that much information when you carefully look at the list. The comparison of item increase is stated as KotFE launch packs and the GEMINI pack as an example filler. You could have substituted the GEMINI pack for the Revenge Pack and get the same information from the explanation: There was an increase in item drops in the last few packs when compared to early 4.0 packs.


Bioware isn't bound to adjust the price back to it's previous level immediately. They can adjust it after looking at their overall data and make a decision about it.


This isn't the first time people cry "Scam!" and "Ripoff!" for no reason, and it won't be the last. The simple solution is this:

If you don't agree with the price or the model - don't buy anything.

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Pack Pricing Changes

You will notice that with the GEMINI Pack, the price has moved back to 300 Cartel Coins. As with any price change we want you to understand why it changed. The short explanation is that we have item slots to the packs, packs contained fewer slots with the launch of KotFE and therefore the pricing was lowered. Now that we have added items and value to the pack in the form of additional slots, we adjusted the price to match. Here is a more detailed breakdown.

Um, no. This approach borders on abuse. Offering more garbage (sorry, bronze) items for more money depends on your customers to be foolish or addicted. Many are, of course. If you still have a few hundred thousand players, then you will have foolish customers and addicted customers. But it is highly unethical to base your bottom line on targeting them.
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Yeah, that GEMINI hypercrate purchase I made last night will be my last of a new crate (and I've been buying 2-3 each of the new ones since KotFE started). One gold statue, two of the same gold mount, one gold lower body armour... Dozens of shtako bronze items. Only 13 Chance Cubes, every one of them containing a bronze item. I paid way more CC to get much less than I got in any previous crate, including the horrible Anarchist packs.


I'm still gonna buy one of each of the old KotFE crates in their pre-embargo half-off sale, but once that third one falls off, BW can no longer count on my CC purchases. Hope they and the prats that cried about the chance cubes in the first place are all happy with themselves. May they all choke on bronze trash.

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And yet the packs are still bloated with companion gifts and jawa trash that is essentially useless.


Not what we'd call 'adding value' to the packs.


quote this a million times because this is the only quote that should be quoted in this thread

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Hope they and the prats that cried about the chance cubes in the first place are all happy with themselves.


Ah now, the Grand Chance Cubes were an attempt by BioWare to replace the Gold / Silver / Bronze packs of varying designations, just instead of being tailored to one specific type of item (such as Crystals or Armour), they encompass all of the Cartel Items ever released to date.


Hence the annoyance at the time (among a few other reasons) at the implemenation of the Grand Chance Cubes. Tell me, what would you prefer? A pack that has a specific type of item, at a specific rarity or something completely random from everything that has ever been released?


Add to that the changes to the way packs were implemented prior to 4.0 (and you get less items overall, no reputation or new vendors or titles etc etc), and the animosity towards the Grand Chance Cubes, is in my own personal opinion of someone who collected and maxed out reputation on every single pack release prior to 4.0, entirely justified.


I can understand that players that haven't been around enjoy being able to collect items they couldn't get otherwise via the Grand Chance Cubes, however there was a much better system in place prior to 4.0.


It makes no real difference to me personally, I've tried out the new pack designs, I don't like them, I'll refrain from purchasing them like I was prior to 4.0. Each to their own, however calling people prats, without understanding why the outcry at the Grand Chance Cubes? You have to understand the context before calling others out.

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Ah now, the Grand Chance Cubes were an attempt by BioWare to replace the Gold / Silver / Bronze packs of varying designations, just instead of being tailored to one specific type of item (such as Crystals or Armour), they encompass all of the Cartel Items ever released to date.


Hence the annoyance at the time (among a few other reasons) at the implemenation of the Grand Chance Cubes. Tell me, what would you prefer? A pack that has a specific type of item, at a specific rarity or something completely random from everything that has ever been released?


Add to that the changes to the way packs were implemented prior to 4.0 (and you get less items overall, no reputation or new vendors or titles etc etc), and the animosity towards the Grand Chance Cubes, is in my own personal opinion of someone who collected and maxed out reputation on every single pack release prior to 4.0, entirely justified.


I can understand that players that haven't been around enjoy being able to collect items they couldn't get otherwise via the Grand Chance Cubes, however there was a much better system in place prior to 4.0.


It makes no real difference to me personally, I've tried out the new pack designs, I don't like them, I'll refrain from purchasing them like I was prior to 4.0. Each to their own, however calling people prats, without understanding why the outcry at the Grand Chance Cubes? You have to understand the context before calling others out.


I would much prefer the Grand Chance Cubes to the bronze trash they replaced. I wouldn't mind adjusting the drop rate, of course - reducing the GCC/bronze drops and putting a slightly higher chance on everything else. But the GCCs did not replace the silvers and golds that veteran players most want from new packs. They replaced the bronze trash that very few people want. Most of the complaints on the GCCs were on how many were dropping in packs in lieu of new items - I find it hard to believe people were that damned annoyed at missing out on new bronze items...


GCCs didn't replace reputation. Or CMCs. The replaced trash. The only reason people are so PO'd about GCCs is that it's a far more visible tally of the trash drop rate you get in hypercrates. Bronze items are more varied and just doesn't look as bad in your inventory as 30 of the same icon. But it's trash, and I'm not going to pay $60 for 1-3 rares, a chance at 10-13 good items from the past instead of the 25-35 I'd been getting, and 30+ pieces of trash.

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No, he doesn't get it. As much as the people who jump on the bandwagon of meaningless insults and cries for scam don't get it.


Except, no, YOU don't get it either... If you're going to try and correct someone, you should try being actually correct...


The increase in items and overall pack yield Eric is talking about is not necessarily attributed to the GEMINI pack. You would actually get that much information when you carefully look at the list.


Take your own advice... there are 4 packs for sale on the CM right now, ALL have the EXACT SAME NUMBER OF ITEMS IN THEM... the price rise for GEMINI has nothing to do with what Eric said it did. He claims that it went up because they put more items in the packs.




He is lying and you're making excuses for it.

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Except, no, YOU don't get it either... If you're going to try and correct someone, you should try being actually correct...


I am correct - even though I do not like to say it this way.


Eric's comparison with the old hypercrates is a simple relation to the pre-4.0 droprates and how many packs they contained then. It was twenty-four packs with two pack items. That was a total of fourty-eight pack items of either bronze, silver, or even gold quality. Those hypercrates were still around the ~6k mark. They never went substantially lower than early KotFE levels. Now we have thirty packs ever since 4.0, and the packs drop two items again. That means you have an average of sixty cartel items. The overall amount of pack items (including GCC) is higher than before. The overall items to price ratio stays roughly the same.




Take your own advice... there are 4 packs for sale on the CM right now, ALL have the EXACT SAME NUMBER OF ITEMS IN THEM... the price rise for GEMINI has nothing to do with what Eric said it did. He claims that it went up because they put more items in the packs.


My god, you must not even be reading the posts you reply to.

Early KotFE packs. Anarchist and VIsionary pack. The GEMINI/Revenge/Plunderer had the item increased back from one CM item back to two. They now adjusted the price back to pre-KotFE levels, when there were last two pack item slots in a pack.


This is not a ripoff because they did not put the price above what was previously paid. They essentially brought the packs back in line with pre-4.0 times. This is, objectively, not a ripoff. This price/item range is roughly where it was for a long time.






Whenever someone tries to make such an "argument" (all caps and periods), I can only flash a honest smirk. Does anyone think this actually works in written form...?



He is lying and you're making excuses for it.


I'm obviously a hidden Bioware employee, trying to assist my fellow teammate here. You got me. Completely. My god, Angel, I could not care less about the CM. The last time I bought a hypercrate was in early february, and I don't plan to continue anytime soon. I'm just pointing out that (this time) the cries for "scam!" and "ripoff!" are nothing more than unfounded missconceptions.

Edited by Alssaran
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I am correct - even though I do not like to say it this way.


No you're not... the evidence is plain and simple, but you're so blinded by what you THINK you know, you won't stop to see it.


Go into the CM right now in the game. There are 4 packs for sale. GEMINI is 300 CC discounted to 250 CC, the other 3 are 200 CC.


Now count the number of items in each pack.


Now really, was that so hard?

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Whenever someone tries to make such an "argument" (all caps and periods), I can only flash a honest smirk. Does anyone think this actually works in written form...?


The point is to get you to stop and think, but clearly that doesn't work because most people don't bother to think, they just keep repeating what they think they know, rather than bother to learn anything.


Again, try thinking and reading, you might learn something because you're simply wrong.

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I would much prefer the Grand Chance Cubes to the bronze trash they replaced. I wouldn't mind adjusting the drop rate, of course - reducing the GCC/bronze drops and putting a slightly higher chance on everything else. But the GCCs did not replace the silvers and golds that veteran players most want from new packs. They replaced the bronze trash that very few people want. Most of the complaints on the GCCs were on how many were dropping in packs in lieu of new items - I find it hard to believe people were that damned annoyed at missing out on new bronze items...


GCCs didn't replace reputation. Or CMCs. The replaced trash. The only reason people are so PO'd about GCCs is that it's a far more visible tally of the trash drop rate you get in hypercrates. Bronze items are more varied and just doesn't look as bad in your inventory as 30 of the same icon. But it's trash, and I'm not going to pay $60 for 1-3 rares, a chance at 10-13 good items from the past instead of the 25-35 I'd been getting, and 30+ pieces of trash.



I understand what you are saying about the GCC replacing bronze items in packs, but I think you may be missing the wider context still.

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I've been looking at the comments on Grand Chance Cubes for months now incredulously. I just didn't get WHY people don't like them - they're some of the most valuable items in a pack (except for the Gold/Platinum stuff, which is very nice but rare), and what drops out of them is (on average) even more valuable than they are - sure, you get some low-end stuff, but ... well, I got a White-Black crystal today - and while that was the most valuable single item, the grand chance cubes in each pack more than paid for my cost (I bought them with credits, not CCs).


I also hate having stuff go permanently unavailable. Even if I already have it, it's a loss to anyone who either wasn't around then or couldn't afford it. Rare is fine ... as long as it's available. This is probably more a philosophical statement than anything ;-)


There are a couple of people in this thread who have explained it well, though - they want new items in the new pack. I never felt that as an issue - but then, I haven't been playing that long, and my collection is still more empty than full (except for the new hypercrates - THOSE I have). The "old" items in the GCCs are often new to me; indeed, once I'm a few hypercrates in, they're more likely to be new to me than the "new" items!


It's funny to see how much one's personal situation determines how you feel about value. (Also play style to an extent - I sell a LOT on the GTN, but people who don't probably have a lot less use for GCCs. Though how you can open hypercrates and still have room in your inventory without selling stuff ...)


Does anyone know what the GCC rate in the GEMINI Pack IS? I know it was ~50% in the older packs.




As for the price ... well, what I'm hearing is "we probably should have increased the price back when we raised the item count, but we didn't, and we're doing it now". People are upset because they're not getting what they were last week, and what happened a year ago isn't in recent memory.

It is as it is. Many people will abstain from packs for a while; others will buy them at the higher price.


Personally, I'll be watching the GTN. It'll be interesting to see where hypercrate prices go. At a guess, this one will be higher.

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