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The Gemini deception spoilers


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I saw SCORPIO's treachery coming from a mile away. My sorc consistently kept an eye on her, never trusted her once. Yet still it happened. My outlander now looks like an idiot.


You were playing as a Sorc, this thing is kind of usual for that Class's story.

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Man I just can't believe that a person named Scorpio would ever betray me, It's not like there are literal cautionary tales about scorpions betraying people. And Scorpio has always been such a trusting person in the past, never have we had any reason to suspect her before. Unless of course you count those times she tried to kill us as a agent, but who is counting those?
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I expected it, too, but when she blew up for a while I was legitimately convinced that she was dead, and BW had done an about-face on us all. I had to applaud them for that. So my heart did start beating really rapidly in the Throne Room scene, because half of me expected GEMINI to be the one to appear on the Throne, but I was actually really excited (but betrayed and angry at the same time) when it was SCORPIO. That was pretty good writing, if you ask me, so bravo on this one, writers! Bravo.
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So then, SCORPIO is now the Eternal Empress and literally as she is a advance AI. Not a droid, an AI. So now we have two enemies to deal with. After I defeat Arcann I might let SCORPIO rule as I have no interest being the Emperor.


Unless something happens like someone tells me it is my destiny and all that bull and I'll have to face her.

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So then, SCORPIO is now the Eternal Empress and literally as she is a advance AI. Not a droid, an AI. So now we have two enemies to deal with. After I defeat Arcann I might let SCORPIO rule as I have no interest being the Emperor.


Unless something happens like someone tells me it is my destiny and all that bull and I'll have to face her.


So, chapter 16 (what's it called?) you and Arcann team up (new companion!) to take out Scorpio!

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So, chapter 16 (what's it called?) you and Arcann team up (new companion!) to take out Scorpio!


Unless you get his sister after you beat him.


And speaking of it, those escape pods, think only like two serve as advantages as the singer, she was only against Arcann and doesn't have anything useful.

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I start to find the main character whatever class that be is becoming incredibly dull.


Just get told what to do by all of your commanders and then have no back up plans when the most obvious betrayal of all time happens, its 'gee I'm such a fool, I never saw that coming'. Its so obvious its not even a betrayal, 'Oh look your working against me, what a surprise.'


In case Charles looks in and wants to use a sound bite for the live stream, no not shocked by the Scorpio betrayal, it was blood obvious. Shocked by the dull writing that allows you to do nothing to counter the betrayal and its presented a fait accompli when may never have wanted to recruit her, never wanted her along and never got a chance to do anything about it.


Its not betrayal its just a predictable poorly written story where nothing you could to effect the outcome. You want to create a betrayal you craft a story where someone starts out loyal and through your actions you drive them to work against you, Koth could have worked like this but even that was done in a ham fisted way with one action being the final straw despite doing everything to support him up to that point.

Edited by Costello
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I'm going to melt that droid into restraining bolts for T7 and the rest of the droids under my command. At this point she could apologize and turn over her half of the fleet to me and I would still kill her. There is no forgiveness for that one. She lied to me, wasted my time throwing skytroopers at me and then attempted to blow me up. There isn't a single excuse in the galaxy she could give that would stay my hand from executing her. She just surpassed Arcann and Koth by a few thousand leagues on my to kill list. The Empire was right-- It's better to destroy power you can't completely control. I won't make that mistake again.
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I can't play yet either. Do we know we will be able to get Arcann next chapter, or is that guesswork?


Well, the chapter ends with Scorpio telling Arcaan where Odessen is along with the next chapter being called ''The Battle Of Odessen'' So... It's a good bet.

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Wait, really?


Nope. 2 hours later and only one letter. Seems it didn't happen either way. The chapter ended with Scorpio sitting on the throne of Zakuul after gloating to the outlander and Arcaan looking out into space from his flagship.

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So, chapter 16 (what's it called?) you and Arcann team up (new companion!) to take out Scorpio!


On the EA video about the state of various studios' Star Wars games, there was a clip of the generic Knight outlander and Arcann dueling in an area we have not fought him before.


My guess is that Chapter 16 we finally kill Arcann, and next season is dealing with Vaylin's crazy train and SCORPIO's psychotic fleet. The chapter 16 title is "The Battle for Odessen," as well; since SCORPIO knows where Odessen is, I'm guessing it's going to be destroyed by the Eternal fleet under her command.

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How does it play out as an agent? She's literally programmed to NOT betray you, right?

Exactly! Except, she left her chassis behind. Remember, she'd said the program only applied while she was in her body.

Edited by Avashnea
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There is a tactic made by old Jolee its made by the story with the Scorpion and the boy so the story goes like this. The Scorpion lures a child from his village to sting him and says that to the child. The child says I lured you from the village so others will not get stung.

Basically let them come its a army that defends Odessan. If we have level 20 influence we might even repel them and save the base.

Edited by adormitul
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Unless you get his sister after you beat him.


And speaking of it, those escape pods, think only like two serve as advantages as the singer, she was only against Arcann and doesn't have anything useful.


My own SW playthrough was Zak then Imp.


The rationale for the SW:


The singer is the most useful as she is a propaganda bomb. All you have to do is look at Hollywood to see how much influence a celebrity wields. Given that the fight is eventually coming to Zakuul (and I didn't KNOW that Scorpio was going to become Skynet. Suspected but not knew), swaying the civilian populace over to our side could be invaluable.


The Imp was second because, as an admiral, she brings military experience and tactics to the table. Also, just like Aygo is, supposedly, reaching out to friendly elements in the Republic military, having Rankin do the same with the Imp navy would be an added bonus. She's not quite as valuable as the propaganda bomb but she still has a fair amount of value.


The Pub....He's a senator in a political body that has had all it's power effectively stripped away by Arcann and Saresh. The best that he would be good for is to motivate people against Saresh and we've already seen from Aygo's mails how well that has worked for others. He really brings nothing else to the table.


Some of my other toons will have different reasoning and may choose differently but, overall, my SW and I are in alignment on this one. (I play my toons as to how I think their personalities would handle a situation which sometimes goes counter to how I personally would handle things.)

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