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PVP is now dead in swtor


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Well the point is probably going to be proven when 5.0 launches with RNG boxes to gear up in pvp.. I've heard from lots of pvpers that they will be leaving the game if this goes ahead.. I've already noticed quite a few leave.. I'm not even sure I'll stick around either

When the majority of your pvp community leaves... then pvp will well and truely be dead... because any "non" pvpers who pvp occassionally won't be able to keep pops happening


This is also very true.

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The optimal solution for PvP is no gear. Ignore gear completely and give all mirror advanced classes the exact same stats (i.e. a tank should not have the same stats as, say, an operative). Then at least gear discrepancies would no longer be an issue. Alas, that is clearly not the approach BW have taken. I fully expect PVP to become extremely unbalanced when 5.0 hits.


That what I've been saying.


Well the point is probably going to be proven when 5.0 launches with RNG boxes to gear up in pvp.. I've heard from lots of pvpers that they will be leaving the game if this goes ahead.. I've already noticed quite a few leave.. I'm not even sure I'll stick around either

When the majority of your pvp community leaves... then pvp will well and truely be dead... because any "non" pvpers who pvp occassionally won't be able to keep pops happening


Hmm, pay to win you say? This will surely end well.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Stop making assumptions, I don't want just anyone to queue for pvp- that diminishes quality. That's your narrative and the misguided dev team,, not mine. Regs pop on harb around the clock with minimal waits, we have fine participation at that level. I want more participation in ranked, and more incentive for players to want to improve their game and participate. Casuals in this game never needed this level of hand holding before to transition into being good at pvp, anyone who can't put minimal effort will always be useless.


Don't mistake me- I don't want a large gear ramp up for pvp. In many ways, 5.0 is going to make the problem worse.


Then you have no reason to even add your two cents. You're happy with things the way they are and not interested in regs.


Your "point" is straightforward and easy to understand. My point was if pve'rs don't have to gear for pvp, I shouldn't have to put effort into the inverse either. Strip away your assumption that I want just anyone to queue up for pvp and the logic is reciprocal. And FYI< the competitive operations community has been decimated- so yes, they are having participation problems.


PvP is a niche. A nice little distraction for most. As it stands, standard PvE DOES NOT require gearing. Perhaps Ops do. Maybe other end game stuff. I don't know. But the leveling process barely requires a player to do anything, but walk from point A to point B. The companions are infinitely stronger than player characters and you're always over leveled until endgame (level sync doesn't even anything out). This I'd equivocate to the reg WZs. Something casual that anyone can jump into. As I've said before, I'm only talking about regs. Ranked wouldn't be changed. This really isn't a discussion about ranked and quality players.

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I play regs all the time and have for 4 years on a variety of severs so not sure where you pulled that from. Further, regs is end game pvp for the vast majority, just as operations/flashpoints are for pve. Regs are healthy on my server, plenty of participation.


Calling pvp a "little distraction for most" is factually inaccurate and dismissive of the people who pvp often in this game, of which there are many. Look at the number of posts/threads in the pvp forum, then in flashpoints/operations. We're a vocal and active community. Little to no skill set is required to complete the story, I agree, but the same can't be said for regs. I mean sure anyone can queue, but unlike the story, you won't be doing very well at all.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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I play regs all the time and have for 4 years on a variety of severs so not sure where you pulled that from. Further, regs is end game pvp for the vast majority, just as operations/flashpoints are for pve. Regs are healthy on my server, plenty of participation.


Calling pvp a "little distraction for most" is factually inaccurate and dismissive of the people who pvp often in this game, of which there are many. Look at the number of posts/threads in the pvp forum, then in flashpoints/operations. We're a vocal and active community. Little to no skill set is required to complete the story, I agree, but the same can't be said for regs. I mean sure anyone can queue, but unlike the story, you won't be doing very well at all.


Please, share the facts with me that show that the majority of players are serious PvPers. Or even that the majority of players participate any PvP regularly at all. Rather or not the PvP minority is active or not does not make it any less of a small niche pastime in the greater scheme of things.

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Then you have no reason to even add your two cents.


I will make an argument that this applies to you.

-10/10 B.S. whining attempt


I have no issue getting matches. I don't have any 65 characters so maybe your issue is there. I can't speak for that, but I have no issues whatsoever getting into matches. Is 1 pm primetime on an east coast server? I'm retired. I play at all kinds of hours. Right now it's 9 am and I guarantee I can get into matches right now. There are typically 70-111 players on fleet in midday.


The games not dying. PvP is fine on Ebon Hawk. You're not happy and therefore nobody should be. Your type is nothing new.


The fact that you are complaining about sub 65 PvP is completely ridiculous. There will obviously be imbalances when matched against players of higher level who have unlocked more of their skill tree. It would be a complete waste of time for the dev team to attempt and address this issue as this game is extremely easy and quick to achieve maximum level.


Why not reach max level and learn how to play with a full set of skills before you lose even more credibility? At least that way you may even have something constructive to say.


Perhaps you should take your own advice.

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I will make an argument that this applies to you.



The fact that you are complaining about sub 65 PvP is completely ridiculous. There will obviously be imbalances when matched against players of higher level who have unlocked more of their skill tree. It would be a complete waste of time for the dev team to attempt and address this issue as this game is extremely easy and quick to achieve maximum level.


Why not reach max level and learn how to play with a full set of skills before you lose even more credibility? At least that way you may even have something constructive to say.


Perhaps you should take your own advice.


Actually, I'm not complaining. Quite the opposite. What I'm doing is telling the actual complainers what I think it's going to take to increase the queue rates to their liking and what that will mean for PvP. And removing the possibility of the super soldier phenomenon is simply a part of that proposed solution.


If you paid any attention to what you were reading, assuming you even read it at all before jumping to conclusions and - ironically - "losing even more credibility yourself", you'd know that the participating testers did not drastically differ in level. There was no clear advantage tree skill wise (none at all actually). Guy A simply does more damage than Guy B and could not explain it himself. His gear was nothing specially actually. 34 greens. And he isn't the only super solider I've been grouped with who, when you inspect them, have low end gear yet magically perform better than everyone else for (apparently) no reason at all. So I kind of understand why people cry "cheat". I'm sure you're going to make up some excuse that has no bearing on the circumstances whatsoever, but I think something is inherently wrong somewhere in the programming. As I've been the super soldier myself at times. And I can assure you I'm not particularly "good" at PvP.


I'm fine with things as they are. Sure, they could be better, but I'm not going to stop PvPing because of some weird glitch in Bioware's code.

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It aint dead. Hell its far away from that.


Could it be better "balanced"? ofc, but it doesnt matter for reg and thats great. I love reg WZ. I mean, come on.

How couldnt u love it? u can play whatever class and spec u want and contribute to your team. Thats awesome.


Ranked id guess are a different story. at least on TRE ull get solid pops during peak or as soon as u shout out and get ppls attention.


Sure the systeme has some flaws, being a sniper in ranked or no "map" choice. Just to name a few.


But still ffs its Star Wars PvP, lightsabers & blasters. **** yeah! It never will die.

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