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PVP is now dead in swtor


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It's spot on 9pm on the west coast. Sure enough pops have gone from 2-5 mins to 20 mins in the last 30mins.

What the hell happens in the US at this time everyday that sees a mass exodus from the PVP queue??

It's only 2 pm in Australia, prime times not for a few hours yet, but it's also school holidays here, which usually means more players.

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its 5am GMT now in europe. I just did 2 tacticals back to back. So things are happening. I would guess the world event is slowing things down.


Been getting worse for 3 months. So it's not the event, all though it may contribute a tiny bit.

It looks like your Euro servers are fine, it's the American one's

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Let's hope that this isn't even their goal - to destroy PvP by driving people away from it.


Well they drove away the raiding community, not they will the PVP community and in the end the GSF community!! That way the only people that will be left are the people that buy CM stuff and open packs on fleet, that will be the main aim of the game, just buy new stuff and go do the new story with it :D

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Been getting worse for 3 months. So it's not the event, all though it may contribute a tiny bit.

It looks like your Euro servers are fine, it's the American one's


It will drops even more. Just wait till WoW: Legion pre-patch and Legion release in late August! ;)

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It will drops even more. Just wait till WoW: Legion pre-patch and Legion release in late August! ;)


I only play this game for the Star Wars IP but even that is starting to not be worth the lack of content being put into this game on all fronts.


Its really tough to like a game when you feel like the developers are blatantly ripping you off......

Edited by Soljin
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You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of reality, and that's what we're seeing in SWTOR.

Like many others, I've seen the growing apathy for this game, especially for PvP. Most of the people I used to PvP with don't care for it anymore. Most of the awesome PvPers on my server are never seen anymore. Heck, some guilds have just disappeared.


Unfortunately, many of the ones who have stayed, or the newer people playing are horrible, or have no desire to play intelligently. It's just not fun. And when the Devs have given the impression, whether they mean it or not, that it isn't a high priority and that there isn't much they can do with their resources anyway, then it doesn't take a genius to see that people are going to stop doing something that is broken and the results are going to be the same.


This is what happens when you go for the quick and easy fix to appeal to the masses rather than truly fix your PvP system and balance the classes. In the short term, you may stop the flooding, but you'll eventually create another flood....of people heading towards the door and out.

Edited by Kirtastropohe
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It will drops even more. Just wait till WoW: Legion pre-patch and Legion release in late August! ;)



I hate WoW. It so child like and you have to download and configure 20 different addons just to get the same GUI as swtor

I'm guessing the launch of that expansion will put the last nail in the swtor coffin

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I only play this game for the Star Wars IP but even that is starting to not be worth the lack of content being put into this game on all fronts.


Its really tough to like a game when you feel like the developers are blatantly ripping you off......


Same. If it wasn't a SW ip I would have left long ago. But I also would never have tried the game to start with if it wasn't a SW ip

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Well first of all let me say this the game is dying...

Alot people got angry about the LvsD event and went to a different game.

I love to pvp and still love it but yea the game is dying and queues take longer to pop and i dont think its just pvp i also think pve is dying too.


But i saw some ideas here that are great it might get swtor a bit more alive, but yea they should maybe listen to us and use those ideas instead brining new stuff to cartel market. We didnt ask for cartel stuff right? we are the one's that sub to the game they should atleast hear us out?...

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I hate WoW. It so child like and you have to download and configure 20 different addons just to get the same GUI as swtor

I'm guessing the launch of that expansion will put the last nail in the swtor coffin


Agreed, but I wouldn't worry about WoW killing SWTOR. WoW is hemorrhaging subs and their expansions keep getting worse. Legion may pull players away from other games very briefly, but it won't last long.


Also, what you said about addons. Ridiculous how many addons it takes just to bring WoW up to par with modern games.

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Same. If it wasn't a SW ip I would have left long ago. But I also would never have tried the game to start with if it wasn't a SW ip


Same.... I was playing the last SW's IP game until they drove off all their customers via complete redesign. Shortly after was when I heard about this game going into development.


When I heard BioWare was involved I just new the game would be amazing, had no doubt. Unfortunately Bioware is not the only one driving this game. Also after launch several of the BioWare people I had faith in promptly left BW.


It seems every SW's IP game falls in the name of greed, either dumbing the game down and cutting staff or just straight money grabbing....


My guess is that expectations for MMO profits are based off a game and time that will never be reproduced and until investor companies figure that out MMO's will suffer as a result while they try to squeeze out their expectations.


Which ironically leads to a loss of customers and the games slow demise, along with any potential for future profits.

Edited by Soljin
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Most of my PVP friends and guildies have moved to Overwatch for our pvp.




Hmm. This and the fact that LoL players are moving over to OW explains why that game's player base is just so bad.

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I hoped never to say this. I've seen so many predictions since launch about the game dying. The game as such is still alive, at least the FP story mode is. But PVP is dead, It's in its death throws.

Everyone started to transfer to harbinger because of low PVP population on other servers. Now Harbinger is experiencing the same thing.

Sure there are times that it seems fine, but there are huge queue times now at other times that used to only have 2-5min wait times only three months ago.

If that's not dying I don't know what is. Other servers are dead even at prime time, now old Harbinger is heading that way. I thought we might see a slow decline before it happened, but it seems to be accelerating really fast, must faster than I ever expected.

Even these PVP forums are dead. Some threads are still on the front page from a few days ago. That is not normal for this highly vocal group.

I don't know what Bio can do to fix it, if anything. But they should at least merge the servers into region blocks. ie, merge all of the west coast to Harbinger



Gilda/Jilda/etc. here. Long-time pugger, healer (all 3 specs.) and been on Harb since the near beginning. And I am forced to agree.


I have watched the decline of pvp play on Harb. And it's not pretty. The transfer flood has hurt pvp on Harb. Before the transfer flood, the quality of play was pretty good. Sure, a person would whine every now and again that this or that faction was better - but you could pretty much guarantee that even a pug could get a win or two if the right group of players got together.


In short, the flood has ruined play. I had the pleasure of chatting with the first few early transfers, and I found that they transferred to get away from the bad players on their previous servers. Unfortunately, it seems that the bad players have started to transfer too - when they found that the queues were popping less on their old servers. So now we have an influx of bad play on BOTH factions (not just one, despite what some people think).


I won't get into my irritation over the current state of healing, bolster, etc. - but I will say that there are many factors that are leading people to leave pvp, if not the game itself.


Now, I have sunk a lot of money into this game - subscription, strongholds, etc. - and could be considered one of the remaining hardcore players. And, for that reason, I am finding it tricky to leave. However, I can honestly say that I have started playing other games more recently (Wildstar, TERA, DOTA2, LoL, Overwatch, etc.) in the hopes of finding a replacement. Heck, I hear that there is some game called WoW that I might actually start playing. (Is it anything like Everquest?).


Lastly, you mention fixes. There were plenty of opportunities to fix PvP before this happened - dynamic queues (taking advantage of the Alliance storyline), cross-server/superserver, small-group warzones, open world pvp objectives that reward participants, actual new items with the pvp vendors, fixing bugs in the game, etc. -- but I think it is now getting late. Whatever efforts have been done at fixing it are moving at a glacial pace (remember how long it took them to acknowledge that the pvp economy was falling far behind the rest of the game's economy?).


Simply, the game is in its latter stages. Enjoy it while it still stands.

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Oh come on with the get away from me bad players stuff already. Like only the elite have the right to que. If that were the case your que time would longer than the line for meth in a trailer park. Here's an idea. Help them improve. Nah. Not gonna happen. Just keep complaining. Its like spitting into the wind
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Gilda/Jilda/etc. here. Long-time pugger, healer (all 3 specs.) and been on Harb since the near beginning. And I am forced to agree.


I have watched the decline of pvp play on Harb. And it's not pretty. The transfer flood has hurt pvp on Harb. Before the transfer flood, the quality of play was pretty good. Sure, a person would whine every now and again that this or that faction was better - but you could pretty much guarantee that even a pug could get a win or two if the right group of players got together.


In short, the flood has ruined play. I had the pleasure of chatting with the first few early transfers, and I found that they transferred to get away from the bad players on their previous servers. Unfortunately, it seems that the bad players have started to transfer too - when they found that the queues were popping less on their old servers. So now we have an influx of bad play on BOTH factions (not just one, despite what some people think).


I won't get into my irritation over the current state of healing, bolster, etc. - but I will say that there are many factors that are leading people to leave pvp, if not the game itself.


Now, I have sunk a lot of money into this game - subscription, strongholds, etc. - and could be considered one of the remaining hardcore players. And, for that reason, I am finding it tricky to leave. However, I can honestly say that I have started playing other games more recently (Wildstar, TERA, DOTA2, LoL, Overwatch, etc.) in the hopes of finding a replacement. Heck, I hear that there is some game called WoW that I might actually start playing. (Is it anything like Everquest?).


Lastly, you mention fixes. There were plenty of opportunities to fix PvP before this happened - dynamic queues (taking advantage of the Alliance storyline), cross-server/superserver, small-group warzones, open world pvp objectives that reward participants, actual new items with the pvp vendors, fixing bugs in the game, etc. -- but I think it is now getting late. Whatever efforts have been done at fixing it are moving at a glacial pace (remember how long it took them to acknowledge that the pvp economy was falling far behind the rest of the game's economy?).


Simply, the game is in its latter stages. Enjoy it while it still stands.


Well put. I think you summed it up exactly, especially the the hardcore pvper bit. I'm in exactly the same boat as yourself. I'm really at a loss as to what to do because I've put so much into this game. I played WoW for nine years before swtor launched, since then, swtor has been my main game and.with the current state of the game, I've also been looking around and I've tried most of the games you have, I even resubbed to WoW to see what it was like. All in all, none of the games even come close to being as satisfing as swtor or what swtor should be.


There was one small spark of hope over the weekend. To my surprise this DvL event may even be having a positive effect on PVP. There are a lot more people playing lowbies and mids as people level new toons. I'm not sure how this will translate to 65s as people start doing the end story.

I did talk to a few people today who wanted to start pvping and wanted some advice. I took the time to offer suggestions and guidance on how to prepare before they start. I think there will be more of these people trying PVP over the coming weeks. If the last of us hardcore pvpers approach this positively and offer guidance and patience instead of rage and abuse, maybe we can help a new generation of players get better at PVP.

I know that is a lot to ask. Most of us are fed up with the absolute degradation of PVP in the last 18 months. So our patience is a little thin and most of us probably haven't even realised there are all these new people starting to PVP.


Let's hope what I saw over the weekend wasn't just a one off because it's 4th July in the US.

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