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PSA The Galactic Starfighter Community is small


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The nitwit player in question probably wont see this, a level 22 gunslinger on Taris, Beregen Colony, who soon logged after acting like such a smart a*se, in the faint hope that he does I'd just like to tell him this ...


The Galactic Starfighter Community is small... acting like a d*ck in chat does not help to increase numbers.

I came in at the end of a match today to witness this ...

When you've just won a match 3 capped and your score is 999 to 55, when its that plainly obvious that your opposition is filled with new players and that your side is full of vets then gloating in chat with comments like 'LOLOL' and 'You guys are so bad !!!' at the end of the match will do nothing at all to increase the size of the community.

Instead what it will achieve is driving away new players !

(So will 3 capping by the way, another d*ck move in my opinion)

Don't be like this guy, this isn't C.O.D or WoW Trade Chat

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Even people who know the community is small still actively behave in ways that drive off potential new pilots. Unfortunately your words will fall on deaf ears.


The community has enough trouble generating interest in the mode as is. The people in it tend to be more than happy to drive new pilots away for the sake of their own enjoyment.


The irony is when they complain about not having anyone to beat up on expecting that people should be happy to perish for the sake of their own amusement.

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Whoever this guy is, he should know that people who just have to mock people when they are bested (not to mention: by his group, not by his own talent, but even if he has talent, he regardless ) informs everyone that it is either rare for him to win anything, or that his ego requires even more than the win itself to feel good, meaning he is ego-sick [common little children's psychology]. All grown-ups who witness such a guy will have the same conclusions about this man. So next time this guy is about to do so, he might want to recall what "honor" does he really gain there.


I want to mention another kind of community decreasing stuff: "you noob, we lost because of you", "why cant you aim?" "don't spawn next time"... If you were born with GSF in your mouth, you would have reason to talk, some players are new, some of the guys you yell at are far better than you were when you started to play, remember that, and be human :D

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So I'm just starting to try out GSF on my Jedi, because Republic ships look cool, and I played a match last night with some AMAZING Imperials. They sat back and 2 shot most of us, and I know that people on my team were frustrated. I managed 2 kills with 9 deaths, which is not good, I get that, but after I got out of the match I got whispers from a guy "you're the reason we lost" and "if you can't play GSF correctly don't bother at all"


I know that I'm only a week into GSF, and my scout ship is the only thing with upgrades and I'm only about halfway through upgrading him (though, to be fair, I don't even know if I'm doing THAT right :p) I know to shrug him off as someone who was frustrated that we got beat, bad, but if he does that regularly, he's going to push people who might be trying it out to never try again. It's really sad, to be honest, and hopefully he's a minority.

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your score is 999 to 55, when its that plainly obvious that your opposition is filled with new players and that your side is full of vets then gloating in chat with comments like 'LOLOL' and 'You guys are so bad !!!'

More than that, 999 to 55. Don't use your best ships when there's no opposition... ><

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More than that, 999 to 55. Don't use your best ships when there's no opposition... ><


Many people care about their statistics, so if they used the ship at the beginning and later realized there is no opposition, they wont switch ship in order to preserve statistics, cant blame them. Can blame if they see that there is no opposition for long time and keep doing this (you can see the other group at the beginning, no excuses) or even worse, go premade vs newbies...

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There's an unwritten code in Progenitor, that if the imps have 2-capped, we usually let the opposition take the third, -- and don't press too hard to 3-cap.


If its all going one way a few of us swap sides to even thing up a bit.


Nothing kills the queue faster than completely crushing the opposition.


As for ship choice, it isn't always obvious who the opposition is - especially if vet pilots are levelling new characters and queuing to GSF to earn rewards for LvD event. - but yeah, point taken; if you suspect the other team are all complete novices, switch it up a bit and try something different, or fly a stock ship at least.

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More than that, 999 to 55. Don't use your best ships when there's no opposition... ><


There's an unwritten code in Progenitor, that if the imps have 2-capped, we usually let the opposition take the third, -- and don't press too hard to 3-cap.


If its all going one way a few of us swap sides to even thing up a bit.


Nothing kills the queue faster than completely crushing the opposition.


As for ship choice, it isn't always obvious who the opposition is - especially if vet pilots are levelling new characters and queuing to GSF to earn rewards for LvD event. - but yeah, point taken; if you suspect the other team are all complete novices, switch it up a bit and try something different, or fly a stock ship at least.


I'll typically swap sides if the side I'm on is winning too much, but I am under no obligation to do so.


That's the only concession I'm willing to make. Don't want me to three cap? Switch sides and stop me. Don't want me trying to chase a 40 point game? (And I'll get it one day.)


Switch sides and stop me.


I might get bored and do something like push a Warcarrier to see how many kills I can get in a bomber, but I'm not doing that because I think that it makes a difference. I'm not doing that for any reason other than boredom. I'm not going to insult the opposition by giving them pity points or drawing out a game needlessly. That's worse than farming.


I am, however, always willing to tell people what they need to do differently to win next time. I'm even willing to tell people the most effective ways to kill me. (Fun fact: the missile tone really annoys me. If I hear it enough, it definitely affects how I play.)


Can we please not have yet another thread on this topic? What the OP is complaining about is another matter entirely.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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