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Please Don't do it again - Dark & Light event - PLEASE DON'T!


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Hi Bioware & EA,


I have spent the last 8 months convincing my members to return to SWTOR. They are mostly now Subbed with a few on FTP.


Quick backstory for perspective: We started at pre-launch of SWTOR > Got to 300 members > I went to the guild summit > you guys tanked the game > All but a few of my members unsubbed & left the game, including myself, despite enjoying the game. I go where my members want to go.


Fast forward 3 years later Nov 2015:

- The few still in SWTOR: "Hey Kismet they really are improving SWTOR we should give it another try."

- Kismet: "Ok! Wow, they have really added a ton of content & stuff to do. I'll see if members want to play again"

- 8 months of recalling members to SWTOR


Now here we go again... You are TOTALLY TICKING OFF the community of players. APOLOGIZE for a poor idea and immediately cancel this event and rethink it. People are Un-Subbing & Leaving the game. They are Heated and Hot about this. Are you guys trying to tank the game? That is the only reason why you would force existing, invested, Subbed players to get 8 more slots to do this event.


Sometimes YOU make a mistake. Own up to it and cancel this ASAP & Apologize, maybe some small token reward to loyal supporters of the game. Thats what a Man would do, "MAN UP" and admit ones mistakes.


Your team has worked TOO HARD at adding content only to be stubborn "We know whats best". Believe me you don't because you would not of done this event if you did. Listen to your community and this will blow over and you can revamp the event to suit new & Long time players.


I love what you have done in the game. Please, Please, Please learn from past mistakes. DON'T DO THIS!


- Kismet

Leader & Founder, Kismet, Ring of Destiny

One of the longest running gaming guilds: 14+ years of fun, laughter & Teamwork.



Please Up-Vote/post on this thread so they can see this. Thanks!

Edited by Lord_Kismet
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Ok, lets say they scrap the light vs dark event, then what? Endless complaints about nothing to do between seasons. Some people don't want to run old content, go through the leveling experience again, I get that but the rewards seem rewarding. If people are dead set against it, then don't do it and keep doing what you're doing now or find something else to do/play until something comes along that they do want.
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Ok, lets say they scrap the light vs dark event, then what? Endless complaints about nothing to do between seasons. Some people don't want to run old content, go through the leveling experience again, I get that but the rewards seem rewarding. If people are dead set against it, then don't do it and keep doing what you're doing now or find something else to do/play until something comes along that they do want.


With or without the event we are already doing this...

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Ok, lets say they scrap the light vs dark event, then what? Endless complaints about nothing to do between seasons. Some people don't want to run old content, go through the leveling experience again, I get that but the rewards seem rewarding. If people are dead set against it, then don't do it and keep doing what you're doing now or find something else to do/play until something comes along that they do want.


Your not seeing the big picture. This is the same thing GW2 did to people with HOT expansion. It Ticks people off, they don't want to play. Its like giving your player base the finger.


My members in GW2 after the HOT expansion, just left. They didn't want to play anymore because the lost "Trust" in the gaming company. This is exactly whats going to happen here. You don't insult your player base and expect them to stick around, its just super short sighted, just to save face. They need to admit their mistake and they will get much more respect for that then doing what they have done in the past and Act like they know it all.


- Kismet

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stop whining, no one is forcing you to do the event, what will removing it accomplish? it gives us something to do at tleast.


Yep... because repeating content from 4.5 years ago for a better reward is the best thing ever in the world that treats all customers equally.


Enough with the "stop whining no one is forcing you to do x" as it does nothing constructive, I can turn it around and say the same about you posting on the forums.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Make it so those of us who have been in the game from the day it went live can participate and get the same rewards. This is BS. I quit for a year because of BS and no support. I come back to the game and resub. Just be told i cant be involved with this even because/ I admit i dont understand much about this event but i can clearly see your screwing your long time customers. DO away with this event or make it so old time customers can participate and be rewarded the same
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stop whining, no one is forcing you to do the event, what will removing it accomplish? it gives us something to do at tleast.


Wow this seems familiar O M G you are so right no is forcing this you are such a genius. I mean who could have ever figured out this important fact if it weren't for you. Bless your heart they need to change that post to a gold post because that info is just so valuable and the game would die without it. :D

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stop whining, no one is forcing you to do the event, what will removing it accomplish? it gives us something to do at tleast.


Whining, me? Never. I just brave enough to voice my members Concerns.


How many hours have you spent trying to get people back to SWTOR? 5, 10, 50 Hours? How about hundreds of hours like me? You have nothing vested in bringing people to SWTOR. You also obviously never lead a team or cared about anyone but yourself. Or you, like me, would be voicing your members concerns. Hoping against all odds, they will learn from past mistakes.


Here's hoping,


- Kismet

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They are trying something new. Do we want them to feel bad and stop trying things and lose all enthusiasm for this game or do we want to try to take a breath and appreciate some parts of what they are able to produce for us? Or at least not blow up at everything you weren't expecting and/or don't happen to like? Seriously, BW people are not sitting around a table trying to figure out different ways to slap customers in the face. Would you rather they just threw all this into another cartel pack and made us pay $ for it? Tolerance and patience go a long way sometimes.


The only thing these explosive tantrums do is reduce the chances of us getting anything new in the future. They make the people that happen to like these things second guess themselves and they drag fencewalkers onto the dark side of the mud-slinging as well.


If you don't want anything more to do with BW there's an easy solution. If you have ideas about events or how they should be working harder on new operations, there are forums for those things - but obviously BW's hands are at least partially tied at the moment and a lot of their resources are still working on chapters, next season and maybe other things we can't be told about yet.


If you don't like the event by all means say so but try to be mature and polite and I promise your chances of being read will be greater than 0 (this thread is at 0, btw).

Edited by Savej
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Make it so those of us who have been in the game from the day it went live can participate and get the same rewards. This is BS. I quit for a year because of BS and no support. I come back to the game and resub. Just be told i cant be involved with this even because/ I admit i dont understand much about this event but i can clearly see your screwing your long time customers. DO away with this event or make it so old time customers can participate and be rewarded the same


If you want to be involved, roll a new toon when it hits and you're good to go. There's nothing stopping you from participating.

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Actually when I first saw the title I immediately thought it would be some sort of huge world PvP event, not this.


I was a little disappointed it wasn't, in fact, my reaction was 'what kind of person would ever want to do that? except by mistake'

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Again and again people exaggerate and think they speak for the whole community when they really speak only for themselves, or for their small gang. Please get a grip.


WOW no way O M G people do that? That is so naughty I hope their mommy spanks them for misbehaving. Also oh my goodness there are gangs in this game I just don't feel safe anymore like what's next? You're right I just need to grip onto the titanic and all my problems will be solved and it will be like magical, glittery, and sparkly. :D

Edited by squirrelballz
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Actually when I first saw the title I immediately thought it would be some sort of huge world PvP event, not this.


I was a little disappointed it wasn't, in fact, my reaction was 'what kind of person would ever want to do that? except by mistake'


I think a large part of the dissatisfaction for a lot of people is that they imagined, or hoped for, something... different to what we got...

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If you want to be involved, roll a new toon when it hits and you're good to go. There's nothing stopping you from participating.


Yeah that's nice... all that work you have been doing in the last 4.5 years, all those moments with your character, from first laying eyes to Kira, to a romance, to marrying, to stopping the emperor, saving Makebs population from destruction and making the hutts pay for it, stopping one of the biggest conspiracies in the war ever, defeating Revan, building your alliance from scratch, all those flashpoints, operations, decorations, gone. Just reroll a character with all that history gone! GG.

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WOW no way O M G people do that? That is so naughty I hope their mommy spanks them for misbehaving. Also oh my goodness there are gangs in this game I just don't feel safe anymore like what's next? You're right I just need to grip onto the titanic and all my problems will be solved and it will be like magical, glittery, and sparkly. :D


Man squirrel is just giving the rabies away. :D

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Uhhh! Yea they are. If we old time customers want the rewards we have no choice. So please stop licking Bio boot!


Players are NOT being forced to participate in the event.


Players have a CHOICE to participate or not.


If the rewards are important enough to a player, then that player must participate, knowing that they CHOOSE to participate to receive those rewards. Heaven forbid that BW actually require players to participate to receive the rewards.


If a player decides that the event is too much effort for too little reward, then the player can CHOOSE not to participate, knowing that they CHOOSE not to receive those rewards.



In before meaningless rodent sarcasm.

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If you want to be involved, roll a new toon when it hits and you're good to go. There's nothing stopping you from participating.


that's not entirely acurate. if you're at max characters, you'll have to buy more character slots or delete, or if you are at max 40 characters you're SOL unless you go to another server.


forcing long time players to delete a character, or purchase more character slots/play on a different server, just to participate, is a really ham-fisted way of executing an event.


what they should do is raise the cap to 48 and and give all subs 8 character slots free of charge if they really wanna be above board with their long time players.

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Players are NOT being forced to participate in the event.


Players have a CHOICE to participate or not.


If the rewards are important enough to a player, then that player must participate, knowing that they CHOOSE to participate to receive those rewards. Heaven forbid that BW actually require players to participate to receive the rewards.


If a player decides that the event is too much effort for too little reward, then the player can CHOOSE not to participate, knowing that they CHOOSE not to receive those rewards.



In before meaningless rodent sarcasm.


The problem is that literally 100% of the player base as of today can't participate in it with the characters they spent all this time building. I would prefer the rewards being retroactive, but I may budge a little and would be okay redoing SOME of the content on our MAIN characters.


I see Squirrel has got to you by that last comment... why not try to refute his points instead of just dismissing them as "meaningless rodent sarcasm."

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Honestly its imo sad how even the people defending it can't find a good reason to have it in the game and they just simply use that "if you don't like it leave" trope which is universal to all arguments and is completely nonconstructive.


There is an incentive to play while waiting for season 2. That is a good enough reason to me.

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