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Why are the Light/Dark side reward companions both female?


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Has Bioware confirmed Darth Hexid and Jedi Master Ranos are those gals in the first pic? The web site also shows a picture of two guys below. Maybe there is a choice?




Those companions are completely confirmed. The picture of the other two characters is to show off which types of items will be available in the Dark vs Light Packs. ;)

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Has Bioware confirmed Darth Hexid and Jedi Master Ranos are those gals in the first pic? The web site also shows a picture of two guys below. Maybe there is a choice?




The two male Force-users, one wearing Sith Recluse and the other Wearing Temple Guardian is actually the Dark Vs. Light pack icon. It's likely that the two senoritas up by the alignment slider are the new companions. It's hard to tell, though, because "Master Ranos" could be anyone; the only way to tell for sure would be - if the two are indeed the potential companions - we got the Cheunh name and not the Core name of the Chiss.


Not to mention that on the rewards section, the eternal level (which is the minimum requirement to be completed in order to be eligible for the companion) shows another picture of the two females standing on Tatooine, and at a different angle than the minisite header.



I particularly found it humorous that the decided to troll everyone, giving the 1 companion not 1, but 2 of the vented lightsabers lol. One of the most sought after weapons, that people spends millions of credits to get, and they give you a companion with 2 of them you cant use :p


To be fair, it's not like it's hard to pop the second one out of collections once you have the first. People who buy two sabers/color crystals for their Sentinel/Marauder when they only need to buy one and pop the other out of collections... well, they didn't need those credits anyway.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Not everyone that plays SWTOr is a man. There are quite a few ladies that play the game so there should be a few more men force users for us as well.


Ones like this guy won't even believe that we are women let alone that women play video games, telling him that we exist will only confuse and infuriate him ;) They're definitely a dying breed but whenever I see one I always think of this episode of The Simpsons where Marge encounters a female airline pilot and says in a shocked, scandalized voice "a lady pilot, now I've seen everything!" :D

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Well I'm female, and am personally quite happy with all the companions. I prefer they have companions with personalities and backstories over asking for something specific, or getting cookie cutter cut-out companions when we have so many companions in kotfe and so many yet to return. But I know I don't speak for everyone.


What the game needs, in my opinion, is another option for female-female romances. They gave us 2 for the guys (Theron and Koth) but the gals only have Lana.

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As has been mentioned, all one has to do is look at the current distribution of lightsaber wielding Force using companions to see this trend:



Jaesa (your pretty young human apprentice)

Ashara (your pretty young human-like apprentice)

Kira (your pretty young human apprentice)

Nadia (your pretty young human-like apprentice)

Lana (your human love interest and/or advisor and/or ally)

and that Star Fortress Nautolan, if you want to count her



Xalek (your scary looking apprentice)

Lord Scourge (a handsome but intimidating Sith that has agreed to work with you)

Guss (a comical fish-man that failed as a Jedi but may or may not eventually learn to use a lightsaber)

Wow. It never really hit me until reading this that every (male) force-using class has a romanceable female apprentice. Count me in as another female player who would like to see an attractive (or at least not terrifying looking) male force user companion as a romance option.


However, I'd also like one with a decent story and I'm not getting the impression that this light vs dark event will offer that for these new companions. Maybe for a future expansion?

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Because Bioware writers love their waifu with young female force user NPCs. It's the only explanation for how every single love interest/apprentice for every Force class was a young girl saberstaff wielder. Except for the Togruta one (obviously).

Haha, yeah, I agree with this. It's all come down to the writers really and it's difficult not to be biased when you write a story. :o

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Because Bioware writers love their waifu with young female force user NPCs. It's the only explanation for how every single love interest/apprentice for every Force class was a young girl saberstaff wielder. Except for the Togruta one (obviously).


You are probably more right than you know.


Being a female player, I personally feel that most of the romanceable female characters are insipid little twits except DS Jaesa who is batcrap crazy or Akaavi who has wonderful lines but is physically not as attractive as the others. It is like Bioware is stuck in some 1950's time warp or something.


At least the males have some depth. Even if it is Quinn's betrayal, Torian's devotion to Mandalore, Vector with his joiner status, Aric with his cathar lifemate thing, Corso's misplaced chivalry, Andronikus the bad boy, Iresso's holocron problem. Even their lines and love letters are better, Vector especially. The guy who said he could melt chocolate from space is spot on.


And yes, a male force user would have been a nice romance. It's not like a female is going to jealous of how big his lightsaber is. Unfortunately I fear that ship has already sailed.

Edited by MishaCantu
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You are probably more right than you know.


Being a female player, I personally feel that most of the romanceable female characters are insipid little twits except DS Jaesa who is batcrap crazy or Akaavi who has wonderful lines but is physically not as attractive as the others. It is like Bioware is stuck in some 1950's time warp or something.


At least the males have some depth. Even if it is Quinn's betrayal, Torian's devotion to Mandalore, Vector with his joiner status, Aric with his cathar lifemate thing, Corso's misplaced chivalry, Andronikus the bad boy, Iresso's holocron problem. Even their lines and love letters are better, Vector especially. The guy who said he could melt chocolate from space is spot on.


And yes, a male force user would have been a nice romance. It's not like a female is going to jealous of how big his lightsaber is. Unfortunately I fear that ship has already sailed.


Aww, Vette and Elara are some of my favorite characters :p but yeah I agree that the male companions tend to have more interesting personalities and a lot more variance. Male companions come in every body type, you have everything from big fat turd Skadge to tiny and older Talos Drelik to huge and muscular Pierce and Scourge with plenty of middle sized type 2's and of course the "male" droids T7 and 4X look abstract and droid-like where the "female" droid SCORPIO is shaped like a sexy lady. You have very non-human looking male companions:Skadge, Bowdaar, Qyzen, Khem Vall, Gus, but all the female companions are made to be pretty and romanceable so they lack that variety.


If they were going to make a new conventionally attractive force user (as they are) I would rather have a male for once. If they were going to make something unconventional and cool I would rather have a female (ex: female Wookie, Ithorian, etc...)

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It's because 3 of the force-using female companions are pretty obvious throwbacks to Bastila Shan. About 20, end up being your de-facto apprentice, female, with dualsabers. Except none of them hold a candle to Bastila.


As for male force-users, you forgot the Ithorian (if you're counting the Nautolan Sith). Chosen Rabbit, as one player I know calls him. :p


Frankly Bioware is primarily catering to what this game's intended market to be: Male Pre-Teens and Teenagers. When it was released I sincerely doubt they expected such a huge portion (geez I'd say like 50%) of the playerbase to be like 40+. So many Gen X'ers play this game. And the ratio of male to females is much higher in this game than in other MMO's: on Jedi Cov I'd say it's about 70-30 or 60-40 from the communities I've encountered.


And yeah, even as a straight male, I'd like to see more male force-users.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Wow. It never really hit me until reading this that every (male) force-using class has a romanceable female apprentice. Count me in as another female player who would like to see an attractive (or at least not terrifying looking) male force user companion as a romance option.


However, I'd also like one with a decent story and I'm not getting the impression that this light vs dark event will offer that for these new companions. Maybe for a future expansion?


My girlfriend often comments on this and wishes there were some romanceable male force wielding companions (she's often commented she wished Lord Scourge was romanceable).


But I agree....I didn't get the impression there would be any "backstory" to these reward companions.....you'd just get them.

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In the past i stuffed Theran Cedrax in a jedi robe i found and had my personal jedi healer, ok but not rly a force user. Maybe it was just punish that he dont like the force things. :jawa_angel: .


A male Force user was already suggested but its not happen until now :(

I would also like a light side force user in Bodytype 2 or 1 but with a forbidden love story. :t_biggrin:


And i still hope to meet and get Lord Scourge for the dark side.

Edited by Moonshift
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It's because 3 of the force-using female companions are pretty obvious throwbacks to Bastila Shan. About 20, end up being your de-facto apprentice, female, with dualsabers. Except none of them hold a candle to Bastila.


As for male force-users, you forgot the Ithorian (if you're counting the Nautolan Sith). Chosen Rabbit, as one player I know calls him. :p


Frankly Bioware is primarily catering to what this game's intended market to be: Male Pre-Teens and Teenagers. When it was released I sincerely doubt they expected such a huge portion (geez I'd say like 50%) of the playerbase to be like 40+. So many Gen X'ers play this game. And the ratio of male to females is much higher in this game than in other MMO's: on Jedi Cov I'd say it's about 70-30 or 60-40 from the communities I've encountered.


And yeah, even as a straight male, I'd like to see more male force-users.


~ Eudoxia


Based on how they made SWtOR (modern BioWare single player RPG style) they should have expected the typical BioWare fanbase which has a much more even gender split rather than the typical MMO fanbase which leans more towards male players.

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My girlfriend often comments on this and wishes there were some romanceable male force wielding companions (she's often commented she wished Lord Scourge was romanceable).

I'd love it if Scourge became romanceable too! Not sure it makes sense for the character with the way he is now however.


(Spoiling this in case there are folks who haven't played through all Scourge's dialog)



One result of the immortality granted to Scourge by the Emperor is that he doesn't emotionally feel or physically sense much now. I think a romance would be rather out of place with him unless there was some way to reverse the effects, probably resulting in a normal lifespan. However, this is certainly something Scourge wants as evidenced by one of his conversations with the Jedi Knight:


"I still remember the feel of sunlight on my skin. The scent of favorite foods. The color of my first love's eyes. To experience those simple pleasures again would be worth anything."



At the least, it would make for an interesting side story with him. Romance would be super fantastic though. :)

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In the past i stuffed Theran Cedrax in a jedi robe i found and had my personal jedi healer, ok but not rly a force user. Maybe it was just punish that he dont like the force things. :jawa_angel: .


A male Force user was already suggested but its not happen until now :(

I would also like a light side force user in Bodytype 2 or 1 but with a forbidden love story. :t_biggrin:


And i still hope to meet and get Lord Scourge for the dark side.



I love the idea of a forbidden romance story. That would be awesome, and I too would love romanceable Scourge. I like the way you think!



I'd love it if Scourge became romanceable too! Not sure it makes sense for the character with the way he is now however.


(Spoiling this in case there are folks who haven't played through all Scourge's dialog)



One result of the immortality granted to Scourge by the Emperor is that he doesn't emotionally feel or physically sense much now. I think a romance would be rather out of place with him unless there was some way to reverse the effects, probably resulting in a normal lifespan. However, this is certainly something Scourge wants as evidenced by one of his conversations with the Jedi Knight:


"I still remember the feel of sunlight on my skin. The scent of favorite foods. The color of my first love's eyes. To experience those simple pleasures again would be worth anything."



At the least, it would make for an interesting side story with him. Romance would be super fantastic though. :)


Anything is possible, anything can be written...surely a side story to help him regain feeling would be an interesting plot and helpful to make him romanceable. :D


Thanks for all the support guys! It's really appreciated and I hope Bioware hears us. :) Keep it coming!

Edited by Lunafox
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I love the idea of a forbidden romance story. That would be awesome, and I too would love romanceable Scourge. I like the way you think!





Anything is possible, anything can be written...surely a side story to help him regain feeling would be an interesting plot and helpful to make him romanceable. :D


Thanks for all the support guys! It's really appreciated and I hope Bioware hears us. :) Keep it coming!


I hope they make scourge romance-able for y'all. :)

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Does someone have a link to a post from the Devs that clearly states the new companion will be female? I have been assuming female because of the pictures, so lost interest in getting the companion, however if they have not decided and there is a chance of having the choice of a male LS or DS force user companion that would be great. Like many of the other women who have mentioned it I'd love a male force user / force capable companion that's not Xalek or Guss (and a romanceable one would be even better! :D)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Does someone have a link to a post from the Devs that clearly states the new companion will be female? I have been assuming female because of the pictures, so lost interest in getting the companion, however if they have not decided and there is a chance of having the choice of a male LS or DS force user companion that would be great. Like many of the other women who have mentioned it I'd love a male force user / force capable companion that's not Xalek or Guss (and a romanceable one would be even better! :D)


I'm pretty sure they are both females. If I'm wrong though someone please correct me. Also There is just no reason they can't make a Male Chiss and Male Zebrak to go with the females for this event. They should do both honestly.

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Does someone have a link to a post from the Devs that clearly states the new companion will be female? I have been assuming female because of the pictures, so lost interest in getting the companion, however if they have not decided and there is a chance of having the choice of a male LS or DS force user companion that would be great. Like many of the other women who have mentioned it I'd love a male force user / force capable companion that's not Xalek or Guss (and a romanceable one would be even better! :D)


They're both females, I think they made it quite clear in the explanations of each of them in the producer streams

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Why are there no male companions? Do you hate your female players? I would have loved to have a male force using companion...


Oh well, more reason to keep away from this asinine event. Thanks for nothing. You'll be fortunate if I don't cancel my sub by the end of the day. :mad:


So what's your point exactly. Women don't like women?


Clearly if one was male and the other female then people are likely to base their choice on gender rather than light/dark side. With a population that is still primarily male, chances are that two female choices are the best way to go.


I'll be brutally honest. I am male and I play female characters. I don't care about romance options in this game and these two are likely not romanceable as it is. But what I want to be honest about is this: If the companions were male, I probably wouldn't care about them so I'd be the one complaining here about them being male. And if there was one male and one female companion, I feel I can predict quite easily that the female one will win unless she'd be really hideous and the male one was ultra cool somehow.


BW can only lose in that but it's their own idea to let people only win one of the two and that's where the problem starts. In that set up two female choices will invariable be the best choice until the player base is about 50% female. This game does have a fair amount of female players, but not half the player base. There is the issue.


I know, they could've made one male and one female companion for both light and dark and then you could pick your preference, but that'll likely be too much work for the skeletal crew that has to manage this game.

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All the force sensitive males are strong and independent and dont need no man/woman to guide them (see even Scourge is gone atm). All women are insecure and need a Master ;) *grabs popcorn*
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