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Dear Bioware, if you want us to leave just ask.


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You made that clear already and I said "too bad". Your jealousy is unimpressive. So what if noobs get rewards you didn't their first time through, that's how promotions to generate new customers work. Normally promotions like this are exclusive to new subscribers and anybody who has already subscribed would be excluded completely. That is not the case here.


...Come on... you couldn't of kept the insults out of this?


Damn.... "too bad"... what a show stopping ending argument that pertains exclusively to the argument at hand that engages in such meaningful constructiveness, and takes both sides into account. Name a promotion that can only be obtained by new customers that is more than a simple starter bundle with XP boosts or something like that, and then name one as large as this event.


You have every opportunity to acquire those rewards as easily (or easier due to your experience) as anyone else. You just don't want to because somehow, all of a sudden, you are no longer satisfied with the results of the work you put in with your current characters before. You somehow believe that this new event completely invalidates those characters and takes something away from you. It doesn't do any of that, you only think it does because you're jealous of new players getting something you didn't get when you were a new player.


I may not agree with Andryahs viewpoint, but I can slightly agree with some of his reasoning, which is he doesn't have faith in Biowares QA and believes they might break something on our main characters. IMO I would prefer that the QA department does their job and the devs are competent enough to fix it, but I can slightly understand him. You on the other hand seem to be defending this garbage process just because you think were jealous. (I can't be the only person where, every time I see that word I think of a peanut and butter sandwich that the school lunches always use to give.)


This is a garbage concept here, and I can't believe people defend having to redo THE EXACT SAME CONTENT, with literally no added difficulty or anything to change it other than the reward. This is coming from someone who completes his games on ALL the difficulties here, where at times the only difference between the AI is their health being raised and they do more damage, although good games do more than that. How does the new event NOT invalidate our characters and NOT take something away? They removed our chance to change the future of the galaxy or whatever with companions, that itself takes away from our main characters not being able to partake in that


So please shut up and go pout in your corner in protest like you said you would.



Completely unnecessary, unconstructive, and only causes the other person to feel antagonized. Nice baiting. It's a public forums where we have to pay for to access, they can post all they want as long as it doesn't breach TOS, and we have the right to criticize it. Call them "idiotic" if you must, bad, etc. etc., but telling them to shut up is only going to make you the villain.

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You know what? I don't like ranked PVP. I mean, I think the rewards for ranked PVP are pretty darn nifty-looking. But I just hate pvp enough, that I refuse to do any of it ranked. So I don't get the rewards; and I'm perfectly fine with that. To me, bottom line with ANY event or activity in a game, is that if you want the rewards and are willing to earn them then fine. But if not, don't complain.


I get plenty of pats on the back for being a player of this game for as long as I have been. I don't need or want to be someone screaming for more just for having sat here on my rear as long as I have, though. Basically, play or don't play. THIS veteran player is going to be fine through the event, regardless of any titles I earn, or not along the way.

If you don't like PVP its fine, I especially dislike the combat in this game, but this event in that example would be more like, if someone has been a hardcore PVP ranked player throughout the last 4.5 years, but then in two days someone else who steps in and goes in ranked PVP gets more rewards for the same work. Then the person who PVPed for 4.5 years has to re roll and earn 100 valor again on a new character.

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So please shut up and go pout in your corner in protest like you said you would


Anything you've ever said that was competent up to this point was thrown away by this unnecessary, immature, and arrogant response. Censorship is never okay. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling anyone that, that is what people who are bullies and oppressive people do.

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Anything you've ever said that was competent up to this point was thrown away by this unnecessary, immature, and arrogant response. Censorship is never okay. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling anyone that, that is what people who are bullies and oppressive people do.


Damn squirrel.... where was da humor man. That was straight up dark in general, especially worse for you without some form of comical spin to it.

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If you don't like PVP its fine, I especially dislike the combat in this game, but this event in that example would be more like, if someone has been a hardcore PVP ranked player throughout the last 4.5 years, but then in two days someone else who steps in and goes in ranked PVP gets more rewards for the same work. Then the person who PVPed for 4.5 years has to re roll and earn 100 valor again on a new character.


No, it isn't.


What this event is, is like a whole new match or activity provided for ALL players regardless of when they started playing. One that provides ALL of them equal opportunities for doing the SAME thing.

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If you don't like PVP its fine, I especially dislike the combat in this game, but this event in that example would be more like, if someone has been a hardcore PVP ranked player throughout the last 4.5 years, but then in two days someone else who steps in and goes in ranked PVP gets more rewards for the same work. Then the person who PVPed for 4.5 years has to re roll and earn 100 valor again on a new character.


That pretty much sums it up.

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No, it isn't.


What this event is, is like a whole new match or activity provided for ALL players regardless of when they started playing. One that provides ALL of them equal opportunities for doing the SAME thing.


May want to review the requirements again, because you have to reroll a new character to do the event, and a new legacy if you want to do all of it.

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Damn squirrel.... where was da humor man. That was straight up dark in general, especially worse for you without some form of comical spin to it.


Peter I'm done man. I've tried being funny or witty and sarcastic but all I've gotten is warnings. Alot of my posts were taken down just for saying something negative about the event or being sarcastic. The heck happened to freedom of speech, BW just wants to shove my face into the ground and stick it there for an eternity if they can. It just helped me decide that I need to leave in august when my sub is up. :(

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May want to review the requirements again, because you have to reroll a new character to do the event, and a new legacy if you want to do all of it.


Erhm, yep and read it through once, twice, and more. You may want to read through it yourself, since it doesn't say "create new legacy", mind you. It says, "level new characters" quite a few times, rather.

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No, it isn't.


What this event is, is like a whole new match or activity provided for ALL players regardless of when they started playing. One that provides ALL of them equal opportunities for doing the SAME thing.


No, it isn't.


There is nothing new about this so-called "event" except for the rewards.


The zinger is that if you have been a loyal customer and played a lot, you are being asked to buy your way in or throw away something that took a significant amount of time to build up.


The after-zinger is that they pull this AFTER enticing everyone to skip the content that they are now asking us to play.


They are backwards. They are not good at planning. If they were, they would have run this event before dropping KotFE so everyone would be more likely to have characters ready for it... including the noobs.

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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Peter I'm done man. I've tried being funny or witty and sarcastic but all I've gotten is warnings. Alot of my posts were taken down just for saying something negative about the event or being sarcastic. The heck happened to freedom of speech, BW just wants to shove my face into the ground and stick it there for an eternity if they can. It just helped me decide that I need to leave in august when my sub is up. :(


And at the same time, we're seeing many personal attacks directed at those critical of the event completely ignored.

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You know what? I don't like ranked PVP. I mean, I think the rewards for ranked PVP are pretty darn nifty-looking. But I just hate pvp enough, that I refuse to do any of it ranked. So I don't get the rewards; and I'm perfectly fine with that. To me, bottom line with ANY event or activity in a game, is that if you want the rewards and are willing to earn them then fine. But if not, don't complain.


I get plenty of pats on the back for being a player of this game for as long as I have been. I don't need or want to be someone screaming for more just for having sat here on my rear as long as I have, though. Basically, play or don't play. THIS veteran player is going to be fine through the event, regardless of any titles I earn, or not along the way.


You can do or not do any pvp activity including rank with your existing characters but this event cannot be completed unless you create new characters.

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No, it isn't.


There is nothing new about this so-called "event" except for the rewards.


The zinger is that if you have been a loyal customer and played a lot, you are being asked to buy your way in or throw away something that took a significant amount of time to build up.


The after-zinger is that they pull this AFTER enticing everyone to skip the content that they are now asking us to play.


They are backwards. They are not good at planning. If they were, they would have run this event before dropping KotFE so everyone would be more likely to have characters ready for it... including the noobs.



Yeah, having this happen AFTER the "skip to 60" tokens is especially ridiculous.

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Erhm, yep and read it through once, twice, and more. You may want to read through it yourself, since it doesn't say "create new legacy", mind you. It says, "level new characters" quite a few times, rather.


Welp... my bad... I thought I read somewhere having to do something with the legacy. Still however, that's only one part of my post that was contradicted compared to the rest where you have yet to disregard. Simply bringing up a point again isn't going to magically refute my argument without some more detailed explanation. How is this a new activity for ALL characters and players? Besides, why should someone who ALREADY ran it PREVIOUSLY be forced to run it AGAIN for the SAME rewards.


By the way, although it probably looked like it, I wasn't trying to be smug or sassy, I just assumed you got into the fray new with the "read it again" part.

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And at the same time, we're seeing many personal attacks directed at those critical of the event completely ignored.


Exactly I've seen so many people that are defending this event hurl nothing but insults and vulgar attacks at those criticizing BW it's freaking absurd. :mad:

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No, it isn't.


There is nothing new about this so-called "event" except for the rewards.


The zinger is that if you have been a loyal customer and played a lot, you are being asked to buy your way in or throw away something that took a significant amount of time to build up.


The after-zinger is that they pull this AFTER enticing everyone to skip the content that they are now asking us to play.


They are backwards. They are not good at planning. If they were, they would have run this event before dropping KotFE so everyone would be more likely to have characters ready for it... including the noobs.


If your complaint is, indeed, that the actual leveling experience isn't changed up or different then you have a valid point. This event doesn't add any additional content, only attaches new rewards to existing content, yep. That wasn't the original complaint of this thread, however. Nor even of the comment that I was responding to, which was focused on the rewards and who warrants achieving them.

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Peter I'm done man. I've tried being funny or witty and sarcastic but all I've gotten is warnings. Alot of my posts were taken down just for saying something negative about the event or being sarcastic. The heck happened to freedom of speech, BW just wants to shove my face into the ground and stick it there for an eternity if they can. It just helped me decide that I need to leave in august when my sub is up. :(


I would like to state, very non-specifically, that they seem to be doing a lot of that this weekend.


Wait... have I said too much? :t_eek:

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Welp... my bad... I thought I read somewhere having to do something with the legacy.



There are players who will have to start over with a new legacy on a new server from scratch as their only way of participating, if they're filled up all potential slots on their current server.

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Welp... my bad... I thought I read somewhere having to do something with the legacy. Still however, that's only one part of my post that was contradicted compared to the rest where you have yet to disregard. Simply bringing up a point again isn't going to magically refute my argument without some more detailed explanation. How is this a new activity for ALL characters and players? Besides, why should someone who ALREADY ran it PREVIOUSLY be forced to run it AGAIN for the SAME rewards.


By the way, although it probably looked like it, I wasn't trying to be smug or sassy, I just assumed you got into the fray new with the "read it again" part.


LOL! You are NOT being forced to do anything, which is precisely my point here. You want the rewards, they are attached to those particular activities. They didn't change up the game, or anything. They're only listing a series of activities that you can do, or not. But if you do them, you get prizes.


What YOU are saying, is that you should get the prizes even without doing the activities the prizes are attached to. That's where I am disagreeing with you, mind you. I'm not saying this is suddenly some amazing new game, lol.

Edited by Phyreblade
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Peter I'm done man. I've tried being funny or witty and sarcastic but all I've gotten is warnings. Alot of my posts were taken down just for saying something negative about the event or being sarcastic. The heck happened to freedom of speech, BW just wants to shove my face into the ground and stick it there for an eternity if they can. It just helped me decide that I need to leave in august when my sub is up. :(


Never give up faith squirrel! For theirs always plenty more squirrel videos to cheer you up on the internet, or... if your really feeling THAT Down... to go out.... outside and observe one yourself.


It's okay, I have gotten infractions to, perhaps we can pass them around sometime. Besides, as long as it isn't a vacation to... to... to the barn... then its fine.


Hope you find a reason to sub in August, or at least still enjoy the game once that time comes, going to be sad seeing you go. You will be a martyr for the ongoing fight on Corporate EA for freedom of speech on the forums if you do disappear, so remember, your legacy will live on!

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There are players who will have to start over with a new legacy on a new server from scratch as their only way of participating, if they're filled up all potential slots on their current server.


There are several options in that case.


Mind you, I have a guild member with two separate accounts that he's maxed on character slots on our server. I was discussing the event with him, and he mentioned that he will be deleting some of his lower-level characters in order to participate in the event, for instance.

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LOL! You are NOT being forced to do anything, which is precisely my point here. You want the rewards, they are attached to those particular activities. They didn't change up the game, or anything. They're only listing our a series of activities that you can do, or not. But if you do them, you get prizes.


What YOU are saying, is that you should get the prizes even without doing the activities the prizes are attached to. That's where I am disagreeing with you, mind you. I'm not saying this is suddenly some amazing new game, lol.


Here we go again... why does everyone resort to straw man arguments. I thought the argument was that the event pertains to all players, whether new, old, or returning.


No where did I mention that we should get the reward without doing the work, veterans already put in the effort back then accomplishing the task, they should be rewarded as new players are, as its THE SAME THING. If the process was different, harder, or something more challenge, then fine, they put in harder work they should get a better reward, but that's not the case here.

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No where did I mention that we should get the reward without doing the work, veterans already put in the effort back then accomplishing the task, they should be rewarded as new players are, as its THE SAME THING. If the process was different, harder, or something more challenge, then fine, they put in harder work they should get a better reward, but that's not the case here.


To be honest it's not. now it's much easier.

when I started you got sprint only at level 15. you got to level 50 if you did everything including dailies only when you were doing voss bonus series or started corellia.

when I started HM FP were hard due to ****** gear and no boosts etc, we could spend 2-3 hours tackling FP. HM KuS is good memory of one.


and the list can go on and on.

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Here we go again... why does everyone resort to straw man arguments. I thought the argument was that the event pertains to all players, whether new, old, or returning.


No where did I mention that we should get the reward without doing the work, veterans already put in the effort back then accomplishing the task, they should be rewarded as new players are, as its THE SAME THING. If the process was different, harder, or something more challenge, then fine, they put in harder work they should get a better reward, but that's not the case here.


You're the one who said you're being forced to do something, though.


New players have to do the same activity to get the reward; they're not being forced, either. Many of them have come to the game to use instant-60 characters, rather. So if THEY want these prizes, these are the activities they have to complete. So it's basically NO particular group is going to achieve these particular rewards without doing what it takes to earn them.

Edited by Phyreblade
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To be honest it's not. now it's much easier.

when I started you got sprint only at level 15. you got to level 50 if you did everything including dailies only when you were doing voss bonus series or started corellia.

when I started HM FP were hard due to ****** gear and no boosts etc, we could spend 2-3 hours tackling FP. HM KuS is good memory of one.


and the list can go on and on.


Probably should of continued on about that part, but, for most people, the game has gotten easier, yet at the same time, the rewards has been increased? w t f...?


However, I could, hypothetically, level 8 chars on the 27th (lel hacks ftw) and the following day, I need to remake 8 more and the content would be the same, the only difference would be the reward.


EDIT- you can't put *** together, but you can spacebar them apart??? I saw inkinal, RIP spelling, use it earlier, so I thought it was good use on these forums. ...Should I be concerned? INB4 time in the barn :(.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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