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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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Why are you punishing players like this, again? I'll quote what I said in my own thread.:



Hey guys,


I messaged CE who forwarded me here, so.. let's discuss! I'm sure many will defend this, as I have seen with previous instances where new players had a benefit to veteran players, or people who hate the term 'veteran' player.. Know that I don't 'hate' new players. :p If anything I think it's great that new players are joining, as it means the game isn't dead.. However,


A fair amount of friends and people on Enjin seemingly had the same issue as me, that the new content/rewards that are coming out are really positive to new players, but not at all to 'veteran' players/currently active players.


A few examples.:

- New players are much more driven to play the game veteran players already have, as they haven't experienced it, only they will get extra rewards for it this time around.


- Players who already have a fair amount of characters are unable to compete as you need to finish the game on eight characters, and I for one am at 24/24 characters (bought slots) and I know many people who are maxed out, and couldn't get one, don't even think about eight, new characters.


- Some veteran players already did all of the things, and doing so again in a time limit is rather crazy, as many people work or are too busy to do it all again, or perhaps simply not motivated enough to do it all over again.



Now, you can say the rewards should motivate them, which sure, is a fair enough point.. Yet I for one feel defeated that I am unable to compete for starters, and secondly there is a simple way to reward veterans the exact same while stlll keeping it exciting for new people. You can reward people what they have done already, instead of doing it like achievements that you need to do it /all/ over again! Many players haven't done /all/ of the mentioned things, and rewarding them for what they already did might motivate them to actually work on the rest, which I feel is a great solution. It makes it fair, interesting and fun for everybody involved.



Please, discuss! Let's try to keep it polite, however.


I've never had a bigger urge to stop playing SWTOR, to be fair.

Edited by LordMilitus
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Whats nice is you can always rely on Bioware to come in and explain their rational behind really bad ideas and lying to the community in calling this an event.


Oh no what I meant to say was you can always rely on Biwoare to ignore the community and look for ways to act like old content is new by bribing players with no integrity to act like its new content.


I had an idea to help this maybe if they could make all level 10+ mobs instant kill the player and have perma death for the new characters. This way it would force them to repeat low level content to level and people can act like its new content cause its part of an event. This way you would never have to work out any rewards other than the lowest tier either causer they can't be achieved.

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It's on the cartel market right now...it's a "START AT 60 TOKEN".


Start at 60 token doesn't grant you any of the achievements you would gain from levelling a character from 1 though. Your argument is invalid.

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I want the Chiss companion, but I'm still 50/50 on whether it is worth putting in all the work to earn the companion... and then to find out at the end that the Dark Side won and we're all stuck with Mrs Maul.


See that's my problem. I like the chiss companion and if they rewarded the companions based on my choices then yea I would do a little of it but not if I winded up with another stupid companion I don't use.

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Start at 60 token doesn't grant you any of the achievements you would gain from levelling a character from 1 though. Your argument is invalid.


Not to mention buying eight of those is milking us for money.. Which is what t hey're trying to do I'm sure.

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I was really excited, until I found out I had to completely reroll everything. That's really, really hard, when you've invested a lot of time into 12+ toons.


12 toons? Try having 35+.


For the rare few that have maxed out all 40 character slots or are too tight to contemplate using their complementary cartel coins to pick up a character slot unlock token.


Why should people be forced to use CC (complimentary or not) if they want to participate in this so-called "event?" That's a narrow minded attitude. Even the complimentary CC are paid for through subscribing (since only subscribers get them).


"Here's your complimentary tokens for your membership. Now if you want to swim in our pool, you need to give some of that back."


And don't start arguing semantics over the term "forced" because if you don't have any open slots and wish to participate, then yes, you are forced to spend CC to open any available slots.

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Not to mention buying eight of those is milking us for money.. Which is what t hey're trying to do I'm sure.

Buying eight of them wouldn't serve any purpose. The characters have to be made on or after the 28th June 2016 at level 1.


They're planning on putting the character slot unlocks on sale.

There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)


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Why should people be forced to use CC (complimentary or not) if they want to participate in this so-called "event?" That's a narrow minded attitude. Even the complimentary CC are paid for through subscribing (since only subscribers get them).


"Here's your complimentary tokens for your membership. Now if you want to swim in our pool, you need to give some of that back."


And don't start arguing semantics over the term "forced" because if you don't have any open slots and wish to participate, then yes, you are forced to spend CC to open any available slots.

Why should people be expected to do anything for a reward.

If you want the Legendary level enough you'll make the effort.

If you want the companion enough (even if it's 50/50 you'll get the one you want) you'll make the effort.


They are planning on putting the character slots on sale for the event.

There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)


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I will not be participating in this event, but my reason is a simple one. I just can't get through the goofy Republic class stories. I really did give them a shot, but I just couldn't do it. Been reading the backlash, back and forth, and I'm biting my tongue, but will say this much, "I've been here since day 1 and I feel your pain Founders."


So it's business as usual for me... back into the shadows. :eek:

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While the details of the event and everything required has left me feeling fatigued already, my biggest concern is with the rewards. The packs are locked behind RNG that is not always kind, but the items they give cannot be sold! That means the possibility of getting pieces of a Satele Shan or Revan Reborn armor that I have already, across my account! Not only that, getting multiples of specific boxes, and again, you can't sell them! they become garbage, just like the ridiculous amounts of bronze/silver/gold cybernetic parts.

I would love to be able to sell the duplicates to someone who needs them. But nope. Bioware, says deal with the duplicates or delete them!

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I will not be participating in this event, but my reason is a simple one. I just can't get through the goofy Republic class stories. I really did give them a shot, but I just couldn't do it. Been reading the backlash, back and forth, and I'm biting my tongue, but will say this much, "I've been here since day 1 and I feel your pain Founders."


So it's business as usual for me... back into the shadows. :eek:

The good part is only one character has to do the SoR and KotFE content (which is mostly the same for both factions anyway). The other characters just have to be levelled so can do it in warzones, flashpoints, GSF, heroics, pretty much any content other than story stuff.

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I will not be participating in this event, but my reason is a simple one. I just can't get through the goofy Republic class stories. I really did give them a shot, but I just couldn't do it. Been reading the backlash, back and forth, and I'm biting my tongue, but will say this much, "I've been here since day 1 and I feel your pain Founders."


So it's business as usual for me... back into the shadows. :eek:


You can still do part of the event with only an imp character

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While I do view this as a legitimate challenge, I find the rewards for such effort to be lacking. Despite this; I'm sure that sadly enough more than half of the flamers on here will participate. I'm just as pissed as you all are. I'm just going to be pissed at the amount of "event legendary" titles i'll see running around; attesting to how many people actually participated as opposed to "boycott".


Now, the masses for the most part are uneducated as to the requirements for this event. When i brought the description before three of my guilds; two of them shot me down stating "the achievements are retroactive calm down." which as we can blatantly see is not true. It will take until launch date for people to realize previous exploits no longer matter.


So we think we're the flamer population? Wait until the masses become privy to the details of this event. That may just be chaos.


My sincere recommendation is to keep Bounty Week, Rakghoul, and Gree events running nonstop through this event in order for everyone to have a chance. Also, allot at-least 3 character slots for this event. That is the minimum amount required to sustain this event properly. (the 1 DS5 toon to lvl 65 and the 1 LS5 toon to lvl 65, the third to be for the lvl 50 grinds) If you expect participation then provide the means to participate. You're already suckling our time, don't attempt to suck our money for slots on top of a copious amount of time.

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While the details of the event and everything required has left me feeling fatigued already, my biggest concern is with the rewards. The packs are locked behind RNG that is not always kind, but the items they give cannot be sold! That means the possibility of getting pieces of a Satele Shan or Revan Reborn armor that I have already, across my account! Not only that, getting multiples of specific boxes, and again, you can't sell them! they become garbage, just like the ridiculous amounts of bronze/silver/gold cybernetic parts.

I would love to be able to sell the duplicates to someone who needs them. But nope. Bioware, says deal with the duplicates or delete them!

It is an issue especially with a limited number of crates.


I did suggest earlier and in a thread that they maybe think about tokens instead and a vendor with the items on instead.


They had this exact same issue with the very first rakghoul event they ran on Tatooine with people not getting the plague companion customisations they wanted but multiple customisations for those comps they didn't want.


The solution was to use tokens and a vendor when the Rakghoul event was relaunched ;)

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Does using a lvl 60 token count as a new character for the event? Skips the revan stuff but goes straight into Kotfe.

Nope, only level 1 characters created on or after 28th June count for the event.

  1. Start at 60 characters do not count. Only level 1 characters will be created as event characters.
  2. Correct, you only need to hit level 50. Class story is not required.
  3. You can use the legacy unlock for HK-51, you do not need to re-complete the mission if you did it before.

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I will not be participating in this event, but my reason is a simple one. I just can't get through the goofy Republic class stories. I really did give them a shot, but I just couldn't do it. Been reading the backlash, back and forth, and I'm biting my tongue, but will say this much, "I've been here since day 1 and I feel your pain Founders."


So it's business as usual for me... back into the shadows. :eek:


And really you don't have to touch the class stories... you can do FPs and Heroics.

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The good part is only one character has to do the SoR and KotFE content (which is mostly the same for both factions anyway). The other characters just have to be levelled so can do it in warzones, flashpoints, GSF, heroics, pretty much any content other than story stuff.


Can't say any of this "silliness" appeals to me. It's not like any of us has to do any of this "silliness." Avoiding the situation fixes it fine for me.

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So I'm up to date on this thread now and I can see when reading the Dark vs. Light Event and Rewards Blog that I made some pretty stupid assumptions.




Eric, can you please clarify:



  • Does each pack contain an armour set (upper, lower and supplementary) or only one of the separate boxes? A single upper, lower or supplementary box isn't going to help anyone by granting them a few pieces of a highly sought after set, especially when they can't send it to another character.
  • The question from my previous post about the weapon tunings still remains unanswered as well. Are the weapon tunings from the packs definitely unlockable in Collections, as clearly suggested in the rewards blog, despite the current tunings not appearing in Collections?
  • I'd also like to see a complete list of the "Best of" items contained in these packs. The event is sounding less and less like something I will participate in.



I know you asked for them to answer but they have taken to being quiet right now so hope this can help at least some.


Unfortunately by the wording it seems to state (to me at least) that you will get only one of the boxes and it will vary each time. In other words you could get a Tulak Horde lower box and then next get the Revan supplementary box. It seems to be based on RNG again and we know how well that works.

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Has it been revealed yet if the Light and Dark side decisions are exclusive to each character or the collective decisions on the account? Like say, if you make a pub character who is all good, you'd get the Light Side Champion and if you make an imperial character who is all evil, you'd get the Dark Side Champion too. Has that been clarified yet?


It will not matter per character. Only the total of every lightside and darkside choice made from new characters made on June 28th onward will count. Meaning even if your total lightside and the darkside wins overall when the event end, you can ONLY get the darkside companion. and vice versa.

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