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Dark vs. Light Event


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It sucks that my 20+ toons won't contribute to this event. Would have been better if some of the higher-level achievements (like the ones involving KOTFE) could be completed on any alt.


If the achievements could be tied to level brackets, that would have probably made it easier to accept and our existing lowbie alts won't feel like a "waste". You would still need to "achieve" those objectives all over again, so the "no-free-stuff" part of it is addressed. For example,


The Story Begins (Level 25) : Has to be completed on a new alt or on an existing alt in the 1-25 bracket

The Story Continues (Level 50) : Any alt in the 1-50 bracket

Flashpoint cheevos : Tricky one. I would say any alt (read "20+ alts") since you are still achieving the objective. Does it really matter which alt we run it on?


DS/LS choices would obviously get counted when the event starts. By not counting these on existing toons, it implies they no longer seem to have any say on the "state of the galaxy", which is kinda odd.


Anyway, I am probably in the minority but I don't mind re-running the class stories, since I love em all, but I can see some of the achievements being very irritating - re-level crafting professions, for example. That doesn't make a lot of sense, since I have already got 2 toons on each end crafting high-end stuff.


Now, if I wanted to create a brand new legacy on another server, this may be a good opp.. I don't. :p


Will need to get more server slots in my home server...

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LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I have to regrind 8 new characters in order to gain all the awards? Basically repeat what I did since early access to the game? Lol!!!! Yeah. **** that. Y'all out your damn minds if you think I'm going to go through that hell again when I already have all my slots maxed on my main server. Start AGAIN on another server? Like I said, **** that noise.
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They don't care... that's what it all falls down to. They just do not care... It's really sad cause while this is a great game it's just seems like we work hard for what we been doing and we get slapped in the face everywhere we turn.


agreed, entirely. It's like this game is committing suicide.

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he only way i'd do this event through and through.


1) give me 12x xp


2) my current legacy unlocks apply


3) more prizes than that. the time is not worth the outcome in any way shape or form.

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This is confusing is the armor pieces inside the three separate boxes also Bind on Pickup or just the Upper Body, Lower Body, and Supplementary Packs? Cause say I get the Revan Reborn Armor Set and I already have it what am I suppose to do with it? Destroy it? Cause that'll be NUTS! I'd rather give it to someone I know wants it then destroy it... :eek:


Add-on: Yes I have the Revan Reborn Armor Set and I already have it unlocked in my collection so I just want clarified if I open the packs I can at least give the pieces to a friend of mine who I know wants the armor set...



Each item that you earn from a Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Pack is Bind on Pickup, so they cannot be sold. However, these items do unlock in collections similar to other pack items.

Emphasis mine. Think you'll be disappointed. With the random nature of the packs I foresee a lot of future gnashing of teeth at items that need to be scrapped.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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he only way i'd do this event through and through.


1) give me 12x xp


2) my current legacy unlocks apply


3) more prizes than that. the time is not worth the outcome in any way shape or form.


Well I'm sure there will be hopping servers and creating lvl 1 characters just in hopes of getting the armor set they really want that is so rare and so expensive from those packs just to be able to unlock them in their collection and then abandon the character. That's really the only worthwhile thing... At least inflations prices on those items will go down now... Here's hoping anyway...

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Emphasis mine. Think you'll be disappointed. With the random nature of the packs I foresee a lot of future gnashing of teeth at items that need to be scrapped.


Oh okay. Well, that's messed up I don't want to destroy that armor set if a I get it again though but I don't need it. I'm in a no-win situation here... Knowing my luck that's exactly the armor set I'll get too. :(

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^^ the armors do not apply to legacy. i doubt it's CC-able of f the cartel market.

It is read what's in bold here:

A few extra details on the packs -the armor sets come in three separate boxes, Upper Body, Lower Body, and Supplementary. Each item that you earn from a Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Pack is Bind on Pickup, so they cannot be sold. However, these items do unlock in collections similar to other pack items.


So say you really want that Tulak Horde Armor Set, I don't but just say you do, all you gotta do is either hop servers or delete the character and restart and do it again until you get it and boom you got a Tulake Horde Armor Set, you just equipped it and it opens in collections pay the 400 CC to unlock it and boom it's unlocked to your entire account...

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^^ the armors do not apply to legacy. i doubt it's CC-able of f the cartel market.


However, these items do unlock in collections similar to other pack items.

If you get all the parts for an armour on the same character you can unlock them in the collections, the collection unlock is available across all characters on the account not just legacy.

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It is read what's in bold here:



So say you really want that Tulak Horde Armor Set, I don't but just say you do, all you gotta do is either hop servers or delete the character and restart and do it again until you get it and boom you got a Tulake Horde Armor Set, you just equipped it and it opens in collections pay the 400 CC to unlock it and boom it's unlocked to your entire account...

The only trick would be getting all three armour boxes. You need the Upper, Lower and Supplemental from 5 crates that's a bit of an ask from the rng of gamble packs.

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LOL I totally understand this event, it's all about "healing to full and making them pay".


I'll try and do as much of the event as possible, but hot damn that Legendary Level is a bit over kill. Why not add the "No Life Level" and require some hard/nightmare mode operations while you're at it? At least getting to the Eternal Level won't be too difficult.


And has anyone else thought that Dark Side will probably "win" by a landslide?


So many questions about the new information....

Like why does the Dark Side weapon tuning look so pathetic next to the Light Side?

Why can't the DS companion be dual wielding? :(

Who wrote your guide page?.... "gain enough Light side points to reach Dark V"

Champion Level (reach Valor rank 5), Legendary Level (complete 5 warzones).... do those complete at the same time?

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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




Really disappointed that to get the Legendary Rewards you need to run all 8 characters through to level 50 and complete world bosses, all hard mode flashpoints and the eternal championship. When there are many, current subscribers who have, toiled away for the last nearly 5 years have all their work, not counted to the event. :( I have rarely comments on these and am excited for most of the things, including this, but when the rewards were only or NEW characters and not retroactive, I am really disappointed with this. Sorry Eric Musco, but the excitement of this event is not gone. You need to rework this, bring into the fold the people who have given their all to this game and have helped make it what it is, they are the ones who were there in the beta, subbed day 1 have remained subscribers since that day. The time it took to get to there and beyond and now, none of it matters for this event, and, a suggestion is to switch severs so it can be completed on one the main legacy isn't on, when the population on many servers is limited, so, operation and world boss completion is possibly difficult at best. I am all for this event, but find away to allow people who already have this earn it. Find a way.

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The Dark vs. Light Event goes live on June 28th! Learn more about the event and the great rewards that you can earn here.




Eric are the DvL packs also bind on pickup? Because with just a upper,lower or supplementary (i.e. not full sets) being given out in them there is a fairly decent chance of not unlocking full sets in collections since collection unlocks do not go across legacy (example if I unlock the suplementary on one toon and the upper and lower on another in the same legacy). Especilly with the pieces of armor being bind on pickup and not bind to legacy.

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The only trick would be getting all three armour boxes. You need the Upper, Lower and Supplemental from 5 crates that's a bit of an ask from the rng of gamble packs.


Wait what? Is that really how they are doing it? I thought you would just get the armor set in three boxes at once... Well that just makes this a lot worse.... Screw that I'm not even gonna try if that's the case. Event sucks. Not a worth while event too many slaps in the face and insulting.


Eric are the DvL packs also bind on pickup? Because with just a upper,lower or supplementary (i.e. not full sets) being given out in them there is a fairly decent chance of not unlocking full sets in collections since collection unlocks do not go across legacy (example if I unlock the suplementary on one toon and the upper and lower on another in the same legacy). Especilly with the pieces of armor being bind on pickup and not bind to legacy.

Everything is bind on pick-up

Edited by DarthEnrique
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LOL I totally understand this event, it's all about "healing to full and making them pay".


I'll try and do as much of the event as possible, but hot damn that Legendary Level is a bit over kill. Why not add the "No Life Level" and require some hard/nightmare mode operations while you're at it? At least getting to the Eternal Level won't be too difficul


Given the HM flashpoints and content after a spree of calcultations if your a veteran player who knows rotations and assuming you do the ope and FP's on a class you do best in were talking 129 hours and 53 mins to do the content in total, assuming your HM flashpoint group is average and ops group. Event spacing won't count but each event related task only will take a handfull of mins to kill 50 mobs, and do 3 bountry contracts and infect 5 people.


Though without the last overkill level your looking at roughly 35 hours of work.


Seeing as this will take 130+ hours for most and given we have till at least until season 2 KotFE comes out in what October or November, it doesn't fully take away from your life. Assuming your doing everything.If your goal is everything but the last those 35 hours give or take over that span is nothing.


Edit: Also assuming it ends october 1st, thats 14 weeks and 5 days totaling 2,472 hours, assuming u sleep 12 hours, thats 1236 hours, and say you play swtor 4 hours a day thats 309 hours... so ya... grinding central unless my calculations of completion are wrong.

Edited by josephxp
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I left the game, but remained subscribed to it, for about a year. I come back to the game, and find that the level cap has gone up, the ops are higher leveled, There hasn't been a new op since Rishi and Yavin were introduced to the game. The new content is individual based, and episodic. Let's say we don't do this event, and let's add a new op. And stop nerfing the classes, because the pvp players complain too much about things. Either they get better, or quit. Stop losing players, and start making better content, new ops, and fix the damn bugs.
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I'm slowly reading through this thread but I've only scratched the surface at this point. Just wanted to mention a couple of things.


Overall, I like the idea of the event & I can see what you're trying to do. I personally will be ignoring the Legendary level due to the objectives including operation bosses and less so, the world bosses. The GSF/PVP ones aren't ideal for me personally either but if I thought I had a chance at every single other one of the objectives, I'd probably suck it up and do 5 of each.


Regardless, my questions are these:


  1. Can you get the "winning" DS/LS companion on pre-existing characters and if so, how?
  2. It states in the rewards blog that there are two new weapon tunings in the event packs. It also states that the items in the packs are bind on pickup but do unlock in Collections. Does this apply to the weapon tunings because I understand weapon tunings are NOT in Collections?


Regarding the first question, I think this is an interesting idea you should consider:


<snip>...The third question: Will you handle the companion distribution on an absolute stance based on the decisions, or will you take the approach Blizzard Entertainment took a few years ago?


For everyone interested: Blizzard Entertainment had a robochopper promotion a while ago. An official vote was put up between an Alliance and a Horde inspired bike. The winning vote would be added free of charge. Seeing that this would effectively mean that the faction with more players wins, Blizzard took the approach of adding the second bike alongside it - with a penatly.


The Horde chopper (which won the vote) was given to players free of charge. The Alliance bike (which lost by a narrow percentage) was added to a vendor - 100,000 gold coins. Back then, I think it was a steep and good price.


Are we going to see this as a definite thing? It seems that by adding only one companion and scrapping the other, you would lose out on spent resources and an interesting credit sink. Will the second place companion be added to the mercenary vendor on the Fleet for a good credit price? Maybe something like 10,000,000 - 15,000,000. We've been waiting for some good credit sinks. This might be biased from me, seeing that it ties in with my fourth question...<snip>

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Well after all of the arguing i broke down the achievements and made a guide that I will be updated as we get more information on achievements, so enjoy and maybe you will have second thoughts about the event.




To everyone freaking out (yes even I was) please check out this thread, he has explained it and will update more (maybe not the best but who cares at least some kind of explanation is a good effort) and its not as bad as we first thought. Yeah its still grindy and kinda stupid, but its not as bad as we thought. Just think through it and listen and calm down. Then make a more informed choice. Just reading it lowered my anger (some but not all as I'm still angry over not being granted those 25 wookie boss achievements but that's a rant for another time.) And also remember, this is a optional event, so there is no need to do it. Yes I wish also that characters made already could count. (as I'm in the middle of leveling quite a few atm) This is not me white knighting, because I am mad, sad and upset over many things the devs or the people who are incharge have done, but read some more and think through it. May the Force be with you all.

Edited by Lakemine
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To be honest I think this one pips it:


Ah but then you see after the event they'll then have metrics to show the world they have all these new characters made it all the way to 50 to show how well this game is doing.


Many people will in turn buy it and treat it as proof positive of how well the game is doing.


Sort of like that throw away comment in the investor call Q&A recently "And extra revenue for SWToR continues to rise" which was translated as apparently "subscriber are still rising after being at their highest ever point in October! The game is absolutely succeeding beyond any of your wildest dream"!


All the while during all of this and all I want to know is ... where have all the pugs gone then? :(

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And stop nerfing the classes, because the pvp players complain too much about things.

I just want them to fix the nerfing they've done to my lightning sorcerer. I like my class and I did enjoy pvping but since 4.0 it's been one of the most nerfed classes and I'm sure it's opposite, I'm not sure which that is on the Jedi Sage is just as bad. I mean yeah we got the ability to heal ourselves and run away with phase walk if need be but the damage output needs a little bit of a boost to match that of the Madness Sorcerer. I can't see why it's wrong I want to pvp on the discipline of my choice. I'm not asking for a nerf of any class just a boost of my damage output cause while he runs good in pve, in pvp it's a lot more of a challange and it's really not right.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I considered maybe attempting it by transferring my legacy to another server.


But then I found out that EU to US is impossible. Yay.


I believe you can transfer between EU and US servers now, its 500 CC more. Server transfers are 1000 CC and EU to US and vice versa are 1500 CC. Thought I will be honest I have not done it personally so you may have run into a bug or issue I do not know about. But hope that helps :)

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I had an epiphany in the shower just now.


What I've been trying to get across is this: This event is, basically, a speedrun challenge. How far can you get, from "the beginning" in the time allotted. Look at, say, the achievement for completing a NiM Op in a certain period of time. You get your gear (equivalent to your legacy bonuses for this event), but everyone starts at the beginning of the Op for the achievement run, they don't get to start at wherever they've farthest gotten to in the Ops, etc. It doesn't matter how far you've gotten before, it matters how far you can get in 4-5 months. Can you "do it all" in the time allotted? Just like the speedrun achievements, we know you can do it, you have the achievements for doing it. But you don't get the speedrun achievements without doing it in the time allotted - you have to do it again. Only this time, the "do it" is complete a large chunk of the existing content. It's a much bigger challenge than the speedrun achievements, but at the same time, they aren't actually making you "complete" 8 characters fully, either, and they're letting you get the advantages of legacy (if you have a spare mil laying around, you can get the money checkbox and, if you also have the HK missions complete you can get the HK checkbox as well pretty easily. The crafting you can supply out of your legacy hold, etc)


(If you happened to have "done it all" in 5 months already, it kinda sucks to be you, but that can happen when they add achievements later. I'd be mighty impressed if you had done it all in the time allotted, especially the KotFE chapter part.)


Still I feel some sort of point system would have been better where activities were assigned points and reward tiers be based on legacy wide points. You could have the levelling new class be worth an absolute ton of points plus completing the first each FP or OP for the first time on a new account etc. etc.


Thus existing characters could score points and not only new ones.


I had thought "yay more people pugging" now I'm concerned about gearing/knowledge and more importantly impatience more than ever. Maybe they should boost bolster a wee bit more.

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