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Everything posted by Merrick_Dek

  1. The intent is that you won't be able to purchase the Tier 4 gear directly with game currency (UCs). In order to build a progression-of-sorts when using UCs (rather than use Ops etc. to gear), you have to have the Tier 2 gear before you can get to Tier 3 and so on. To enforce this, this is how it works - Assuming you have bought Tier x gear To buy Tier x+1 unassembled gear, you need Tier x gear + UCs. The gear for armor pieces can just be a shell. Armoring etc. inside the shell is immaterial. Having the shell proves you "earned" it somehow and are ready for the next level. To buy Tier x+1 gear, you need Tier x+1 unassembled gear + command tokens I hope it is clear why you need Tier x gear now. Now, they could have merged steps 2 and 3, but that becomes a problem because the current gear drops in Ops are unassembled gear. They would have to change those to disclipline-appropriate gear, which would be horrible for people trying to min-max their gear with a mix of, for example, DPS and Tank gear. What I would like is UCs and command tokens merging into a single currency (say, Commendations!) that continues to be legacy-wide. Hope this was confusing enough
  2. Since we don't have an outfit designer for weapons today, it would be great if we could share the CM weapons to other alts in our legacy, if the weapon is unlocked in Collections. This is, by no means, a game breaking problem, but it eliminates the need to rip out the mods etc. twice whenever we switch to the mirror class - once to move them to a legacy weapon and one to move them back into a CM weapon.
  3. Not a 100% sure, but I think if you start KOTET, Rishi, Yavin and Ziost dailies unlock. I haven't tried it myself. Perhaps wait for someone to confirm. Pretty sure Oricon won't unlock because it is an independent storyline to the one leading to KOTFE/KOTET.
  4. You can just replay the storyline by creating an alt. Actually, what I would like is repeat iconic parts of the storyline with different difficulty ratings. For example - 1. The boss fights that are iconic in the storyline 2. Instanced areas of the storyline
  5. It's in the Alderaan Civil War style, I believe. It was mentioned in the Livestream. And it is supposed to be cross-faction, which is great. I thought that worked well for Odessen. Despite the minuses in Odessen, I found the use of tactics refreshing over "head to mid and dps to glory"
  6. The feature is simple - Let us choose our zone-in point in the Stronghold when we travel to it. Why? I can't speak for others but I usually zone into my strongholds regularly to access the legacy hold, mailbox, GTN etc. Usually, because of where we zone in initially, all of these tools are placed at the entrance, which can be rather jarring to look at when we want to show it off. So the suggestion is - Stronghold owner (i.e. all player toons in the account) can choose to zone into a specific room. For example, the lounge in Coruscant. Visitors : Zone into the entrance as it is today. The reasoning is they are not there to access your utilities. They are there to explore. An extension to this idea is to allow customized QT points within the SH. This would be especially useful in the bigger strongholds like NS, Yavin and Tatooine.
  7. This is about a QoL improvement to the non-crafting crew skill (Scavenging, Slicing etc.) mission window. This may be just my play-style but I tend to run missions based on a combination of rank and type. For example, I run Rank 5 companion gift missions regularly. Mission types can be classified into crafting mats, companion gifts and lockboxes. It would be nice if this filter were available in the Crew Skills window along with the existing Rank filter, so the missions we see are more targeted to those that we want to send our companions on. It is a minor, first-world improvement for sure, but I thought I would put up the suggestion in any case :-)
  8. They have a mechanism to report harassment in game - Right-click on other player's portrait and "Report". But I am not sure how effective it would be. It's definitely not going to be an insta-ban for the other player. They will probably need to assess if it is a legitimate case. For your own sanity, /ignore is your friend. Cheers!
  9. Hi, This is just a thought that you guys may already have considered. Veteran chapters (both KOTFE and KOTET) are quite fun and challenging, but they become practically impossible sometimes without a companion of the appropriate influence rank. Since the companion is forced for certain chapters to adhere to the storyline, it is necessary to use a combination of two methods to raise the companion influence - 1. Feed em gifts : "Fastest" compared to #2 but mind-numbingly boring because I can't actually play the game while giving gifts. 2. Run the chapter in story mode over and over again : Can get quite tiresome too. With the next update, you are adding a third method - running crew skills - and that's a great step in the right direction. In the interest of making the objective (i.e. raising comp influence) more enjoyable, I am going to take a leaf out of something you already did - 1. M1-4X and Pierce influence raised through PVP 2. Bowdaar through the EC, though that probably stops at 10 3. Qyzen through the bosses, which again stops at 10 Bringing the same concept to the story companions, here are my suggestions - Kaliyo/Theron : They are underhanded and devious, probably like to kick back and have a good time. So, gain influence through bounty contracts and the life day event parcels. Lana/Senya/Koth : People of action. Gain influence through PVP (including GSF), PVE bosses, Heroics, Rakghoul event Scorpio : Interested in technology. Influence through Gree event dailies and the Xeno boss This achieves two things - (1) Another avenue to raise influence through existing events and game activities that don't feel like a chore; (2) Get those of us with Legend rep and all the items from the vendors to get back into the events. I really hope something of this sort is on the wall of crazy and will make it into the game.
  10. I have run it in 5.0 and the loyalty chip does drop in solo mode foundry. Only thing is you need to be running it with the toon with the HK mission. Not sure if something changed in 5.1 to enforce a non solo mode.
  11. There's a hot key to show your cursor in a GSF match. Hold z down and it will show up, if I remember correctly. You can then click on exit.
  12. It sucks that my 20+ toons won't contribute to this event. Would have been better if some of the higher-level achievements (like the ones involving KOTFE) could be completed on any alt. If the achievements could be tied to level brackets, that would have probably made it easier to accept and our existing lowbie alts won't feel like a "waste". You would still need to "achieve" those objectives all over again, so the "no-free-stuff" part of it is addressed. For example, The Story Begins (Level 25) : Has to be completed on a new alt or on an existing alt in the 1-25 bracket The Story Continues (Level 50) : Any alt in the 1-50 bracket Flashpoint cheevos : Tricky one. I would say any alt (read "20+ alts") since you are still achieving the objective. Does it really matter which alt we run it on? DS/LS choices would obviously get counted when the event starts. By not counting these on existing toons, it implies they no longer seem to have any say on the "state of the galaxy", which is kinda odd. Anyway, I am probably in the minority but I don't mind re-running the class stories, since I love em all, but I can see some of the achievements being very irritating - re-level crafting professions, for example. That doesn't make a lot of sense, since I have already got 2 toons on each end crafting high-end stuff. Now, if I wanted to create a brand new legacy on another server, this may be a good opp.. I don't. Will need to get more server slots in my home server...
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