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Dark vs. Light Event


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What if this is deliberate sabotage...


EA can't kill the game because it makes money, but BW wants to kill the game to make something in the new canon.


People will pay for this (not much but some will) but it will cause a lot of players to say "LOL NOPE." EA gets money, BW gets to kill the game. WIN WIN BOIS

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5 datacrons to find :)


Oh boy! They gave us five new datacrons! I'm completely and totally...underwhelmed.


First Fallen Pants.


Then incompetence in the form of letting exploits go on SIX WEEKS without doing anything to fix the problem.


Then whatever else happened between then and now.


Now this.


And all you can do is proclaim that five new datacrons is "new content," as if it's some great achievement on Bioware's part.



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Well, this is let down, but not really shocking anymore. It like they just come up with way to angry their long term players. Sometimes I really wonder how these ideas come to fruit. There are so many things wrong with this event. First, and foremost, it not fun or new, just the same old grind we’ve been doing. All the other games I play can actual make new fun events even if they are simple and small.


To just list some of the problems with this event I have,


Character slot problems will effect some, not me, but I feel for them. They should at least give everyone two free slots, and not expect them to buy them or move to another server. They could have made it account wide, that would have made it a little more bearable/manageable. This just makes it look like a money grab.


It’s nothing new, it just grinds the stuff we've already been grinding which might not be so bad if it was retroactive, but no we can't do that. What a crazy idea to reward your long time players, rather than say now do it all over again. Why would they think that would be fun and not upset the longer term players?


To top it off you can't even use your already created low level characters, no you have to create new character which just makes it more of a pain. Ugh.


It might have been an ok event, if they thought about some of these problem and offered better solutions beside the player needs to pay or switch servers because of the event was poor design. Oh, and for those suggesting delete character over and over, that's sound like so much fun and not a waste of my time. I don’t have free time to just grind characters, to just delete them, erasing all my work. I want to continue working on my characters that I’m already in the process of leveling. The redo all eight classes for the top tier, that just horrible. I know for fact I won’t even be trying for that grindfest.


To add salt the wounds, the items from packs are bound on pickup, when they could have easily have been bound on legacy (So people couldn’t sell them), which again scream money grab as the only way you can get these rare armors and items, to your other already made characters, is to unlock them in the collection with cartel coins (as they are rare it not going to be cheap). Basically our rewards for regrinding old contents is to have to pay to get our "random" reward items back to the character we normally play on.


Last thing, this isn’t some quick event, so now I can’t even spend time on the characters I want to work on because I have to make some new character just to do what I was already was doing on my pre-made characters, again the whole thing seem pointless.


Really, how could anyone have thought this was going to be welcomed by most of the players?:(:mad:

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You made a good point until you said you didn't have time. Most rewards are for those who can put in the time for the rewards.


Your choice of having 20 credits a semester (lol why, in that big of a hurry?) is not BW's fault that you cannot complete the requirements. I do agree most of it should be retroactive, but not because players won't have enough time. It should be retroactive because players earned the majority of the "new achievements" years ago.


But why should you NOT have to put in the same amount of effort in a time-limited event? Just because the achievements are retreads? I'll repeat myself - this isn't a longevity reward; the difficulty is in being able to make the achievements in a 4-5 month period, not a 4+ year period. It's not about the specific achievements, it's about putting the time in during the specified period. You got those extra years to get the achievements, so you can get the achievements without participating in the event during the time it's running? Same argument you're making to him.


(Yes, it's a little cheesy they're recycling achievements for this. They don't have the time or resources to rebuild the game only different to make new stuff to do.)

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I disagree. New players will probably not want to speed through the best part of the game. They shouldn't anyway.


But, I can imagine how this went down at BW:


BW1: We did great getting new players in by giving them a free 60 and letting them sample KotFE. Well done!


BW2: Ok, you're right. We did great. Good job team!


BW3: Yeah. Thanks. I worked really hard on on the OG game. Now no one even does the class story.


BW1: What's a class story?


BW3: You know, the story for each class when they start the game.


BW1: But they start at 60.


BW2: Yeah, and they play the new stuff. Hmm... do you think they'll leave after finishing KotFE?


BW1: I don't understand.


BW2: There used to be a lot more to do in the game. Class stories for level 1-50, a couple of expansions, Flash Points, Operations, War Zones...


BW1 & BW3: What's a War Zone?


BW2: ...er, Nevermind that.


BW2: My point is that BW3 is right. We put this game out 4.5 years ago and...


BW1: This game is 4.5 years old?!? NO WAY!!!


BW3: It's true. And people used to do a lot of different things. How can we get them to experience those things?


BW1: Man... I'd spacebar through tons of stuff to see how we randomly got frozen in carbonite. THAT IS SO COOL!


BW2: We need an event to get everyone excited about the game content.


BW3: It better include the stories I worked so hard on.


BW2: Let's make everyone start from scratch and play the game as though it was just released.


BW1: You mean it wasn't?


BW2: We told you, BW1, the game is 4.5 years old.


BW1: NO WAY!!!


BW3: *takes a drink from lower desk drawer. Empties bottle into stomach.*


BW2: Yeah, we'll give them some stuff if they play through all the content in the game up to... say... 8 times.


BW3: A lot of people have done that.


BW2: No, I told you, we make them start over.


BW3: You don't think that will bother some people?


BW1: What? Who would be bothered playing KotFE again?


BW2: I told you, there's more to the game than that.


BW1: What? Since when?


BW3: Since launch, you fool! Back in 2011.


BW1: *looks blankly at BW2*


BW2: *sigh* *nod*


BW1: How old IS this game?


BW2: 4.5 years.


BW1: NO WAY!!!


BW3: *sigh* I'm going to the bar. Are we done here?


BW2: So it's settled? Start from the beginning? Do everything again?


BW1: Again?


BW3: What about the veteran players who have been here for years?


BW1 & BW2: Who???


BW1, BW2, & BW3: *lol*


All three BWs head to The Oasis for margaritas at sunset. To kill time, they "hang out" at Hippie Hollow.*




*Feel free to Google it.


If I wasn't so annoyed with this whole thing, I'd find this humorous. I can imagine that conversation actually taking place, or something very similar to it, although with some minor changes. I don't think they'd be drinking. Alcohol is a depressant and I'm thinking along the lines of some highly controlled hallucinogenic or psychotropic substances. Only someone "spaced out" would think this is a good idea. These guys are making Cheech & Chong look like scholars.

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Oh boy! They gave us five new datacrons! I'm completely and totally...underwhelmed.


First Fallen Pants.


Then incompetence in the form of letting exploits go on SIX WEEKS without doing anything to fix the problem.


Then whatever else happened between then and now.


Now this.


And all you can do is proclaim that five new datacrons is "new content," as if it's some great achievement on Bioware's part.



I get that sarcasm is a hard medium to understand but surely...

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^So sad yet so true, five datacorn are all that is new in this entire event, :jawa_frown:

And if they're anything like the original datacrons they'll be so well hidden you won't be able to find them by normal means but resort to following a guide on Dulfy or You Tube thus negating any actual interaction with the content, :(

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Well, this is let down, but not really shocking anymore. It like they just come up with way to angry their long term players. Sometimes I really wonder how these ideas come to fruit. There are so many things wrong with this event. First, and foremost, it not fun or new, just the same old grind we’ve been doing. All the other games I play can actual make new fun events even if they are simple and small.


They didn't want a simple, small event, I guess. They've done those, and recycle them now too.


To just list some of the problems with this event I have,


Character slot problems will effect some, not me, but I feel for them. They should at least give everyone two free slots, and not expect them to buy them or move to another server. They could have made it account wide, that would have made it a little more bearable/manageable. This just makes it look like a money grab.


Agreed - this was a bad move


It’s nothing new, it just grinds the stuff we've already been grinding which might not be so bad if it was retroactive, but no we can't do that. What a crazy idea to reward your long time players, rather than say now do it all over again. Why would they think that would be fun and not upset the longer term players?


The game is built on grinding.


To top it off you can't even use your already created low level characters, no you have to create new character which just makes it more of a pain. Ugh.


Annoying, but any workaround I can think of gets baroque, fast.


It might have been an ok event, if they thought about some of these problem and offered better solutions beside the player needs to pay or switch servers because of the event was poor design. Oh, and for those suggesting delete character over and over, that's sound like so much fun and not a waste of my time. I don’t have free time to just grind characters, to just delete them, erasing all my work. I want to continue working on my characters that I’m already in the process of leveling. The redo all eight classes for the top tier, that just horrible. I know for fact I won’t even be trying for that grindfest.


To add salt the wounds, the items from packs are bound on pickup, when they could have easily have been bound on legacy (So people couldn’t sell them), which again scream money grab as the only way you can get these rare armors and items, to your other already made characters, is to unlock them in the collection with cartel coins (as they are rare it not going to be cheap). Basically our rewards for regrinding old contents is to have to pay to get our "random" reward items back to the character we normally play on.


The pack items show up in collections. It appears that legacy items cannot be in collections. I belive they said the packs were BoP instead of BoL, though, and that's not so good.


Last thing, this isn’t some quick event, so now I can’t even spend time on the characters I want to work on because I have to make some new character just to do what I was already was doing on my pre-made characters, again the whole thing seem pointless.


Really, how could anyone have thought this was going to be welcomed by most of the players?:(:mad:


Forum denizens are not typical players. One thing BW does have is a good idea of how many people have how many characters at what level in their account. I'm going to hazard a guess that most current players don't have a full set of 8 65s; I'd guess that the majority don't even have a half set of characters.


And Legendary Tier is pretty clearly supposed to be for bragging rights (though the pack reward isn't all THAT shabby). I doubt they WANT anywhere close to the majority of players sporting the Legendary Tier gear and titles. Plus, completing the "lower" tiers gets you a BoL XP-boosting moddable armor set to make the job of running 6 more alts to 50 (not through their class story) even easier. Bet you could get a character wearing the +50%XP boost to 50 by Tatooine, if not NS with a little bit of FP running.

Edited by IanArgent
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You made a good point until you said you didn't have time. Most rewards are for those who can put in the time for the rewards.


Your choice of having 20 credits a semester (lol why, in that big of a hurry?) is not BW's fault that you cannot complete the requirements. I do agree most of it should be retroactive, but not because players won't have enough time. It should be retroactive because players earned the majority of the "new achievements" years ago.


I am sorry to say this but if you put a game before your education or a job then that is a problem. Even BW should understand that this is game and not something that goes before a job, school, family or real life.

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There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)



This has to be the single most insulting Bioware post that I have seen on the forums, to date, and I've been here since closed beta. You are alienating a large portion of the loyal fanbase. Lame chapter rewards, lackluster subscriber bonuses, and now you're going to require everyone to start over, on content that they have been running, regularly, for the last six years. While I don't see myself quitting any time soon, I feel very unappreciated as a fan, and as a subscriber of six years, at this point.

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I have this question:

I don't have Legendary Player status yet. I have the toons just haven't gotten one to lvl 50 and finished their stories, they are already past lvl 1 just not to lvl 50 yet. Will they count even though they are already created and I haven't gotten Legendary Player Status yet if I complete their stories and get the Legendary Player status during the event?


Of the ones I have done I got:

Bounty Hunter

Sith Inquisator

Sith Warrior

Jedi Knight

Jedi Consular

Imperial Agent


I just have Smuggler and the Trooper(?) left to get legendary player status, Smuggler is lvl 35 and still on Chapter 1 and my Trooper(?) is lvl 51 on the second chapter.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I have this question:

I don't have Legendary Player status yet. I have the toons just haven't gotten either to lvl 50 and finished their stories, they are already past lvl 1 just not to lvl 50 yet. Will they count even though they are already created and I haven't gotten Legendary Player Status yet if I complete their stories and get the Legendary Player status during the event?

Only characters that are created at level 1 on or after the 28th of June 2016 are eligible and count towards the achievements.


As a slight bonus they are reffering to two different Legendary achievements.

What you have accomplished will count towards getting the Gold legendary plaque next to your name and target icon in game.

But it does not count for the one of each class to 50 required for the legendary unlock in the Dark vs Light event.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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I have this question:

I don't have Legendary Player status yet. I have the toons just haven't gotten either to lvl 50 and finished their stories, they are already past lvl 1 just not to lvl 50 yet. Will they count even though they are already created and I haven't gotten Legendary Player Status yet if I complete their stories and get the Legendary Player status during the event?


they do not count.

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This has to be the single most insulting Bioware post that I have seen on the forums, to date, and I've been here since closed beta. You are alienating a large portion of the loyal fanbase. Lame chapter rewards, lackluster subscriber bonuses, and now you're going to require everyone to start over, on content that they have been running, regularly, for the last six years. While I don't see myself quitting any time soon, I feel very unappreciated as a fan, and as a subscriber of six years, at this point.


To be honest I think this one pips it:

Once you have completed the objective by receiving the achievement, that character no longer needs to be active. So you could level to 50 on a character, and then delete it.



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I had an epiphany in the shower just now.


What I've been trying to get across is this: This event is, basically, a speedrun challenge. How far can you get, from "the beginning" in the time allotted. Look at, say, the achievement for completing a NiM Op in a certain period of time. You get your gear (equivalent to your legacy bonuses for this event), but everyone starts at the beginning of the Op for the achievement run, they don't get to start at wherever they've farthest gotten to in the Ops, etc. It doesn't matter how far you've gotten before, it matters how far you can get in 4-5 months. Can you "do it all" in the time allotted? Just like the speedrun achievements, we know you can do it, you have the achievements for doing it. But you don't get the speedrun achievements without doing it in the time allotted - you have to do it again. Only this time, the "do it" is complete a large chunk of the existing content. It's a much bigger challenge than the speedrun achievements, but at the same time, they aren't actually making you "complete" 8 characters fully, either, and they're letting you get the advantages of legacy (if you have a spare mil laying around, you can get the money checkbox and, if you also have the HK missions complete you can get the HK checkbox as well pretty easily. The crafting you can supply out of your legacy hold, etc)


(If you happened to have "done it all" in 5 months already, it kinda sucks to be you, but that can happen when they add achievements later. I'd be mighty impressed if you had done it all in the time allotted, especially the KotFE chapter part.)

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I'm only gonna make one character for this event and that's just to get the Heroic one and get the five packs, that's the only thing worthwhile. I'm not gonna go through and do every single class again when I only got 13/14 slots open and I'm not gonna buy anymore. I don't need all those toons. I certainly don't need to make 8 more on a different server. I like the one I'm on my friends are there and what if they don't wanna move servers just for this event? It's no fun when you can't go it with your friends... This is just messed up. Thanks for another slap in the face Bioware! :mad: Edited by DarthEnrique
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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




So this is about the most asinine thing Ive seen to date in game. You gave us achievements as to track our game progression, and now... to the veterans you tell us that we need to REDO all of this content again, The flashpoints alone represent over 16 hours for the top tier alone, this is nothing more than an enormous time sync that actually REQUIRES veterans to PAY for CCs and make 8 new characters to do this event.

Thank you once again causing a detriment to the people who have been paying your salaries for years now ;)

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So this is about the most asinine thing Ive seen to date in game. You gave us achievements as to track our game progression, and now... to the veterans you tell us that we need to REDO all of this content again, The flashpoints alone represent over 16 hours for the top tier alone, this is nothing more than an enormous time sync that actually REQUIRES veterans to PAY for CCs and make 8 new characters to do this event.

Thank you once again causing a detriment to the people who have been paying your salaries for years now ;)


They don't care... that's what it all falls down to. They just do not care... It's really sad cause while this is a great game it's just seems like we work hard for what we been doing and we get slapped in the face everywhere we turn.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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A few extra details on the packs -the armor sets come in three separate boxes, Upper Body, Lower Body, and Supplementary. Each item that you earn from a Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Pack is Bind on Pickup, so they cannot be sold. However, these items do unlock in collections similar to other pack items.


This is confusing is the armor pieces inside the three separate boxes also Bind on Pickup or just the Upper Body, Lower Body, and Supplementary Packs? Cause say I get the Revan Reborn Armor Set and I already have it what am I suppose to do with it? Destroy it? Cause that'll be NUTS! I'd rather give it to someone I know wants it then destroy it... :eek:


Add-on: Yes I have the Revan Reborn Armor Set and I already have it unlocked in my collection so I just want clarified if I open the packs I can at least give the pieces to a friend of mine who I know wants the armor set...

Edited by DarthEnrique
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