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Dark vs. Light Event


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There's a Dev Blog -> http://www.swtor.com/blog/dark-vs.-light-event-and-rewards-blog


Afraid you won't like the answer...


Then choices I make don't actually matter do they.


There is less and less reason for me to even do this. I have the achievements. I have most of the armor they are giving as rewards (the complete set) minus a couple and the tunings and now my choices don't really matter for the companion that I will be stuck with.


Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set and that armor why do I need it when I don't make toons on a whim. When I create a toon I make a back story that either blends with my story or my boyfriend's toons. I don't just make toons that don't fit my roleplay.

Edited by casirabit
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Then choices I make don't actually matter do they.


In a sense.


I've mentioned this before: Erasing the other companion completely doesn't only waste precious development money and time, but it also eliminates one of the most effective credit sinks we could have to date. Some people might pay good credits to unlock the other companion - completionists, favourites, and even the companions race might play into that.


I would pay upwards of ten million credits for a contract to unlock the Chiss. Don't just erase the other companion. Blizzard didn't do that during their chopper promotion either. Put both into the game. Put the winner up free of charge for everyone. The other companion is ten to fifteen million for the contract.

Edited by Alssaran
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Hey I'm in the veterans camp (did the beta and came back in RotHC). Granted I don't have max level 65 toons on my server.


I could go along with that logic if you either lost something you earned or they were taking the old rewards away. We've gotten tons of rewards for leveling those toons, tons of achievements. Bioware is just adding rewards. Nobody looses here. You can skip it if you do not want to bother like most things in game.


To give a real world example, a guy hires you to mow his lawn and pays you for it. Later he asks you to do it again and he'll pay you again. He doesn't pay you for mowing his lawn earlier, you got to do it again. That's no more reasonable than what they are doing.

You got a point, but the point is people don't want to keep being forced to start over to get stuff, people wants to do events with the people they have already made and worked so hard to get up to snuff, they don't want to start over to get this, they want to keep using their mains, and their current alts to do the event, forcing people to start over like this is like saying. "Hey we are out of ideas, what do we do?" I would have no problem deleting a toon and remaking it re-level it, though I would not do that because I already have 2 or 3 of all classes and cant be bothered to do it all again, this is just fueling the slowly dying faith I have in Swtor, I don't want my faith to die, I enjoy the heck out of this game, but this is just one of those things where the rewards does not take away the flaw that they are basically asking all to start over again, again, again.

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So are these 'Best Of' packs legacy bound? Or if I make a new character, and run this whole thing, only they can open the packs and then if I want the items for other chars I need to unlock them via cartel coins? Because the second option is total crap.
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There's not a lot of LS/DS choices in repeatable content; basically flashpoints. You'd be better served by making a new character to get alignment points anyway.


I'll agree that I would have preferred to see a little more flexibility that would allow activity on characters in the middle of levelling be able to take part; as it is I'm going ot have to sideline at least 2 characters that I'm actively playing right now who are in the middle of things. But, note how they're doing the tracking of the checkpoints. They put in "new" achievements. Given the issues with "retroactively" counting achievements (original Legendary status, I'm looking at you, but also romance flags and certain story flags), they might have figured that trying to tie ANYTHING to existing characters is an unsafe move. As it is, I have my doubts that they'll manage to pull this off without issue. An entirely new set of achievements makes me thing they have a chance, but they could still screw it up.




Nothing I've done since I started playing counted towards any other event since I've started playing, except the actual activity I put in while the clock was running and in a specific area doing specific things. All those bounties I took down as my BH character got me exactly nothing towards the Bounty Event. Not a single rakghoul killed on Taris or anywhere outside the Tunnels counts towards any of the Rakghoul event. Nothing I did for the Gree on Coruscant got me anything on Ilum. Why should stuff you've done before count for this event?


Everybody* starts this event at the same point, just the same as they start any other event for the first time at the same point. At the starting line, on the starting day. I missed the first 2-3 Gree events because I didn't have an L50+ character at the time. I didn't complain, I just worked on levelling a character for the next time. I couldn't get into groups for the Heroic mission in the Rakghoul tunnels, same reason. You want your rewards, play the


The event starts 28 June and runs for months, and it counts activities done on new characters. At least we don't have to do the same 3-6 missions daily and 1 weekly, and we don't have to get it all done in a week, in a small part of the galaxy. I've got an hour or two a night on the weekdays, and a couple of hours each weekend, to do everything I want to do, including play other computer games, exercise, etc. I am more or less writing off getting Legendary Level, and I probably won't get the one that requires every flashpoint. But the rest, should be doable in the 4-5 months they're promising.


(* Anyone who cannot make 1 new character without expenditure of CC or deletion of character or change of server is handicapped. Boo, BW, boo. )


Hmm...I can agree and see all your points. Though I will bring this up. All the other events are repeatable, in fact 2 of them are monthly now, so there is the knowledge of "Oh shoot I missed the event, eh it will be back next month." Where as this event is timed gated and most likely will NEVER return. Hence why maybe all the rage? And your right I'm thinking it will be 4-5 months which....eh we shall see.

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Absolutely the most moronic event you could possibly do. This event will kill SWTOR. I have worked hard completing class quests in order to get my Legendary Achievement and now its all for nothing. Say bye bye to my sub. Complete crap!
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Then choices I make don't actually matter do they.


There is less and less reason for me to even do this. I have the achievements. I have most of the armor they are giving as rewards (the complete set) minus a couple and the tunings and now my choices don't really matter for the companion that I will be stuck with.

It's a bit like voting, if you cast your vote for the winning candidate then it mattered. If not, then no, the choices you make don't matter.


I agree, as a player with a sub since launch there is very little if any real reason to do this event. I might do the speed run as I've not sat down in SWTOR and done that yet, but more likely not :/


I think there are a lot of suspect design choices about this event and not just ignoring the achievements loyal veteran players have already attained. The random nature of the force crates, considering they are of limited availability and the fact the items are bind on pickup :( 5 cathar swords on a character that doesn't need it or you may delete... or spend the cartel coins to unlock it across legacy.


I thought they'd got rid of the designer responsible for the slot machine fiasco, looks like they put them to work on this event instead.

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I will boycot the event. I don't want to lose my mental sanity over stuff that most of us already cleared times and times again. Because saying "Hey guys, we have a new event coming up" should mean "Hey guys, we made new stuff for a brand new event" and not "Hey guys, go play old content again because we attached a new logo on the login screen so it's new".


BioWare right now: http://i.imgur.com/pIvKZxD.gif

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And then they will introduce killing Skadge, killing Zenith, and even viciously strangle Koth on those new characters. Watch the vote even out. This is called vote rigging. For a more thorough description of the issue, I think you should open a dictionary. "Vote rigging" and "Electoral fraud". "David Cameron" might work too, depending on whether the book was updated recently. :rak_03:


Well I'm a mostly fully lightsided player some dark here and there (Kira for JK, rak reactor on Taris, republic side Rakata FP) and I want to kick that angry tumor out the airlock, its a long time coming. Not Zenith as he is ok (only going to decline him once for the achievement), Koth is just annoying but I just forget him for my lovely Mako :D

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The fact of the matter is, many people we simply choose not to do this event, because its a waste of time doing something you have already done before, I am one of the people that will completely unsub until season 2 comes around, I will simply boycut this game until they craptastic stuff is over with xD Edited by Finklendevibe
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So basically, you want them to grant everything retroactively so you can collect all the rewards and do nothing?


This is an event. Yes, an event designed to attract new or returning players. But that does not preclude any veteran from running characters through the event whatsoever. It's an event... and since you do not need to complete the class stories... much less actually do the entire event... I really don't see the problem given how easy it is to level in this game now days. It is ridiculously fast to level a character through the H2s these days.


I likely will not do everything in the event, but I appreciate that they gave a wide range of activities and completion levels to let players decide how much of it they want to play and what rewards they seek. I'll most likely do it until I get a full set of the armor with the embedded XP boost... Then.. perhaps do some more... depending on my mood.


This is not a veteran reward program... it's a summer/fall event.. probably leads in to the next expac at some point and they also have a nice promotion pack for late comers to get started with. Do it or don't do it... as you like. IMO, it is a great way to bring in new players that you know and to level up with them.. making the event a group/friend social pathway and gain rewards in the process. I imagine guilds not specifically focused on PvP/OPs will form event teams and run the heck out of this thing.


Everything? Seems way to stupid. But for the 8 classes and crafting? yeah just those 2, either remove that requirement or make it retroactive, just like the achievement system when it was released on April 9th 2013. All the other stuff, kills, wbs, fps, ops, pvp and gsf, are fine by me. So....no its not granting everything, just those 2 :D

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No worries. Hope you can channel the rage into some fan fic ;)


Oh, I'll probably do just that. It might come in handy for a scene I was trying to get done...so I'll try to think it's a blessing in disguise. *snirk* lol

Edited by Lunafox
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I can't understand what they thought by doing this event.

There's many threads about dying game, old content etc.


SWTOR: Let's make You to level up Your characters again and again!

Players: Woooohoooo!!!!

Edited by tummiswtor
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Everything else looks okay, but having us level another 8 characters is absurd. I've already leveled at least 12 characters (I've lost count) past 50. Leveling another 8 is just shameless recycling of very old content. It should be cut down to 4 or less, or replaced completely by another requirement.
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I'm a veteran, and nothing is preventing me from playing the event, if I want to. I will, and though I dobut I will run it all the way... I will run a good amount of it. I'll use two character slots to do it... and since 1-50 in H2's is about 12-14 hours of play.. it's really not that difficult.


If they give veterans retroactive credit.. the event is largely a nonstarter right out the gate. Many players will immediately cap the event, and then sit in the forums for 3-4 months demanding their final completion rewards, which do not come until the end of the event.


Do people even think before reacting in a negative manner?


Very true, but I wish they would grant retro actively the 8 class and the crafting one, or at least remove it. I will still be here at least if they do that, still need Manhunter (31k+ atm, so need about 19k more kills though I just might leave because of this and how they handled the EC speed run.) ( didn't run it as I still cant even get the speed run achievement of 15 minutes lol, but it is still horrid how they handled it for those that did play and go for it.)

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so let me get this straight.... we need to lvl 8 new chars, do EVERY HM FP on those new toons, and get EVERY CRAFTING SKILLL TO 550?!??!?



And do 5 ops, and 5 world bosses. There's also going to be lots of new characters with low level gear, and people not knowing how to play the class, and no augments, doing this. If you thought group finder was bad before, just wait! And even in guilds, lots of guildies will be doing the same. At least they might know some things, and communication is a huge help..but it'll still be rougher than just doing those right now. Crafting to 550 will be incredibly easy by comparison.

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