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Dark vs. Light Event


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I have to say people are sufficiently annoyed by this...lol. I've read like 50 posts and I can't read anymore, it's just pointing more things out and making me angrier.


Maybe take some tips from SWG...Theme Parks or monthly events. GCW was a great addition also.


Rewards aren't the problem here....it's this....You have to ask yourself, "is this content new and enjoyable; and will it enact a sense of star wars community?"


EVENT: Grinding the hell out of stuff you have already done, on a legacy you won't use and on a character far far away that you couldn't care less about. Getting rare rewards! In so doing lowering the real value and aesthetic value of rare items that people have paid real money for, now can be quested in order to obtain....



And you'll probably delete all or some of these characters once done...lol :eek::confused:



Edited by CaptJames
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You do all realize that there really isn't a point to working to achieve the highest tier since it's all just what, a title, a mount, and an armor set? Woop dee doo!


What I want is the companion which you ONLY need a LS and DS character up to level 65...after that, the rest can be achieved by the single character out of the two of your choosing.


So I WILL roll one Imp and one Pub and do what needs to be done for the companion cause really that is all that matters to me.


That top tier sounds like a NIGHTMARE...roll 8 toons just for a couple of cosmetic stuff and a title?


At least the most sought after, I feel, the companions, can be achieved with a hell of a lot less effort!

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So in effect you want the requirement for Legendary level set so low those players that have been here for awhile will achieve it as soon as they log on while those new players will struggle. Yeah, I'm kind of glad you're not designing the events.


Explain to me, EXACTLY, how that would be bad. What would be so terrible about people getting fair credit for things they have already completed? It wouldn't be getting something for nothing, it would be getting something for doing EVERYTHING already! They've already EARNED IT!


I do not fathom the logic of how this could at all be a terrible thing. Why shouldn't long-time veteran players who have paid money into this game for years on end get a reward for it? What would it hurt ANYONE to make these achievements retroactive? Auto-generating more pixel outfits and titles for people would cost BioWare NOTHING. New players could still earn the exact same rewards by doing all the things the veterans have ALREADY DONE. Everyone would win!

Edited by AscendingSky
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lol #EricAprilFoolsDay but you're late about 86 days -- I do prefer take it as a joke if not I would certainly felt insulted just like you spit on my 4 years supporting this game. Are you saying to "founders" and "legendary status" players, go f** o** ?

I don't think that's their intention at all as it has no effect at all on 'Founder' or 'Legendary Status'


Founder title just means you were here at launch, doesn't mean you stayed around.


If you are really set on trying for the Legendary Level it has no relationship to Legendary Status at all. The title is 'The Legendary Victor' and levelling the 8 classes to 50 requirement has no need to be done with story content. You could run all of the classes through to 50 with flashpoints, pvp and gsf and never go near story content.

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Seriously, BoE is what you want? I have over 90% of all cartel items account unlocked and am livid about these RNG packets. Nothing else about the event disturbs me, but that some of the rarest cartel items will simply be handed out en masse for questing? Tulak Hord, Reborn Revan, etc. are cool for the looks, sure, but far more so because so few players have them. Make them more widely attainable and their worth drops dramatically, and I don't just mean in credits. If they're going to do this, which in itself is an insult to players who paid real money and bought their packs to acquire these items BECAUSE THEY'RE RARE, then they at least need to be BoA and not account-unlockable. I thought EAWare learned their lesson after the sh--storm that ensued when they introduced the slot machines, but apparently not. If anything old, make the Party Jawa a reward for Legendary, since it was just a 'be subscribed at this point in time' item, no one had to buy packs for it, and there are achievements tied to it - but please leave our rarest CM items in their packs where they belong.


I've been very patient with SWTOR because it's an amazing game and can live with the existing group and PvP content, but if come fall I start seeing everyone and their grandmother running around with Cathar Honor Swords and Tulak Hord's armor, among others, that may be my last day in this game I've played since beta. I'm not naïve enough to believe that EA cares, but I'm posting this anyway because I do.


So maybe make the rewards that drop from the boxes different rewards? That would seem to resolve the problem. I'm just a poor person because as soon as I get 1-5 mil, I spend it lol I have a GTN problem. So yeah, maybe the rarer and fun and cool stuff cheaper would be great! :D But I understand where your view is, I just don't like it nor agree with it. (still respecting you and your view point though *bow*) Also YES. even if they don't do anything else, they NEED to bring that jawa ballon as some kind of reward (still missing those 3 achievements), another sub reward (which would stink) or a event reward (awesome) or some other ingame reward.

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Explain to me, EXACTLY, how that would be bad. What would be so terrible for people getting credit for things they have already completed? It wouldn't be getting something for nothing, it would be getting something for doing EVERYTHING already! They've already EARNED IT!


I do not fathom the logic of how this could at all be a terrible thing. Why shouldn't long-time veteran players who have paid money into this game for years on end get a reward for it? What would it hurt ANYONE to make these achievements retroactive? Auto-generating more pixel outfits and titles for people would cost BioWare NOTHING. New players could still earn the exact same rewards by doing all the things the veterans have ALREADY DONE. Everyone would win!


So, event starts. I log on. Boom! Eternal Level achieved without lifting a finger.

No chance I'll be going anywhere near Legendary level and so my time in the event is over.

Can you not see any problem with that scenario at all?


As it is, I get a small incentive to participate in content I usually engage in during the summer months. Play through on a new character or two and run some flashpoints. About the only thing I'll need to make a check list on is the tac FPs to make sure I don't miss any.

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Explain to me, EXACTLY, how that would be bad. What would be so terrible about people getting fair credit for things they have already completed? It wouldn't be getting something for nothing, it would be getting something for doing EVERYTHING already! They've already EARNED IT!


I do not fathom the logic of how this could at all be a terrible thing. Why shouldn't long-time veteran players who have paid money into this game for years on end get a reward for it? What would it hurt ANYONE to make these achievements retroactive? Auto-generating more pixel outfits and titles for people would cost BioWare NOTHING. New players could still earn the exact same rewards by doing all the things the veterans have ALREADY DONE. Everyone would win!


It's an event not a "here have a free award for being here for so long" bonus. There is no event in just giving you something for things you've already done.


Also you did get a reward for your long time play ... you got to play and enjoy yourself. If you haven't enjoyed yourself but continued to pay ... well then you or anyone else in that boat are idiots.

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I don't think that's their intention at all as it has no effect at all on 'Founder' or 'Legendary Status'


Founder title just means you were here at launch, doesn't mean you stayed around.


If you are really set on trying for the Legendary Level it has no relationship to Legendary Status at all. The title is 'The Legendary Victor' and levelling the 8 classes to 50 requirement has no need to be done with story content. You could run all of the classes through to 50 with flashpoints, pvp and gsf and never go near story content.


I think why people are hung up on the storyline part, is because in the blog post, the wording does say 8 storylines, but then a bit lower says just to level 50 for all 8 classes. Kinda misleading. Also on top of that, when 12xp was removed, they made it so leveling my doing said storyline was the FASTEST way to level, over doing pvp, gsf, heroics and other content. So.....that leads to the conclusion that in order to level all 8 classes to 50, they have to do storyline. First off the blog needs more clear wording and people just need to do some research on it, and it will calm down (not much as eve I think the requirements are still stupid) but after reading some info and thinking it through....its not as bad (still bad though) as I once though Thursday afternoon.

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So, event starts. I log on. Boom! Eternal Level achieved without lifting a finger.

No chance I'll be going anywhere near Legendary level and so my time in the event is over.

Can you not see any problem with that scenario at all?


As it is, I get a small incentive to participate in content I usually engage in during the summer months. Play through on a new character or two and run some flashpoints. About the only thing I'll need to make a check list on is the tac FPs to make sure I don't miss any.


There was a idea somewhere in the page 70-80s that they make it retro active AFTER you get to legendary tier, meaning you HAVE to get there first, meaning yes you run through all the other requirements first. Which I don't think is to bad a idea. Though you have to be a realist....sadly I doubt anyone on the coding side of this game can code it to make it work without bugs ALL over the place.

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Seriously, BoE is what you want? I have over 90% of all cartel items account unlocked and am livid about these RNG packets. Nothing else about the event disturbs me, but that some of the rarest cartel items will simply be handed out en masse for questing? Tulak Hord, Reborn Revan, etc. are cool for the looks, sure, but far more so because so few players have them. Make them more widely attainable and their worth drops dramatically, and I don't just mean in credits. If they're going to do this, which in itself is an insult to players who paid real money and bought their packs to acquire these items BECAUSE THEY'RE RARE, then they at least need to be BoA and not account-unlockable. I thought EAWare learned their lesson after the sh--storm that ensued when they introduced the slot machines, but apparently not. If anything old, make the Party Jawa a reward for Legendary, since it was just a 'be subscribed at this point in time' item, no one had to buy packs for it, and there are achievements tied to it - but please leave our rarest CM items in their packs where they belong.


I've been very patient with SWTOR because it's an amazing game and can live with the existing group and PvP content, but if come fall I start seeing everyone and their grandmother running around with Cathar Honor Swords and Tulak Hord's armor, among others, that may be my last day in this game I've played since beta. I'm not naïve enough to believe that EA cares, but I'm posting this anyway because I do.


I've unlocked all of the cartel pack armour sets and the majority of the weapons spending a small fortune in credits.

I would struggle hard to build up any emotion with regards to what other players wear or how much they paid for it.

Only that I like the look of my character.


In the material world items face depreciation it doesn't overly bother me it transfers into some aspects of virtual life as well.


The only reason I'm bothered about the crates and the RNG is that it will mean a lot of wasted items for me (see above with 100% armour sets unlocked) that I can't sell and will have to destroy. Not to mention duplication of items that can't be transferred to other characters.


Much rather have tokens and a vendor with a list of items.

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Oh please, don't give me that we already know how most people play the game so it is already decided it will be darksided especially when a friend of mine plays and she chooses light side on her sith and is rake over the coals for it so it is very evident that most everyone chooses dark side.


True, but see....that's why I LOVE being a lightsided imperial faction character. I tick off SO MANY players and NPCs, and yes it will stink to not get the chiss (though that hairdo is weird), but hey, annoying more imps? BOOYAH!!!!:D:D:D

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They are adding new achievements with the update, those are how you will track the progress. And you can do them on a exsisting legacy, lv50 even. Just need 3 character slots. (Maybe even one if you really want to power level 6 lv50s and 2 65s one right after another)

Something at least.

Still does not change the fact I need to pay them for the unlocks of the items I wanted on a different character. Makes this go from worst event to badly thought out reward system.

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I've unlocked all of the cartel pack armour sets and the majority of the weapons spending a small fortune in credits.

I would struggle hard to build up any emotion with regards to what other players wear or how much they paid for it.

Only that I like the look of my character.


In the material world items face depreciation it doesn't overly bother me it transfers into some aspects of virtual life as well.


The only reason I'm bothered about the crates and the RNG is that it will mean a lot of wasted items for me (see above with 100% armour sets unlocked) that I can't sell and will have to destroy. Not to mention duplication of items that can't be transferred to other characters.


Much rather have tokens and a vendor with a list of items.


^^^ This so much. I agree 100% for all the same reasons (though I have slightly less armor sets and speeders :p)

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Something at least.

Still does not change the fact I need to pay them for the unlocks of the items I wanted on a different character. Makes this go from worst event to badly thought out reward system.


Yep, but remember this is a for profit company, and it they can game people into buying more CC to unlock what they want? They WILL do it. Does it screw over your fan base to in the long run it up and dies? Yep. And? They earned millions from buying all the CC they needed. (Trust me, I really want to believe this isn't true but....the evidence is there....and no one is talking or saying (and proving) otherwise.)

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People need to understand a few important things...


1. This event is the equivalent of a Speedrun its meant to be a challenge to see who can get through waves of older content in a limited amount of time. I for one am happy for it because its going to be one of those events in which not many people will get.


2. You only need 2 character slots, once you get one to lv 50 the check mark is checked for the achievement is completed, then you can delete the toon, even eric said this.


3. Keeping in mind that this is a Speedrun, does that even change your mind?


They should have made it more clear with the blog post. When I started reading your post with the info, it became clear to me that its a speed run, and for me a speed run is fine (still stupid but whatever) but for most? Not really, but some might for some rewards just not all of them. But yeah, they screwed up by not explaining "Hey this is a speed run have fun!"

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Yep, but remember this is a for profit company, and it they can game people into buying more CC to unlock what they want? They WILL do it. Does it screw over your fan base to in the long run it up and dies? Yep. And? They earned millions from buying all the CC they needed. (Trust me, I really want to believe this isn't true but....the evidence is there....and no one is talking or saying (and proving) otherwise.)


I work in marketing for a mobile game developer...believe me I know about nickle and diming people to no end. It digusts me every day and I'm always trying to get my bosses to go the pro-player route since there ARE ways of making a profitable game without pissing off your player base.

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So, event starts. I log on. Boom! Eternal Level achieved without lifting a finger.

No chance I'll be going anywhere near Legendary level and so my time in the event is over.

Can you not see any problem with that scenario at all?


As it is, I get a small incentive to participate in content I usually engage in during the summer months. Play through on a new character or two and run some flashpoints. About the only thing I'll need to make a check list on is the tac FPs to make sure I don't miss any.


You didn't answer my question. How does that hurt anything or anyone? I really doubt a single player of this game would get all disappointed and go "Oh darn, I was SO looking forward to grinding up eight new characters and go through every single type of content in the game all summer long for these pixels and titles! How dare EAWare make a decision not based on trying to arm-wring more money out of people for character slot unlocks!" and then threaten to quit unless EAWare put back in 200% more mindless grinding of recycled content.


Whereas now we have people unsubscribing BECAUSE of the need to mindlessly grind recycled content. Which hurts both the player base (fewer subscribers mean dead servers and long queues) and EAWare itself (less revenue).

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You didn't answer my question. How does that hurt anything or anyone? I really doubt a single player of this game would get all disappointed and go "Oh darn, I was SO looking forward to grinding up eight new characters and go through every single type of content in the game all summer long for these pixels and titles! How dare EAWare make a decision not based on trying to arm-wring more money out of people for character slot unlocks!" and then threaten to quit unless EAWare put back in 200% more mindless grinding of recycled content.


Whereas now we have people unsubscribing BECAUSE of the need to mindlessly grind recycled content. Which hurts both the player base (fewer subscribers mean dead servers and long queues) and EAWare itself (less revenue).


Your argument makes no sense. People are unsubscribing for " BECAUSE of the need to mindlessly grind recycled content." yet if this event didn't exist or they did get the reward for already having done it they would still unsubscribe because it's still the same content being recycled in the game itself?


At least this way SOME players will get more mileage out of the game by playing through the requirements again and thus keep them subbing longer.


So who does it hurt to give it away for free basically? It hurts Bioware in terms of sub numbers as it would make the event moot for veterans ... if they were going to unsub over recycled content they are then going to unsub either way, giving them the rewards changes nothing in that regards.

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You didn't answer my question. How does that hurt anything or anyone? I really doubt a single player of this game would get all disappointed and go "Oh darn, I was SO looking forward to grinding up eight new characters and go through every single type of content in the game all summer long for these pixels and titles! How dare EAWare make a decision not based on trying to arm-wring more money out of people for character slot unlocks!" and then threaten to quit unless EAWare put back in 200% more mindless grinding of recycled content.


Whereas now we have people unsubscribing BECAUSE of the need to mindlessly grind recycled content. Which hurts both the player base (fewer subscribers mean dead servers and long queues) and EAWare itself (less revenue).

You are really that bent out of shape because you won't get Legendary level?

People quitting over this are just looking for a reason to move on, it happens with the best of MMOs if you've spent a lot of time in-game and completed the content you want to you look for things that make the transition easier to justify.


Raging about content you have absolutely no need to do to get a naff title and mount (not sure about the armour set not seen it yet) is silly. Maybe it's a good indication that a break and perspective is needed.


On the other hand the rewards from Eternal and below look far better and are achievable through content I usually do during slumps in content release anyway.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Good......sadly I'm a idiot who has a lot of free time this weekend to post stuff on the forums as my family is out of town lol And yes...im a beyond stupid idiot that has been reading all 124+ pages....yeah...I have no life. Anyways....


1. Yes it is tiered, so to get Legendary, you MUST complete the Eternal tier, and to get the Eternal tier you MUST complete the Champion tier ect ect ect


2. A. You only need one of each faction to 65, and only one through all the storylines from Ziost onward. The "Level all 8 classes" is just that, just level all 8 classes to lv 50, not 65. Not complete the storylines, just level. And with the 50% exp boost armor set we are getting, and it will most likely stack with other boost....you will be 50 in no time. (Still a stupid requirement imo) B. I understand your detestment of the EC, because for about 4-5 days after it came out ,I could not beat round 6 (which is by far the stupidest one there) But reading and watching the vids on dulfy.net (awesome place btw) and talking with friends who beat it within 2 hours of the content dropping and got speed run and deathless (still don't have speed run lol) made me look at it a bit differently and I made it. Just takes practice and learning the fights. C. Sadly they will not in the way most people (myself also) want. Even if you are fully lightside on every new character you make (as only characters made on June 28th and afterward count) if the darkside wins overall total, you will be stuck with the darkside companion and NO WAY WHAT SO EVER get the chiss. (Mind you some people are think they just might add them to a cartel pack or CM later on, which is also stupid imo)


3. Imo, it will most likely be like all the KotFE companions and you cant switch out armor or faces, but you can switch the weapons.


Hopefully that helps with the info. Though it is sad that most of the info is depressing to say the least. May the Force be with you


I appreciate the clarifications, thank you. That was most helpful.


But it pretty much confirms, even more so, that I won't be bothering to participate in this...event. That's more work than I care for, for the fact it's rushed far too quickly, if nothing else. On the bright side, I won't have to suffer through the Zakuul arena. Again, best of luck to all participating - you have far more tolerance for this sort of...stuff...than I do.

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Your argument makes no sense. People are unsubscribing for " BECAUSE of the need to mindlessly grind recycled content." yet if this event didn't exist or they did get the reward for already having done it they would still unsubscribe because it's still the same content being recycled in the game itself?


At least this way SOME players will get more mileage out of the game by playing through the requirements again and thus keep them subbing longer.


So who does it hurt to give it away for free basically? It hurts Bioware in terms of sub numbers as it would make the event moot for veterans ... if they were going to unsub over recycled content they are then going to unsub either way, giving them the rewards changes nothing in that regards.


You're not reading my posts, or the posts of many other people on this thread, and on other threads. Let me try to sum it up for you.


People are leaving specifically because of this event. For some, it's the straw that broke the camel's back. For others, it's a slap in the face. Either way, it has convinced many players to finally throw in the towel. I have guildmates and raiding buddies both who have already unsubbed specifically because of this event. Others are considering it. I may be joining them shortly.


By contrast, giving veteran players some sense that 1) they are valued, and 2) they are being listened to, by making this event retroactive and getting credit for all the time and effort they've already put into this game would HELP KEEP THEM FROM LEAVING. A veteran player is a veteran player because they love and enjoy this game (for all its many faults) for one reason or another. However, love of a game only goes so far when the people running said game treat their customers like dirt. Keep piling on disrespect and derision, and even huge Star Wars fans like me will pull the plug.

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I've posted this before and will post it again...


The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

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You're not reading my posts, or the posts of many other people on this thread, and on other threads. Let me try to sum it up for you.


People are leaving specifically because of this event. For some, it's the straw that broke the camel's back. For others, it's a slap in the face. Either way, it has convinced many players to finally throw in the towel. I have guildmates and raiding buddies both who have already unsubbed specifically because of this event. Others are considering it. I may be joining them shortly.


By contrast, giving veteran players some sense that 1) they are valued, and 2) they are being listened to, by making this event retroactive and getting credit for all the time and effort they've already put into this game would HELP KEEP THEM FROM LEAVING. A veteran player is a veteran player because they love and enjoy this game (for all its many faults) for one reason or another. However, love of a game only goes so far when the people running said game treat their customers like dirt. Keep piling on disrespect and derision, and even huge Star Wars fans like me will pull the plug.

People say they are leaving at times like this all the time. I wonder how many do and stay gone.


The lack of OPs has meant those end gamer veterans have been looking for an excuse to make a transition for some time.

It's also coming up to summer time in the Northern Hemispher, it's usual for MMO populations to slump and very, very unusual for devs to release gleaming shiny new content, they save that for the winter months.


If you really love the game you'd see that aside from the Legendary Level, all the other rewards are attainable with a small amount of effort and running content that for the most part is meant to be repeatable.

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You're not reading my posts, or the posts of many other people on this thread, and on other threads. Let me try to sum it up for you.


People are leaving specifically because of this event. For some, it's the straw that broke the camel's back. For others, it's a slap in the face. Either way, it has convinced many players to finally throw in the towel. I have guildmates and raiding buddies both who have already unsubbed specifically because of this event. Others are considering it. I may be joining them shortly.


Oh I read them and I don't buy for a minute that they are leaving solely because of this event. They had reached a point where they clearly weren't enjoying the game anyway else why leave? Oh you slapped me in the face by making an event that requires we actually do something we'd already done? Then *** are they playing the game if they've done it all and it's so damn repetitive?

This event takes NOTHING away from you what so ever, it's an event that requires you to level a new character or more depending on the level you want and if you don't like then don't do it - it doesn't affect anything else.


I think more this wakes people up to the real issue with this game and that's a distinct lack of content and that it's bemocing bloody boring. Many of us have been saying this on the forums for months yet most ignore or even try disagree ( each to their own ) but suddenly an event like this comes along and it makes it all to glaringly obvious for people.


So blaming the event is pointless, it's the game that's become redundant and boring - not the event.

If people are unsubbing they should be honest about why.


Luckily I personally enjoy making lots of credits via my GTN activities thus I play for that ( it's not even in the event damn it! ) and pug operations when I have time and some are going and this event should at least mean more pug for me so yay.


By contrast, giving veteran players some sense that 1) they are valued, and 2) they are being listened to, by making this event retroactive and getting credit for all the time and effort they've already put into this game would HELP KEEP THEM FROM LEAVING. A veteran player is a veteran player because they love and enjoy this game (for all its many faults) for one reason or another. However, love of a game only goes so far when the people running said game treat their customers like dirt. Keep piling on disrespect and derision, and even huge Star Wars fans like me will pull the plug.


How in the hell would it keep them from leaving? You still have as little to do as you did before except now there is absolutely no incentive to do any old content at all ( this event provides incentive regardless of if you agree with or not ).


Don't even get me started on why you should get packs for free and I shouldn't. I don't have 8 toons to 50 and I've played and paid for years yet you should get the free gear because that's what you chose to do in the game?

Somehow you are more important than me? You should get gear for free I spent a fortune on in packs or direct buying from CM?

So what about those of us veterans who didn't do everything there is to do in the game? Why should you get rewarded and we shouldn't?


It's a damn stupid point for you to act like you deserve something because you got full enjoyment from the game by playing all it's enjoyable content. "I had fun plying this game and I deserve something for having fun damn it"! is how it comes across.


Of course if you didn't have fun I stick by my idiot point of view for persevering and paying for something you don' enjoy when there is just so much else out there.

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People say they are leaving at times like this all the time. I wonder how many do and stay gone.


The lack of OPs has meant those end gamer veterans have been looking for an excuse to make a transition for some time.

It's also coming up to summer time in the Northern Hemispher, it's usual for MMO populations to slump and very, very unusual for devs to release gleaming shiny new content, they save that for the winter months.


If you really love the game you'd see that aside from the Legendary Level, all the other rewards are attainable with a small amount of effort and running content that for the most part is meant to be repeatable.


I've read many posts and barely any are threatening to actually unsub ... unlike the companion nerf where many did.


This is a storm in a tea cup.


Those that have found the content incredibly repetitive have already left because it's incredibly repetitive.


Those that are left will still have fun doing what they did yesterday whilst this event runs and might get a bit sour over it or even do the event anyway ( my personal suspicion ) but they'll play and pay until they stop having fun.


OR the last group that this event manages to slap them in the face and make them realise they weren't having fun anyway and this game has become repetitive and boring for them so they really shouldn't be paying for it. Sometimes it takes something like this for people to see the truth I guess.

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