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Okay Bioware


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Okay Bioware, I know you balance this game off of the PvE aspect of this game, but would it honestly kill you to also balance the PvP for frak sake. I've played this game's PvP for a good 4 years now. When I started playing the PvP was decent, good matchmaking, balanced teams, etc. but now its pathetic. Absolutely no team balance what so ever, one of the most awful matchmaking systems I have ever seen. At first the recent "nerf", aka buff, to sorc/sage healers would be the nail in the coffin, but I decided to give the PvP a second chance, but of course you screwed it up just like you have ever since SoR. The nail in the coffin for me is what I've personally taken to calling "trimades". My definition of trimades are premades consisting of a combination of people from 3 different guilds all working in unison. I dont know if there is something like that on the other servers, but on my server, just about every single night for the last week there has been matches like that both Imp and Pub and the other side gets steamrolled. If your too lazy to fix this game's PvP, why the heck do you even have it then? Here a few tips to help yall possibly salvage what is left of this game's PvP:

1): Add in a separate que for those who do premades. Let premades fight premades and let solos fight solos.

2): Actually balance the classes so that each class is actually viable to play in all PvP situations.

3): Put in actual matchmaking so that way each team actually has a chance of defeating each other instead of it being a one-sided steamroller because the opposite team has more healers than the other team


For those who might consider im just being a cry baby and that I should "get good", here's a little personal history.

Played since RoTHC, PvPed the whole time lvling, held my own against people in full ranked min/maxed auged gear who played far longer than myself. Adept at playing different play styles though I like to keep to melee but ive got no problem doing ranged. On my best toon I can hold my own in a 1v6 pvp situation and actually manage to kill at least half and get the rest down to at least 40% hp. Average dps is about 2.4-2.7k depending on the match and who im fighting. Not to mention that sometimes I out heal some healers through some of my toons' self heals or any base healing abilities they have. So I know what to do and how to do it better than most pvpers that im finding. The only problem is that people seem to only want to fight when they have numbers on there sides, which are more than likely the people who will start bashing this thread as soon as they see it. Word of advice, think before you speak.

Edited by Omecrion
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. On my best toon I can hold my own in a 1v6 pvp situation and actually manage to kill at least half and get the rest down to at least 40% hp. Average dps is about 2.4-2.7k depending on the match and who im fighting.


My god, man, you're a beast! Didn't think even best of the best players could stand 1v6 and kill 3 people. :eek:

I could 1v2 sometimes and I thought I can play! You just showed me I'm a complete turd and should uninstall :(

Why you even have problems with premades? On their place I woulda add you in friend list and just quit the game every time you log in.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Khm, guys, you understand that there HUGE difference between 6 random people who don't' know anything about each other (they will get you to full resolve in no time, go away by them self from healer, not trying to stop you from heal, don't interrupt you) and premade team with voice?

Example from real live. Imagine that you know some figher style. And you meet 6 people that just accidentally hate you, but each other for their own reason. And they attack you. Most time they interrupt each other (like in film Jack Reacher). And you meet organized group of premade, where they attack without interrupt each other.

P.S. Juggernaut and operative can do what author wrote, I've seen Operative that hold 5 people who was trying to capture turret at Alderaan WZ. And he actually killed some of them.

Sorry for my English

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I think you are taking the PvP in this game too seriously which was a mistake which needs to be corrected. There is no point in caring about a game which the developers don't care about matchmaking, balance maps/classes or their ranked PvP scene. There is so much lack of competition in this game and an ever decreasing PvP population even now. All that is left here now is people who just play this game because it's Star Wars, RPers and those who are just too stubborn or too angry to leave.


Play PvP for fun and you will have more fun. If you want a game that is competitive play Overwatch. Overwatch developers have impressed me with how they are matchmaking, balance their classes, balancing maps and have huge plans for their ranked season. Play games that are more PvP driven if you want to not rage. Raging at this game is just not worth it.

Edited by kissingaiur
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I think you are taking the PvP in this game too seriously which was a mistake which needs to be corrected. There is no point in caring about a game which the developers don't care about matchmaking, balance maps/classes or their ranked PvP scene. There is so much lack of competition in this game and an ever decreasing PvP population even now. All that is left here now is people who just play this game because it's Star Wars, RPers and those who are just too stubborn or too angry to leave.


Play PvP for fun and you will have more fun. If you want a game that is competitive play Overwatch. Overwatch developers have impressed me with how they are matchmaking, balance their classes, balancing maps and have huge plans for their ranked season. Play games that are more PvP driven if you want to not rage. Raging at this game is just not worth it.


^^^^ so this. Remember when we all used to have fun? well.... some of us....

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If the game had the population to support league of legends style match making... sigh. i can dream can't I?

until then y so srs?


With the ever growing competitive PvP gaming movement you would think it a good business model to embrace strong PvP competition design for any game that can. Even if the game is not LoL or HotS style the interest is obviously there regardless.


I'm not sure why they have left PvP to its current state, it does lend to the idea the game is on its last legs. I'm not crying doom I'm just wondering if their are plans afoot that are impacting the current game decisions.


Even some of the strange statements that they "cant do things".... In 2003 there was a Star Wars game that was insanely more complex than this game in every aspect be it seriously buggy sure but still much more complex...Why in 2016 can they not set up a decent ranked system with rewards people are excited about?...Really? BW cant design a decent matchmaking system that lends to the games trinity design balance? BW decided to discontinue the Illum world PvP "park" because it was too hard to fix/balance...Really?


These things all seem like cop outs not impossible to manage. TO me this is a step up to the plate and get it done situation...I understand designers always think they know whats best for their game but that is only going to work in this case if they are the only ones playing it.


Best part is most people I have talked to that left did not want to leave they were bored or frustrated but still loved their characters and guilds. Star Wars holds on to people you just have to have a game that is relatively fun and its a win...


My suggestion is kick EA off your back, put the Cartel Market on the back burner for a bit and make some of the needed game design alterations ASAP. If you want to keep your Cartel Market revenue up put some of the high demand armor sets up for straight sale for big numbers while you do the actual game work and profit.

As a side effect that would start to balance some of the 70 million credit items on the GTN....


oops... Rant over.

Edited by Soljin
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On my best toon I can hold my own in a 1v6 pvp situation and actually manage to kill at least half and get the rest down to at least 40% hp.


This was a dream you had. It never actually happened. I know because I've had the same dream. Aside from mixing your dream/wake states, your suggestions do have merit. They can't implement #1 without cross-server queues. Otherwise, queue times could go beyond an acceptable range - especially during off peak hours. Number 2 and 3, they should be working feverishly on day and night. But they've opted for a more lackadaisical approach. I doubt there will be any serious improvements anytime soon. We'll all be playing some other game at this rate.

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It wasn't a dream. I was doing a novare coast match and was solo guarding. 6 of the enemy team came at me. I believe the composition was spec healer, double maras, an operative, a tank sin and a sniper. I took out the sorc first, then I felt with the sniper and the operative, but at that point I was practically dead but I still got the other 3 down to about 30-45% HP left. Granted this was back in SoR but still, it takes skill to be able to do something like that.
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I guess my point was that if your game has strong competitive fun PvP you will get press from that where as PvE content does not have that possibility. Seems odd to dump PvP on its face via neglect like BW has done with this game. There is another company that gained a considerable amount of fame off their arena PvP which they embraced and have released several games since that are competitive games as a result I would guess.


I'm just not sure if BW is interested in this game anymore or if they are just laying it down to sleep.....

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BW dropped the ball and they are too proud to pick it up. PvP is a mini game, a side show to take a break from the all mighty "story" that the game is all about now.


Like others have said, no point raging about it this late in the game; way too many other games out there that offer competitive pvp for your epeen flex fix.

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It wasn't a dream. I was doing a novare coast match and was solo guarding. 6 of the enemy team came at me. I believe the composition was spec healer, double maras, an operative, a tank sin and a sniper. I took out the sorc first, then I felt with the sniper and the operative, but at that point I was practically dead but I still got the other 3 down to about 30-45% HP left. Granted this was back in SoR but still, it takes skill to be able to do something like that.


I know, it seems so real. But trust me, you were doing a face plant in your pillow and drooling.

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It wasn't a dream. I was doing a novare coast match and was solo guarding. 6 of the enemy team came at me. I believe the composition was spec healer, double maras, an operative, a tank sin and a sniper. I took out the sorc first, then I felt with the sniper and the operative, but at that point I was practically dead but I still got the other 3 down to about 30-45% HP left. Granted this was back in SoR but still, it takes skill to be able to do something like that.


So is this acceptable for you or something that needs fixing?

Edited by Nardoo
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I think you are taking the PvP in this game too seriously which was a mistake which needs to be corrected. There is no point in caring about a game which the developers don't care about matchmaking, balance maps/classes or their ranked PvP scene. There is so much lack of competition in this game and an ever decreasing PvP population even now. All that is left here now is people who just play this game because it's Star Wars, RPers and those who are just too stubborn or too angry to leave.


Play PvP for fun and you will have more fun. If you want a game that is competitive play Overwatch. Overwatch developers have impressed me with how they are matchmaking, balance their classes, balancing maps and have huge plans for their ranked season. Play games that are more PvP driven if you want to not rage. Raging at this game is just not worth it.


And ^that,^ too.


What is there in this game left to care about anymore, especially w/r/t PvP?




Click the link in my sig and note the date-stamp on the thread's OP.


That was when PvP died in this game, and it was 100% this incompetent, arrogantly complacent, don't-give-a-**** dev-team's conscious choice.

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I've played this game's PvP for a good 3 years now. When I started playing the PvP was decent, good matchmaking, balanced teams, etc. but now its pathetic. .


The game probably felt more balanced three years ago when everyone had what, a year tops of experience playing it? Now, you got people who have been playing since beta going against the rush of new ones who have just found this game because of the Force Awakens and what not. There's much bigger gap between experienced and inexperienced swtor players now than there was three years ago, and I can't see how that could be fixed unless bioware invents a time machine.

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Click the link in my sig and note the date-stamp on the thread's OP.


That was when PvP died in this game, and it was 100% this incompetent, arrogantly complacent, don't-give-a-**** dev-team's conscious choice.


out of sheer boredom, I clicked and reread that post. I had forgotten about this nugget:

Are there any plans to address teams having healer hybrids in Arenas fighting against teams without a healer?


This is a question of how long we want to wait to pop an Arena match when it relates to hybrids. We could, in theory, create restrictions around matchmaking to pair you only against someone extremely similar to your character in both rating and “spec” layout. However if we did that, it would have very serious effects on how long a queue takes to pop. We had to make a decision to err on the side of having more matches pop than simply trying to mirror the teams exactly. The only option to address this would be to tighten restrictions on matchmaking but this will result in greatly increased queue length, which is not favorable.

the funniest thing about that quote is that he created his own question and then the answer doesn't fit the question. the issue at question is about preventing hybrid healers and tanks (which BW has repeatedly said they want to discourage), and he somehow turns that into not having two hybrid healers/tanks on the same team. literally taking the most convoluted route to a very simple problem.

Edited by foxmob
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