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Solo Operations

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Ok, here we go again. A quick Dread Master roundup just to be on the same page. Oricon is not story. Oricon is a sidequest just like Section X and the seeker droid. The main quest are the operations.


As for locking you out, you're wrong. The door is open, you only have to go through it. Indeed you need a few people with you, but it's not like you have to turn around. You just choose not to do it. It's all on you, not on BW, or the raiders or your friends that left this game, but only on you. If you refuse to do something how can you complain not being rewarded for it? Same goes for Pierce. You just have to push 1 button to be on the track. However once you're on the track it's advisable to put in some effort. But you will be rewarded at the end. Heck maybe you'll like it.


And again noone is forcing you to do anything. But if you want something you have to get your hands dirty, so to speak. Group plays do help build communities, cries for solo ops can destroy them if for some reason BW decides to do it. Group plays are there to find some people with similar interests so these few people can enjoy the game and can tackle obstacles together, god forbid have fun in the meantime, develop friendships. Will it be the first guild/group you join? Hardly, one can move on to find a more suitable crew.


People chose not to do these, but instead complain and demand ridiculous stuff like solo raids.


Just a side note, even if you choose to do Temple of Sacrifice you still have to do the Revan fight.


Does Oricon have cutscenes? Does Oricon have mention of your previous actions on Belsavis in said cutscenes? If so(which they do) it is part of the story. Hutt cartel isn't required either, I can completely skip that planet, but if I do I miss out on story content and mentions in future content as well as knowledge of what happens I.E what is Isotope 5 and why is it mentioned so many times? I would never know that stuff if I didn't do makeb myself. Gated content doesn't mean completely blocked out, it means you cannot progress further unless you do what is needed to unlock said gate I.E need a key for that door? Sure I can go run into the ops to progress the quest, but unless I join a group that particular gate is LOCKED to me.


Same with Pierce, yes someone can que for pvp, but guess what happens when someone who doesn't want to pvp but wants the follower because they want to clear up their quest log/alert log? They que and don't CONTRIBUTE to their team, bringing their team down. Not good for pvp or pve, but what your saying is I should just go ahead and join a pug group for Dread Palace but stay at the entrance? Nah that'll get me kicked. Well can I watch the cutscenes? Nope if I don't space bar that'll get me kicked too.


Yes I still have to do the Revan fight even if I do it solo, but is that what I'm complaining about? No I've completely fine with doing the fight solo or with a group, it's fun either way, however I DON'T have to join a group to finish Yavin, I can do all of Korriban, Drumond Kaas, Balmorra, Nar Shadda, Tantooine, Alderaan, Hoth, Belsavis, Quesh, Makeb, Ziost, Rishi, and all the other planets in the game by myself, and I can do Oricon Planet Story Arc by myself except for the very last part.


That is like an Ops group being able to fight all the bosses in an Ops until the very last one where you have to que for a spaceship battle. Or a pvp team is able to score 5 goals in huttball but to score the last one they have to go gather Rubaat crystals.


As you said group play is there for people of LIKE MIND, how is forcing someone who is here only for story to group with someone they don't know and probably don't get along with "like minded"? I don't want PvE players in my pvp matches because they bring down my team, they don't contribute to our win. and I don't want someone in full pvp gear in my Ops because they too won't contribute to my win(though that could probably fly here). Expertise serves no purpose in PvE content, and no Expertise serves no purpose in PvP content.


I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread say all Ops need a solo version, they said Ops that pertain to the story need a solo option. Dread Palace, SnV and I think EC are the ops that are brought up in the warnings someone would see when they click the ship terminal to start story content. And yes solo operations would be cool to have as well. Just because I support that idea doesn't mean I support gutting group content.

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Wall of text warning.


I started as a solo player. I never done any group content till I finished chapter 3. I did try Hammer Station HM, wiped a team on a first boss, since I had no idea I have to cleanse a debuff. Did join a guild, did try some raids. It was a blur and chaos and I understood nothing. I still remember my first attempt to heal EC SM in PUG. Lot's of wipes. Then I accidentally joined a guild that was doing HM and NiM content and they needed a heal. And after that... Well :)


I done all operations in order on my main. I enjoyed the story a lot – knowing that Karraga's madness have been Dread Masters handiwork or that they stirred trouble on Denova, Asation and Darvanis. I liked small references you can make if you completed operations.


It took 3 months and raiding 5 days almost every week for 2-3 hours. And no, our team is not that bad, but I had to wait till we will go into the operation that was next on my list. Several times then the opportunity presented itself, I forgot to pick up the next quest. And frankly, raiding is so much fun that it become as important for me as a story.


Was it worth it? Yep. I enjoyed every minute I spent with my teammates (even then we had hard times), I loved wipes and every kill. I learned not to stand in stupid. I hated tanks in EC and Operator in TfB, now they are my favorite bosses. Operation have so much to offer if you only will have time and desire to try them.


Do I want to do it again on my alts? Yes. Will I ever be able to see the ending cutscene of Republic Oricon storyline? Probably not. Real life time limitations. Raiding on my main (then we can get a team going, several people left). Not being comfortable with all roles and classes I have, even if I took care to gear them up a little. Decline in numbers of PUG raid teams on my server.


TL DR: While I understand the arguments about resources that have to be spent on such solo mod “operations”, the technical limitations, promoting a lone wolf behavior in on-line game and so on, I still would support the alternative way to see the story part of Dread War. Like what they done with SoR maybe?

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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But you can tell others how to play ?! (Bio make solo ops cuz story)

Tor alive because of casuals... /sigh is that why they gave 1 week window tranfer so people could flee from ghost servers ( tofn and so on ) ?!

Ktxs for showing the community just how egocentrical and hypocrital you are.


It is me me me and to hell with others cuz i pay i sub, its awesome just out of touch with reality some folks wander around here, ill help you out in your ridiculous hipocrisy, bioware tells you specifically HOW TO PLAY via game design but you dont say woth about that, you know why? It is beyond your comprehension much like what an MMO stand for.



Toxic much? Someone doesn't have your playstyle(even though you have no idea what my playstyle is) and they are automatically egocentric and hypocritical? Thank you for proving exactly why a majority of casuals don't want anything to do with group content. The L2Pnewb/ piss off crowd like this is what is really killing the MMO community. I hope you pvp, if not I'll just pretend everyone I beat down in my matches today are you ty for the inspiration <3


Excect you're the only one chosing not to do ops or pvp so you're the only one restricting yourself here, not BW.


But why would be the point of an MMO where more and more things are being done alone ? If we follow your logic, everything should be possible to be done solo which is totally against the MMO concept.


You mentionned you were paying a subscription, but this subscription doesn't allow you to have everything just because you pay. There's restriction on what you have to do in order to have certain things. You don't want to do ops ? That's fine, but don't expect to have the reward (and yes finishing Oricon story arc is one of this reward) because you didn't want to go outside of your confort zone for once.


Yes I could do the Ops, I have no problem with that, I have no idea where anyone is getting the idea that by my disagreeing with how Oricon was handled has anything to do with my willingness to do said content outside the fact I said my 22 characters are still at that point. Why are they? Not because I don't want to do the Ops, but because I refuse to do an Ops with neckbeard pugs, I can't get my friends to come because they moved to another game due to lack of new operations, and the ones who are left are here for story only or roleplay, and they either moved factions or refuse to do ops because they don't do ops.


And yes I agree, having a subscription doesn't entitle me to everything 100% free, never said it did. Since beta this community has been split into thirds, one part pvp, one part pve and one part story. You also have people like me who mix all three into it but those are the three groups. Some people strictly pvp, (I have one toon who is there for nothing but pvp she still has her DK class quest), while some people don't do anything without a group. That's fine if that's how they want to play, but as I said before people who are only doing something as a way of clearing the gate for story do not contribute and are the reason Pugs are neckbeards and PvP teams lose(sometimes). If a Solo ops like ToS was available for Story Content which is the reason alot of the people who still play are here for it's not a bad idea, just as long as Bioware doesn't gut group content in the process which is what I've been saying this entire time, but for some reason it isn't being understood.


Now I'm done see you in game o/

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...but I don't simply because I don't want to have to download TS, Vent or Mumble or skype or whatever the hell people can't just type instructions for.


How long it takes to type said instructions? On every boss? It's hard to respect your opinion if you want someone to type for you instead of spending 5 minutes of installing TS or reading a guide if you do not want to listen to people. What makes your time more valuable then a time of other players? And the part of “do not tell me how to play” is just priceless.

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How long it takes to type said instructions? On every boss? It's hard to respect your opinion if you want someone to type for you instead of spending 5 minutes of installing TS or reading a guide if you do not want to listen to people. What makes your time more valuable then a time of other players? And the part of “do not tell me how to play” is just priceless.



"This boss, phase 1 stay out of the goo, phase 2 tank and off tank die be ready to rez, phase 3 dps kill adds asap". It's not hard, doesn't take long.


I don't like TS requirement because I'm deaf. I've raided since Everquest and never needed a TS that and with my guild moving to another game is another reason I don't join Pugs. Now if other people are not capable of following directions without a voice telling them the exact moment they need to jump and/or watching boss videos before attempting an operation that's hardly my problem.

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"This boss, phase 1 stay out of the goo, phase 2 tank and off tank die be ready to rez, phase 3 dps kill adds asap". It's not hard, doesn't take long.


I don't like TS requirement because I'm deaf. I've raided since Everquest and never needed a TS that and with my guild moving to another game is another reason I don't join Pugs. Now if other people are not capable of following directions without a voice telling them the exact moment they need to jump and/or watching boss videos before attempting an operation that's hardly my problem.


So, that while PUGs are "full of people that are not capable of following directions", it's ok to expect a random raid lead to know that you are a) have a valid reason to not install TS (I do hope that you are not saying that "can not be bothered" and "am deaf" are the same) and b) definitely not one of the “neckbeards".


If someone can not use TS, then, by your own advice, reading a guide is not hard, doesn't take long.


On a serious side, I heard "I can not be bothered to install TS, read a guide, learn how to do more damage then a tank or investigate what expertise is" from people who obviously are not deaf or blind or whatever. They are just entitled. Because they can not be bothered and they are here to play as they want.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Juromaro, you seem to have a very twisted idea on what pug runs are, and I'm betting you're basing this on your single ops run you did who knows when.


First of all, the neckbeards, I guess it's a favorite term of yours because you overuse it, are very few. If you say at the start of the run that you're new, there's a pretty high chance someone will explain you the tactics for each boss in 2-3 sentences or at least give you instructions as to what is specifically required out of you. What may get you kicked is you staying silent all the time and causing a wipe because you didn't know what to do. Unless the ops lead is a real elitist though, you'll only get a couple of snarky comments by group members. But someone will definitely start explaining stuff before each boss.


Second, it seems Oricon is pretty big for a lot of people here, which is understandable, the dread masters are going down and want to take everybody with them. But tell me honestly - if all of the encounters in DF and DP are pure tank'n'spank fights, will you feel satisfaction when you defeat them? Almost all of the bosses in those operations are unique, even the nerfed post-4.0 sm versions. For the solo mode to work everything will have to be removed, as a lot of it can't be done by one person simply because you can't be at two places at once. What's the point of defeating the dread masters then if they are reduced to common mobs with a bunch of hp?


P.S. I can also assure you that absolutely no one will kick you for watching a cutscene. If they are too fast on the ready check, click not ready, type in chat you gotta answer the door or the phone or something like that, and hide the chat so that it doesn't annoy you.

Edited by starwarsfansix
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So, that while PUGs are "full of people that are not capable of following directions", it's ok to expect a random raid lead to know that you are a) have a valid reason to not install TS (I do hope that you are not saying that "can not be bothered" and "am deaf" are the same) and b) definitely not one of the “neckbeards".


If someone can not use TS, then, by your own advice, reading a guide is not hard, doesn't take long.


On a serious side, I heard "I can not be bothered to install TS, read a guide, learn how to do more damage then a tank or investigate what expertise is" from people who obviously are not deaf or blind or whatever. They are just entitled. Because they can not be bothered and they are here to play as they want.



For the most part Pugs I've joined in the past have been, well....neckbeards, not that I'm saying all are ofc, however with that said one of the daily gen chats on fleet is almost always how terrible pugs are. I do not join Pugs because I am deaf and most of the time I would be required to have TS, TS is of no use to me, though I can make out some things through vibrations on my eardrums most of the time it's garbled so I indeed spend most of my time in pvp and doing story content now because while I'm reduced to little or no sound subtitles are a godsend. While my being deaf is only recent and hopefully not permanent(though it'll likely be), Unless I'm in a group with people that know me I simply cannot raid. Not so much that I can't be "bothered" to download TS or watch a video, but that the pug raid group cannot be "bothered" to type out directions, nor do they care if I watch videos of how a boss fight goes down and my role in it. idk why the community can't be "bothered" with this kind of stuff nowadays but doesn't change the fact not everyone doesn't do something simply because they don't want to.


Obviously I'm not championing Solo Operations for people who don't want to be bothered or simply do not want to do something. I myself get labled as a filthy casual(even though I probably put more time into this game than most of the people in this thread) because I have different views on the game(you can see them in posts above and the last 3 pages). However going from being able to raid and not being able to raid I've started playing this game with a different mindset. My Ops times have been replaced with experiencing the story, pvp, roleplay, crafting and exploration due to my disability and I can tell you right now it sucks royally to not be able to finish something because I'm locked out of it, not because I don't know how to do it, but because Pugs these days can't be bothered to explain without the need for TS.


People forget and just don't care that people with limitations play these types of games as well, all they see is "zomg you wanna take away my stuff and ruin the game for me", but that is the nature of the internet. So everyone from the last 3 pages go ahead dislike me all you want that's fine, but remember then next time you pvp and get beat down back to back, it just might be me......or that person you beat down back to back might be me also, either way I'll still be having fun. /salute and peace

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As Juromaro brought up, a bunch of players can't use TS for various reasons, this could be that the player isn't very good at speaking english or understanding english in the spoken mouth but can read it. They could be Death like Juromaro is. Or like me for a period of time before i bought my gaming computer, for Ops i would have my graphics settings on low, i could keep up with everything an move fine, but on my older laptop if i wanted to use TS i would begin to lag terribly. Now i can already see what half of you will say, if you don't have a good computer don't raid, but a lot of players have lower performing laptops with the bear minimum to run fine but any other application like TS will make them lag. Also sometimes, especially for college students like me, if you have a roommate and your doing raids at 2 AM in the morning you can't necessarily use TS because it would be rude to your roomate sleeping on the other side of the room.


The real Operations that i feel should have solo mode or a solo journey like Shadow of Revan did on yavin are the Dread Ops, Scum and Villany, and Terror from Beyond because those 4 operations alone have a ton of content for story. All operations tend to have a lot of content but those 4 sum up the whole dread masters arc. So for people who alt hop a lot like me with 15 other lv 65's can grab that story content. Though on my 2 mains i raid all the time with full 224 gear.


As for PVP with pierce/4X is where the lv 60 tokens for the new players ruin the game. Most times from the time you first hit the fleet if you pvp doing the weeklies and dailies you will get enough coms to get a full set of 204 pvp gear when you hit lv 65, or if your like me with my alts, i go the extra mile and hit valor rank 40 so i wont have to do the 20 WZ's. I feel the Valor required should be rank 20 to skip, but thats another topic for another day.

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Toxic much? Someone doesn't have your playstyle(even though you have no idea what my playstyle is) and they are automatically egocentric and hypocritical? Thank you for proving exactly why a majority of casuals don't want anything to do with group content. The L2Pnewb/ piss off crowd like this is what is really killing the MMO community. I hope you pvp, if not I'll just pretend everyone I beat down in my matches today are you ty for the inspiration <3




Yes I could do the Ops, I have no problem with that, I have no idea where anyone is getting the idea that by my disagreeing with how Oricon was handled has anything to do with my willingness to do said content outside the fact I said my 22 characters are still at that point. Why are they? Not because I don't want to do the Ops, but because I refuse to do an Ops with neckbeard pugs, I can't get my friends to come because they moved to another game due to lack of new operations, and the ones who are left are here for story only or roleplay, and they either moved factions or refuse to do ops because they don't do ops.


And yes I agree, having a subscription doesn't entitle me to everything 100% free, never said it did. Since beta this community has been split into thirds, one part pvp, one part pve and one part story. You also have people like me who mix all three into it but those are the three groups. Some people strictly pvp, (I have one toon who is there for nothing but pvp she still has her DK class quest), while some people don't do anything without a group. That's fine if that's how they want to play, but as I said before people who are only doing something as a way of clearing the gate for story do not contribute and are the reason Pugs are neckbeards and PvP teams lose(sometimes). If a Solo ops like ToS was available for Story Content which is the reason alot of the people who still play are here for it's not a bad idea, just as long as Bioware doesn't gut group content in the process which is what I've been saying this entire time, but for some reason it isn't being understood.


Now I'm done see you in game o/


Rofl i called you egocentric and hypocritical i have no idea if u r noob or not and not even remotely interested really, dont play victim and dont be a liar.

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Love to see this solo ops happen, my self. Do to the fact like the main poster said, you just cant get a group any more.

Well i have taken 10 toons through Oricon they have done every thing but the OPS. It is all do to lack of players, or a lack of well geared players. Now i for one believe one can not get good gear til they go through the ops that give you good gear. By not accepting someone in a group do to lack of good gear is selfish. I mean how else are they suppose to get good decent gear if someone doesn't give them the chance.


Well we are at in impasse now do to most people that has been around awhile has done it and they do not want to help the poor unfortunate ones that need to do it or just like to see that aspect of the game and story.


So in this case, a lack of people in general and wanting to group and be willing to help those that hasn't done it before. I believe the solution would be to give options to use group finder one time and give it a decent chance to succeed. If no success then group finder will automatically send you to solo mode, so one can finish the whole adventure.


I believe that idea is a plausible one and one that is needed if a player wants to complete the whole story line.

Other wise we are just reading, a half a book, or playing half a game.

Edited by Sith-Viscera
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For what it's worth, I empathize with the players that feel left out because the Oricon story requires operations that they don't want to run (or have a hard time for various reasons as stated).


But I wish to offer an alternative viewpoint on the subject.


SWTOR brings a more story to a genre (MMORPG) which tends to simply be background lore accompanied by time-sink filler quests. And when it comes to group content (e.g. dungeons and raids) most other MMOs have even LESS story than their leveling experience.


So what happened in this game, is the devs decided to give a bit of their story writing efforts to the group player. In other words, they've improved the raiding experience by supplying more story than other MMOs do for similar content.


Solo-only players sometimes think:

Look at this story I'm not getting!


But what's really happening is:

People that like group content are getting some story as well

Edited by Khevar
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I think we are talking in circles here, or maybe some are purposefully ignoring what was written in the other pages of this thread. You don't need gear for gf ops. You don't need to be playing the "right" classes. You don't need to watch guides. I very, very much doubt that the server you're playing on is full of either super skilled elitists that don't tolerate a single mistake or absolute noobs that click whatever is bright on their screen. Besides, no one here has given a single achievable design of solo ops. And no, I don't consider gutting the operation out of every mechanic that affects more than two people at once and giving you a god bot or two a proper solo version.
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Here is how you are able to play Those OPS:


LFM (Looking for more) Dread Fortress SM Newbie run 2 Tanks 2 Heals 4 DPS (substract your role from these). Everyone welcome.


I guarantee you in less than 20 minutes your group will be full and with at least someone who has done it before and can explain the fights for you.


It is that easy. Just copy the text into the General Chat on the Fleet and maybe the LFG Channel if your server has one and repeat the same for Dread Palace.


is it really that hard?

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Here is how you are able to play Those OPS:


LFM (Looking for more) Dread Fortress SM Newbie run 2 Tanks 2 Heals 4 DPS (substract your role from these). Everyone welcome.


I guarantee you in less than 20 minutes your group will be full and with at least someone who has done it before and can explain the fights for you.


It is that easy. Just copy the text into the General Chat on the Fleet and maybe the LFG Channel if your server has one and repeat the same for Dread Palace.


is it really that hard?


It depends on what server you are on, on the Harbinger ya its not that hard, but on lower populated servers its more difficult unless your in a guild and even then it could be still difficult finding others. Also unless you read the Duffly guide to those people the Dread Ops mechanics will slaughter your group, especially with the final bosses one hit kill. I did a run like that where me and 2 others were the only ones who did Dread Fortress before, the other 5 had not. each one of those 5 died 6 times on the final boss with her 1 hit atk.


Overall that operation took 4 hours to complete, bringing in new people who won't listen is a challenge and what your saying isn't that easy. Though for some operations or sub-ops like the Eyeless and Scum and Villainy which is mostly tank and spank with a few easy mechanics. But many operations you just can't bring people who wont listen in, then u boot them, get others to come etc. It's a nightmare especially if your doing that operations on you non main raid toon to grab story content.

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Well, we'll see what the metrics say about the Eternal Championship, since for all intents and purposes that is a solo operation. I'm sure they are looking very closely at it to determine if it is worth doing more things like that going forward.
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Well, we'll see what the metrics say about the Eternal Championship, since for all intents and purposes that is a solo operation. I'm sure they are looking very closely at it to determine if it is worth doing more things like that going forward.


Yeah, EC is no where near a Operation, sorry.

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Yeah, EC is no where near a Operation, sorry.


It does, however, teach some mechanics present in Ops. It isn't the same as running a full operation, but it's not a bad thing for people that have leveled up through the story where there is absolutely zero challenge and you don't even have to learn to interrupt enemy channels, the one thing that basically used to determine if you could progress past a certain point in the mission. I think it serves a decent bridge between "you don't need to know your abilities or follow any mechanics beyond spamming 1 1 1 1" and most encounters in HMFPs and Ops.


(sorry to people who have run that content continually for months and years and are super awesome at the things they've gone well past the learning curve on and are overgeared on, some people really are new and have not been taught by the game anymore how to do the things endgame content demands. Help the newbs and maybe they'll also one day have BiS gear and max chievos and a complete group of same on the roster so they can down Operations in less than 40 minutes)

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Yeah, EC is no where near a Operation, sorry.


/shrug I actually agree. While I like the EC and what its supposed to do, my point is that if people want a solo operation, that's basically what it would look like. Toss in some mobs between the bosses, a puzzle room, and bam, you have a solo operation. I don't think it replaces ops at all, and if that's all we can expect going forward I'll be very disappointed because working with others in the group is half the fun, but we basically know what a "solo operation" would look like.

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With all nerfs in SM Brontes still can be a challenge for a PUG. People die to lightning, people attack small fingers on transition phase, people do not kill droids, people find out that you can not leap over lighting, people stand in front of boss, people ignore Kephess, people turn the hands into a raid, people can not understand what “stay close to the finger, hug it, I marked your position on map” mean. Focus target? What's that. Marked by fire translates into "fire burns, awoid it at all costs". Thankfully, you can clean nanites solo. Getting to a 6 fingers phase is actually an achievement. Btw, remember that bug that created a zone of death in the mid of the raid? Fun times.


And then you DO get to 6 fingers phase, real fun begins. After 2 more wipes, people rage quit or have to leave because it took 3 hours already.


And while you try to get somebody for the last boss (which is hard, I wounder why few want to join the “LF 3 more for DF Brontes SM”) many things happen. People wounder off to talk on phone/get a snack/iron the dog. People complain about tactics not being explained in detail. People complain that explanation takes too long. People complain about good geared player winning a roll. That one player inspecting teammates gear and sharing "opinion" about it. People complain about noobs. People complain about elitists.


Please, not everyone here who support the “let me finish Dread War arc solo” are lazy (ok, maybe I am) or do not know how to play (ehhh, can work on rotation I guess), or antisocial (maaaaaaybe a little bit), or want rewards without any effort (can I finally get my taun-taun?). I think that RL and time constraints, a general decline in some servers population and “joys” of PUGging are somewhat legit reasons to wish for an alternative way to progress past “Take a speeder to Dread Fortress bridge”.


I think I mentioned that I will choose bug fixes and new group content over "solo operations" in heartbeat, but the trouble is, with nothing new to do, I pay more attention to my alts and that quest just taunts me.


Ehhhh. Will give it a try then GF and DF align again on weekend.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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I think we are talking in circles here, or maybe some are purposefully ignoring what was written in the other pages of this thread. You don't need gear for gf ops. You don't need to be playing the "right" classes. You don't need to watch guides. I very, very much doubt that the server you're playing on is full of either super skilled elitists that don't tolerate a single mistake or absolute noobs that click whatever is bright on their screen. Besides, no one here has given a single achievable design of solo ops. And no, I don't consider gutting the operation out of every mechanic that affects more than two people at once and giving you a god bot or two a proper solo version.



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I wounder, how many people here who are against the idea of something like SoR ending or a harder version of EC, are the same people who ask for new operations since... Well, old content? Sick of it? They want something new? Guilds are falling apart and moving on a greener pastures?


So, with that in mind, is it that wrong for people who can raid, but do not want to raid (if you can call SM a "raid") same old, stale DF and DP for the 50th time to ask for alternative way to finish a story arc?

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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I wounder, how many people here who are against the idea of something like SoR ending or a harder version of EC, are the same people who ask for new operations since... Well, old content? Sick of it? They want something new? Guilds are falling apart and moving on a greener pastures?


So, with that in mind, is it that wrong for people who can raid, but do not want to raid (if you can call SM a "raid") same old, stale DF and DP for the 50th time to ask for alternative way to finish a story arc?


Absolutely, why must you run it for the 51th time? Why should bioware waste money dev time so you can finish "story" the 51th time?

Bored much?

So you admit you can raid but dont want , bioware must make an alternative cuz you dont want to raid.


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So, with that in mind, is it that wrong for people who can raid, but do not want to raid (if you can call SM a "raid") same old, stale DF and DP for the 50th time to ask for alternative way to finish a story arc?


Well, one can ask the opposite question. What's wrong if for every story mission there was an alternative way to finish it requiring operation. I'd like for instance that the whole Oricon was one huge operation. Asking for more options is fine but with the limited budget they have this will replace something new that could instead be implemented.

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