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Please Extend the Character Tansfer Sale

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Oh please... Jung Ma, Bastion, and especially POT5 is dead, even by TORstatus standards, the pop literally doesn't budge at all and has completely flat lined. How does one deem a server NOT dead if during peak times on holidays the population doesn't move a inch?


In your haste to try to chastise me once again... you forget that I happen to agree with the fact that JM, Basion, and POT5 are very small populations. ;)


Since I know you personally stalk my posts to find a chance to jump on me about something.. I'm sure you also know that I am on record stating that it could be the studio has some incentive program planned to repopulate these servers as part of the next expac. Since they are no longer PvP servers.. dependent on the PvP populations... they could easily do this and even incentivize players from other servers to move to these three servers.


Now.. let's go back to my statement that you chose to pounce on here....... it is the studio that decides when a server is dead beyond rehabilitation... NOT players. Which in no way takes away any players personal view that a server is not populated enough for their play style... and therefore "dead to them". Some players are OK with smaller populations, some are not. It tends to split along the player base between who needs high populations for fast queues and random grouping needs and who does not. I know that sucks for some players... but it happens to be true. So.. as players... we wait and see. And for any player who comes back to the game and finds their old server very low population.. they have a decision to make A) live with it B) transfer off. Nobody is prevented from transferring off a server they consider dead.

Edited by Andryah
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I think it's unfair to blame the players for a dead server...that's like blaming the long line in the drive thru for your cold fries (keeping with the restaurant theme here). Ultimately, it is Bioware's responsibility to keep players entertained enough to stay...not mine.


I agree with the first part. It is unfair to blame the players on a dead server.


{Maybe it's the fault of the former players, or those that transferred off said server to cause it to be in such a state of inactivity.}

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In your haste to try to chastise me once again... you forget that I happen to agree with the fact that JM, Basion, and POT5 are very small populations. ;)


Since I know you personally stalk my posts to find a chance to jump on me about something.. I'm sure you also know that I am on record stating that it could be the studio has some incentive program planned to repopulate these servers as part of the next expac. Since they are no longer PvP servers.. dependent on the PvP populations... they could easily do this and even incentivize players from other servers to move to these three servers.


Honestly I don't automatically go see your name and go... "Oh god.... YES! its Andryah, time to look for that GOTCHA AHAHAHAHA IM BETTER moment," we just happen to have very contrasting point of views and they often clash. I'm more inclined to respond to you since we practically have contrasting point of views on everything, not simply because I catch you logging on at 8:21 AM this morning or anything to wait for you to respond to take a stab at you and make you look bad.


I would be interested in seeing them try to bring reason to return to these servers, but it seems that since 90CC went on sale these servers may be put past redemption .


Also, if I truly stalked you I would of known your stance on those servers :p.


Now.. let's go back to my statement that you chose to pounce on here....... it is the studio that decides when a server is dead beyond rehabilitation... NOT players. Which in no way takes away any players personal view that a server is not populated enough for their play style... and therefore "dead to them". Some players are OK with smaller populations, some are not. It tends to split along the player base between who needs high populations for fast queues and random grouping needs and who does not. I know that sucks for some players... but it happens to be true. So.. as players... we wait and see. And for any player who comes back to the game and finds their old server very low population.. they have a decision to make A) live with it B) transfer off. Nobody is prevented from transferring off a server they consider dead.


Welp... my original comment got deleted, GG internet provider....


Why should the consumer, through no fault of their own, be forced to pay extra for equal services as others because of neglect by the producers? It would be more acceptable to deny free/cheap transfers for returning players if the community changed from PVE to RP (however highly unlikely go with it,) but another when the server is dead. One is through the interaction of the community around them, the other is because Bioware doesn't do anything to provide incentive to go to that server making it seem deemed "dead" to peoples subjective view points... or just merge them because its past redemption. If I had to "just live with it" and cough up 10$ per tank for World of Tanks, I would of stayed away rather than paying the prices of a few AAA games on release.

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I agree with the first part. It is unfair to blame the players on a dead server.


{Maybe it's the fault of the former players, or those that transferred off said server to cause it to be in such a state of inactivity.}

See...we don't disagree on everything ;)


Or...{maybe it's the fault of the developer for not producing enough quality updates that they could keep former players}


The interest was there...the customers were here...Bioware is who failed to keep them.

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