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Lana is a light sith right?


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BW is a very soft story developer. They won't have a romance betray the player and if they do, it will make zero sense like Quinn with the Sith Warrior. I believe they've learned that lesson by not having her betray them. Initially, Quinn could be killed but enough testers cried about not having all companions. BW won't make the same mistake with a romance, maybe the characters that most players are indifferent about.


Lana is, if we are using SWTOR's light/dark system, a dark 1-2. She knows what needs to get done and she is loyal to her home, the Empire. I agree to the many who think she is ruthless. Her mission comes first, which is/was stopping the Emperor and now stopping Arcann. What happens after KotFE who knows, but I highly doubt she will see the Outlander, if Jedi/Republic, as an enemy. It makes no sense for BW to have a romance develop only to say it was a fling during KotFE.


Her decisions have always been towards the Outlander and the Alliance. She is very much like Marr. Marr now understands that the Force is beyond light and dark (Visions in the Dark) and so does Shan. I believe that Lana views the Force the same way hence why she picked out Odessen. She understands that in order to defeat a larger threat, Arcann/Valkorion, there needs to be people working together.

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Exactly, Remember how mad she got and stormed out of the room saying "Sometimes I think your Encouraging them (fighting)" That's when I *Accidently picked the Sarcasm response to her trying to make people get along. She wants Zakuul beaten; And that means seeing the Alliance work, flourish and eventually win. Since this needs to be a "One Size Fits All" ending I think she will either 1 live on to go her separate way after Zakuul is lifeless rock in space. Orrr.. 2 Be killed by Valkorian towards the end of the entire story trying to intimidate us one way or another. He already knows that gets a rise out of the Outworlder to threaten her. I think because of this uncomfortable story line Lana will become a recurring NPC later on in SWTORs future (Too Popular to kill off or let fly into obscurity.
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Thinking about it, and correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Lucasfilm approve a book that confirmed the existence of a few light-side Sith philosophies and practicioners (That was stomped into the dirt by Palpatine and previous Lords of the SIth)? I want to say it was the Plageuis book.

I can't speak about that book, but...


Somewhere in the Dark Temple - I want to say in the Inquisitor story, but it might be a general thing - there is a quest where you try to open a door, and a holocron-thing plays, where you speak to some ancient Sith Lord who wants you to promote a distinctly LS philosophy. My Inq was, at the time, relentlessly DS, so she buried all knowledge of it deeper than deep.


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I can't speak about that book, but...


Somewhere in the Dark Temple - I want to say in the Inquisitor story, but it might be a general thing - there is a quest where you try to open a door, and a holocron-thing plays, where you speak to some ancient Sith Lord who wants you to promote a distinctly LS philosophy. My Inq was, at the time, relentlessly DS, so she buried all knowledge of it deeper than deep.

It is a general quest, accessible for everyone. I found it especially hilarious because our RP group used this idea years ago, though in quite different times.

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She's not LS as in she's not kind and merciful but she's also not evil and delighting in suffering. She's logical and everything she does is for a purpose. Why spare a beaten enemy when they could come back to haunt you? Why risk your life to save a generator when that does you no good and an explosion would help your escape, and so on. On the other hand there is no reason for her to just go around killing people, shocking messengers, and other insane DS things that sith often do.
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I suspect that some of the confusion arises because particular types of behaviour will give you LS points in some contexts and DS points in others, especially in faction levelling content.


Republic levelling content and most neutral flashpoint or expansion content tends to provide the choice between a self-sacrificing option (for LS points) or a pragmatic-but-heartless option (for DS points). Empire levelling content tends to provide the choice between a pragmatic-but-heartless option (for LS points) or a needlessly psychopathic option (for DS points).


So whether Lana is LS-aligned or DS-aligned essentially depends on what content you're in (or, if you want to get extremely meta, what content she levelled through).

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I've always been more interested in why Lana has no title. When you first meet her the guy introduces himself as Lord (whatever) and his associate, Lana Beniko. No lord, no darth, just Lana. Then when she made chief of Sith intelligence she's stil just Lana. Has she ever been referred to as Lord, ever? I know she says the avoids titles, but seriously, not even Lord? Edited by BlazeTomahawk
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I've always been more interested in why Lana has no title. When you first meet her the guy introduces himself as Lord (whatever) and his associate, Lana Beniko. No lord, no darth, just Lana. Then when she made chief of Sith intelligence she's stil just Lana. Has she ever been referred to as Lord, ever? I know she says the avoids titles, but seriously, not even Lord?

The whole "oh I hate titles" thing is just a lie she made up to cover the fact that she is a lowly apprentice! (lol) :D

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What i would really like to see is to be put in a same situation than with theron on SoR, and Lana has to decide what to do, risk the mission and save us or just leave us there to our luck just to get things done and avoid taking chances, having different reactions if she is your Li or not.


To me that would be a good way to measure just how much of a pragmatist she is, and ofc we should be put on a situation where the benefit of leaving us outweights tremendously the benefit of saving us (like having a shot at taking the fleet or defeating zakuul altogether)....still i believe that she would probly just leave us there to die lol.

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What i would really like to see is to be put in a same situation than with theron on SoR, and Lana has to decide what to do, risk the mission and save us or just leave us there to our luck just to get things done and avoid taking chances, having different reactions if she is your Li or not.


To me that would be a good way to measure just how much of a pragmatist she is, and ofc we should be put on a situation where the benefit of leaving us outweights tremendously the benefit of saving us (like having a shot at taking the fleet or defeating zakuul altogether)....still i believe that she would probly just leave us there to die lol.


I think if she is our LI she should do everything even risk the mission to save us, if she is not a LI and has low influence she would let us die.

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I think if she is our LI she should do everything even risk the mission to save us, if she is not a LI and has low influence she would let us die.


Well, in the short story about her time as an acolyte she actually risks the lives of her companions by leaving a crazed acolyte alive (who already tried to kill one of them), saying that "she is also a sith" (the acolyte), which later comes back to bite them in the *** and ends up killing one of lana´s friends...so i dont know if after so many years she is as naive as she was back in her days as an acolyte.


Still, from the messages we get in some chapters (like Visions in the dark) shows that she cares greatly for us, and may even have problems trying to contain herself when she thinks we are in trobule...so idk, but as i said, it would be great to see some tensions between our PCs and our Li for the choices we/they make, like on the firsts chapters when we have to chose between acepting valkorion help to save lana or not, still she ends up fine if you dont so thats a wasted oportunity in my opinion..

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She is a master of the dark side of the force.

She channels her anger and it gives her strength.

Not all sith are psychopaths.

She loves the dark side of the force but she is also incredibly intelligent and patient. Rather than rushing into her training she would of taken her time learning as much as possible about the force (much like the jedi do).

Many sith rush their training ( trying to accumulate as much power as quickly as possible without fully understanding the force.)

By rushing their training the dark side ravages their bodies and poisons their minds.

Lana has sulphur coloured eyes because the darkside has made her powerful but she hasn't allowed it to twist her body or mind.

The dark side of the force isn't inherently evil.

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Still, from the messages we get in some chapters (like Visions in the dark) shows that she cares greatly for us

I'd say it starts a lot earlier than that. Even the chapters in the city and the swamp as you are escaping, it's clear - to me, anyway - that she's carrying the torch for the player. It goes rather beyond "cares for".


And on the question of inherent / intrinsic evil, it is better, perhaps, to say that *followers* of the Dark Side are not inherently evil (i.e. just because they are followers of the Dark Side). Then again, by our standards in the 20th and 21st Centuries here on Earth, much of what Lana does would qualify as evil. No, not NSDAP-level evil, but evil nonetheless.

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I would say she is very dark side but she is also smart. Like for instance, I don't think she would approve too much of us not saying anything to Mandalore in chapter XIV about the schematics sence it doesn't really serve our purpose to hide it from her.

She plays things her way so that she can in the end win or at least benifit from it. She do things the smart way, not the "kill everything and everyone just for fun" way. Like my sorc, he's dark side but sometimes if I can choose between light and dark and a neutral side I choose neutral cuz that can be the smartest way to play it.


My jugg dps on the other hand is a psycho :D She kills everything and everyone if she can. Same with my vanguard and assassin. They just like to kill and start chaos.

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I would say she is very dark side but she is also smart. Like for instance, I don't think she would approve too much of us not saying anything to Mandalore in chapter XIV about the schematics sence it doesn't really serve our purpose to hide it from her.

She plays things her way so that she can in the end win or at least benifit from it. She do things the smart way, not the "kill everything and everyone just for fun" way. Like my sorc, he's dark side but sometimes if I can choose between light and dark and a neutral side I choose neutral cuz that can be the smartest way to play it.


My jugg dps on the other hand is a psycho :D She kills everything and everyone if she can. Same with my vanguard and assassin. They just like to kill and start chaos.


Actually that's exactly what she wants you to do. She wants more Mandalorians to die in this battle so they can't rearm and threaten the Republic and Empire after the war with Zakuul.

Edited by OldVengeance
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