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Everything posted by Bekkevoldus

  1. isnt mercs good enough already? if rocket out would break snares, then mad dash should do the same and that would probably be far worse. rather, try aiming with it like turn and go forward which is alot more unexpected
  2. theres a reason tanks have like 50% damage reduction xD + shield and absorb and the same from the healer
  3. I thought it was due to the fact that I didnt finish the level 50 storyline?
  4. I also wish that the cutscenes in your house would come more than once. It looked absolutely lovely!
  5. I've played it, and I got tired of battlefront after approximately 2 days. Seriously, the game has less depth than.. like the girl i dated two months ago. It's no substance, it's like right wing policies. After the second or third question (second or third game) you've seen and tried it all. it looks absolutely amazing, but is seriously is just a game with movement and 1 button, fire. There is no tactic, no true mission that matters or no true achievments or conventions or interaction with other players you just blindly run forward and die and to the same again. If youre lucky once a game youll be a hero character and be able to one shot someone. In SWtor im a hero character all day and can at least do alot of things and there is huge potential for social interactions in this game, something with which the MMORPG community have been suffering for decades since wow vanilla. There is huge potential and incentives for cooperation and fun missions and raids together which makes it so much more likely that you'll enjoy the game and there is tons of content and viable alternatives; something battlefront doesn't simply have!
  6. I think names that fit together is kinda funny, when it sounds like your neighbour or something and it just makes you laugh because it sounds so familiarly benign
  7. rofl I actually agree with the comment above, apart from his mask, his name seems more disintegrating than his true legacy. I think people want to look deep into history for the epic siths or jedi, still the most powerful you've already probably heard of right.. it's like if you want to know who is the just best something ever, and you've already heard the name a hundred times
  8. Yeah she is dark side, but she's not inhumane level of cruel, like we are
  9. wow this is a really good way to look up materials
  10. I believe demand for these schematics have dropped whilst supply of them have increased, and it has become more alternative options for the items that schematics is for, which made most schematics less viable, which is probably why people would be looking for overkill schematics. But I agree, there should be more viable schematics and ways to reverse engineer into better ones. Perhaps they seem a bit outdated, from treasure hunting and underworld trading I can earn probably more by doing lower level missions, as the schematics do not follow a linear level from 1-9 in how much they are worth or how useful they are and the lv 65 ones are not necessarily good, same goes for rare materials. But I think schematics would then have to be updated with more viable options, and not the same old mounts that everyone have for example, which is obviously worth nothing because most people have had them for years.
  11. yeah you basicly just craft a finished lightsaber for itemlevel 212 which is very good, it's worth about 500k i'd say which most people can afford. Crystal must be added and augment can be added. But unfortunately you can't create viable hilts or mods anymore unless you can create mods or enhancement specifically
  12. Do people agree that mercs are a little bit of jack of all trades in pvp? they can peel, they can burst and they can just basicly kill anyone quickly. Long story short mercs and snipers is very good in pvp, but I also think it is based on how lightsaber users have to stay in melee and don't hit as hard as in other games, like in wow a warrior hits alot harder because they connect fewer times, you have to rely more on using force push, force choke and LoS or focus on the objective like in hutball I feel as a saber user and it's easier for a ranged dps if they are standing far behind to "snipe" people from range when people are locked in melee combat. as in perhaps the damage scaling or stuns should be more viable for melee users due to the fact that it will always be better to just be ranged and shoot down people from afar. Though they have partially adressed the issue by making very tight smaller rooms in pvp warfronts, reducing the chance that the mercs can escape and increasing the chance for melee users to engage. and health pools are pretty high.
  13. Howcome as Twi'lek you can't show hoods, even on chests that have hoods. please change this! If you use covering helmets your ears are gone, so should it be with hoods! please !
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