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broondock or wookie that is the question?


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ok with this new update the whole question is there is a new comp quest on alderaan after you complete the new chapter the choices are to save the wookie which ends up with one choice being killing broondock ect. i chose to save the wookie which in turn ended up killing broondock. now i'm not seeing the wookie grysh something or other is his name being able to be chosen from the comp list. so was this all about being able to recruit broondock or does the wookie come in as the new comp if you chose to save the wookie and end up after wanting broondock to stand trield for the murders and the whole him chosing death ect. i mean if this was all about simply recruiting broondock then why go through all the trouble with saving the wookie if the wookie wasn't meant to be a new companion?
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Alliance Alerts give a possibility of recruitment. For Broonmark, you either recruit him or kill him. There is no replacement. It's kind of like Xalek. So based on your choices, you either get a companion or you don't.
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ok with this new update the whole question is there is a new comp quest on alderaan after you complete the new chapter the choices are to save the wookie which ends up with one choice being killing broondock ect. i chose to save the wookie which in turn ended up killing broondock. now i'm not seeing the wookie grysh something or other is his name being able to be chosen from the comp list. so was this all about being able to recruit broondock or does the wookie come in as the new comp if you chose to save the wookie and end up after wanting broondock to stand trield for the murders and the whole him chosing death ect. i mean if this was all about simply recruiting broondock then why go through all the trouble with saving the wookie if the wookie wasn't meant to be a new companion?


Sounds to me like you simply chose to ignore the "story" of the quest and just went clicking buttons to get it done as quickly as possible without knowing what was going on.

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no i did not go clicking through just to get the quest done for imps the alert comes talking specifically about the wookie and that it takes place on alderaan. there is no reference to broonmark until you get inside the actual build where broonmark and the wookie are supposedly fighting. i chose to save the wookie but my secondary choic was for broonmark to stand trial for the murders he commited. which in turn caused a low on hp broonmark to attack my sith inquisitor and that was the end of broonmark. wookie was grateful and all but that was the end of the quest. so i'm wondering what the whole point of the alert was if not for imps or rebels to get either broonmark or the wookie as a new companion?
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so i'm wondering what the whole point of the alert was if not for imps or rebels to get either broonmark or the wookie as a new companion?


It's to recruit Broonmark. But you can only do that if you're okay with him murdering the Wookiee and then letting join you after that.

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exuse me you are misreading and definately misquoting what i am actually saying as with a previous companion alert it was either with firestorm of one of the other newer chapters it gave as an alert about another dashade that we could recruit as a companion so my though was the same with the secondary dashade we either got broonmark or we got the wookie as a companion. ergo two dashades and for some of us the case would be two wookie companions the grysh whatever and bowdarr. now you see where i am with this whole thread?


It's to recruit Broonmark. But you can only do that if you're okay with him murdering the Wookiee and then letting join you after that.
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Alliance alerts are only for previously existing class companions. Any totally new companions would be added in the main storyline.


The dashade is the BW plan to add Khem back into the game without having to address the issue of Khem vs Zash.

Edited by jgoldsack
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exuse me you are misreading and definately misquoting what i am actually saying as with a previous companion alert it was either with firestorm of one of the other newer chapters it gave as an alert about another dashade that we could recruit as a companion so my though was the same with the secondary dashade we either got broonmark or we got the wookie as a companion. ergo two dashades and for some of us the case would be two wookie companions the grysh whatever and bowdarr. now you see where i am with this whole thread?


You aren't recruiting the Wookie as a companion. He's an ambassador, not a fighter. If you save him Hylo mentions how the Wookie are helping the alliance with resupply and other things that you,as the Commander, don't micromanage.


There haven't been any "get this guy OR get this other guy" Alerts

Edited by BlazeTomahawk
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Strange, witn a sw first I tried to convince broonmark to give up the hate and move on (light side choice), the conversation just ended and I had to restart. Then I convinced the broonmark to join and leave the wookie to live too, so I got yelled by the smuggler-lady that I should have saved the wookie and not broonmark. Seemed like she thought the wookie died or something?
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i disagree because there are and have been alliance alerts for non exsisting class companions that are summonable to fight alongside you and even raise affection with that are not specifically existing class companions. comps like the ugh i forget the name of the race nadia was here name one of the quests alliance side on coruscant at the early on starting levels. jedi or sith i forget which one i know she uses a light saber, then the cat looking thing you see a lot of his race pictured on the corellia storyline quests or missions. he or she is a non existing companion that isn't tied to a specific class story or character class


Alliance alerts are only for previously existing class companions. Any totally new companions would be added in the main storyline.


The dashade is the BW plan to add Khem back into the game without having to address the issue of Khem vs Zash.

Edited by Evangalion
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i disagree because there are and have been alliance alerts for non exsisting class companions that are summonable to fight alongside you and even raise affection with that are not specifically existing class companions. comps like the ugh i forget the name of the race nadia was here name one of the quests alliance side on coruscant at the early on starting levels. jedi or sith i forget which one i know she uses a light saber, then the cat looking thing you see a lot of his race pictured on the corellia storyline quests or missions. he or she is a non existing companion that isn't tied to a specific class story or character class


those are Star Fortress alliance recruits. Not the same thing.

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Broondock :D <3 this name.


I do agree that the mission is a bit weird. Imagine you are a new player, have only one e. g. Jedi Knight and you have never heard of Broondock before.


There is no indication that he is the one you are supposed to recruit. Or was his name mentioned anywhere?


All I would see is a nasty, insane murderer and the normal thing to do is saving the wookie.


That said, choices do matter this time for sure. I was very annoyed how this played out for my commando. It was a tough struggle between wanting to have a complete alliance on my main or making a proper IC decision. I finally decided for the complete alliance. But then he attacked me for the second time. Darn. ;)

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Alliance alerts are only for previously existing class companions. Any totally new companions would be added in the main storyline.


The dashade is the BW plan to add Khem back into the game without having to address the issue of Khem vs Zash.


Except when asked about that, they said Khem wasn't being replaced by the new guy.

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heres the thing about this new alliance alert though they say its for a wookie which automatically makes you think that it is to recruit a secondary wookie into the alliance to use and summon as a new companion yet in comes broonmarrk or broondock or whatever his name is and thats who you are actually supposed to recruit it honestly is a very misleading alliance alert quest
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My initial plans for my main were to gather every comp I could with him, but with Broonmark it didn't go so well:( I was prepared to make some DS decisions that amounted to lipservice like: Yeah yeah, together we will drown the galaxy in blood..bla bla", but I couldn't let him just kill the Wookie senator who could prove a powerful ally to the alliance.


Also I didn't realize that the LS decision would make me fight him, since such options are usually labeled with (Attack). Thought I could tell him that he would be able to test his strength against powerful enemies or some such if he joined me.

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