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Embarrased to admit it, but I use a spreadsheet to keep track of my toons


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I don't have a spreadsheet. but I have a very handy pencil and notepad next to my desk full of scribbles and info about all of my characters so that counts too right? I track the same stuff everyone else seems to (credits, items, gear, character details,character's choices, romances etc), it just takes up a lot more space and doesn't require me to open another window with the game running, choosing to handwrite on the fly instead.
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I liked a couple of the plug-in programs for LotRO - there was one that took note of the crafting skills of each character, what recipes they had, and the required mats, and another that was like a notepad with 10 pages, which was perfect since I had 10 characters (1 of each class), each got a page. You could open any page while playing any character, which was handy for seeing which one needed armour or cash.


I would have liked to see plug-in support for this game, but I'm guessing it's not really possible.

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I just track my toons' (and planned new alts') advanced class and discipline to make sure I have at least one of every sc/discipline-combination. :D Later I also started to track who my male agents, warriors and smugglers were supposed to romance to make sure I have roughly the same amount of toons romancing both options.
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Of course I have a spreadsheet and no one that knows me would be surprised. More like all my colleagues expect me to have spreadsheets on just about everything. :o


I have a tab for each toon, keeping track of things like class, race, level, crafting, companion affection, which planet I am on and so on.

Then I have tabs for equipment, played time, builds and all that other stuff you want a collected view of.

Not nerdy at all... nope, not me...

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I have 15 left on my main server..I sent the other 4 I didnt use to Bastion before it died,I got tired of looking at them ha.:D I've made a few new ones on EH recently and have been enjoying it! Fresh start. That 1-65 leveling though:eek:
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Not only do i keep track of everything via spreadsheet,


but the guild i'm in has an internal dps club thingie, for which i made a program where i can input the dps and other paramiters and it spits out a nice table with all the information + links and so on that can be put on our website, made in windows forms with c#


And if there was an API we could connect to with information like guild and so on, i would really be doing stuff !

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I say number 1 before charging at Arcann with my super charged spreadsheet and beating him over the head with it.. there's plenty data there to hurt his brain. :cool:


Paper can cut quite a bit as well. As I'm working a *lot* with paper now in RL I can say that it is definitively so.

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I have a google drive sheet online.


The first page is crew skills, levels, where they are in the chapters 1-3 story line, etc. They used to have which types of items they had in their individual banks but now, with the legacy bank, that's not needed.


The second and third pages is for missing codex items although those are done now. One was for each side.


Fourth page was for the bounty targets, which ones I were still missing and which character had which unlocks. That's complete now as well.


Fifth page was for missing items on the crafting crew skills. I was attempting to upgrade all of those to at least blue if not purples.

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I only track gear and bank slots with a little character info.


Your idea here would have saved me a LOT of grief trying to stay on character with characters I had largely forgotten.

Will you share your template?


My spreadsheet is in Microsoft Excel, and I don't know of any way to share that. :o But it's goes something like this: At the top I have: "Character," "Alignment," "Major Story Decisions," "Chap 3 ending," "Completed: Ilum?, Makeb?, Oricon?, SOR?, Ziost?" and then "Romance."


Characters are grouped by class and color coded for easy readability. "Major Story Decisions" lists things like chap 1 or 2 endings and anything else that later comes up in the class story as important. (Rathari, Tremel, etc.) The "Completed" section is a "Y" or "No," and underneath that I put any important decisions, like what the character did during their one class mission on Rishi, for example. It's pretty basic and could probably be organized a little better. :o


The KOTFE empire section is laid out the opposite way, with character names at the top, and the chapters listed down the side. Any time I got the message, "So-and-so will remember this" I took a screenshot. Then afterwards I go back and jot down what decision that character made.

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I have at least 2 of each class on a couple different servers, but i dont have an excel sheet.


i know off by heart their names, and i know the rotations for every spec off by heart, as well as their gear/crafting skills.


keeping a list to remind yourself is for casuals m80.


Edit: actually i just remembered i used to use a couple notepads to track all my crafting projects, but that was a long time ago, now i do it from memory.

Edited by Menetes
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don't be embarrassed, alot of people do it too. i use it to keep track of what heroic missions pay out the most credits, which toon is at what influence level with which specialist, and which toons companion needs which type of gift to maximize affection/influence points with.
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Well, my signature says all anyone need know about the number of characters I have.


From memory, I can remember their names, races, classes and ACs, disciplines, and levels.


I do use Notepad to keep track of their crew skills, because they're just too varied to remember, even with as high a number of characters as I have.

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Changes in complexion DO count...just sayin. :p


I think there is a difference in appearance when creating a Republic toon and an Imperial toon. For example:


*I will create a new Republic toon that looks exactly how I want her to look. Log into game and she looks pretty much the same in cut scenes. However, when I log out and see her in the character selection page, her facial features appear different and I don't usually like her new look. If I use appearance designer, the toon will look the same as when I first created her.


*This does not seem to happen on Imperial toons. They look the same in the character selection page and in game (cut scenes) as they did when I created them.


How can upload pictures or something to show exactly what I mean?

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To answer the original question, thank the Maker that I am not the only one that keeps spreadsheets! I track what level my toons are, what content they still need to complete, legacy achievement I am working on, disciplines, rotations. I just haven't figured out how to organized into Google Docs or a binder.


I was embarrassed to admit it as well. Glad I am not the only one!

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I haven't kept track of my characters like that with a spreadsheet, but I have one for gifts given to all the companions. That way, I can test out the various gifts and see how much influence I get, enter that in the sheet, while looking for the prime gift for each comp. Thing is, it changes as the level goes up, but it still keeps me from wasting them where they won't be as effective. And once you've determined which is the prime gift for each comp, it's easier. A few like more than one thing equally, but most seem to have just one that they'll initially give 2662 influence with. Since I can never remember who likes what, the chart is very helpful. (And I've noticed with FE comps, when you get the mission reward after recruiting, and there are one or two gifts in the reward, those are usually prime gifts for that companion. Pays to note what you get.)


I've also made charts of distances between planets and companion incidental comments. (I found out fairly late that if you ride your speeder everywhere, you miss out on some of these comments. When you enter a new section of a map, a lot of times, the comp will say something about it.)


I like the idea of keeping track of other things, outfits, weapons, vehicles, etc. Might just have to start doing that, even though I only have 7 toons atm.

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I'm a bit old school i guess..

I have a big old notepad and a pen on my desk at all times. So i just write down what i think is important.

I always wanted to create a spreadsheet for all the Legacy armor and crew-skills, but writing things on a piece of paper always seemed easier and faster to me.. ah yeah.. and i'm too lazy.

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Kind of, more old school, .txt files inside a folder for swtor, for my 28 toons.


I have a bunch of them, some I call fixed and others I call deletes.


So for example, I have a fixed called kotfe which tells me which chapter each toon is at, heroics pub and imp so I can see and leave out the crappy heroics, like those ones with Killiks that knock you back every 2 seconds on Alderaan, one called gear, all gear including main off relic so on each toon has, crafting that tells me which toon has what skills, and others.


Then I use quick note in firefox and it has a tab with all my toons names down the side which I keep and copy to text file.


Deletes are like one called conquest ready, so as each toon has the mats in cargo bay ready for when the next crafting conquest comes along I delete each name off, so I can see who needs to get ready, one called Qyzen so I can see which toons need to get him, same for other comps I want to get on all toons, one with the most recent Tuesday date, so I know which ones I have done the weekly heroics on.


Plus others, I also now and then write stuff down on paper with a pen.

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Please tell me someone else keeps track of their toons using a spreadsheet. I've 32 toons on the sub account and 6 on the FTP account. On the main account, I keep track of server, guild, char name, level, species, alignment, class, subclass, role (tan/dps/heal), crafting, and 6 columns for the crew skills (I have an x in a column if a toon has the skill).


Too nerdy or just nerdy enough for a large collection of toons?



Keeping track here as well - we even once took time on Kuat Drive Yards to see if run was "fast" or not :D


I keep track of:

  • Credits
  • Class
  • Name
  • Level
  • Radiant crystals
  • 220 unassmbled token in inventory
  • 224 unassembled token in inventory
  • DT mask (YEs/No)
  • Implants
  • Earpiece
  • Relics
  • Legacy gear setbonus, ex. Merc DPS and Merc Healer
  • OPS Loot table included
  • Lockouts pr. char
  • Guild of char
  • Implants/Earpiece/Relics on offspec

Edited by Thiil
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I have 16 characters on Europe and a few on America server.

Yes I did think of a spreadsheet and even started one.

But sins EA/Bio keep screwing Ops, Flashpoints, Rewards, Crew skills etc. on a regular base I stopped all together with that.

If you have a working system, hey comes EA/Bio and screws things up so you gotta start all over again.


Example is Crew skills, used to be very handy and good for profits but that's no longer the case.

Ones you got 16 chars charted they suddenly change things so everything you worked hard for and had mapped gets dumped into an archive on a big pile with no sorting method and some stuff gets transferred to other skills so you have to search all chars just to see there back to blue's instead of the purples you used to had. Hence the "handy" archive. (Worst archive I seen ever)


Only thing I do now is store all crafting materials above lvl 4 on legacy so they can all share there findings.

GTN is useless for crafting sins everything you create is below average from the stuff you to get through the game.


So stopped keeping track all together. Its pointless due to the way EA/Bio think about us paying customers. Not.

I can remember it was all done to change the economics in the game. Pfff. Fail there and in the process killed crews kills and GTN for home made stuff. Would like to see schematics that are actually useful to the lvl we are playing. Maybe I will start charting again then.

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Please tell me someone else keeps track of their toons using a spreadsheet. I've 32 toons on the sub account and 6 on the FTP account. On the main account, I keep track of server, guild, char name, level, species, alignment, class, subclass, role (tan/dps/heal), crafting, and 6 columns for the crew skills (I have an x in a column if a toon has the skill).


Too nerdy or just nerdy enough for a large collection of toons?


I have 12 toons and I can recall all of them and their personalities. I can do that by all their names deriving from just one name, in some shape or form. Some are real extensions of the word or in another language. Then there are others that are creatively made up. Which surprisingly they still fit the toons personas and this games NAME Mechanics.


But any how its my labyrinth system and most likely would only work for someone like me.


Now your system you have there kind person (meaning the OP) your system is for someone with way to much time on their hands. You lost me at spread sheet. lol But i give you props for coming up with a labyrinth system that works just for you. GOOD JOB. As long as your having fun doing it, then Enjoy......


Take Care and Be well....................

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I kind of assumed most people with a lot of toons would use a spreadsheet to at least track crew skills. I have 21 toons and would be kind of lost without my Excel sheet. In fact I usually open up that file before I start playing just to have it handy.


I keep track of their level, crew skills, cargo holds, advance class, light or dark sided, personality, spouse etc. I keep track of their appearance numbers so when I make a new toon I can make sure they look different from the others. And now I'm keeping track their decision in KOTFE because I want to make sure I can experience all different choices.


Then I have tabs other for keeping track of new outfits on the GTN, 65th level heroics, legacy drops etc.

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